

*pun [pʌn]

n. 双关语

*metaphorical [ˌmetəˋfɔːrIkl]

adj. 比喻的,隐喻的

【例】The English edition therefore becomes a metaphorical bridge towards inter-national institutions, private committees and individual citizens.

**succinct [səkˋsIŋkt]

adj. 简明的,简洁的(terse; concise)

*symbolize [ˋsImbəlaIz]

vt. 象征

【例】Lighter blue may symbolize hope, healing and a high level of spiritual awareness.

*cogent [ˋkoʊdʒənt]

adj. 强有力的,有说服力的(convincing; compelling)

【例】The defense attorney’s cogent argument was persuasive.

*linguistic [lIŋˋgwIstIk]

adj. 语言的(of language)


**jargon [ˋdʒaːrgən]

n. 暗语(confused language);术语,行话(the technical terminology)


*personification [pərˌsaːnIfIˋkeIʃn]

n. 典型;化身;完美榜样(a perfect example; embodiment; incarnation)

【例】Obviously, this man is the personification of evil.

*dialect [ˋdaIəlekt]

n. 方言,土语(vernacular; jargon)


【例】John’s Southern dialect is hard for me to understand.

*maxim [ˋmæksIm]

n. 格言,箴言(proverb; motto)


**nomenclature [nəˋmenklətʃər]

n. 名称,术语,专业名词(terminology; system of names)

【例】She struggled to master scientific nomenclature.

*simile [ˋsIməli]

n. 明喻(comparison of one thing with another)


*acronym [ˋækrənIm]

n. 首字母缩略词


*euphemism [ˋjuːfəmIzəm]

n. 婉言,委婉的说法


*fiction [ˋfIkʃn]

n. 小说


***rhetoric [ˋretərIk]

n. 修辞;修辞学;浮夸的言语(insincere or grandiloquent language)


*fable [ˋfeIbl]

n. 寓言,传说(allegory)

【例】Many fables were first told by an old Greek story-teller named Aesop.

*excerpt [ˋeksɜːrpt]

n. 摘录(selection; extract)

【例】The actor auditioned by performing an excerpt from the play.

*palindrome [ˋpælIndroʊm]

n. 回文(正读反读皆同的词,如madam)

*paradox [ˋpærədaːks]

n. 似非而是的隽语,看似矛盾而实际(或可能)正确的说法(statement that seems to be absurd or contradictory but is or may be true)

【例】“More haste, less speed” is a well-known paradox.

*tag [tæg]

n. 附加语;标签(label; tab)

*circumlocution [ˌsɜːrkəmləˋkjuːʃn]

n. 迂回累赘的陈述,婉转曲折的说法,遁词(a roundabout, lengthy way of expressing sth.)


【反】succinctness(n. 简洁)

【派】circumlocutory(adj. 迂回累赘的)

*lexis [ˋleksIs]

n. 词汇,词语(vocabulary)

adapt [əˋdæpt]

vt. 改编,改写(to revise; amend)

**articulate [aːrˋtIkjuleIt]

v. 清晰地说(话)、发(音)(to express clearly)

【派】articulation(n. 清晰说话、发音)

**compile [kəmˋpaIl]

vt. 汇编,编纂(to collect; put together)


【例】The scientists compiled a great amount of data to help develop their theory.

*abridge [əˋbrIdʒ]

vt. 缩短,删节(to shorten; condense; abbreviate)


【例】This book might be more readable if the obscure parts in it is abridged.

*paraphrase [ˋpærəfreIz]

vt. 意译,改写,转述(to rewrite)


【例】Would you please paraphrase the speech in colloquial English?

*orthographical [ˌɔːrθəˋgræfIkəl]

adj. 拼字正确的

*neuter [ˋnuːtər]

adj. (指词)中性的(of a word neither masculine nor feminine in gender)

【例】a neuter noun

*unpersuasive [ˌʌnpərˋsweIsIv]

adj. 无说服力的(lame)

【例】Even as I made the argument, I knew that it was unpersuasive.

*vernacular [vərˋnækjələr]

n. 本国语;地方语(dialect)

*syncopate [ˋsIŋkəpeIt]

vt. 词中省略,省去(中间字母或音节)

prehistoric [ˌpriːhIˋstɔːrIk]

adj. 史前的(of a time before recorded history)

【记】pre(前)+historic(历史的)→史前的 QX0JRer9T6E0lQpufWlBsllvCgf4d3LVqf0IOD0wbOSfhZhouyjm8+Mqu6jyNH+K
