

*eurocentric [ˌjurəˋsentrIk]

adj. 以欧洲为中心的

*juvenile [ˋdʒuːvənaIl]

adj. 青少年的(adolescent; young)n. 未成年人,少年


【例】The clerk directed Jane and her mother to the juvenile clothing section of the store.

**interracial [ˌIntəˋreIʃl]

adj. 种族间的(between or involving different races)

【例】interracial conflict

*filial [ˋfIliəl]

adj. 子女的


*semihuman [ˌsemIˋhjuːmən]

adj. 半人类的

【例】The kangaroo is one of the “evolved” animals, genetic upgrades that are permitted to live semihuman lives and do society’s grunt work.

*humanlike [ˋhjuːmənlaIk]

adj. 人类的;似人类的(hominoid)

【例】Scientists digging in a Kenyan desert have found what they believe to be the oldest humanlike footprints.

**humanoid [ˋhjuːmənɔId]

adj. 像人的(man-like)

【例】On its last trip, it delivered a new storage compartment packed with supplies and a humanoid robot.

**longevity [lɔːnˋdʒevəti]

n. 长寿


antecedent [ˌæntIˋsiːdnt]

n. 前事(a preceding event, condition or cause);前辈adj. 在前的,先行的(preceding in time and order)

*anthropology [ˌænθrəˋpaːlədʒi]

n. 人类学

*anthropocentric [ˌænθrəpəˋsentrIk]

adj. 以人类为中心的,以人类观点解释宇宙万物的

【例】But the persistence of this attitude felt stale and charged with anthropocentric assumptions and a lack of scientific objectivity.

*matriarchal [ˌmeItriˋaːrkl]

adj. 母系氏族的

【例】The mythical origin of the Gelede is said to reflect the transformation from a matriarchal society into a patriarchal society.

*matriarchy [ˋmeItriaːrki]

n. 母系社会;母权制


【派】matriarchal(adj. 母系氏族的)

*patriarchy [ˋpeItriaːrki]

n. 父系社会

【例】It’s about having an ongoing conversation about how we rethink gender and sexuality and patriarchy within the black community.

**posterity [paːˋsterəti]

n. 后代(offspring; descendant)


**ancestral [ænˋsestrəl]

adj. 祖先的;祖传的(patrimonial)

【例】Using DNA markers and mathematical time-clock calculations, researchers have identified our ancestral Adam and Eve.

*progenitor [proʊˋdʒenItər]

n. (人或动植物的)祖先;(思想、学术或政治运动的)创始人,先驱

【例】Marx was the progenitor of Communism.

**predecessor [ˋpredəsesər]

n. (职务或职位的)前任者(a person who held an office or position before sb. else)

【例】The decision was made by my predecessor.

*celibacy [ˋselIbəsi]

n. 独身(bachelorhood)

【例】Celibacy, which gets less attention, is an even deeper problem.

*genealogy [ˌdʒiːniˋælədʒi]

n. 家谱;家系;家系学


*ethicist [ˋeθIsIst]

n. 伦理学家

*groom [gruːm]

n. 马夫;新郎(bridegroom)


*demography [dIˋmaːgrəfi]

n. 人口统计学


**census [ˋsensəs]

n. 人口普查


**aboriginal [ˌæbəˋrIdʒənl]

n. 土著 adj. 土著的;原来的(native)


**descent [dIˋsent]

n. 血统(ancestry)

*hybrid [ˋhaIbrId]

n. 杂种;混血儿

*ethnicity [eθˋnIsəti]

n. 种族划分

*grownup [ˋgrəʊnˌʌp]

n. 成年人(adult)

【例】He was a grownup and knew that it would have insulted her to say that he had noticed nothing.

*mustache [ˋmʌstæʃ]

n. 胡子(moustache)

【例】The mustache remains popular abroad, especially in the Middle East and in Southeast Asia. /epIPiLIfSyO2nR2WYl7C1wdySs1rF9x0CtlqbIP0wlA3X6ygfqCTjEo+toZPmSb
