
Thursday阅读理解 C







For years, the problems of hunger have turned to be better in nations across the globe. But according to NPR reports, progress has stopped. New data finds that for the third year, hunger has increased across the world.

The recent report is surprising to some degree. From 783.7 million people influenced by hunger in 2014, that number increased to 784.4 in 2015, and 804.2 in 2016. And now, the number reaches 820.8 million.

So what’s causing the increase in hunger? The report points to one main reason: extreme weather events. In Africa, the lack of rain for the last ten years has affected nations all over the continent, seriously damaging agriculture and reducing the amount of food in the area.

The influence of hunger can be harmful. According to the report, 151 million children under the age of 5 experience stunted growth (生长萎缩) due to lack of food. However, it is surprising that hunger also leads to the problem of being overweight. In 2016, the global percentage of people who were overweight had reached 13.2 percent, even in nations where hunger was on the rise. The reason for this may be that people usually eat too much when food is available and go hungry when it is not. This is believed to lead to metabolic (新陈代谢的) changes that could cause unwanted weight gain.

We can’t depend on hunger itself to change for better. If we don’t take action to prevent it, the situation will get much worse. If this continues, the UN will fail to achieve one of its most important development goals—ending poverty and improving health and education by 2030.

1. What problem is the world faced with according to the text?

A. Its progress in economy has stopped.

B. More and more people are dying of hunger.

C. The problems of hunger are becoming serious.

D. The people who are overweight are increasing.

2. What resulted in Africa’s hunger problem?

A. The lack of food.

B. Too much rainy days.

C. The long-time dry weather.

D. The undeveloped agriculture.

3. Why do many people in nations with rising hunger rates become overweight?

A. They suffer from metabolic changes.

B. They eat too little when they have food.

C. They take in too much unhealthy food.

D. They don’t pay attention to healthy diet.

4. If the UN wants to achieve its 2030 goal, it must ______.

A. solve the problems in Europe

B. reduce the number of people

C. start to improve health in Africa

D. take measures to prevent hunger

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