

*opaque [oʊˋpeIk]

n. 不透明物 adj. 不透明的;不传导的

**echo [ˋekoʊ]

n. 回声,回波

*resound [rIˋzaʊnd]

vi. 回响(to be filled with sound);鸣响(to be loudly and clearly heard)

*leverage [ˋlevərIdʒ]

n. 杠杆作用

**forcemeter [ˋfɔːrsmiːtər]

n. 测力计

*celsius [ˋselsiəs]

adj. 摄氏的 n. 摄氏度

【例】Boiling point is 100 Celsius.

*filament [ˋfIləmənt]

n. 灯丝;细丝


**circuitry [ˋsɜːrkItri]

n. 电路;电路系统

magnetic [mægˋnetIk]

adj. 有磁性的(with the properties of a magnet)

【例】The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on.

*diffuse [dIˋfjuːs]

v. (使)传播,(使)扩散(to scatter; spread)


【例】The winds diffused the smoke throughout the neighborhood.

**emit [iˋmIt]

vt. 发出;放射(to discharge; give off)

【例】All the cars that emit poisonous gas have been called back.

*density [ˋdensəti]

n. 密度

【例】The population density is very high in Hong Kong.

*foam [foʊm]

n. 泡沫(bubble; froth)

*clutter [ˋklʌtər]

n. (雷达显示器上的)杂乱回波;混乱,杂乱 vt. 使混乱(to litter; disarray)

【例】My office is filled with useless clutter.

*thaw [θɔː]

v. (使)溶化;(使)融解(to melt; defrost)

【例】Last week it was so warm that the frozen pond thawed.

*constituent [kənˋstItʃuənt]

n. 成分(component)

**incompatible [ˌInkəmˋpætəbl]

adj. 不兼容的(inconsistent; incongruous)


**compatible [kəmˋpætəbl]

adj. 融合的,兼容的(harmonious; congruous)

【例】Is this software compatible with my computer?

***mechanics [məˋkænIks]

n. 力学;机械学

*cohesion [koʊˋhiːʒn]

n. 内聚力;附着,结合;凝聚力

【例】Cohesion is the force causing molecules of the same substance to stick together.

*impetus [ˋImpItəs]

n. 推动力(urge; momentum)


【例】The physical object in motion needs impetus. ∥His longing for another kind of life is a major impetus for his hard working.

*expedite [ˋekspədaIt]

vt. 使加速(to speed up; hasten)


【例】Use of a rotary vacuum evaporator will expedite the concentration steps in the procedure. ∥The person I talked to on the phone promised to expedite the shipment of the book I ordered.

*radiate [ˋreIdieIt]

v. (使)散发;发射(to emit; give off)

【例】Heat radiated from the stove.

*indexer [Inˋdeksər]

n. 分度器

*elastic [IˋlæstIk]

adj. 有弹性的,能伸展的(easily resuming original shape after being stretched)


【反】inelastic(adj. 无弹性的)

*cohesive [koʊˋhiːsIv]

adj. 有凝聚力的

**aerodynamics [ˌeroʊdaIˋnæmIks]

n. 空气动力学

**disperse [dIˋspɜːrs]

v. 消散,驱散


【反】focus(v. 聚集);aggregate(v. 聚集)

**fathom [ˋfæðəm]

n. 英寻(水深测量单位,等于1. 83米)v. 彻底明白,领悟(to understand thoroughly)


*candlepower [ˋkændlˌpaʊər]

n. 烛光

*interatomic [ˌIntɜːrəˋtaːmIk]

adj. 原子间的

【例】Interatomic forces were considered as a function of the separation of atoms.

*edgewise [ˋedʒwaIz]

adv. 刀口朝向外边;沿边

*brink [brIŋk]

n. 边缘(margin; edge; rim)

【例】A fence was built along the brink of the cliff to prevent accidents. ocEhjAWfdEL0WpJazfo73U+R3jB575lTsJnZehiLzCkyJ4W1CxaTfw1ku3NgtfuO
