

**paralysis [pəˋræləsIs]

n. 麻痹,瘫痪(loss of feeling in or control of a part of the body)

【例】The paralysis affects his right leg and he can only walk with difficulty.

**malaria [məˋleriə]

n. 疟疾

【例】a bad attack of malaria

**amputate [ˋæmpjuteIt]

vt. 截(肢);锯掉


【例】The climber was forced to amputate his arm in order to save his own life.

**bruise [bruːz]

vt. 使青肿 n. 瘀伤

【例】Mary got a bruise after bumping against the table.

painkiller [ˋpeInkIlər]

n. 止痛药(a medicine that relieves pain)


paranoid [ˋpærənɔId]

adj. 偏执狂的,过分怀疑的(associated with paranoia)

【记】来自paranoia(n. 偏执狂)

*psychiatry [saIˋkaIətri]

n. 精神病学,精神病治疗(study and treatment of mental illness)

【派】psychiatric(adj. 精神病学的),例如 a psychiatric clinic

*psychotherapy [ˌsaIkoʊˋθerəpi]

n. 精神疗法,心理疗法(treatment of mental disorders by psychological methods)

*caffeine [ˋkæfiːn]

n. 咖啡碱,咖啡因(a bitter white alkaloid, often derived from tea leaves and coffee beans)

*anticoagulant [ˌæntikoʊˋægjələnt]

n. 抗凝血剂

*immunology [ˌImjuˋnaːlədʒi]

n. 免疫学

*physiology [ˌfIziˋaːlədʒi]

n. 生理学(scientific study of the normal functions of living things)

【例】reproductive physiology

*pestilence [ˋpestIləns]

n. 瘟疫(deadly infectious disease that spreads quickly through large numbers of people)

*cathartic [kəˋθaːrtIk]

n. 泻药(purgative)


*bloodstream [ˋblʌdstriːm]

n. (体内循环的)血流,血液

【例】Bacteria soon saturate the bloodstream, destroying muscles and organs and sending the body into shock.

*munity [ˋmjunItI]

n. 易感性(affectability)

*infusion [Inˋfjuːʒn]

n. 注入,灌输(infusing a quality or being infused into)

【例】an infusion of medicinal herbs ∥This company needs an infusion of new blood.

*contuse [kənˋtjuːz]

vt. 挫伤;使产生青肿(to injure; bruise)

*sprain [spreIn]

vt. 扭伤(to injure by a sudden twist)


*congest [kənˋdʒest]

v. (使)充血(to cause the accumulation of excessive blood or tissue fluid in vessel or organ);(使)堵塞


【派】congestion(n. 充血;堵塞)

infection [Inˋfekʃn]

n. 传染,感染(an act or process of infecting)

【反】free of infection(未受感染的)→septic(adj. 腐烂的)

【派】infectious(adj. 传染的)

injection [Inˋdʒekʃn]

n. 注射(an act or instance of injecting);注射剂(sth. that is injected)

【记】来自inject(vt. 注射),in(进)+ject(扔)→扔进去→注射

inoculate [IˋnaːkjuleIt]

vt. 预防接种(to inject a serum or vaccine to create immunity)


stutter [ˋstʌtər]

n./v. 口吃,结巴(to speak with involuntary disruption of speech)

balm [baːm]

n. 香油;药膏(any fragrant ointment or aromatic oil);镇痛剂

【记】来自balsam(n. 香油;香脂)

【反】irritant(n. 刺激物)

frenetic [frəˋnetIk]

adj. 狂乱的,发狂的(frantic; frenzied)


therapy [ˋθerəpi]

n. 治疗,疗法(any treatment designed to relieve or cure an illness or a disability)

【例】have/undergo therapy接受治疗

traumatic [traʊˋmætIk]

adj. 外伤的,创伤的

antibody [ˋæntibaːdi]

n. 抗体(身体中的抗病物质)

【反】antigen(n. 抗原)

relapse [rIˋlæps]

n. 旧病复发(a recurrence of symptoms of a disease);再恶化(the act or an instance of backsliding, worsening)vi. 旧病复发;再恶化(to slip or fall into a former worse state)


convalesce [ˌkaːnvəˋles]

vi. 康复,复原(to regain strength and health)


salubrious [səˋluːbriəs]

adj. (空气等)有益健康的(promoting health; salutary)


【反】unhealthy(adj. 不利健康的);virulent(adj. 剧毒的);deleterious(adj. 有害的)

septic [ˋseptIk]

adj. 受感染的,腐败的(causing infection)


【反】free of infection(未受感染的)

*cerebral [səˋriːbrəl]

adj. 大脑的(of the brain);深思的(of the intellect rather than the emotions)


*gall [gɔːl]

n. 胆汁(bile);怨恨(hatred; bitter feeling)


stature [ˋstætʃər]

n. 身高,身材(nature height in an upright position)



amputate congest contuse frenetic therapy

traumatic infection infusion inoculate paranoid

relapse convalesce sprain salubrious septic

1. The company needs an______of new blood.

2. Difficulty and failure don’t______his passion.

3. My______ankle has been acting up badly all week.

4. The highway was______with cars.

5. She’s getting really______about what other people say about her.

6. People catch all kinds of______in the winter.

7. The disease can now be prevented by______.

8. She rushes from job to job at a______pace.

9. We had to move to a house in a less______area.

10. A dirty cut may go______.

11. Two days after leaving the hospital she______into a coma.

12. Most leukaemia patients undergo some sort of drug______.

13. She is______at home after her operation.

14. Divorce can be______for everyone involved.

15. He had to have both legs______.


1. munity 精神病学

2. malaria 抗凝血剂

3. psychiatry 香油

4. psychotherapy (体内循环的)血流,血液

5. caffeine 咖啡因

6. anticoagulant 泻药

7. immunology 止痛药

8. physiology 口吃

9. pestilence 免疫学

10. cathartic 注射

11. bloodstream 疟疾

12. painkiller 易感性

13. injection 瘟疫

14. stutter 生理学

15. balm 精神疗法


1. The company needs an infusion of new blood.

2. Difficulty and failure don’t contuse his passion.

3. My sprained ankle has been acting up badly all week.

4. The highway was congested with cars.

5. She’s getting really paranoid about what other people say about her.

6. People catch all kinds of infections in the winter.

7. The disease can now be prevented by inoculation .

8. She rushes from job to job at a frenetic pace.

9. We had to move to a house in a less salubrious area.

10. A dirty cut may go septic .

11. Two days after leaving the hospital she relapsed into a coma.

12. Most leukaemia patients undergo some sort of drug therapy .

13. She is convalescing at home after her operation.

14. Divorce can be traumatic for everyone involved.

15. He had to have both legs amputated .


1. munity 易感性

2. malaria 疟疾

3. psychiatry 精神病学

4. psychotherapy 精神疗法

5. caffeine 咖啡因

6. anticoagulant 抗凝血剂

7. immunology 免疫学

8. physiology 生理学

9. pestilence 瘟疫

10. cathartic 泻药

11. bloodstream (体内循环的)血流,血液

12. painkiller 止痛药

13. injection 注射

14. stutter 口吃

15. balm 香油 imxLsBW6sKybhkfbNQ4xen9AcHMgqEPa33qIaOIbTsnCP+a6xShxGcYIjjmH110B
