

*ecological [ˌiːkəˋlaːdʒIkl]

adj. 生态的;生态学的

**ecology [iˋkaːlədʒi]

n. 生态学

**ecosystem [ˋiːkoʊsIstəm]

n. 生态系统

*counterbalance [ˌkaʊntərˋbæləns]

vt. 对…起平衡作用;抵消(to act as a balance to sb./sth.)


**contaminate [kənˋtæmIneIt]

vt. 污染(to defile; pollute)

【例】The Department of Resources notified the town council that the water supply was contaminated.

*collectible [kəˋlektəbl]

adj. 可收集的,可回收的

【例】Still, the resale market for high-end collectible books remains somewhat murky and difficult to track.

*fauna [ˋfɔːnə]

n. (某一地区或某一时期的)动物群落

**sewage [ˋsuːIdʒ]

n. 下水道;污水,垃圾

*boulevard [ˋbʊləvaːrd]

n. 林荫大道(a wide city street, often with trees on each side)

*submarine [ˌsʌbməˋriːn]

n. 潜水艇

【例】a submarine officer

*canal [kəˋnæl]

n. 运河

【例】The Suez Canal joins the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.

*fume [fjuːm]

n. (浓烈或难闻的)烟,气体

*mutualism [ˋmjuːtʃuəlIzəm]

n. 共栖,互利共生(the relation between two different species of organisms that are interdependent; each gains benefits from the other)

【例】The exchange exemplifies a perfect mutualism.

*decibel [ˋdesIbel]

n. 分贝


crest etch flora limpid luxuriant

overblow pollinate spate spectacle starch

torrent trickle truffle counterbalance verdant

1. The carnival parade was a magnificent______.

2. After the winter rains, the stream becomes a raging______.

3. She gave him a look of______honesty.

4. The male is recognizable by its yellow______.

5. Tears were______down her cheeks.

6. The______mountain forest turns red gradually in the autumn wind.

7. The bombing was the latest in a______of terrorist attacks.

8. A security number had been______on the car window as a protection against theft.

9. The autumn leaves are______, leaves to become like gold to shine.

10. There’s too much______in your diet.

11.______mushrooms are plentiful in the southwest Algeria desert.

12. There is______tropical vegetation in our country.

13. Bees and butterflies______the trees in the orchard.

14. The accused’s right to silence was a vital______to the powers of the police.

15. Tourism is damaging the______and fauna(plants and animals)of the island.


1. kernel 植物学家

2. botanist 果仁;核心

3. orchid 柏树

4. posy 榆树

5. fig 蕨类植物

6. reed 无花果

7. fern 亚麻

8. germ 胚芽;微生物

9. redwood 兰科植物;兰花;淡紫色

10. flax 芦苇

11. transplantation (小的)花束

12. elm 红杉

13. rivulet 小溪,细流

14. snowdrift 雪堆

15. cypress 移植


1. The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle .

2. After the winter rains, the stream becomes a raging torrent .

3. She gave him a look of limpid honesty.

4. The male is recognizable by its yellow crest .

5. Tears were trickling down her cheeks.

6. The verdant mountain forest turns red gradually in the autumn wind.

7. The bombing was the latest in a spate of terrorist attacks.

8. A security number had been etched on the car window as a protection against theft.

9. The autumn leaves are overblown , leaves to become like gold to shine.

10. There’s too much starch in your diet.

11. Truffle mushrooms are plentiful in the southwest Algeria desert.

12. There is luxuriant tropical vegetation in our country.

13. Bees and butterflies pollinate the trees in the orchard.

14. The accused’s right to silence was a vital counterbalance to the powers of the police.

15. Tourism is damaging the flora and fauna(plants and animals)of the island.


1. kernel 果仁;核心

2. botanist 植物学家

3. orchid 兰科植物;兰花;淡紫色

4. posy (小的)花束

5. fig 无花果

6. reed 芦苇

7. fern 蕨类植物

8. germ 胚芽;微生物

9. redwood 红杉

10. flax 亚麻

11. transplantation 移植

12. elm 榆树

13. rivulet 小溪,细流

14. snowdrift 雪堆

15. cypress 柏树 QrL1ZN69jTOVyZLosTs+juFY6oTvoKzjpQObLMFbjuN1cG81LA5OBiyq9li1BAtx
