
Wednesday阅读理解 B







My 10-year-old daughter goes to Parts & Crafts, a local self-directed learning center. She goes once a week and loves it. At the beginning of each school year, the teachers help the young people create ideas for classes and then the kids pick which classes they want to take. They also always have the choice not to take any classes and spend their time as they choose, for example, reading.

Freedom to choose is a basic principle (原则) of Self-Directed Education. Young people can choose to take a class or not, or to leave the class at any time for any reason. This affords children the same respect that we adults enjoy. For example, I choose classes based on my interests. If that class is not meeting my needs, then I have the freedom to leave. The freedom to stop doing something that isn’t working for us, as long as we don’t cause harm to others, is something we adults have but our children don’t.

Boston College psychology professor, Dr. Peter Gray, writes that the freedom to leave is the most basic human freedom. He says: “In general, children are the most brutalized (被残酷地对待) of people, not because they are small and weak, but because they don’t have the same freedoms to leave that adults have.”

Yesterday my daughter was telling me about the class. She said the teacher is working on a prepared project with some of the kids, but that she and two other kids are working independently on their own projects during that time. I love this. Young people are given the freedom to drive their own learning, with teachers available to provide support when needed. Most importantly, it grants children the same freedom that adults enjoy.

1. What aspect of Parts & Crafts attracted the author’s daughter?

A. The after-school activities it presents.

B. The small number of students.

C. The teachers’ good characters.

D. The freedom to do what she likes.

2. How do teachers in Parts & Crafts help young people?

A. They teach them to pick classes.

B. They prepare classes for them.

C. They assist them in class creating.

D. They help collect reading materials.

3. What does Dr. Peter Gray say about children?

A. They are not as free as adults.

B. They are not strong in body.

C. They have no human rights.

D. They lack of support.

4. What is the text mainly about?

A. The young people’s interests in classes.

B. The advantages of self-directed education.

C. The freedom for children to drive their learning.

D. The daughter’s feeling towards Parts & Crafts.

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