

**reportage [rIˋpɔːrtIdʒ]

n. 报道,报道的消息,报告文学(the act or process of reporting news)

【记】来自report(n./v. 报道)

**scenario [səˋnærioʊ]

n. 剧情梗概(an outline or synopsis of a play);剧本(screenplay)


*epigram [ˋepIgræm]

n. 讽刺短诗,警句(terse, witty statement)


*epistolary [IˋpIstəleri]

adj. 书信的,书信体的

【例】Epistolary romance in the movies means listening to letters in voice-over, rather than studying live flesh in close-up.

*ballad [ˋbæləd]

n. 歌谣,民歌(a song or poem that tells a story in short stanzas)


*analogy [əˋnælədʒi]

n. 相似(partial resemblance);类比(the likening of one thing to another)


【反】lacking similarity(缺乏相似性)

**allegory [ˋæləgɔːri]

n. 寓言(fable)


*autobiography [ˌɔːtəbaIˋaːgrəfi]

n. 自传(the story of a person’s life written by that person)


【派】autobiographical(adj. 自传的;有关自传的)

*eulogy [ˋjuːlədʒi]

n. 颂词,颂文(high speech or commendation)

【反】denunciation(n. 谴责);diatribe(n. 恶骂);defamation(n. 诋毁)

lampoon [læmˋpuːn]

n. 讽刺文章(a broad satirical piece of writing)vt. 讽刺(to ridicule or satirize)


【反】paean(n. 赞歌)

【派】lampooner(n. 讽刺作家)

backdrop [ˋbækdraːp]

n. (事件的)背景;背景幕布(printed cloth hung at the back of a theatre)


**concordance [kənˋkɔːrdəns]

n. (作家作品中的重要词语)按字母顺序排列的索引;和谐,一致性

【例】a concordance to Shakespeare


abridge articulate cogent compile lampoon

dialect concordance backdrop euphemism linguistic

maxim metaphorical neuter epistolary succinct

1. The mountains provided a dramatic______for our picnic.

2. There is reasonable______between the two sets of results.

3. His cartoons mercilessly______the politicians of his time.

4. She struggled to______her thoughts.

5. Keep your as______as possible.

6. They are______statistics for a report on traffic accidents.

7. The word has a______as well as a literal meaning.

8. She put forward some______reasons for abandoning the plan.

9. Their language and______competence should be improved.

10. There are______differences from one area of the country to another.

11. “Waste not, want not” is her favorite______.

12.______romance in the movies means listening to letters in voice-over, rather than studying live flesh in close-up.

13. She has been asked to______the novel for radio.

14. The______for the prison camps was “retraining centres”.

15. There are three genders in German: masculine, feminine and______.


1. orthographical 按字母顺序排列的索引

2. rhetoric 暗语;术语,行话

3. jargon 报道,报告文学

4. nomenclature 回文

5. pun 典型,化身,完美榜样

6. personification 讽刺短诗,警句

7. acronym 附加语;标签

8. excerpt 剧情梗概

9. palindrome 拼字正确的

10. tag 首字母缩略词

11. circumlocution 术语,专业名词

12. reportage 双关语

13. scenario 修辞;修辞学;浮夸的言语

14. concordance 迂回累赘的陈述

15. epigram 摘录


1. The mountains provided a dramatic backdrop for our picnic.

2. There is reasonable concordance between the two sets of results.

3. His cartoons mercilessly lampooned the politicians of his time.

4. She struggled to articulate her thoughts.

5. Keep your as succinct as possible.

6. They are compiling statistics for a report on traffic accidents.

7. The word has a metaphorical as well as a literal meaning.

8. She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan.

9. Their language and linguistic competence should be improved.

10. There are dialectal differences from one area of the country to another.

11. “Waste not, want not” is her favorite maxim .

12. Epistolary romance in the movies means listening to letters in voice-over, rather than studying

live flesh in close-up.

13. She has been asked to abridge the novel for radio.

14. The euphemism for the prison camps was “retraining centres”.

15. There are three genders in German: masculine, feminine and neuter .


1. orthographical 拼字正确的

2. rhetoric 修辞;修辞学;浮夸的言语

3. jargon 暗语;术语,行话

4. nomenclature 术语,专业名词

5. pun 双关语

6. personification 典型,化身,完美榜样

7. acronym 首字母缩略词

8. excerpt 摘录

9. palindrome 回文

10. tag 附加语;标签

11. circumlocution 迂回累赘的陈述

12. reportage 报道,报告文学

13. scenario 剧情梗概

14. concordance 按字母顺序排列的索引

15. epigram 讽刺短诗,警句 QrL1ZN69jTOVyZLosTs+juFY6oTvoKzjpQObLMFbjuN1cG81LA5OBiyq9li1BAtx
