n. 肖像,画像;描写
adj. 审美的,美学的(artistic)
【例】I added an aesthetic touch to the living room with silk flowers.
n. 彩色蜡笔、粉笔;用彩色蜡笔、粉笔作的画
【记】和canyon(n. 峡谷)一起记
n. 雕塑术,雕刻术(carving, engraving);雕塑品,雕刻品
【例】Sculpture is the art of shaping solid materials.
n. 雕塑术(the art of making statues);(总称)雕塑,塑像(a collection of statues)
【记】来自statue(n. 雕像)
n. 调色板;调色板上的一套颜料
n. 黑色轮廓,侧影(dark outline of sb./sth. seen against a light background)
【例】the silhouettes of the trees against the evening sky
n. 铭刻;题献
n. 色彩,色泽(color)
【例】Her face has returned to its rosy pink hue.
n. 干粉颜料;天然色素
n. 小画像;缩影
n. 原始模型,原型(prototype)
abbr. 情景喜剧(situation comedy)
adj. 超现实主义的
【例】Maybe it’s like what all these people say, just a bunch of surrealistic nonsense.
adj. 如画般的,生动的(vivid)
【例】City dwellers would sometimes long for a picturesque and serene rural life.
adj. 演戏的;剧院的
【记】histrion(演员)+ic→演戏的;注意不要和historic(adj. 历史的)相混
n. (戏剧等的)独白(soliloquy);个人长篇演说(a prolonged discourse)
n. 民间传说;民俗学
n. 杂耍表演;轻歌舞剧
n. 活人扮演的静态画面或场景,舞台造型
n. 哑剧;哑剧演员
n. 民间故事
n. 书法(beautiful handwriting)
n. 版画复制
【例】The gallery will show stages in the development of individual prints during Picasso’s golden years of printmaking.
n. 半身(雕)像
n. 巨人;巨型雕像
n. 合奏;大合唱
【反】solo(n. 独唱)
n. 文艺复兴
n. 舞蹈(dancing);舞蹈编排
n. 艺术技巧(skill of an artist)
n./adj. 巴洛克风格(的);(艺术、建筑等)过分雕琢(的)(gaudily ornate)
【反】austere(adj. 简朴的)
n. 戏剧风格,不自然,夸张(dramatic)
【例】The long wait is justified by the ritualistic theatricality of the murderous climax.
v. 雕镂(to make a groove in);追捕,追寻(to follow rapidly)
【例】They are very interested in the chased silver.
vt. 刻,雕;题写
v./n. 拙劣模仿;歪曲,曲解(a distorted or grossly inferior imitation)
【反】paragon(n. 模范典型)
vt. 用魔术变出
【例】I don’t know how I’ll conjure up the money, but I’ll pay rent tomorrow.
adj. 墙壁的(of a wall)n. 壁画
n. 大提琴
n. 大提琴演奏家
n. 单簧管,竖笛
n. 喇叭,小号(a brass wind instrument)
n. 萨克斯管(铜管乐器)
n. 麦克风,话筒
n. (教堂的)唱诗班,圣乐团
n. 合唱团(choir; ensemble)
【例】A chorus accompanied the orchestra.
n. 独唱曲,咏叹调
n. 独奏(会);吟诵
【记】来自recite(v. 背诵),re+cite(唤起)→重新引出→背诵
【派】recitalist(n. 独奏家)
n. 二重唱
n. 管弦乐队(band; ensemble)
n. 领队
n. 情节剧;音乐剧
n. 收场白,尾声(a closing section)
【反】prologue(n. 开场白;序幕;序言);preface(n. 前奏;序言)
n. 交响乐,交响曲
n. 全音阶(any complete musical scale);整个领域,全部
n. 赞颂歌,凯旋歌
n. 和弦,和音
n. 旋律;歌曲
【派】melodious(adj. 旋律优美的,悦耳的)
n. 音色,音质(the quality given to a sound by its overtones)
【例】The singer’s voice had a pleasant timbre.
n. 抑扬顿挫(rhythmic rise and fall);节奏,韵律(rhythm)
n. 泛音 adj. 和声的
n. 节奏,韵律
【例】play the same tune in a different rhythm
n. (诗的)节,段
adj. (声音)美妙的,悦耳的(soothing or pleasant to hear; melodious)
【反】cacophonous(adj. 刺耳的)
adj. 听觉的,有关声音的(having to do with hearing or sound)
【派】acoustics(n. 声学)
adj. 悦耳的,旋律优美的
【例】Could there be a downside to such melodious power over all of us?
adj. 刺耳的(hoarse; unpleasant)
【例】The harsh words by Tom annoyed Mike.
aesthetic archetype rhythm epilogue cadence
hue gamut inscribe chorus recital
inscription mural picturesque dulcet sculpture
1. The benefits of conservation are both financial and______.
2. The trophy was______with his name.
3. There is a large______in the temple.
4. The place is remarkable for its______scenery.
5. The sculptor is working on a______of Venus.
6. There are no______or markings to identify the tombs.
7. Her paintings capture the subtle______of the countryside in autumn.
8. She is the______of an American movie star.
9. Fortinbras speaks the______in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
10. She felt she had run the whole______of human emotions from joy to despair.
11. He delivered his words in slow, measured______.
12. The boat rocked up and down in______with the sea.
13. I thought I recognized your______tones.
14. Bill sang the verses and everyone joined in the______.
15. She is going to give a piano______.
1. palette 小画像;缩影
2. bust 调色板;调色板上的一套颜料
3. crayon 天然色素
4. statuary 半身(雕)像
5. silhouette 彩色蜡笔、粉笔
6. pigment 黑色轮廓,侧影
7. miniature 雕塑术;雕塑
8. chord 大提琴
9. cello 大提琴演奏家
10. cellist 单簧管
11. clarinet 独唱曲
12. aria 和弦
13. symphony 交响乐
14. trumpet 喇叭
15. melodrama 情节剧
1. The benefits of conservation are both financial and aesthetic .
2. The trophy was inscribed with his name.
3. There is a large mural in the temple.
4. The place is remarkable for its picturesque scenery.
5. The sculptor is working on a sculpture of Venus.
6. There are no inscriptions or markings to identify the tombs.
7. Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn.
8. She is the archetype of an American movie star.
9. Fortinbras speaks the epilogue in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
10. She felt she had run the whole gamut of human emotions from joy to despair.
11. He delivered his words in slow, measured cadences .
12. The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea.
13. I thought I recognized your dulcet tones.
14. Bill sang the verses and everyone joined in the chorus .
15. She is going to give a piano recital .
1. palette 调色板;调色板上的一套颜料
2. bust 半身(雕)像
3. crayon 彩色蜡笔、粉笔
4. statuary 雕塑术;雕塑
5. silhouette 黑色轮廓,侧影
6. pigment 天然色素
7. miniature 小画像;缩影
8. chord 和弦
9. cello 大提琴
10. cellist 大提琴演奏家
11. clarinet 单簧管
12. aria 独唱曲
13. symphony 交响乐
14. trumpet 喇叭
15. melodrama 情节剧