

***conversion [kənˋvɜːrʒn]

n. 折合,换算;转变,变换(converting or being converted)

【例】the conversion of a barn into a house//the conversion of pounds into dollars

**prosperous [ˋpraːspərəs]

adj. 繁荣的(thriving; flourishing)

**patronage [ˋpætrənIdʒ]

n. 赞助,资助

【记】来自patron(n. 赞助人)

prosperity [praːˋsperəti]

n. 繁荣(well-being)

【例】The prosperity of the society promises a rapid economic growth.

*pecuniary [pIˋkjuːnieri]

adj. 金钱的(monetary; financial)


【例】Dad refused me a pecuniary request of 100 pounds.

*bankrupt [ˋbæŋkrʌpt]

adj. 破产的(unable to pay debts; insolvent)


【派】bankruptcy(n. 破产)→solvency(n. 偿债能力)

*transnational [ˌtrænzˋnæʃnəl]

adj. 跨国的,跨越国界的

【例】The aim of this initiative is to combat drug trafficking, transnational crime and money laundering.

*proprietary [prəˋpraIəteri]

adj. 私有的,私营的(privately owned and managed)


*merger [ˋmɜːrdʒər]

n. (企业等的)合并,并购

*statement [ˋsteItmənt]

n. 报表,清单

*invoice [ˋInvɔIs]

n. 发票;发货清单(bill)vt. 给…开发票(to send an invoice for or to)


**rebate [ˋriːbeIt]

n. 返回款;折扣(refund; repayment)

【记】和debate(v. 争论)一起记

【例】The government uses tax rebate as a means to attract investment on this line.

*payroll [ˋpeIroʊl]

n. 工资单

【例】They have 200 employees on the payroll.

*dividend [ˋdIvIdənd]

n. 股息,红利

*bonus [ˋboʊnəs]

n. 红利;奖金(award; gift)

【例】At the end of the year, the employees all received cash bonuses.

***account [əˋkaʊnt]

n. 户头;账目

【例】I have an account with the Midland Bank.

*lottery [ˋlaːtəri]

n. 奖券;抽奖

【例】“Marriage is just a lottery. Don’t believe in love.” said the old man.

*transaction [trænˋzækʃn]

n. 交易(business; trade; deal)


*quotation [kwoʊˋteIʃn]

n. (股票等的)行情,报价

【例】the latest quotations from the Stock Exchange

*commission [kəˋmIʃn]

n. 佣金

【例】Our agents in other areas usually get a 3.5% commission.

*profitability [ˌpraːfItəˋbIləti]

n. 收益性,利益率

【例】The purchase of Finansbank, says Mr. Arapoglou, will immediately increase NBG’s profitability by 10%.

*underestimate [ˌʌndərˋestImeIt]

vt. 低估(to undervalue)

【例】The value of the antique has long been underestimated before the recent investigation.

*consolidate [kənˋsaːlIdeIt]

vt. 合并(to merge);巩固,加强


【例】The two schools were consolidated to reduce costs.

*moneybag [ˋmʌnIbæg]

n. 钱袋;财富

*consumerism [kənˋsuːmərIzəm]

n. 保护消费者利益运动,用户至上主义

【例】We just can’t control ourselves with any kind of consumerism, be it food or anything else.

**residue [ˋrezIduː]

n. 残余(remains; leftover; remnant);剩余财产

*surplus [ˋsɜːrpləs]

n. 过剩,剩余;盈余,顺差 adj. 过剩的(extra; excess)


【例】The farmer’s surplus grain was stored in silos.

*confiscation [ˌkaːnfIˋskeIʃn]

n. 没收,征用,充公

【例】The confiscation of equipment, money and other materials is unacceptable and must end immediately.

*cess [ses]

n. 租税;税,税率

*stake [steIk]

n. 股份;柱,桩(a pointed piece of wood driven into the ground);赌注(sth. staked for gain or loss)

*lease [liːs]

n./v. 出租(to lend; loan)


【例】The owner leased his spare houses to make a fortune.

*barter [ˋbaːrtər]

n./v. 拿…作易货交易,作物物交换(to trade; exchange)

【例】Before currency came into use, people used the barter system, exchanging goods directly for goods.

*opportunism [ˌaːpərˋtjuːnIzəm]

n. 机会主义

【例】political opportunism

*buck [bʌk]

n. <俚>(美)元 vi. 反对(to oppose; resist)

【记】美国口语中一美元叫one buck

【反】assent to(同意) La97Hl6S3tWvXE8yOne8URMaluuCs/ZPzgU3Xr2tx99uGtev0WRWNZxeUf8vRM6+
