

rostrum [ˋraːstrəm]

n. 讲台,讲坛(a raised place for a public speaker)

*ology [ˋaːlədʒi]

n. 科学,学问

**pedagogy [ˋpedəgoʊdʒi]

n. 教育学;教学法(the art, science of teaching)


**curriculum [kəˋrIkjələm]

n. (pl. curricula)课程

*didactic [daIˋdæktIk]

adj. 教诲的,说教的(instructive)

【例】He started to know the real eaning of life from a didactic speech given by a celebrity.

*expertise [ˌekspɜːrˋtiːz]

n. 专门知识(special knowledge and skill)

【记】来自expert(n. 专家)

【例】Do you have the expertise required to tune the piano?

*interface [ˋIntərfeIs]

n. (两学科等的)交叉以及相互影响之处

【例】at the interface of art and science

*reeducation [ˌriːedʒuˋkeIʃn]

n. 再教育

【例】Prince also embarked on a company-wide cultural reeducation program, designed to prevent regulatory lapses from happening in the future.

**sermonize [ˋsɜːrmənaIz]

v. 说教;布道,讲道(to compose or deliver a sermon)

【记】来自sermon(n. 说教,布道)

*instruct [Inˋstrʌkt]

vt. 教导

【例】She instructed me in the use of the telephone.

*edify [ˋedIfaI]

vt. 陶冶;教化(to enlighten; teach)

【例】A trip to the art museum edified the tourists and helped them understand the local culture better.

*instill [inˋstil]

vt. 灌输(to infuse; impart)


【例】Courtesy must be instilled in childhood.

inculcate [ˋInkʌlˌkeIt]

vt. 反复灌输,谆谆教诲(to impress upon the mind by persistent urging; implant)


**edifying [ˋedIfaIIŋ]

adj. 有益的,有教化意味的

【例】When she made remarks to this edifying effect, she had a firm little frown on her brow.

**enlightenment [InˋlaItnmənt]

n. 启迪,教化;启蒙运动

【例】A person with enlightenment knows the value of education.

*admonish [ədˋmaːnIʃ]

vt. 警告(to warn)


【例】Mary admonished the children not to talk to strangers.

**anthology [ænˋθaːlədʒi]

n. 诗集,文选(a collection of poems, stories or songs)


*discipline [ˋdIsəplIn]

n. 学科


apocalyptic consecrate consecration deify demythologize

devout heretical inviolable invocation invoke

pious preach redemptive sacred sacrosanct

1. Cows are______to Hindus.

2. The people possess______rights.

3. I’ll work till late in the evening, but my weekends are______.

4. The cardinal attended the______of the church.

5. His disciples gathered about him, reciting a sutra during the______.

6. There were many moments of______glory in his great struggle.

7. Before them was an______landscape of burnt villages and bomb craters.

8. Primitive peoples______the sun.

9. The Bible should be______and examined for its historical value.

10. She______her life to the service of humanity.

11. She______several eminent scholars to back up her argument.

12. The chaplain came and______to a packed church.

13. He dismissed his critics as______do-gooders.

14. It is my______hope that we can work together in peace.

15. Most blind beliefs in______ideas and various taboos originate in some religious mentality.


1. rostrum 劝诫,警告

2. pedagogy 反复灌输,谆谆教诲

3. expertise 讲台,讲坛

4. edify 教诲的,说教的

5. inculcate 教育学;教学法

6. anthology 经文

7. ablution 科学,学问

8. lection 净礼;沐浴

9. ology 说教,讲道

10. didactic 驱除

11. sermonize 诗集,文选

12. admonish 陶冶,教化

13. interface (两学科等的)交叉以及相互影响之处

14. lustrate (西班牙语国家的)节日

15. fiesta 专门知识


1. Cows are sacred to Hindus.

2. The people possess inviolable rights.

3. I’ll work till late in the evening, but my weekends are sacrosanct .

4. The cardinal attended the consecration of the church.

5. His disciples gathered about him, reciting a sutra during the invocation .

6. There were many moments of redemptive glory in his great struggle.

7. Before them was an apocalyptic landscape of burnt villages and bomb craters.

8. Primitive peoples deified the sun.

9. The Bible should be demythologized and examined for its historical value.

10. She consecrated her life to the service of humanity.

11. She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument.

12. The chaplain came and preached to a packed church.

13. He dismissed his critics as pious do-gooders.

14. It is my devout hope that we can work together in peace.

15. Most blind beliefs in heretical ideas and various taboos originate in some religious mentality.


1. rostrum 讲台,讲坛

2. pedagogy 教育学;教学法

3. expertise 专门知识

4. edify 陶冶,教化

5. inculcate 反复灌输,谆谆教诲

6. anthology 诗集,文选

7. ablution 净礼;沐浴

8. lection 经文

9. ology 科学,学问

10. didactic 教诲的,说教的

11. sermonize 说教,讲道

12. admonish 劝诫,警告

13. interface (两学科等的)交叉以及相互影响之处

14. lustrate 驱除

15. fiesta (西班牙语国家的)节日 vaTeaO/3ZBVT1tytU3GSgQD5B8WB5TcLztWOlu9qGL3Al21Qdq9sJ621YqQVmNGi
