

**arbitrary [ˋaːrbətreri]

adj. 专横的,武断的(discretionary; despotic; dictatorial);任意的,随意的


【派】arbitrarily(adv. 随心所欲地,霸道地)

**hierarchy [ˋhaIəraːrki]

n. 阶层;等级制度(a system of ranks);僧侣统治


**anarchy [ˋænaːrki]

n. 无政府状态(absence of government);政治混乱(political disorder)


【派】anarchic(adj. 无政府的)

**nome [nəʊm]

n. (古埃及的)省;(现代希腊的)州

**tyranny [ˋtIrəni]

n. 暴虐,残暴,专制(cruel, unjust or oppressive use of power or authority)

【例】a lifelong hatred of tyranny

**diplomatic [ˌdIpləˋmætIk]

adj. 外交的;有策略的(tactful)

【例】She is always diplomatic when she deals with angry students.

**anarchistic [ˌænərˋkIstIk]

adj. 无政府主义的

【例】Suddenly the anarchistic tendencies don’t seem as cool.

**parliamentary [ˌpaːrləˋmentri]

adj. 议会的,国会的;议会制度的

【例】But as things stand the most likely outcome is that the Parliamentary Party splits three ways.

**authoritarian [əˌθɔːrəˋteriən]

n. 独裁主义者,极权主义者(person who believes in complete obedience to authority)

【记】来自authority(n. 权威,权力)

**demagogue [ˋdeməgaːg]

n. 蛊惑民心的政客(a political leader who tries to win people’s support by using emotional and often unreasonable arguments)

【记】来自demagogy(n. 煽动,蛊惑民心),dem(人民,人们)+agogy(教导,鼓动)→蛊惑民心

**covenant [ˋkʌvənənt]

n. 契约(a binding and solemn agreement)v. 立书保证(to promise by a covenant)


**lobby [ˋlaːbi]

n. 门厅,前厅;(对议员施加压力的)院外游说团 v. 对(议员等)进行游说支持或反对议案(to persuade a politician, to support or oppose proposed legislation)

【例】lobby for higher farm subsidies

**dissemination [dIˌsemIˋneIʃn]

n. 宣传,散播(publicity)

【例】The new technologies of mass dissemination could reach large numbers of people with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

**confer [kənˋfɜːr]

vi. 协商,商谈


【例】I conferred with my friends about what we should eat for dinner.

**maneuver [məˋnuːvər]

v. 调遣(部队等);操纵 n. 策略(move; step; tactic)


【例】At the last moment, the basketball player made a clever maneuver that allowed a goal to be made.

*autonomous [ɔːˋtaːnəməs]

adj. 自治的(self-governing);自主的

*scandalous [ˋskændələs]

adj. 诽谤性的;令人愤慨的

*nonpartisan [naːnˋpaːrtəzn]

adj. 无党派的 n. 无党派的人

【例】They’re nonpartisan and unicameral, so they’re unique in a couple of ways.

*burgess [ˋbɜːrdʒIs]

n. <英>自由民,市民;议员;<美>(殖民地时期弗吉尼亚或马里兰州的)下议院议员

*deserter [dIˋzɜːrtər]

n. 背弃者,逃亡者(a person who deserts)

*protégé [ˋproʊtəʒeI]

n. 受有权势人物提携的人,门徒

【例】Only the old politician and his protégé were invited.

*partisanship [ˋpaːrtəznʃIp]

n. 党派性,党派偏见

【例】The games transcend the partisanship.

*amendment [əˋmendmənt]

n. (议案等的)修正案;改善,改正

*Congo [ˋkaːŋgoʊ]

n. 刚果

*franchise [ˋfræntʃaIz]

n. 公民权,选举权;特许经营权(the right granted by authority)

【例】The city issued a franchise to the company to operate surface transit lines on the streets for ninety-nine years.

*nationality [ˌnæʃəˋnæləti]

n. 国籍


*concourse [ˋkaːŋkɔːrs]

n. (车站、机场等的的)中央大厅;广场

【例】The ticket office is at the rear of the station concourse.

*puppet [ˋpʌpIt]

n. 傀儡;木偶

【例】a puppet theatre

*clique [kliːk]

n. 朋党派系,小集团(snobbish or narrow coterie)

*treaty [ˋtriːti]

n. (国家之间的)条约,协定(an agreement made between countries);(人与人之间的)协议(agreement between people)


*utopia [juːˋtoʊpiə]

n. 乌托邦(imaginary place or state of things in which everything is perfect)

【例】create a political Utopia

*suffrage [ˋsʌfrIdʒ]

n. 选举权,投票权(the right of voting)


【例】grant suffrage to women

*ideology [ˌaIdiˋaːlədʒi]

n. 意识形态


*inning [ˋInIŋ]

n. 执政期

*supremacy [suːˋpreməsi]

n. 至高无上,最高权力(the quality or state of being supreme)

*reunification [ˌriːˌjuːnIfIˋkeIʃn]

n. 重新统一

【例】If this target is met it would be the best result since Germany’s reunification in 1990.

*sovereign [ˋsaːvrən]

n. 最高统治者,元首(one that exercises supreme authority)


*deliverance [dIˋlIvərəns]

n. 获得释放,被拯救(being freed or rescued)

【例】They prayed for an early deliverance from captivity.

*bureaucratization [bjuəˌrɒkrətaIˋzeIʃən]

n. 官僚化

*constituency [kənˋstItʃʊənsi]

n. 选区;全体选民;(一批有共同利益的)支持者,拥护者,追随者(a group of people with the same interests that one can turn to for support)

【例】Mr. Jones has a natural constituency among steel workers.

*agitate [ˋædʒIteIt]

vt. 鼓动,煽动(to argue publicly or campaign for/against sth.);使不安,使焦虑(to cause anxiety)


*depose [dIˋpoʊz]

v. 罢免,免职(to remove from office or a position of power);宣誓作证(to state by affidavit)


*dispel [dIˋspel]

vt. 驱散,消除(to scatter and drive away; disperse)


*emigrate [ˋemIgreIt]

v. (使)移居(外国或外部地区)


【例】Mary emigrated from Germany to France during World War I.

*enfranchise [InˋfræntʃaIz]

vt. 给予…选举权(to endow with the right to vote);解放


【反】enfetter(vt. 束缚);resubject(vt. 使臣服);subjugate(vt. 使屈从,镇压)

*inspect [Inˋspekt]

vt. 检查(to examine; survey);视察


【例】The general inspected the troops.

*exile [ˋeksaIl]

vt. 流放(to banish; deport)n. 放逐;流亡者

【例】The king was exiled when his expire was taken over.

*oust [aʊst]

vt. 驱逐(to dismiss; throw out)

【例】He was ousted from his position as chairman.

*banish [ˋbænIʃ]

vt. 驱逐,赶走,放逐(to exile; expel)

【例】The naughty child was banished to his room until dinner.

*reign [reIn]

vt. 统治(to govern; rule)

【例】The old king has been reigning the nation for 30 years.

*poll [poʊl]

n. 民意测验;选举投票

【记】比较记忆:loll(v. 懒散地倚靠);doll(n. 洋娃娃)

**deprive [dIˋpraIv]

vt. 剥夺,使丧失

**totalitarian [toʊˌtæləˋteriən]

adj. 极权主义的(authoritarian; dictatorial)


**unconventional [ˌʌnkənˋvenʃənl]

adj. 不依惯例的,不寻常的

**faction [ˋfækʃn]

n. 派系;派系斗争(partisan conflict)

**partisan [ˋpaːrtəzn]

adj. 党派的,派系性强的

【例】Her partisan speech angered the opposing party.

**ideological [ˌaIdiəˋlaːdʒIkl]

adj. 思想的,意识形态的

【例】Here is a case in which, unlike in the Sharif stabbing, the ideological motive is undoubted.

*reactionary [riˋækʃəneri]

adj. 反动的,反动主义的,反对进步的,极端保守的(ultraconserva-tive in politics)



amendment anarchistic anarchy autonomous confer

dispel hierarchy ideology nonpartisan parliamentary

partisanship scandalous supremacy treaty tyranny

1. She’s high up in the management______.

2. The overthrow of the military regime was followed by a period of______.

3. The children had no protection against the______of their father.

4. Guilds can be democratic,______, totalitarian, or some other type of government.

5. He was adopted as a Liberal______candidate.

6. He wanted to______with his colleagues before reaching a decision.

7. Teachers aim to help children become______learners.

8. His speech______any fears about his health.

9. It is______that he has not been punished.

10. They’re______and unicameral, so they’re unique in a couple of ways.

11. The main obstacle is not______, but individualism.

12. She made several minor______to her essay.

13. Under the terms of the______, La Rochelle was ceded to the English.

14. His attitude to ownership is rooted in communist______.

15. The company has established total______over its rivals.


1. nome 官僚化

2. covenant 朋党派系

3. lobby 中央大厅;广场

4. dissemination 刚果

5. maneuver 契约

6. burgess 获得释放

7. protégé 自由民,市民

8. Congo 宣传

9. concourse 院外游说团

10. puppet 调遣(部队等)

11. clique 执政期

12. suffrage 门徒

13. inning 傀儡;木偶

14. deliverance 选举权

15. bureaucratization (古埃及的)省


1. She’s high up in the management hierarchy .

2. The overthrow of the military regime was followed by a period of anarchy .

3. The children had no protection against the tyranny of their father.

4. Guilds can be democratic, anarchistic , totalitarian, or some other type of government.

5. He was adopted as a Liberal parliamentary candidate.

6. He wanted to confer with his colleagues before reaching a decision.

7. Teachers aim to help children become autonomous learners.

8. His speech dispelled any fears about his health.

9. It is scandalous that he has not been punished.

10. They’re nonpartisan and unicameral, so they’re unique in a couple of ways.

11. The main obstacle is not partisanship , but individualism.

12. She made several minor amendments to her essay.

13. Under the terms of the treaty , La Rochelle was ceded to the English.

14. His attitude to ownership is rooted in communist ideology .

15. The company has established total supremacy over its rivals.


1. nome (古埃及的)省

2. covenant 契约

3. lobby 院外游说团

4. dissemination 宣传

5. maneuver 调遣(部队等)

6. burgess 自由民,市民

7. protégé 门徒

8. Congo 刚果

9. concourse 中央大厅;广场

10. puppet 傀儡;木偶

11. clique 朋党派系

12. suffrage 选举权

13. inning 执政期

14. deliverance 获得释放

15. bureaucratization 官僚化 2kCAtOeeg+WQY+puODQm3e0ajepsY2Cez7SjdbTddk9uP/WNq1ffqX8ZYev+O+d+
