

**legitimate [lIˋdʒItImət]

adj. 法定的;依法的;合法的(in accordance with the law or rules; lawful)

【例】the legitimate heir

**abolition [ˌæbəˋlIʃn]

n. 废除,废止(the state of being abolished; prohibition)

【派】abolitionist(n. 废奴主义者)

**nefarious [nIˋferiəs]

adj. 违法的,不法的;邪恶的(extremely wicked; evil)


【反】above reproach(无可责备);virtuous(adj. 美德的,正直的)

**indictment [InˋdaItmənt]

n. 起诉,控告;起诉书

【例】bring in an indictment against sb. ∥The fact that these children cannot read is a damning indictment of our education system.

**venue [ˋvenjuː]

n. 作案现场,案件发生地;审判管辖区,审判地点

【例】He requested a change of venue.

**legislate [ˋledʒIsleIt]

vi. 立法(to make law)


【例】It is impossible to legislate for every contingency.

**denounce [dIˋnaʊns]

vt. 告发


【例】Jane loudly denounces anyone who litters.

*unauthorized [ʌnˋɔːθəraIzd]

adj. 非法的,未被授权的

【例】Apple says consumers should contact their credit card company for a chargeback for any unauthorized transactions.

*litigious [lIˋtIdʒəs]

adj. 好诉讼的,好争论的(of or relating to litigation)

【例】Egypt is an extremely litigious society, and its Byzantine laws allow unusual cases to be brought.

*mandatory [ˋmændətɔːri]

adj. 法定的,强制的(obligatory; compulsory)

【例】It’s mandatory to pay taxes.

*illegal [Iˋliːgl]

adj. 不合法的,违法的(against the law)


【派】illegality(n. 非法,违法)

*responsible [rIˋspaːnsəbl]

adj. 有责任的

*defendant [dIˋfendənt]

n. 被告(a person required to make answer in a legal action or suit)


*outlaw [ˋaʊtlɔː]

n. 歹徒,亡命之徒

【例】He is a kind of outlaw, rebel, or robber.

*arbitration [ˌaːrbIˋtreIʃn]

n. 调停,仲裁

【记】来自arbitrate(v. 调停,仲裁)

【例】The matter was sent into arbitration to avoid the costs of a court trial.

*tribunal [traIˋbjuːnl]

n. 法庭,审判场所(a court or forum of justice)

【记】来自tribune(n. 古罗马护民官)

*discontinuance [ˌdIskənˋtInjuəns]

n. 废止,中止;撤销诉讼

【例】I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business.

*accountability [əˌkaʊntəˋbIləti]

n. 负有责任(responsibility)

【派】accountable(adj. 应负责任的)

*inheritance [InˋherItəns]

n. 继承,遗传;遗产

【例】From early on, he said, Lewis schemed several different ways to get the inheritance money.

*inheritor [InˋherItər]

n. 继承人,后继者

*plea [pliː]

n. 恳求(appeal)

*illegibility [IˌledʒəˋbIləti]

n. 模糊,不清不楚,无法辨认

*conviction [kənˋvIkʃn]

n. 判罪(the act of convicting someone who is guilty of a crime);坚信(a strong belief; certainty of opinion)

【反】skepticism(n. 怀疑)

*prosecution [ˌpraːsIˋkjuːʃn]

n. 起诉(the act or process of prosecuting);实行,执行(carrying out or being occupied with sth.)

【记】来自prosecute(vt. 起诉,检举)

*trial [ˋtraIəl]

n. 审判(hearing; inquisition)

【例】The scandal put the president on trial.

*jurisdiction [ˌdʒʊrIsˋdIkʃn]

n. 司法权


*infraction [Inˋfrækʃn]

n. 违法(violation; infringement)


*penalty [ˋpenəlti]

n. 刑罚,处罚(punishment for breaking a law or contract)

*query [ˋkwIri]

n. 质问,询问(inquiry)v. 询问

【例】He couldn’t bear his wife’s daily queries about where he had been and he demanded a divorce.

*immure [Iˋmjʊr]

vt. 监禁(to imprison; confine; seclude)


【反】release(vt. 释放)

*sue [suː]

v. 控告,对…提起诉讼(to make a legal claim against)

【例】If you don’t complete the work, I will sue you for damages.

*pinch [pIntʃ]

vt. 勒索,诈取


*exonerate [IgˋzaːnəreIt]

vt. 使免除责任(to relieve from an obligation);证明…无罪(to clear from guilt; absolve)


【反】prove guilty(证明有罪);inculpate(vt. 使负罪);censure(vt. 责难);incriminate(vt. 控告)

【派】exoneration(n. 免罪)

*infringe [InˋfrIndʒ]

v. 侵犯(to encroach; intrude);违反

【例】Your book infringes on my copyright.

*flee [fliː]

v. 逃跑,逃离(to escape)

【例】When the rain began, we fled for cover.

*scalp [skælp]

vt. 剥下…的头皮(to take the scalp from)n. 头皮

*dispossess [ˌdIspəˋzes]

vt. 没收,夺走(财产、土地、房屋等)(to take away property, land, a house, etc. from)

【例】The nobles were dispossessed of their estates after the revolution.

*reaffirm [ˌriːəˋfɜːrm]

vt. 重申,再确认(to affirm again)

【例】She reaffirmed that she was prepared to help.

*abolish [əˋbaːlIʃ]

vt. 废除,取消(to abandon; annul; terminate)

【例】If I were the king, I would abolish taxes.

*interrogate [InˋterəgeIt]

vt. 审问,质问


【例】The police interrogated Sally about the robbery.

*invalidate [InˋvælIdeIt]

vt. 使作废,使无效(to nullify)

【例】Economists differ as to whether the many other influences on inflation invalidate the idea of an unemployment-inflation.

*substantiate [səbˋstænʃieIt]

vt. 证实(to corroborate; verify)

【例】Evidences substantiated that he was the murderer.

*enact [Iˋnækt]

vt. 制定(法律)


【例】Congress enacted the new crime bill.

*reprieve [rIˋpriːv]

v./n. 缓刑(to delay the punishment of);暂时解救(to give relief for a time)


*behoove [bIˋhəʊv]

v. 理应,有必要(to be right or necessary to)

*extenuate [IkˋstenjueIt]

vt. 使(罪过等)显得轻微(to diminish; lessen)


【例】“Your money cannot help to extenuate your crime, ”said the judge.

*saddle [ˋsædl]

vt. 使负担(to burden; load)

【例】The landowner saddled his tenants with heavy taxes.

*polygraph [ˋpaːligræf]

n. 测谎器;复写器

*aboveground [əˋbʌvˌgraʊnd]

adj. 在地面上的;公开的 adv. 在地面上

*apprehend [ˌæprIˋhend]

vt. 逮捕(to capture or arrest);恐惧,担忧(to anticipate with anxiety; dread)


【派】apprehension(n. 焦虑,担忧);apprehensive(adj. 恐惧的)


abolition conviction denounce dispossess exonerate

flee immure indictment infringe interrogate

mandatory nefarious prosecution reaffirm unauthorized

1. Few people would not exult at the______of slavery.

2. He was universally feared because of his many______deeds.

3. The fact that these children cannot read is a damning______of our education system.

4. She publicly______the government’s handling of the crisis.

5.______personnel are not allowed on the premises.

6. The offence carries a______life sentence.

7. She has six previous______for theft.

8.______for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.

9. At the age of 86 he was______in his house by infirmity.

10. The police report______Lewis from all charges of corruption.

11. Two of the projects are deemed to______EU legislation.

12. He______to London after an argument with his family.

13. Many black South Africans had been______of their homes.

14. The President______his commitment to democratic elections.

15. He was______by the police for over 12 hours.


1. venue 调停

2. litigious 被告

3. defendant 负有责任

4. arbitration 违法

5. tribunal 继承

6. discontinuance 继承人

7. accountability 废止

8. inheritance 好诉讼的

9. inheritor 模糊

10. plea 刑罚

11. illegibility 勒索,诈取

12. infraction 恳求

13. penalty 质问

14. query 法庭

15. pinch 作案现场


1. Few people would not exult at the abolition of slavery.

2. He was universally feared because of his many nefarious deeds.

3. The fact that these children cannot read is a damning indictment of our education system.

4. She publicly denounced the government’s handling of the crisis.

5. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed on the premises.

6. The offence carries a mandatory life sentence.

7. She has six previous convictions for theft.

8. Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.

9. At the age of 86 he was immured in his house by infirmity.

10. The police report exonerated Lewis from all charges of corruption.

11. Two of the projects are deemed to infringe EU legislation.

12. He fled to London after an argument with his family.

13. Many black South Africans had been dispossessed of their homes.

14. The President reaffirmed his commitment to democratic elections.

15. He was interrogated by the police for over 12 hours.


1. venue 作案现场

2. litigious 好诉讼的

3. defendant 被告

4. arbitration 调停

5. tribunal 法庭

6. discontinuance 废止

7. accountability 负有责任

8. inheritance 继承

9. inheritor 继承人

10. plea 恳求

11. illegibility 模糊

12. infraction 违法

13. penalty 刑罚

14. query 质问

15. pinch 勒索,诈取 MNVljaVFTvDVVMkQaCpUgkTAEYr+Z5A9+8/sEmPxUOv1cfM1Fhyse4jotKRxiBjL
