

1 . Review Questions.

Answer the following questions with information from the passage.

1)How does the first mechanical calculator develop and how it works?

2)What causes the appearance of the electronic computer?

3)Please generally discuss about how the computer evolved from mechanical devices to electronic digital devices.

A. What is your opinion about it?

B. What is personal computer and how does it work?

C. What is the main use of the smartphone in the modern society?

2 . Information to Complete.

Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases from the passage.

1)The history of computers starts out about 2,000 years ago,at the birth of the__________________.

2)All are based on the microprocessor technology that enables manufacturers to put an entire__________on one chip.

3)___________first appeared in the late 1970s. One of the first and most popular personal computers was the__________,introduced in 1977 by Apple Computer.

3 . Sentences to Translate

Translate the following sentences into English.



3)1953 年,IBM制造了自己的第一台计算机IBM701。

4)苹果电脑公司在 1984 年发布了Macintosh计算机,它是世界上第一台成功地使用鼠标进行操作图形用户界面的计算机。

5)有记载的最早的计算器是算盘,它曾在 2 000 多年的时间里被广泛使用。

4 . Matching and Description.

The passage you have read is about computers. The following are some useful expressions and explanations for computers. Read them carefully and find the items equivalent to those given in English in the table below. Then write the corresponding letter in the brackets.

1)a device for performing mathematical calculations,especially an electronic device that can be held in the hand

2)a counting device that consists of a frame holding rods on which a specific number of beads are free to move

3)a set of graduated rods formerly used to do multiplication and division by a method invented by John Napier

4)the Analytical Engine that was to be built from brass gears powered by steam with input given on punched cards

5)an electronic device that operated on 10-digit numbers and could multiply two such numbers at the rate of 300 products per second by finding the value of each product from a multiplication table stored in its memory

6)a small digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time QZzxW+AbFlMwOkULcSFCrnPgsOuq473GCZNOOlWE+v7z8tNQTIjWAo4ya62g7Xq/
