

**icon [ˋaIkaːn]

n. 圣像(an image or picture of Jesus, Mary, a saint, etc.);偶像

【派】iconize(vt. 盲目崇拜);iconoclasm(n. 打破圣像的理论/行动)

*inviolable [InˋvaIələbl]

adj. 不可侵犯的(incapable of being violated);不可亵渎的(sacred)


【反】profane(adj. 亵渎的);impure(adj. 不纯的)

*sacrosanct [ˋsækroʊsæŋkt]

adj. 神圣不可侵犯的(most sacred; inviolable)

【例】The brash insurance salesman invaded the sacrosanct privacy of the office of the president of the company.

*consecration [ˌkaːnsIˋkreIʃn]

n. 神圣化,献祭(仪式)

【例】Wafers are deposited into a bowl for consecration during the Mass.

*sacrilege [ˋsækrəlIdʒ]

n. 亵渎,冒犯神灵(outrageous violation of what is sacred)

【反】respect(n./v. 尊敬)

sacrilegious [ˌsækrəˋlIdʒəs]

adj. 亵渎神圣的(treating a sacred thing or place with disrespect)


*invocation [ˌInvəˋkeIʃn]

n. 祈祷(to plea; prayer)

*immerse [Iˋmɜːrs]

vt. 给…施洗礼;使浸没;使沉浸


【例】I immersed myself in the hot bath and relaxed.

parochial [pəˋroʊkiəl]

adj. 教区的(of or relating to a church parish);地方性的,狭小的(restricted to a small area or scope; narrow)

【记】来自parish(n. 教区)

**sacred [ˋseIkrId]

adj. 上帝的,神圣的(holy; heavenly)

【例】In maternal tribes, sacred things were kept by the oldest woman.

*redemptive [rIˋdemptIv]

adj. 赎回的,救赎的,救世的(acting to save someone from error or evil)

*earthly [ˋɜːrθli]

adj. 现世的,尘世的(of this world; not spiritual)

【记】来自earth(n. 土地;地球)

*earthbound [ˋɜːrθbaʊnd]

adj. 只在地面的;向地球移动的

【例】The earthbound astronauts will have to deal with simulated emergencies and perhaps even real ones.

**pilgrim [ˋpIlgrIm]

n. 朝圣者,香客(one who travels to a shrine as a devotee)

*exodus [ˋeksədəs]

n. 大批离去,撤离

【例】The refugees made an exodus to a safe place.

*inferno [Inˋfɜːrnoʊ]

n. 火海,地狱般的场所(hell or any place characterized by great heat or flames)


*dogma [ˋdɔːgmə]

n. 教义,教条(belief; view)

【例】Tom rejected the dogma of his church and joined another.

*mosque [maːsk]

n. 清真寺(伊斯兰教的寺庙)(a building used for public worship by Muslims)

**tenet [ˋtenIt]

n. 信念;信条;教义(a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true)


*credo [ˋkriːdoʊ]

n. 信条(creed)


*confessional [kənˋfeʃənl]

n. (教堂中神父听取忏悔的)告解室(private, usually enclosed, place in a church where a priest sits to hear confessions)

【例】the secrets of the confessional

*crescent [ˋkresnt]

n. 新月形(物体),月牙形(物体)(narrow curved shape that is like the new moon)

*deify [ˋdeIIfaI]

vt. 将…奉为神(to worship as a god);崇拜(to adore in an extreme)

**divine [dIˋvaIn]

v. 推测,预言(to discover or guess by or as if by magic)adj. 神的,神性的;神授的

*demythologize [diːmiˋθɔlədʒaiz]

vt. 除去…的神话色彩


【例】The Bible should be demythologized and examined for its historical value.

*consecrate [ˋkaːnsIkreIt]

vt. 将…奉为神圣;献身于(to dedicate; devote)

【记】和sacred(adj. 神圣的)一起记

【例】The priest consecrated the water in the baptismal basin.

*invoke [Inˋvoʊk]

vt. 恳求,祈求(to beg; pray)


【例】I invoked their forgiveness.

*preach [priːtʃ]

vt. 说教,布道;鼓吹(to advocate)

【记】和reach(v. 到达)一起记

【例】He preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

*pious [ˋpaIəs]

adj. 虔诚的(loyal; faithful)

【例】Those pious faithfuls are not allowed to take photos of themselves.

*devout [dIˋvaʊt]

adj. 虔诚的(pious; religious);真诚的

【例】The devout worshiper attended church each week.

*heretical [həˋretIkl]

adj. 异教的,异端邪说的(of heresy or heretics)


*apocalyptic [əˌpaːkəˋlIptIk]

adj. 预示灾祸的;启示的(prophetic)

【记】来自apocalypse(n. 天启,启示),apo(离开)+calyps(盖上)+e→揭开→启示

*fiesta [fiˋestə]

n. (西班牙语国家的)节日

*talisman [ˋtælIzmən]

n. 避邪物,护身符(an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune)


*malediction [ˌmælIˋdIkʃn]

n. 诅咒(curse; execration)


**vestry [ˋvestri]

n. (教堂的)法衣室

*lection [ˋlekʃn]

n. 经文(scriptures)

*lustrate [ˋlʌstreIt]

vt. 驱除

*enchant [Inˋtʃænt]

vt. 施魔法于(to enthrall; fascinate)


【例】The witch enchanted the handsome knight, turning him into a frog.

ablution [əbˋluːʃn]

n. 净礼;沐浴(a washing of the body)

【记】ab+lut(冲,洗)+ion→净礼;沐浴;含有相同词根lut的词语:dilute(vt. 冲淡,稀释);antediluvian(adj. 大洪水以前的)

sectarianism [sekˋteriənIzəm]

n. 宗派主义

【例】He condemned religious sectarianism.

*sacrificial [ˌsækrIˋfIʃl]

adj. 牺牲的,献祭的(immolated) yWo9x1Ejb+3nAWQS3NEj1Cz9dcoAyoGj4MhoehD640pPRU7AxcbFvUFpaBGWtBHc
