

**artifact [ˋaːrtIfækt]

n. 人造物品,手工艺品

**antiquity [ænˋtIkwəti]

n. 古代;古老;古代的遗物

**antique [ænˋtiːk]

n. 古物,古董

**antiquated [ˋæntIkweItId]

adj. 陈旧的,过时的(obsolete; old-fashioned)

**archaic [aːrˋkeIIk]

adj. 古的(old)


【例】The archaic ship was just like the ones used centuries earlier.

**archaeology [ˌaːrkiˋaːlədʒi]

n. 考古学(the scientific study of material remains of past human life and activities)


【派】archaeological(adj. 考古学的)

**porcelain [ˋpɔːrsəlIn]

n. 瓷器(china)

**ascend [əˋsend]

vi. 追溯

【例】His ancestors ascend to the 18th century.

*remnant [ˋremnənt]

n. 残余,遗迹(remains; leftover; vestige)

【例】No remnants of the settlement of Roanoke, Virginia were found by the next group of colonists.

*tomb [tuːm]

n. (尤指有石碑的)坟,墓

*excavate [ˋekskəveIt]

vt. 挖掘(to dig; delve)


【例】They excavated a huge hole for the foundation of the building.

genesis [ˋdʒenəsIs]

n. 创始,起源(beginning; origin)


antediluvian [ˌæntidIˋluːviən]

adj. 大洪水前的,史前的(of the time before the Biblical Flood);陈旧的(old fashioned, or primitive)



aboriginal ancestral companionable democratic exotic

filial genteel hierarchical humanistic humanoid

interracial posterity predecessor rustic semihuman

1. We should study our______achievements.

2. The Indians are the______Americans.

3. She had done her______respect to her mother.

4. The kangaroo is one of the “evolved” animals, genetic upgrades that are permitted to live______lives and do society’s grunt work.

5. Civil services are organized in______structures of offices.

6. They are aiming to make the institutions of the EU truly______.

7. Roman republican law upheld a______view of marriage.

8. Her______accent irritated me.

9. She travels to all kinds of______locations all over the world.

10. The village had a certain______charm.

11. They sat together in______silence.

12. Kennedy’s______as president was the war hero Dwight Eisenhower.

13.______will remember him as a great man.

14. In 1967, 16 states still had laws against______marriage, but attitudes were changing.

15. A new method was presented, which can analyze the kinematics of______running robot.


1. census 以人类为中心的

2. anthropology 残余

3. anthropocentric 瓷器

4. matriarchal 古物

5. matriarchy 航空学,航空

6. patriarchy 人造物品

7. progenitor 人口普查

8. aviation 人类学

9. remnant 古代

10. porcelain 史前的

11. antiquity 母系氏族的

12. antique 母系社会;母权制

13. artifact 父系社会

14. antediluvian 祖先;创始人,先驱

15. genesis 创始,起源


1. We should study our ancestral achievements.

2. The Indians are the aboriginal Americans.

3. She had done her filial respect to her mother.

4. The kangaroo is one of the “evolved” animals, genetic upgrades that are permitted to live semihuman lives and do society’s grunt work.

5. Civil services are organized in hierarchical structures of offices.

6. They are aiming to make the institutions of the EU truly democratic .

7. Roman republican law upheld a humanistic view of marriage.

8. Her genteel accent irritated me.

9. She travels to all kinds of exotic locations all over the world.

10. The village had a certain rustic charm.

11. They sat together in companionable silence.

12. Kennedy’s predecessor as president was the war hero Dwight Eisenhower.

13. Posterity will remember him as a great man.

14. In 1967, 16 states still had laws against interracial marriage, but attitudes were changing.

15. A new method was presented, which can analyze the kinematics of humanoid running robot.


1. census 人口普查

2. anthropology 人类学

3. anthropocentric 以人类为中心的

4. matriarchal 母系氏族的

5. matriarchy 母系社会;母权制

6. patriarchy 父系社会

7. progenitor 祖先;创始人,先驱

8. aviation 航空学,航空

9. remnant 残余

10. porcelain 瓷器

11. antiquity 古代

12. antique 古物

13. artifact 人造物品

14. antediluvian 史前的

15. genesis 创始,起源 peayl0Fkn+tK/lOVhl6TgubcoVwq+jRxyeEWt3XPIHIZHHm08L+QJgpRjmoJruTZ
