

**indigenous [InˋdIdʒənəs]

adj. 土产的;当地的,土著的


【例】The indigenous people of the area know which plants are safe to eat and which are poisonous.

**barn [baːrn]

n. 谷仓;畜棚,畜舍

granary [ˋgrænəri]

n. 谷仓,粮仓(a building for storing threshed grain)


*prolific [prəˋlIfIk]

adj. 多育的;多产的(productive)

【例】prolific animals∥The prolific author published over 80 novels.

*fertile [ˋfɜːrtl]

adj. 肥沃的,多产的(fruitful; rich);生育力强的


【例】The very fertile couple had six children in eight years.

*weedy [ˋwiːdi]

adj. 瘦弱的;似杂草的,杂草丛生的

【例】The seahorses did not survive, but the leafy and weedy sea dragons did, to everyone’s surprise.

**infertile [Inˋfɜːrtl]

adj. 贫瘠的;不能生育的(not fertile; barren)

【例】infertile land

*infertility [ˌInfɜːrˋtIləti]

n. 不肥沃,贫瘠;不育

【例】Doctors do not know which types of infertility are highly unlikely to yield to technology.

wizen [ˋwizən]

adj. 凋谢的,枯萎的(that is wizened)

*irrigation [ˌIrIˋgeIʃn]

n. 灌溉

【例】The water that does run off is collected and stored in tanks for irrigation.

*irrigate [ˋIrIgeIt]

vt. 灌溉

【例】They irrigated the land in order to increase the produce.

*husbandry [ˋhʌzbəndri]

n. 农事,耕种;饲养业;管理(farming management);节俭


【例】He studied animal husbandry in college.

*maize [meIz]

n. 玉米(a type of tall plant grown for its ears of yellow seeds)

*swath [swɔθ]

n. 收割的刈痕,收割的宽度;狭长的一条,细长的列

【例】Rebels hold a large swath of the east and a string of towns nearer the capital.

*sow [soʊ]

v. 播(种),播种于(土地等)n. 大母猪

【例】As you sow, so will you reap.

*cultivate [ˋkʌltIveIt]

vt. 耕种;培育,培养(to till; foster; train)


【例】The botanist cultivated tropical flowers.

*haystack [ˋheIstæk]

n. 干草堆

**poultry [ˋpoʊltri]

n. 家禽

*pasture [ˋpæstʃər]

n. 牧草;草原,放牧场

*squash [skwaːʃ]

n. 南瓜

*greenhouse [ˋgriːnhaʊs]

n. 温室,花房

agronomy [əˋgraːnəmi]

n. 农学,农艺学(science of controlling the soil to produce crops)


【派】agronomist(n. 农学家)


consolidate cultivate dividend indigenous infertile

infertility irrigate patronage pecuniary profitability

prolific proprietary sow transaction transnational

1. Few composers can match his______output.

2. He was trying to get a______advantage for himself.

3. Nokia is a famous______corporation.

4. The company has a______right to the property.

5. The kangaroo is______to Australia.

6. The farmers in this area have to struggle to wrest a living from the______soil.

7. There are many possible causes of______in women.

8. The company declared a large______at the end of the year.

9. He attends to the______of important business himself.

10.______of the arts comes mostly from businesses and private individuals.

11. The present director has presided over a rapid decline in the firm’s______.

12. The fields around had been______with wheat.

13. The land around here has never been______.

14.______has increased the area of cultivable land.

15. With this new movie he has______his position as the country’s leading director.


1. merger 发票,发货清单

2. consumerism 谷仓,畜棚

3. statement 灌溉

4. residue 保护消费者利益运动

5. invoice 折合,换算

6. rebate 农事,耕种;饲养业

7. lottery 玉米

8. conversion 奖券;抽奖

9. husbandry 家禽

10. weedy 瘦弱的;杂草丛生的

11. barn (企业等的)合并,并购

12. irrigation 返回款;折扣

13. poultry 残余

14. maize 报表,清单

15. swath 收割的刈痕,收割的宽度


1. Few composers can match his prolific output.

2. He was trying to get a pecuniary advantage for himself.

3. Nokia is a famous transnational corporation.

4. The company has a proprietary right to the property.

5. The kangaroo is indigenous to Australia.

6. The farmers in this area have to struggle to wrest a living from the infertile soil.

7. There are many possible causes of infertility in women.

8. The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year.

9. He attends to the transaction of important business himself.

10. Patronage of the arts comes mostly from businesses and private individuals.

11. The present director has presided over a rapid decline in the firm’s profitability .

12. The fields around had been sown with wheat.

13. The land around here has never been cultivated .

14. Irrigation has increased the area of cultivable land.

15. With this new movie he has consolidated his position as the country’s leading director.


1. merger (企业等的)合并,并购

2. consumerism 保护消费者利益运动

3. statement 报表,清单

4. residue 残余

5. invoice 发票,发货清单

6. rebate 返回款;折扣

7. lottery 奖券;抽奖

8. conversion 折合,换算

9. husbandry 农事,耕种;饲养业

10. weedy 瘦弱的;杂草丛生的

11. barn 谷仓,畜棚

12. irrigation 灌溉

13. poultry 家禽

14. maize 玉米

15. swath 收割的刈痕,收割的宽度 eXzh58LVoKCkSz3UW/Twsw47pf7RdylCVhfffU4mva2HcvnPxC0PQS53C4bvTAZv
