人心统耳目官骸 ① ,而于百体为君 ② ,必随处见神明之宰;人面合眉眼鼻口,以成一字曰苦(两眉为草,眼横鼻直而下承口,乃苦字也),知终身无安逸之时 ③ 。
① 官骸:意指人的身体器官。
② 百体为君:(心是)人体所有器官之首。
③ 后半句由于无法用英语作类比,故转译成:“人的脸上有眉眼鼻口,如果终日愁苦而不能自遣,人生就永无安逸。”
Man’s heart is the master of human body, governing ears, eyes and all other physical organs. So long as a man can keep his heart properly, wherever he goes, he will have the aid of deities.
Man’s face is composed of eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth; if they are consumed with bitterness all day long, then no ease and comfort can ever be expected for life.