

**onslaught [ˋaːnslɔːt]

n. 猛攻,猛袭(a fierce attack)


**clandestine [klænˋdestIn]

adj. 秘密的,暗中的(secret; covert)


【例】Some angry peasants had a clandestine plan to overthrow the leader.

**mandate [ˋmændeIt]

n. 命令;要求(command)


**tactics [ˋtæktIks]

n. 战术,用兵学


**raid [reId]

n./v. 袭击(to attack; foray)

【例】Air raids involved in the war destroyed many families.

**siege [siːdʒ]

n./vt. 围困,围攻(to besiege; encircle)

【例】During the enemy’s siege, no one could leave or enter the city.

**munition [mjuːˋnIʃn]

n. 军火,弹药(weapons and ammunition)


**garrison [ˋgærIsn]

n. 卫戍部队,守备部队,警备部队(troops stationed in a town or fort)

【例】Half the garrison is/are on duty.

**decipher [dIˋsaIfər]

vt. 解开(疑团)(to make out the meaning of);破译(密码)(to decode)


**entrench [Inˋtrentʃ]

v. 挖(壕沟);确立(to establish firmly)


*nonmilitary [ˌnaːnˋmIləteri]

adj. 非军事的

*naval [ˋneIvl]

adj. 海军的;舰队的

【记】来自navy(n. 海军;海军舰队)

*seafaring [ˋsiːferIŋ]

adj. 航海的,跟航海有关的(of or relating to the use of the sea for travel or transportation)n. 海上航行

【记】来自seafarer(n. 水手,海员),sea(海)+fare(过日子)+r→在海上生活的人→水手,海员

*aggressive [əˋgresIv]

adj. 侵略的,好斗的(militant; assertive);进取的(full of enterprise and initiative)

*militant [ˋmIlItənt]

adj. 好战的,富有战斗性的(aggressive, and often combative)


*bellicose [ˋbelIkoʊs]

adj. 好战的,好斗的(eager to fight; warlike; belligerent)


【反】pacific(adj. 爱好和平的)

【派】bellicosity(n. 好斗,好战性)

*trajectory [trəˋdʒektəri]

n. (抛射物的)轨道,弹道(the curve that a body describes in space)


*disarmament [dIsˋaːrməmənt]

n. 裁军;解除武装

【例】Separately, international diplomacy aimed at restarting nuclear disarmament talks with the North is continuing.

*missile [ˋmIsl]

n. 发射物(a thrown object or weapon);导弹


*spaceflight [ˋspeIsflaIt]

n. 航天,宇宙飞行

*trophy [ˋtroʊfi]

n. 奖品,战利品(sth. gained or given in victory or conquest)

【记】比较记忆:atrophy(n. 萎缩);trophic(adj. 营养的)

*arsenal [ˋaːrsənl]

n. 军械库(a place where weapons and ammunition are stored)


*stratagem [ˋstrætədʒəm]

n. 谋略,策略(a cleverly contrived trick or scheme)


*bombardment [baːmˋbaːrdmənt]

n. 炮击,炮轰(attack as with missiles or bombs)

【记】来自bombard(vt. 炮轰)

*truce [truːs]

n. 停战,休战(协定)(agreement between enemies to stop fighting for a certain period)

【反】resumed fighting(继续战斗)

skirmish [ˋskɜːrmIʃ]

n. 小规模战斗;小争执,小争吵(a minor dispute or contest)


*battlefield [ˋbætlfiːld]

n. 战场

*radar [ˋreIdaːr]

n. 雷达装置

【例】Enemy ships were detected on the radar screen.

*encroach [Inˋkroʊtʃ]

vi. 蚕食,侵占(to intrude; trespass)

【记】和crochet(v. 用钩针编织)一起记

【例】The troops encroached on the neighbor’s land.∥The reporter encroached on my privacy.

*besiege [bIˋsiːdʒ]

vt. 围攻(to enclose and attack);包围


【例】Troy was besieged by the Greeks. ∥The speaker was besieged with questions.

*exterminate [IkˋstɜːrmIneIt]

vt. 消灭,根除(to eradicate; eliminate)


【例】The landlord exterminated the rats in the cellar.

*recruit [rIˋkruːt]

vt. 征募(新兵)(to enlist; enroll)

【记】He was recruited into the army.

*enlist [InˋlIst]

vt. 征召,招募(to enroll)


【例】They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy. ∥I enlisted Mary and Bill to help decorate the party room.

martial [ˋmaːrʃl]

adj. 战争的,军事的(of or suitable to war and soldiers)


espionage [ˋespiənaːʒ]

n. 间谍活动(the act of spying)


armada [aːrˋmaːdə]

n. 舰队(a fleet of warships)


*bushwhack [ˋbʊʃwæk]

vt. 奇袭

martyr [ˋmaːrtər]

n. 烈士(any of those persons who choose to suffer or die rather than give up their faith or principles)


fortify [ˋfɔːrtIfaI]

v. 修筑防御工事;加强防卫(to strengthen a place against attack)


【反】sap(v. 削弱);enervate(vt. 使衰弱);vitiate(v. 损害);debilitate(vt. 使衰弱)

massacre [ˋmæsəkər]

n. 大屠杀(the indiscriminate, merciless killing of a number of human beings)

*moat [moʊt]

n. 壕沟(a deep, wide trench);护城河

【例】She hurdled over the moat in a leap.

*posse [ˋpaːsi]

n. 一队,一团(a group of men gathered together by a sheriff to help keep order);民防团


armistice [ˋaːrmIstIs]

n. 休战,停战(a temporary stopping of warfare; a truce)


*parachute [ˋpærəʃuːt]

n. 降落伞

【例】land by parachute

*despoil [dIˋspɔIl]

vt. 夺取,掠夺

【例】The region is despoiled of its scenic beauty by unchecked development.

*reconnaissance [rIˋkaːnIsns]

n. 侦察,预先探索(a preliminary survey to gain information)

【记】注意不要和renaissance(n. 复兴,复活)相混

【例】make an aerial reconnaissance of an island ∥ Austin did some reconnaissance work at Tony’s penthouse last night.


skirmish fortify bellicose besiege clandestine

decipher disarmament encroach entrench exterminate

naval nonmilitary onslaught raid stratagem

1. Several people were killed in______during the night.

2. China also has been very active in enforcing its claims via______means.

3. Beiyang Navy is the earliest______force of China.

4. His______disposition alienated his friend.

5. The early Christians held______meetings in caves.

6. I don’t go along with her views on nuclear______.

7. The town survives the______of tourists every summer.

8. They have worked out the______to attack the enemy.

9. They carried out a bombing______on enemy bases.

10. Can anyone______his handwriting?

11. This idea had firmly______itself in his consciousness.

12. He______himself against the cold with a hot drink.

13. He never allows work to______upon his family life.

14. Paris was______for four months and forced to surrender.

15. Staff use the poison to______moles and rabbits.


1. trajectory 间谍活动

2. missile 战争的,军事的

3. trophy 军械库

4. munition 舰队

5. arsenal 发射物

6. mandate 炮击

7. bombardment 卫戍部队

8. truce 命令

9. tactics 军火

10. garrison 奇袭

11. martial 烈士,殉道者

12. espionage 战术

13. armada 停战,休战(协定)

14. bushwhack (抛射物的)轨道,弹道

15. martyr 奖品


1. Several people were killed in skirmishes during the night.

2. China also has been very active in enforcing its claims via nonmilitary means.

3. Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China.

4. His bellicose disposition alienated his friend.

5. The early Christians held clandestine meetings in caves.

6. I don’t go along with her views on nuclear disarmament .

7. The town survives the onslaught of tourists every summer.

8. They have worked out the stratagem to attack the enemy.

9. They carried out a bombing raid on enemy bases.

10. Can anyone decipher his handwriting?

11. This idea had firmly entrenched itself in his consciousness.

12. He fortified himself against the cold with a hot drink.

13. He never allows work to encroach upon his family life.

14. Paris was besieged for four months and forced to surrender.

15. Staff use the poison to exterminate moles and rabbits.


1. trajectory (抛射物的)轨道,弹道

2. missile 发射物

3. trophy 奖品

4. munition 军火

5. arsenal 军械库

6. mandate 命令

7. bombardment 炮击

8. truce 停战,休战(协定)

9. tactics 战术

10. garrison 卫戍部队

11. martial 战争的,军事的

12. espionage 间谍活动

13. armada 舰队

14. bushwhack 奇袭

15. martyr 烈士,殉道者 muIM+GK/nGsq/KJiOfGbXIQluzaQm1e66tvkele3Yif1vC3xZif4IedtfqYZQiMv
