居不必无恶邻 ① ,会不必无损友 ② ,惟在自持者两得之。
① 恶邻:专事凶横霸道、无事生非、寻衅凌辱的坏邻居。
② 损友:对自己有害的朋友;对自己的品行产生不良影响的朋友。与“益友”相对。语自《论语·季氏篇》的“益者三友,损者三友:友直﹑友谅﹑友多闻,益矣;友便辟、友善柔、友便佞,损矣”。
When choosing a place to reside, it is unnecessary to take as a decisive factor where there must be no wicked ones in neighborhood. Similarly, when engaged in social communications, it is unnecessary to ascertain that the persons whom you are to meet should be of no evil. If you only bear yourself with fortitude, you will not slip in benefiting from the both cases.