

*soluble [ˋsaːljəbl]

adj. 可溶的(capable of being dissolved);可以解决的(capable of being solved)


*detergent [dIˋtɜːrdʒənt]

n. 清洁剂


*impurity [Imˋpjʊrəti]

n. 杂质;不纯

**composite [kəmˋpaːzət]

adj. 混合的 n.混合物(made up of different parts or materials)

【例】a composite substance∥The play is a composite of reality and fiction.

*liquefy [ˋlIkwIfaI]

v. (使)液化,(使)溶解(to make or become liquid; melt)


*corrosive [kəˋroʊsIv]

adj. 腐蚀性的,腐蚀的(tending or having the power to corrode)

*additive [ˋædətIv]

n. 添加剂

*tentative [ˋtentətIv]

adj. 试验性的(trial)


【例】Tentative measures have been taken to settle these refugees.

*flammable [ˋflæməbl]

adj. 易燃的(easily set on fire)


combustible [kəmˋbʌstəbl]

adj. 易燃的(flammable);易激动的(easily aroused)


*rust [rʌst]

v. (使)生锈;(使)成铁锈色 n. 铁锈

【例】An iron plow would get rusted under wet weather. ∥If you leave your metal tools outside in the rain, they will rust.

*smolder [ˋsmoʊldər]

vi. (无火焰)缓慢燃烧

**sear [sIr]

vt. 灼烧;烧焦

【例】The hot iron seared the trousers.

*ignite [IgˋnaIt]

vt. 点燃,使燃烧(to inflame; kindle)

【例】A smoldering cigarette ignited the newspapers.

*scorch [skɔːrtʃ]

vt. 烤焦;烫得褪色(to discolor)

【例】Do not leave the iron on that delicate fabric or the heat will scorch it.

*chlorinate [ˋklɔːrIneIt]

vt. 使氯化

**erode [Iˋroʊd]

vt. 侵蚀,腐蚀(to corrode; wear away)

【例】A constant stream of water eroded the rock mountain.

*blend [blend]

v./n. 混合(to combine; mix)

【例】The room’s decoration was a good blend of traditional and modern pieces. ∥The artist blended painting with etching.

*ferment [fərˋment]

v./n. (使)发酵(to cause fermentation in);(使)骚动(to excite;agitate)

【记】ferm(=ferv 煮沸)+ent→发酵


**synthesize [ˋsInθəsaIz]

vt. 合成,综合

*blanch [blæntʃ]

v. (使)变白,漂白(to make or become white);(使脸色)变苍白(to turn pale)

【记】和blank(adj. 空白的)一起记

*coagulate [koʊˋægjuleIt]

v. (使)凝结(to curdle; clot)


*ossify [ˋaːsIfaI]

v. (使)硬化,(使)骨化;(使)(传统)僵化


【反】transcend conventions(超越传统)

*concentrate [ˋkaːnsntreIt]

v. (使)聚集,(使)浓缩(to bring into one main body)


【反】deploy(v. 展开);dilute(v. 稀释);rarefy [v. (使)变稀薄]

*brass [bræs]

n. 黄铜

**bronze [braːnz]

n. 青铜

**bicarbonate [ˌbaIˋkaːrbənət]

n. 碳酸氢盐,重碳酸盐

*millilitre [ˋmIliliːtər]

n. 毫升

*blast [blæst]

n. 爆炸;(一阵)疾风

【例】The leaves were lifted into the air by a sudden blast of wind.

**ingredient [Inˋgriːdiənt]

n. 成分(element)


*amalgam [əˋmælgəm]

n. 混合物(a combination or mixture)


**filter [ˋfIltər]

n. 滤纸;多孔过滤材料(a porous article(as of paper)through which a gas or liquid is passed to separate out matter in suspension)vt. 过滤(to remove by means of a filter)

*aluminium [ˌæljəˋmIniəm]

n. 铝

*inhalation [ˌInhəˋleIʃn]

n. 吸入;吸入药剂


compatible composite corrosive detergent circulate

disperse erode enumerate incompatible liquefy

resound smolder soluble synthesize tentative

1. The hours of the job are______with family life.

2. Unemployment is having a______effect on our economy.

3. The new system will be______with existing equipment.

4. Most synthetic______are in the form of powder or liquid.

5. Problems are not readily______.

6. He reached some______conclusions about the possible cause of the accident.

7. The play is a______of reality and fiction.

8. Blood______through the body.

9. The minimum pressure required to______a gas at its critical temperature is its critical pressure.

10. Laughter______through the house.

11. Police______the protesters with tear gas.

12. She______the items we had to buy, sugar, tea, soap, etc.

13. The bonfire was still______the next day.

14. DDT is a pesticide that was first______in 1874.

15. Her confidence has been slowly______by repeated failures.


1. celsius 灯丝

2. flammable 电路

3. bicarbonate 成分

4. opaque 测力计

5. forcemeter 不透明物

6. ingredient 碳酸氢盐

7. filament 摄氏度

8. circuitry 易燃的

9. clutter 空气动力学

10. mechanics 杠杆作用

11. additive 杂质

12. fathom 英寻

13. impurity 添加剂

14. leverage 力学

15. aerodynamics 杂乱回波


1. The hours of the job are incompatible with family life.

2. Unemployment is having a corrosive effect on our economy.

3. The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.

4. Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid.

5. Problems are not readily soluble .

6. He reached some tentative conclusions about the possible cause of the accident.

7. The play is a composite of reality and fiction.

8. Blood circulates through the body.

9. The minimum pressure required to liquefy a gas at its critical temperature is its critical pressure.

10. Laughter resounded through the house.

11. Police dispersed the protesters with tear gas.

12. She enumerated the items we had to buy, sugar, tea, soap, etc.

13. The bonfire was still smoldering the next day.

14. DDT is a pesticide that was first synthesized in 1874.

15. Her confidence has been slowly eroded by repeated failures.


1. celsius 摄氏度

2. flammable 易燃的

3. bicarbonate 碳酸氢盐

4. opaque 不透明物

5. forcemeter 测力计

6. ingredient 成分

7. filament 灯丝

8. circuitry 电路

9. clutter 杂乱回波

10. mechanics 力学

11. additive 添加剂

12. fathom 英寻

13. impurity 杂质

14. leverage 杠杆作用

15. aerodynamics 空气动力学 RNaXCgkmceRzGId5CTmunSspZ+S193OxDJimuAAB3Kvhk5Offp2Ubg01MthArKYp
