

**binary [ˋbaInəri]

adj. 成双的(of or involving a pair or pairs);二进制的 n. 二进制数字

*divisible [dIˋvIzəbl]

adj. 可除尽的

【例】8 is divisible by 2 and 4, but not by 3.

*sequence [ˋsiːkwəns]

n. 序列


**circulate [ˋsɜːrkjəleIt]

v. (使)循环

【例】Open a window to allow the air to circulate.

*enumerate [IˋnuːməreIt]

vt. 列举,枚举;计数(to count; numerate)


【例】Sam can enumerate all the presidents of the United States.

**fraction [ˋfrækʃn]

n. 分数


*diametrical [ˌdaIəˋmetrIkl]

adj. 直径的;正好相反的

*semicircular [ˌsemiˋsɜːrkjələr]

adj. 半圆的

【例】The hotel, freshly built by decree of the progressive, tourism-minded king, was semicircular in shape.

*tangential [tænˋdʒenʃl]

adj. 切线的;离题的(divergent; digressive)

【反】tangential point(非要点)→gist(n. 要点)

*elliptical [IˋlIptIkl]

adj. 椭圆的;晦涩的(ambiguous);省略的

【反】palpable(adj. 明显的)

*circuitous [sərˋkjuːItəs]

adj. 迂回的(indirect; roundabout)


【例】You could tell Mary that she was evading our question when she gave a circuitous response.

*curvature [ˋkɜːrvətʃər]

n. 曲度;弯曲(curved form; curving)

【例】the curvature of the earth’s surface

*tangency [ˋtændʒənsi]

n. 相切(在一点上)接触

【例】Based on the analysis, determine the unicity of point of tangency and point of intersection.

*halve [hæv]

vt. 把…对半分(to divide sth. into two equal parts)

【例】The latest planes have halved the time needed for crossing the Atlantic.

**vertex [ˋvɜːrteks]

n. (三角形、锥形等的)角的顶点;顶点,最高点(highest point; summit)

【例】Modeling applications usually display the geometric vertex count.

*symmetry [ˋsImətri]

n. 对称(性);匀称(balance; harmony)


*perpendicular [ˌpɜːrpənˋdIkjələr]

adj. 垂直的(exactly upright; vertical)


*cylindrical [səˋlIndrIkl]

adj. 圆柱形的;圆柱体的

【例】His car had cylindrical glass holders attached to either door and a white leathery interior.

*parameter [pəˋræmItər]

n. 参量,变量(any of the established limits within which sth. must operate)


*axiom [ˋæksiəm]

n. 公理(maxim);定理


*aggregate [ˋægrIgət]

n. 合计,总计;集合体

**deduction [dIˋdʌkʃn]

n. 扣除;扣除之量;推论;演绎法

**scatterplot [ˋskætərplaːt]

n. 散点图

**pictogram [ˋpIktəgræm]

n. 象形图

*vector [ˋvektər]

n.矢量(quantity that has both magnitude and direction, e.g. velocity)

*imponderable [Imˋpaːndərəbl]

adj. (重量等)无法衡量的


*discrete [dIˋskriːt]

adj. 不相关的;不连续的;离散的(separate)

【例】A computer can perform millions of discrete functions per second.

*determinant [dIˋtɜːrmInənt]

n. 决定因素 adj. 决定性的(decisive)

【记】来自determine(v. 决定,下决心)

*chart [tʃaːrt]

n. 航海图

【例】a naval chart Jpu6Z3VxIt4h5ZO1w51J4DMvRPzpBKUQeLfQa7kE7pJOkzk4M8rpU53jPyddrlDp
