孔子何以恶乡愿 ① ,只为他似忠似廉,无非假面孔 ② ;孔子何以弃鄙夫 ③ ,只因他患得患失,尽是俗心肠 ④ 。
① 恶乡愿:恶,讨厌、厌恶;乡愿,貌似忠诚老实、实质欺世盗名的人。
② 假面孔:伪善的嘴脸;具有欺骗性。
③ 弃鄙夫:弃,厌弃,瞧不起;鄙夫,小人。
④ 俗心肠:此处指唯利是图者。
The reason why Confucius disliked the ones seemingly honest and upright is that they are hypocritical and deceitful.
The reason why Confucius despised the mean fellows is that they are the vulgarians who only care about their own interests.