


One of my most favorite things is my diary. It is a simple diary with no 1 or key. The diary is not 2 much money, but instead it holds its value of 3 my daily moments of gratitude (感激). Each night, I spend a moment thinking about the 4 of my life that I am thankful for.

The 5 of a gratitude diary came when my sister started college. College was 6 harder and harder, my sister’s sleep schedule was not 7 , and she needed more time to herself for her mental health. When my sister 8 home from college, she explained that her gratitude diary made her feel 9 each day.

I was encouraged to 10 my own gratitude diary when summer began. At first, writing in my gratitude diary was such a 11 . On the most boring days when I sat 12 my desk for hours studying for the exam, what was there to be thankful for? At one point, I 13 my gratitude diary to be a concept that has no 14 at all and I lost belief in it. However, in the time when I chose not to keep a diary, I 15 how plain (平淡) my life was. I missed tasting every moment and 16 the little aspects of my life that made me 17 . I did not keep a diary for a week until I decided to 18 writing once again.

The days when I did not keep a diary strength-ened (加强) my 19 for my gratitude diary. Even though I was not learning in a 20 over the summer, I still learned in a different manner.

1. A. button

B. lock

C. cover

D. drawer

2. A. worth

B. valuable

C. worthy

D. value

3. A. discovering

B. enjoying

C. mentioning

D. recording

4. A. attitudes

B. aspects

C. concerns

D. tragedies

5. A. experience

B. concept

C. fact

D. opinion

6. A. making

B. sounding

C. becoming

D. working

7. A. pleasant

B. enough

C. suitable

D. normal

8. A. returned

B. left

C. removed

D. supported

9. A. upset

B. sad

C. satisfied

D. thankful

10. A. approach

B. start

C. change

D. develop

11. A. habit

B. loss

C. success

D. struggle

12. A. down

B. at

C. up

D. back

13. A. dreamed

B. expected

C. found

D. changed

14. A. meaning

B. symbol

C. content

D. influence

15. A. watched

B. inspected

C. judged

D. realized

16. A. learning

B. mastering

C. enjoying

D. touching

17. A. react

B. smile

C. sing

D. talk

18. A. continue

B. stop

C. try

D. finish

19. A. sorrow

B. tiredness

C. appreciation

D. greeting

20. A. office

B. classroom

C. house

D. subject



Are humans born kind?

We tend to believe that kindness is just something our kids would learn gradually. It’s a common assumption (假设).

Now, that’s not entirely wrong. Humans are certainly born with an ability to be kind. Soon after birth, children will be more likely to cry as a result of hearing another child cry than in response to any other sort of noise.

But kindness is about more than sensing someone else’s pain. It’s also about wanting to do something about it—and then actually being helpful.

In one study, when toddlers (蹒跚学步者) observed an adult appear to drop something by accident, nearly every one of them responded by helping, usually within seconds. And they did this without being asked and without even being thanked by the adult. And it didn’t matter whether or not the parent was in the room.

It is proved that the ones who were most likely to help had mothers who were warm, but also gave direct and firm moral instruction. These mothers took it very seriously when their child harmed another child. They gave clear correction, and did so with feeling. For example, “You hurt Amy. Pulling hair hurts. Never pull hair.”

The message? Hurting is a big deal.

As a result, the child was more likely to take it seriously later on and feel sorry when she saw another child crying on the playground.

It turns out that kindness is a skill and a habit that we have the power—and responsibility—to develop.

1. What is the common assumption about kindness?

A. Adults could determine kids’ kindness.

B. Children could learn to be kind.

C. Kindness exists only in kids.

D. Children are born to be kind.

2. Seeing an adult drop something by accident, what would a toddler in the study probably do?

A. Care little about it.

B. Look at the adult blindly.

C. Offer help without being asked to.

D. Turn to his or her parents for help.

3. What contributes to the toddlers’ willingness to help, according to the study?

A. Their mothers’ right way to educate.

B. Their own way of thinking.

C. Their age-old family tradition.

D. Their sensing someone else’s joy.

4. Which of the following statements would the author most probably agree on?

A. Mothers have little influence on their children.

B. Children’s kindness could be developed.

C. Children have the power to develop any skills.

D. Adults have the responsibility to be kind.


Habits are regular ways of dealing with your environment. You generally do not pay attention to them.

In the book Good Habits, Bad Habits, Dr. Wendy Wood notes that “A habit turns the world around you—your context (环境)—into a trigger (启动装置) to act.”

Habits take many forms—eating, exercising, even studying. You may not realize it, but habits make up many of the actions that you do every day.

In the book Atomic Habits, James Clear describes a four-step process by which habits are made. These steps are cue, craving, response, and reward.

The cue tells your brain to begin a behavior. The craving is what makes you want to do something. The response is the actual habit that you perform. The response, in turn, gives you a reward. “Rewards are the end goal of every habit,” Clear writes.

Consider this example. Maybe you have the habit of often checking social media. The cue might be a feeling of boredom while you are near your computer or phone. The craving could be a desire to stop that feeling. The response is checking social media, and the reward is seeing something interesting. When that process is repeated many times, it becomes a habit.

Clear believes that to create a good habit, you need to follow several steps. You need to make your new habit obvious, or easy to see or understand. The habit should also be attractive, simple and satisfying. Let’s think about how you might develop an English study habit.

1. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. How to create a good habit.

B. How we can study English well.

C. Why we should form good habits.

D. What habits are and how they are made.

2. What is directly related to the actual habit that one performs?

A. The cue.

B. The craving.

C. The response.

D. The reward.

3. What does the writer try to explain by using the example in Paragraph 6?

A. The impact of good habits.

B. The motivation to create a habit.

C. The reasons for us to form good habits.

D. The four-step process to form a habit.

4. What does Clear think you should do to develop a good habit?

A. Repeat the habit on a daily basis.

B. Make sure your habit will satisfy you.

C. Set a specific goal and try to realize it.

D. Learn from excellent people around you.


Today’s children and adolescents are growing up immersed (沉浸) in media. Today’s media includes television and movies that are broadcasted and streamed, video games that are active and stationary (不动的), and social and interactive media such as Facebook.

Problems begin when media displaces physical activity and face-to-face social interaction. Too much screen time can also harm the amount and quality of sleep that is critical to learning.

Common Sense Media reported that children up to age 8 spend an average of 2 hours and 19 minutes every day on screen media. TV and video viewing alone take up 72% of all screen time. For 8- to 12-year-olds, the average time spent using screen media every day was 4 hours and 36 minutes. Tweens spent an average of 4.5 hours per day with screen media and 6 hours with all media, including reading and listening to music. Boys spend more time playing console (控制台) video games, while girls spend more time on music and social media. Mobile devices accounted for 41% of all screen time among tweens.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recom-mends:

For children younger than 18 months, avoid use of screen media other than video-chatting. Parents of children 18 to 24 months of age who want to introduce digital media should choose high-quality programming, and watch it with their children to help them understand what they’re seeing.

For children ages 2 to 5 years, limit screen use to 1 hour per day of high-quality programs. Parents should co-view media with children to help them understand what they are seeing and apply it to the world around them.

1. What does the writer try to express in the first two paragraphs?

A. Children get great pleasure from games.

B. Facebook is a very popular social media.

C. Too much screen time does harm to children.

D. A variety of media can mislead young people.

2. According to Common Sense Media, what do we know about young people?

A. Children up to age 8 have an average 3-hour screen time per day.

B. 8- to 12-year-old kids use screen media 4 hours a day on average.

C. Tweens spend 4.5 hours reading and listening to music each day.

D. Girls prefer to use social media rather than play video games.

3. What is American Academy of Pediatrics’ suggestion on media use?

A. For two-year-olds, high-quality programming is recommended.

B. For three-year-olds, time limitation on media is 2 hours a day.

C. For four-year-olds, parents should teach them to use social media.

D. For five-year-olds, they should have the right to choose media.


Non-native, or alien species, are plants or animals that humans have moved around the world to places where they are not naturally found. Sometimes the introduction of an alien species to an area is accidental (偶然的). Sometimes, it is done on purpose.

Research shows the movement of plants and animals rose across the planet over the last century as human trade and travel opened up new worldwide pathways.

A new study predicts such movements are likely to continue, with the largest increases expected to be big insects, birds and small creatures such as mollusks and crustaceans.

Researchers are calling for more rules and better observation methods to help reduce the spread of alien species.

The findings were recently reported in the publication Global Change Biology.

Scientists involved in the study say more than 35,000 alien species had been identified (确认) in the most recent report on the subject. Some of the species can go on to become invasive, meaning they spread quickly in undesirable and harmful ways.

The study suggests alien species introductions will increase on every world continent. But the largest increases are predicted to be in Europe. The researchers estimate such species will increase 64 percent across Europe by around 2050.

Hanno Seebens is an ecologist (生态学家) at Germany’s Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre. He was the lead writer of the study. “Together with climate change and land use change, invasive alien species are posing one of the greatest threats to biodiversity (生物多样性),” Seebens said.

He added that a species can only arrive in a new area when human activity connects different areas. “When we extended our trade networks, we connected more and more areas, which allowed more and more species to come.”

However, Hanno Seebens said it is possible the number of species could fall in the future based on continued rising movements. “We may just run out of species to be transported, because at some point, all species may have been transported already,” he said.

1. What do we know about alien species according to the passage?

A. They were mostly introduced by accident.

B. They grew as trade and travel increased.

C. They spread mainly within countries.

D. They did more good than harm.

2. What does the underlined word “invasive” mean in Paragraph 6?

A. Tending to attack other species.

B. Tending to spread harmfully.

C. Being increasingly obvious.

D. Being on the danger list.

3. Hanno Seebens would most likely to agree that ______.

A. Alien species contribute to the evolution of life

B. Different species should be mixed to create new ones

C. Human interaction prevents alien species from invading

D. The spread of alien species may decrease in the future.

4. What is the writer’s attitude toward the problem of alien species?

A. Positive.

B. Indifferent.

C. Objective.

D. Critical.




Most of us can remember at least one teacher who had a big influence on our early life, someone who made us the person we are today. 1 My parents have spoken to me fondly about how well they were treated by the local people in the community of Kerala, Southern India. They were often the most educated people locally—to be consulted as a guide and adviser.

2 Less than 25 percent of people in European countries think that pupils respected their teachers. And when we asked whether people would encourage their children to become teachers, just 20 percent of Germans and 25 percent of British people said that they would.

The lack (缺乏) of respect for teachers in the West is clear. 3 If we constantly attack teachers, we will see generations of gifted graduates will refuse to join a career, which is constantly laughed at.

4 It’s why we have created the first ever global teacher prize to find an excellent teacher who has contributed a lot to the career.

If our culture so richly rewards celebrities (名人), actors and sports stars, giving them too much praise and too many riches, 5 Why shouldn’t teachers have their Oscars?

A. why should not an excellent teacher be equally treated?

B. But in the West, levels of respect were much lower.

C. That’s why it’s time to really recognise the role teachers play in developing young people’s minds and bettering society.

D. This attitude towards teachers is not just morally wrong, it’s destroying the education system.

E. My feeling is even stronger as my parents were teachers.

F. a teacher who has achieved excellent results will also get these

G. Sadly, things have changed in many parts of the world.



George was a 1 (drive) and he spent so much time at his work, that he could 2 (hard) have a meal together with his wife and three 3 (child). In the evenings he went to classes to get knowledge, which one day would help him to find a 4 (good) paying job.

George’s family often complained (抱怨) that he is not spending enough time with them, but his only answer was “I am doing all this for you, I work hard to provide you 5 the best that I can”.

Soon after George had passed his exams, he received a good job with a salary, 6 was much higher than he had before. So now George could provide his family with much better 7 (live).

Time passed and George’s hard work paid off, he was promoted (升职). He made a 8 (decide) that their flat is not big enough for their family and they need a bigger one. On the 9 (one) Sunday evening at their new home, George told his wife and kids that now he decided not to take any studies and work not so hard, so that he could spend more time with them. The very next morning George did not wake 10 .




1. B 空格后的or连接并列的名词,所填词应与key构成对应关系,lock符合语境,即“它是一本简单的日记本,没有锁,也没有钥匙”,故B正确。

2. A 前一句指出它是一个“简单的日记本”,worth用在句中符合语境,即“这个日记本本身不值什么钱”,故A正确。be worth为固定搭配,意为“值……”,后面直接接表示金钱的词,如be worth 100 dollars(值100美元)。worthy意为“值得的”,常用于be worthy of这一固定短语中,意为“值得;配得上”。

3. D 所填词的宾语为my daily moments,选项中的词能与其构成合理动宾搭配的为recording,即“但是它的价值在于记录我每日的感恩时刻”,故D正确。

4. B 分析句子结构可知所填词作介词for的逻辑宾语,即be thankful for the _____ of my life,aspects用在句中符合语境,即“每天晚上,我都会花一些时间回想一下生活中值得我感激的方面”,故B正确。

5. B 由本段最后一句可知,感恩日记的作用是姐姐给解释的。concept用在句中符合语境,即“感恩日记的概念来自于姐姐上大学时”,故B正确。

6. C 此处是表达大学对于姐姐来说越来越难。becoming用在句中符合语境,即“大学变得越来越难”,故C正确。

7. D 空格后的分句指出,姐姐需要更多时间来保持精神健康。由此可推测,此处是表达姐姐睡眠不好,normal用在句中符合语境,即“姐姐的睡眠时间不正常”,故D正确。

8. A 由空格后的home from college可知,此处是表达姐姐从大学回家,returned用在句中符合语境,即“当姐姐从大学回家时”,故A正确。

9. D 第一段最后一句中提到,感恩日记里记载的是自己所感激的事情。此处所填词应是第一段最后一句中thankful一词的复现,即“她解释说她的感恩日记使她每天都觉得非常感激”,故D正确。

10. B 由下文可知,作者在暑假的时候也开始写感恩日记,start用在句中符合语境,即“我受到鼓舞,在暑假开始的时候也着手写自己的感恩日记”,故B正确。

11. D 此处表达刚开始写感恩日记时作者的感受。下一句表明,作者在无聊的日子里不知道该感激什么。由此可知,作者一开始写感恩日记时有困难,struggle可意为“很费劲的事;难事”,用在句中符合语境,即“一开始,写感恩日记是一件难事”,故D正确。

12. B 此处选项须与前面的sat搭配使用。sat down意为“坐下”,sat at意为“坐在……旁边”,sat up意为“熬夜;端坐”,sat back意为“休息”,其中符合语境的为sat at,即“在那些坐在书桌旁数小时为考试做准备的无聊日子里,有什么可感激的事呢?”故B正确。

13. C 空格后内容为所填词的宾语从句,是作者的一种想法。found用在句中符合语境,即“在某一时刻,我觉得感恩日记……”,故C正确。

14. A 空格前一句中提到作者不知道自己要感激什么,空格后分句说作者对感恩日记失去了信心,这些都表明作者在这一时期无法理解感恩日记的作用,meaning用在句中符合语境,即“在某一时刻,我觉得感恩日记是一个根本没有意义的概念,我对它失去了信心”,故A正确。

15. D 本句表达作者在不写感恩日记的那段时间的感受。由how plain my life was可知,作者认为那段时间他的生活是平淡无奇的,realized用在句中符合语境,即“但是在我选择不写感恩日记的那段时间,我发现我的生活是多么平淡无奇”,故D正确。

16. C 所填词与tasting一起,共同作missed的宾语。本句是表达作者对感恩日记的怀念。enjoying用在句中符合语境,即“我怀念品味每个时刻,并享受生活中使我……的点点滴滴”,故C正确。

17. B 空格所在句that made me _____为修饰little aspects of my life的定语从句。由前文可知,作者记录的都是能使其感激的事物。smile用在句中符合语境,即“享受那些能使我笑的生活中的点点滴滴”,故B正确。

18. A 由前几句可知,作者有段时间觉得感恩日记没什么可写的,所以不再写了,而在不写的时候又觉得生活无趣,非常怀念写日记的时刻。由此可知,此处与作者重新开始写感恩日记有关,continue用在句中符合语境,即“我有一个星期没有写感恩日记,之后又决定重新开始写”,故A正确。

19. C 由上一段可知,作者在没有写日记的那段时间觉得生活很无趣。而这段经历会让作者在日后继续保持写日记。appreciation用在句中符合语境,即“我没有写日记的那几天加强了我对感恩日记的感激之情”,故C正确。

20. B 此处表示地点。结合常识可知,暑假时,学生不在教室里上课,classroom用在句中符合语境,即“虽然暑假时我不在教室里学习,但我仍以另一种方式在学习”,故B正确。




1. B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,关于善良常见的一种假设是:善良是我们的孩子逐渐学会的,也就是说孩子们可以学着变得善良,故B正确。

2. C 细节理解题。根据文章第五段可知,当蹒跚学步的孩子看到大人不小心掉了东西时,几乎每个人都会在几秒钟之内就提供帮助。他们这样做根本不需要大人要求,甚至也不会被大人感谢。而且不管父母在不在房间里,他们都会这样做,故C正确。

3. A 推理判断题。文章第六段第一句指出,最有可能提供帮助的孩子通常都会有一个热心,并且会提供直接、坚定的道德教育的母亲。由此可推断,母亲的正确教育方式是孩子善良的原因之一,故A正确。

4. B 观点态度题。最后一段是对上文举例的总结,也是作者对于“善良”的观点。该段指出,(这一例子)最后证明,善良是一种技能和习惯,我们有能力、也有责任去培养它。由此可知,孩子的善良是可以被培养出来的,故B正确。



1. D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文首先讲述了习惯的含义,然后介绍了一本以习惯为主题的书《好习惯,坏习惯》所阐述的培养习惯的四个步骤,换句话说,就是习惯是如何养成的。由此可知,全文的主旨在于介绍习惯的含义及习惯的形成过程,故本题应选D。

2. C 细节理解题。第四段中介绍的习惯形成包含四个步骤,即cue、craving、response、reward。而第五段逐一介绍了这四个步骤,该段第三句提到The response is the actual habit that you perform. 也就是说,the response这一步骤是你实际上在遵循的某种习惯。由此可知,本题应选C。

3. D 推理判断题。第五段分别介绍了形成习惯的四个具体步骤,而第六段首句Consider this example.承上启下,由本段所举的具体例子可看出,本段使用了一个具体的例子阐述了养成习惯的四个步骤,这正是作者举例的意图所在,故本题应选D。

4. B 细节理解题。最后一段首句提到Clear,下文介绍了Clear关于养成习惯的一些建议,由该段第三句The habit should also be attractive, simple and satisfying.可知,Clear认为,这个习惯必须简单、有吸引力、令人满意。B项是原文内容的同义转述,故为答案。



1. C 段落大意题。文章首段主要介绍如今儿童和青少年沉浸于各种媒体,第二段指出,媒体取代体育活动和面对面交流产生了各种问题,过多使用媒体会对孩子的睡眠时间和质量造成不良影响。由此可知,前两段主要介绍的是过多使用媒体会给孩子带来害处。

2. D 细节理解题。第三段主要讲述Common Sense Media这一平台的相关报道。由该段倒数第二句Boys spend more time playing console video games, while girls spend more time on music and social media.可知,男生更爱玩视频游戏,而女生偏爱音乐和社交媒体,故本题应选D。

3. A 细节理解题。最后两段是美国儿科协会关于儿童使用媒体的建议。由倒数第二段第二句中的Parents of children 18 to 24 months of age who want to introduce digital media should choose high-quality programming... 可知,美国儿科协会建议18个月至24个月大的孩子的家长应当选择高品质的节目。由此可知,两岁孩子的家长如果要让孩子使用媒体,就应当为其选择高品质的节目,故本题应选A。



1. B 细节理解题。文章第一段讲述了外来动植物的含义,并指出外来物种的引入有时候是偶然的,而有时候是故意的。由第二段Research shows the movement of plants and animals rose across the planet over the last century as human trade and travel opened up new worldwide pathways.可知,研究人员指出,上个世纪,随着人类贸易和旅行开辟新的全球路径,植物和动物的迁徙开始在全球范围内兴起。由此可知,外来物种随着贸易和旅行的增长而增加,故本题应选B。

2. B 词义猜测题。第六段最后一句提到Some of the species can go on to become invasive, meaning they spread quickly in undesirable and harmful ways.本句中invasive后面的现在分词短语meaning they spread quickly in undesirable and harmful ways意为“意味着它们以不受欢迎和有害的方式迅速传播”,显然是对invasive这个词的解释说明。B项“易于以有害的方式传播”是对其同义转述,符合invasive的含义,故本题应选B。

3. D 推理判断题。最后一段介绍了Hanno Seebens的观点,该段首句明确指出,Hanno Seebens认为物种的数量在未来可能会下降。而本段接下来引述Hanno Seebens的话作进一步解释,Hanno Seebens称,We may just run out of species to be transported, because at some point, all species may have been transported already...也就是说,他认为,我们可能已经没有可供运输的物种了,因为在某种程度上,所有的物种可能已经被运输了。由此可推断,Hanno Seebens认为,外来物种的传播在未来有可能会下降,故本题应选D。

4. C 观点态度题。通读全文可知,作者站在中立的角度客观介绍了不同研究人员对于外来物种传播这一问题的观点。最新的研究认为,外来物种快速传播的情形会持续,研究人员预计到2050年欧洲外来物种将增加64%,而作者在文章后半部分介绍了生态学家Hanno Seebens的观点,他认为,未来物种的数量会下降,因为,到时候人们将没有新物种可以传播,由此可知,作者对外来物种传播这一问题的态度是客观的,故本题应选C。




1. E 空格前一句指出,我们大多数人都能记得对我们影响很大的老师。空格后一句指出,我父母告诉我他们如何被南印度的喀拉拉邦社区的人们很好地对待。选项E中的my parents与空格后一句的主语构成语义复现,即“我的感受更为强烈,因为我的父母都是老师”,故E正确。

2. G 空格后一句指出,欧洲国家不到25%的人认为学生尊重老师。这种情况与第一段提到的情况相反,由此可知此处应能起到承上启下的作用,选项G能表示前后文内容存在不同,即“悲哀的是,在世界许多地区,事情发生了变化”,故G正确。

3. D 空格前一句指出西方世界对老师的不尊重是很明显的。空后一句则指出这种态度的不利影响。选项D同样也是阐述不利影响,与下一句构成语义上的并列关系,即“对老师的这种态度不仅从道德上讲是错误的,它还破坏了教育系统”,故D正确。

4. C 上一段分析了不尊重老师的不利影响。结合空格后一句可知,本段与对待老师的正确态度有关。选项C中的it’s time to really recognize the role teachers play...符合本段大意,即“这也是为什么我们应该意识到老师在培养年轻人的思想、促进社会方面起到的作用”,故C正确。

5. A 空格前从句指出,我们的文化如此丰厚地奖励名人、演员和体育明星,给他们太多的赞扬和太多的财富。空格后一句提出反问:为什么老师们不能有自己的奥斯卡奖?选项A与空格前一句的语义相关,且句子结构与空后相同,即“为什么一名优秀的老师不能受到同样的对待?”故A正确。



1. driver 考查名词。空格前的不定冠词a 提示,此处应填入drive的名词driver。

2. hardly 考查副词。空格前指出,George花了很多时间在工作上,以至于他_____和家人一起吃饭。由此可知,此处是说George很少有时间和家人一起吃饭,此处应表达否定,故应填入hardly。

3. children 考查名词。空格前的数词three提示,此处应填入child的复数形式children。

4. better 考查形容词比较级。结合本句和前一句的句意可知,此处是指George做出的努力是为了找一份比司机更好的工作,故应填入good的比较级better。

5. with 考查介词。provide sb. with sth.为固定搭配,意为“为某人提供某物”,故此处应填入介词with。

6. which 考查关系代词。分析句子结构可知,_____ was much higher than...为修饰salary的非限制性定语从句,故此处应填入关系代词which。

7. life 考查名词。结合句意可知,此处应表达“更好的生活”,所以应填入live的名词形式life。

8. decision 考查名词。a _____在句中作made的宾语,故所填词应为名词,所以此处应填入decide的名词形式decision。

9. first 考查序数词。结合句意可知,此处是指“在搬到新家的第一个周日晚上”,故此处应填入one的序数词形式first。

10. up 考查副词。wake up为固定搭配,意为“醒来”,故此处应填入副词up。 0n2vwppG9kYN5N9Jz9/YMAnxq+wB8vWzbIqdKqU8ut9NULw9vQB+8EyHO0Np9CeM
