

**saliva [səˋlaIvə]

n. 唾液,口水


abbr. 高血压脑出血(Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage)

**morbid [ˋmɔːrbId]

adj. 疾病的(sick; diseased);病态的,不健康的


【例】The patient has a morbid imagination that made his illness worse.

**epidemic [ˌepIˋdemIk]

adj. 传染性的,流行性的(prevalent and spreading rapidly in a community)n. 传染病;(传染病的)流行;迅速的传播


**wholesome [ˋhoʊlsəm]

adj. 促进健康的(good for the body or likely to produce health)


【反】tainted(adj. 被污染的);deleterious(adj. 有害的);insalubrious(adj. 有害的);morbid(adj. 病态的);noxious(adj. 有害的)

**fragile [ˋfrædʒl]

adj. 体质弱的;易碎的


【例】He’s feeling a bit fragile after last night’s party.

**sterile [ˋsterəl]

adj. 消过毒的(sanitary)

**vascular [ˋvæskjələr]

adj. 血管的,脉管的


**susceptible [səˋseptəbl]

adj. 易受感染的(vulnerable; exposed)


【例】Infants and the elderly are more susceptible to illness than other people.

**precocious [prIˋkoʊʃəs]

adj. 早熟的,较早具备某种能力的(premature)


**incision [InˋsIʒn]

n. 切口(a cut; gash);切割

【反】suture(n./vt. 缝合)

**kinship [ˋkInʃIp]

n. 亲属关系,家属关系

【例】He pledged support for “kinship care”, where youngsters were looked after by close relatives, not parents.

**neuroscience [ˋnʊroʊsaIəns]

n. 神经科学

**smallpox [ˋsmɔːlpaːks]

n. 天花

【例】Smallpox can vary in its severity, with some strains killing many sufferers and others relatively few.

**vas [væs]

n. 血管

**diagnosis [ˌdaIəgˋnoʊsIs]

n. 诊断


**remedy [ˋremədi]

n. 治疗法;药物 vt. 治疗(to cure; rectify)

【例】The doctor tried all means to remedy the wounded man.

**stupefaction [stuːpIˋfækʃn]

n. 麻醉,昏迷,麻木状态;惊慌失措

【例】This botched thriller is an old strain of corn that does best in a climate of stupefaction.

**scalpel [ˋskælpəl]

n. 外科手术刀,解剖刀


**lineage [ˋlIniIdʒ]

n. 宗系,血统(ancestry)


*dislocate [ˋdIsloʊkeIt]

vt. 使脱臼(to displace a bone from its proper position at a joint);把…弄乱(to disarrange; disrupt)


*salutary [ˋsæljəteri]

adj. 有利的(remedial);有益健康的(promoting or conducive to health)


【反】unhealthy(adj. 不利健康的);deleterious(adj. 有害健康的)

*pathological [ˌpæθəˋlaːdʒIkl]

adj. 病态的(unreasonable; irrational);病理的(of or relating to pathology)

*psychological [ˌsaIkəˋlaːdʒIkl]

adj. 心理学的;心理的,精神的

*anesthesia [ˌænəsˋθiːʒə]

n. 麻醉,麻木(insensibility to pain)

*disinfectant [ˌdIsInˋfektənt]

n. 消毒剂

*sustenance [ˋsʌstənəns]

n. 营养物

【例】For sustenance, the vegetarian ate fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

*contagious [kənˋteIdʒəs]

adj. 传染的(catching; infectious)


【例】Cancer is not contagious, so you shouldn’t be afraid to touch someone with cancer.

*hypnotic [hIpˋnaːtIk]

adj. 催眠的(tending to produce sleep)n. 安眠药

【反】conscious(adj. 有意识的);stimulant(n. 刺激剂 adj. 刺激的)

*multivitamin [ˌmʌltiˋvaItəmIn]

n. 多种维生素

【例】He also took a multivitamin pill and drank a protein shake daily.

*recurrent [rIˋkɜːrənt]

adj. 复发的,周期性的;反复出现的

【例】What’s important, say experts, is that patients have multiple strategies to help prevent recurrent attacks.

*acute [əˋkjuːt]

adj. 急性的

【例】Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS)was taking its toll on China’s tour industry.

*myopic [maIˋaːpik]

adj. 近视的;缺乏远见的(lacking of foresight or discernment)

【反】discerning(adj. 有识别力的)

*clinical [ˋklInIkl]

adj. 临床的;分析的,客观的(extremely objective and realistic; dispassionately analytic)


【例】a clinical diagnosis

*visceral [ˋvIsərəl]

adj. 内脏的(splanchnic);内心深处的(felt in or as if in the viscera)


*neurological [ˌnʊrəˋlaːdʒIkl]

adj. 神经病学的,神经学上的

【例】We need to make clear that these are neurological injuries that may have long-term effects.

*kindred [ˋkIndrəd]

adj. 同类的,同种族的(of similar or related origin)

*gular [ˋgjuːlər]

adj. 咽喉的,喉部的

*efficacious [ˌefIˋkeIʃəs]

adj. 有效的(producing the desired result)

【例】an efficacious treatment

*symptomatic [ˌsImptəˋmætIk]

adj. 症状的,症候的

【例】The uprising in Madison is symptomatic of a simmering rage among the nation’s teachers.

*pharmaceutical [ˌfaːrməˋsuːtIkl]

adj. 制药的

【记】来自pharmacy(n. 药房;药剂学)

*therapeutic [ˌθerəˋpjuːtIk]

adj. 治疗的(of the treatment of diseases)


*articular [aːrˋtikjʊlər]

adj. 关节的

*antifungal [ˌæntIˋfʌŋgəl]

adj. 抗真菌的,抗霉菌的

*undernourished [ˌʌndərˋnɜːrIʃt]

adj. 营养不良的(not provided with sufficient food of the right kind for good health and normal growth)

【例】seriously undernourished

*curative [ˋkjʊrətIv]

adj. 有助于治疗的,有疗效的(helping to, able to or intended to cure illness)

【例】the curative properties of a herb

*ailment [ˋeIlmənt]

n. (不严重的)疾病,小病(a mild, chronic disease)


*trauma [ˋtraʊmə]

n. (身体)外伤,创伤

【例】abdominal trauma

*acuity [əˋkjuːəti]

n. (尤指思想或感官)敏锐(sharpness; acuteness)


*engorgement [Inˋgɔːrdʒmənt]

n. 充血

*artery [ˋaːrtəri]

n. 动脉,命脉


*quarantine [ˋkwɔːrəntiːn]

n. 隔离;隔离检疫期(enforced isolation to prevent the spread of disease)


*skeleton [ˋskelItn]

n. 骨架,骨骼

*palliative [ˋpæliətIv]

n. 缓释剂 adj. 减轻的,缓和的(serving to palliate)

*plaster [ˋplæstər]

n. 灰泥;热石膏 vt. 抹灰泥;用热石膏处理


*malady [ˋmælədi]

n. 疾病


**polio [ˋpoʊlioʊ]

n. 脊髓灰质炎,小儿麻痹症(infectious disease caused by a virus in which the spinal cord becomes inflamed, often resulting in paralysis)

*inoculation [IˌnaːkjuˋleIʃn]

n. 预防接种;灌输(思想),感染

【例】susceptible to a disease transmitted by inoculation

*antidote [ˋæntidoʊt]

n. 解毒药

【记】anti(反)+dote(药剂)→反毒的药→解毒药;注意:dote=dose(药剂),如overdose(v./n. 用药过量)

*spirituality [ˌspIrItʃuˋæləti]

n. 灵性,精神性

*anatomy [əˋnætəmi]

n. 解剖学


*neurology [nʊˋraːlədʒi]

n. 神经学


*corpse [kɔːrps]

n. 尸体

【例】The mortician dressed and made up the corpse.

*microsurgery [ˋmaIkroʊsɜːrdʒəri]

n. 显微外科;显微手术

*empathy [ˋempəθi]

n. 移情作用,心意相通,(感情等)融为一体


*malnutrition [ˌmælnuːˋtrIʃn]

n. 营养不良(a condition resulting from a lack of the right type of food)

【例】children suffering from severe malnutrition

*fracture [ˋfræktʃər]

n./v. 骨折(to crack)


*virology [vaIˋraːlədʒi]

n. 病毒学(scientific study of viruses and virus diseases)

*asthmatic [æzˋmætIk]

adj. 哮喘的;气喘的

anesthetic [ˌænIsˋθetIk]

n. 麻醉剂 adj. 麻醉的(relating to or resembling anesthesia;insensitive)


insomnia [Inˋsaːmniə]

n. 失眠症


*manus [ˋmeinəs]

n. 手;前肢

**bubonic [bjuːˋ baːnIk]

adj. 腹股沟淋巴结炎的

*cholesterol [kəˋlestərɔːl]

n. 胆固醇(fatty substance found in animal fluids and tissue, thought to cause hardening of the arteries)

【例】A high cholesterol level in the blood can cause heart disease.

*vaccine [vækˋsiːn]

n. 牛痘苗;疫苗



acute contagious diagnosis kindred kinship

morbid pathological precocious recurrent salutary

sterile stupefaction susceptible vascular visceral

1. From an early age she displayed a______talent for music.

2. He had a______fascination with blood.

3. An accurate______was made after a series of tests.

4. An operating theatre should be completely______.

5. The mechanism of this anomalous______response is unknown.

6. Salt intake may lead to raised blood pressure in______adults.

7. Even after meeting only once, they felt a______.

8. She did nothing but walk up and down the garden path in a state bordering on______.

9. The accident was a______reminder of the dangers of climbing.

10. Stephen was almost______jealous of his brother.

11. The patient is still highly______.

12. Political revolution is a______theme in Riley’s books.

13. The patient is suffering from a kind of______disease.

14. English and Dutch are______languages.

15. She had a______dislike of all things foreign.


1. vas 麻木

2. remedy 切口

3. polio 消毒剂

4. saliva 咽喉的

5. HICH 高血压脑出血

6. neuroscience 催眠的

7. incision 近视的

8. scalpel 多种维生素的

9. anesthesia 神经科学

10. disinfectant 脊髓灰质炎

11. sustenance 治疗法

12. hypnotic 唾液

13. multivitamin 外科手术刀

14. myopic 营养物

15. gular 血管


1. From an early age she displayed a precocious talent for music.

2. He had a morbid fascination with blood.

3. An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests.

4. An operating theatre should be completely sterile .

5. The mechanism of this anomalous vascular response is unknown.

6. Salt intake may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults.

7. Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship .

8. She did nothing but walk up and down the garden path in a state bordering on stupefaction .

9. The accident was a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing.

10. Stephen was almost pathologically jealous of his brother.

11. The patient is still highly contagious .

12. Political revolution is a recurrent theme in Riley’s books.

13. The patient is suffering from a kind of acute disease.

14. English and Dutch are kindred languages.

15. She had a visceral dislike of all things foreign.


1. vas 血管

2. remedy 治疗法

3. polio 脊髓灰质炎

4. saliva 唾液

5. HICH 高血压脑出血

6. neuroscience 神经科学

7. incision 切口

8. scalpel 外科手术刀

9. anesthesia 麻木

10. disinfectant 消毒剂

11. sustenance 营养物

12. hypnotic 催眠的

13. multivitamin 多种维生素的

14. myopic 近视的

15. gular 咽喉的 0G0SFxjPdtQMwjgOSYFnq+jzxna2BdInUGGBQkKk9H7oGK9JJvehI5RbFOaQ8Mxn
