
Further Reading

Timeline of Computer

The following is a timeline of some significant events in computer history. It is not meant to be complete,just a representation of some of the major landmarks in computer development.

☆ 1617:John Napier created“Napier’s Bones”,wooden or ivory rods used for calculating.

☆ 1642:Blaise Pascal introduced the Paxcaline digital adding machine.

☆ 1822:Charles Babbage conceived the Difference Engine and later the Analytical Engine,a true general-purpose computing machine.

☆ 1937:John V. Atanasoff created Atanasoff-Berry Computer(ABC),which was known as the first generation electronic computer.

☆ 1949:Maurice Wilkes assembled the EDSAC,the first practical stored-program computer,at Cambridge University.

☆ 1953:IBM shipped its first electronic computer,the IBM 701.

☆ 1955:Bell Laboratories announced the first fully transistorized computer,TRADIC.

☆ 1965:Digital Equipment Corp. introduced the PDP-8,the first commercially successful minicomputer.

☆ 1970:Computer-to-computer communication expanded when the Department of Defense established four nodes on the APPA net:two at University of California campuses(one at Santa Barbara and one at Los Angeles)and one each at SRI International and the University of Utah.

☆ 1973:Robert Metcalfe devised the Ethernet Method of network connection at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.

☆ 1973:The Micral was the earliest commercial,non-kit personal computer based on a microprocessor the Intel 8008.

☆ 1981:Xerox introduced the Star,the first personal computer with a Graphical User Interface(GUI).

☆ 1981:Adam Osborne completed the first portable computer,OsborneⅠ,which weighed 24 pounds and costs $1,795.

☆ 1984:Apple Computer launched the Macintosh,the first successful mouse-driven computer with a GUI,with a single $1. 5 million commercial during the 1984 Super Bowl.

☆ 1986:Compaq announced the Deskpro 386,the first computer on the market to use Intel’s then new 386 chip.

☆ 1987:IBM introduced its PS/2 machines,which made the 3. 5-inch floppy disk drive and VGA video standard for PCs. The PS/2 also introduced the MicroChannel Architecture(MCA)bus,the first plug-and-play bus for PCs.

☆ 1989:Intel released the 486(P4)microprocessor,which contained more than one million transistors. Intel also introduced 486 motherboard chipsets.

☆ 1990:the World Wide Web(WWW)was born when Tim Berners-Lee,a researcher at CERN,the high-energy physics laboratory in Geneva,developed Hypertext Markup Language(HTML).

☆ 1993:Intel released the Pentium(P5)processor. Intel shifted from numbers to names for its chips after it learned it’s impossible to trademark a number. Intel also released motherboard chipsets and for the first time completed motherboards as well.

☆ 1995:Intel released the Pentium Pro processor,the first in the P6 processor family.

☆ 1995:Microsoft released Windows 95 in a huge rollout,the first mainstream 32-bit operating system.

☆ 1997:Intel released the Pentium Ⅱ processor,essentially a Pentium Pro with MMX features added.

☆ 1998:Microsoft released Windows 98.

☆ 1998:Intel released the Celeron,a low-cost version of the Pentium Ⅱ processor.

☆ 1999:Intel released the Pentium Ⅲ,essentially a Pentium Ⅱ with SSE(Streaming SIMD Extensions)added.

☆ 2000:Microsoft released Windows 2000.

☆ 2000:Both Intel and AMD introduced processor running at 1GHz.

☆ 2000:Intel released the Itanium processor,the first in the P7 family.

☆ 2001:Microsoft released Windows XP,based on Windows 2000 and Windows NT kernel. Windows XP introduced a heavily redesigned GUI and brought the NT kernel to the consumer market.

☆ 2003:Intel released the Pentium M for notebooks and the Centrino mobile platform.The Pentium M delivered similar or higher performance than the Pentium 4-M while consuming less power.

☆ 2003:AMD released the Athlon 64. The Athlon 64 was built on the K8 microarchitecture and was the first 64-bit processor widely available to the consumer market.

☆ 2005:Nokia announced the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet,the first device running Maemo.

☆ 2005:Intel and AMD both released their first dual-core 64-bit desktop processor,the Pentium D and the Athlon 64 X2 at the time.

☆ 2006:Intel released the Core 2 processor.

☆ 2007:The first iPhone was introduced by Apple.

☆ 2007:Microsoft Corporation launched Windows Vista more than 5 years after their last major,new operating system,Windows XP,was released.

☆ 2008:The first public beta version of the Google Chrome web browser was released.Chrome subsequently became the most popular web browser in the world,overtaking Internet Explorer.

☆ 2008:The first version of Android was introduced by Google.

☆ 2009:Microsoft released Windows 7.

☆ 2010:Apple released the original iPad.

☆ 2011:The first 4 terabyte hard drive was released by Seagate.

☆ 2012:Microsoft released the operating system Windows 8.

☆ 2013:Edward Snowden began to leak classified NSA information in June.

☆ 2013:Intel officially announced CPUs based on Haswell architecture on June 4.

☆ 2013:Apple introduced the iPhone 5s with Touch ID and 5c on September 10 and Apple introduced iOS7 on September 18.

☆ 2014:Microsoft announced on September 30,the next version of Windows,which would be called Windows 10.

☆ 2014:Apple introduced the new iPhone 6,iPhone 6 Plus,and Apple Watch on September 9 and Apple introduced the Apple Pay feature for its devices on October 20.

☆ 2015:Microsoft released Windows 10 on July 29.

☆ 2015:Google introduced Android Pay for all Android-based smartphones on September 11.

☆ 2016:On March 12,AlphaGo,a DeepMind AI from Google beat Go champion Lee Se-dol for the third straight time at playing the ancient Chinese board game of Go. Although AlphaGo won the championship,Lee did win the fourth game.

☆ 2017:The WannaCry ransomware attack began to attack computers running Microsoft Windows. The worm infected more than 230,000 computers in over 150 different countries and demanded $300—$1,200 in bitcoin to unlock the computers encrypted data.

☆ 2018:On March 17, The New York Times and the Guardian revealed that the firm Cambridge Analytica harvested 50 million Facebook profiles and used that data to help Donald Trump’s election team.

☆ 2018:On June 4,Microsoft announced it would acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion.

☆ 2019:The first folding smartphones were introduced in February with Samsung introducing the Galaxy Fold and the Mate X from Huawei.

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