

**carnivore [ˋkaːrnIvɔːr]

n. 食肉动物

**amphibian [æmˋfIbiən]

adj. 两栖类的;水陆两用的

*gregarious [grIˋgeriəs]

adj. 群居的;合群的,爱社交的


【例】gregarious bird species∥My gregarious sister makes friends wherever she goes.

*carnivorous [kaːrˋnIvərəs]

adj. 食肉动物的(flesh-eating)


**herbivorous [hɜːrˋbIvərəs]

adj. 食草的

**aquatic [əˋkwætIk]

adj. 水的,水上的;水生的,水栖的

*cannibalistic [ˌkænIbəˋlIstIk]

adj. 同类相食的,自相残杀的

【例】Other large carnivorous dinosaurs likely also engaged in cannibalistic feeding behaviors.

**spineless [ˋspaInləs]

adj. 无脊椎的

*primate [ˋpraImeIt]

n. 灵长类动物(member of the most highly developed order of mammals that includes human beings, apes, monkeys and lemurs)


**predator [ˋpredətər]

n. 掠夺者;食肉动物

*herd [hɜːrd]

n. 兽群,牧群

**scavenger [ˋskævIndʒər]

n. 清道夫;食腐动物

*furry [ˋfɜːri]

adj. 毛皮的

*canine [ˋkeInaIn]

adj. 犬的,似犬的(of or like a dog)


*feathery [ˋfeðəri]

adj. 有羽毛的;柔软如羽毛的

*dormant [ˋdɔːrmənt]

adj. 休眠的(inactive)


【例】The dormant volcano has not erupted for two hundred years.

*feathered [ˋfeðərd]

adj. 有羽毛的;移动迅速的

*hind [haInd]

adj. (指成对的事物之一位于)后面的,在后部的(of things in pairs situated at the back)

【例】a dog’s hind legs

*tusk [tʌsk]

n. (大象、野猪等的)长牙(an elongated, greatly enlarged tooth)

【记】和task(n. 任务)一起记

*wing [wIŋ]

n. 翅膀,翼

*grease [griːs]

n. 动物油脂

**beaver [ˋbiːvər]

n. 海狸(毛皮)

*sponge [spʌndʒ]

n. 海绵;海绵体;海绵状物

*dinosaur [ˋdaInəsɔːr]

n. 恐龙

**cheetah [ˋtʃiːtə]

n. 猎豹(产于非洲和西南亚)(a long-legged, swift-running wild cat of Africa and southwest Asia)

【记】和cheese(n. 奶酪)一起记,A cheetah doesn’t like to eat cheese.

*caterpillar [ˋkætərpIlər]

n. 毛虫

**dragonfly [ˋdrægənflaI]

n. 蜻蜓

*appetite [ˋæpItaIt]

n. 食欲

*hawk [hɔːk]

n. 隼,鹰(a kind of eagle)

*bloodsucking [ˋblʌdsʌkIŋ]

adj. 吸血动物的

*shrimp [ʃrImp]

n. 小虾

*spawn [spɔːn]

n. 卵 v. 产(卵)(to generate; produce)

**leopard [ˋlepərd]

n. 豹(a large African and Southern Asian flesh-eating animal of the cat family with a yellowish coat and dark spots)

**giraffe [dʒəˋræf]

n. 长颈鹿

**alligator [ˋælIgeItər]

n. 短吻鳄

*crocodile [ˋkraːkədaIl]

n. 鳄鱼(a large river reptile with a hard skin, a long body and tail, and very big tapering jaws, that lives in hot parts of the world)

**pigeon [ˋpIdʒIn]

n. 鸽子(any of several types of wild or tame bird of the dove family)

*seabird [ˋsiːbɜːrd]

n. 海鸟

*beetle [ˋbiːtl]

n. 甲虫

slough [slʌf]

v. (蛇等)蜕(皮)(to cast off one’s skin)n. (蛇等蜕下的)皮


*synaptic [saIˋnæptIk]

adj. 突触的,(染色体)联合的

*tactor [ˋtæktər]

n. 触器

*vermin [ˋvɜːrmIn]

n. 害虫,寄生虫(small common harmful or objectionable animals)


*ram [ræm]

n. 公羊;撞击,猛撞

*beluga [bəˋluːgə]

n. 白鲸

*termite [ˋtɜːrmaIt]

n. 白蚁


*salmon [ˋsæmən]

n. 大麻哈鱼;鲜肉色(yellowish-pink)

*chimpanzee [ˌtʃImpænˋziː]

n. 黑猩猩

**menhaden [menˋheIdn]

n. 鲱鱼

*walrus [ˋwɔːlrəs]

n. 海象(a large gregarious marine mammal)

**porcupine [ˋpɔːrkjupaIn]

n. 豪猪,箭猪


*canary [kəˋneri]

n. 金丝雀;淡黄色

*falcon [ˋfælkən]

n. 猎鹰;隼

*gigas [ˋdʒaIgəs]

n. 牡蛎

*birdseed [ˋbɜːrdsiːd]

n. 鸟饵,鸟食

*plumage [ˋpluːmIdʒ]

n. 鸟类的全身羽毛

*beak [biːk]

n. 鸟嘴,喙

*crab [kræb]

n. 蟹;蟹肉

**copepod [ˋkoʊpˌpaːd]

n./adj. 桡脚类动物(的)

**muskrat [ˋmʌskræt]

n. 麝鼠

*vulture [ˋvʌltʃər]

n. 秃鹫

【记】和culture(n. 文化,文明)一起记

**humpback [ˋhʌmpbæk]

n. 驼背;座头鲸

*fawn [fɔːn]

n. 未满周岁的小鹿(a young deer less than one year old)

*murrelet [ˋmɜːrlIt]

n. 小海鸦

*codfish [ˋkaːdˌfIʃ]

n. 鳕鱼

*lair [ler]

n. 野兽的巢穴(a resting place of a wild animal);躲藏处

*plume [pluːm]

n. 羽毛(a feather of a bird)v. 整理羽毛(to preen and arrange the feathers of);搔首弄姿(to indulge in pride with an obvious or vain display of self-satisfaction)

【记】和preen(v. 整理羽毛)一起记

*mustang [ˋmʌstæŋ]

n. (北美平原产的)小野马

*hart [haːrt]

n. 雄鹿(尤指五岁以上的雄红鹿)(adult male of deer; stag)

*hamster [ˋhæmstər]

n. 仓鼠

**vervet [ˋvɜːrvIt]

n. 长尾黑颚猴

*bumblebee [ˋbʌmblbiː]

n. 大黄蜂

*ermine [ˋɜːrmIn]

n. 貂

*thrush [θrʌʃ]

n. 画眉鸟;鸫

*raccoon [ræˋkuːn]

n. 浣熊;浣熊皮毛

*coyote [kaIˋoʊti]

n. 郊狼(北美洲西部平原上的小狼)(a small wolf of the plains of western North America)

*blubber [ˋblʌbər]

n. 鲸脂(fat of whales and other sea animals from which oil is obtained)

**python [ˋpaIθaːn]

n. 巨蛇,蟒蛇(a large snake that crushes and kills its prey by twisting itself round it)

*peafowl [ˋpiːfaʊl]

n. 孔雀

*cere [sIr]

n. (鸟喙底部的)蜡膜

**mastodon [ˋmæstədan]

n. 乳齿象(似象之巨兽, 现已绝种)(a large animal like an elephant, now extinct)

**pesticide [ˋpestIsaId]

n. 杀虫剂

*koala [koʊˋaːlə]

n. 考拉,树袋熊

*aquarium [əˋkweriəm]

n. 水族馆;水族箱,养鱼缸(a building containing an artificial pond or glass tank where live fish and other water creatures and plants are kept)


amphibian aquatic canine cannibalistic carnivore

carnivorous dormant feathered gregarious herbivorous

leopard pesticide primate scavenger spineless

1. Chimps are among the most intelligent______.

2. Foxes and other______go through the dustbins.

3. You didn’t really expect her to be on time, did you? A______can’t change its spots.

4. Frogs and newts are______.

5. Do wolves belong to the______species?

6. All human beings have a______instinct.

7. Bears are large______mammals.

8. The camel is a______animal.

9. Many forms of______life inhabit ponds.

10. Game birds are very______under any circumstances.

11. You don’t have to be a______yes-person to be a good follower.

12. During the winter the seeds lie______in the soil.

13. The little bird will grow feathers or become______soon.

14. Tyrannosaurus rex was a large______.

15. The flea-infested room had to be sprayed with a strong______.


1. tusk 短吻鳄

2. grease 毛虫

3. menhaden 海狸(毛皮)

4. beaver 桡脚类动物

5. porcupine 长颈鹿

6. caterpillar 动物油脂

7. copepod 驼背;座头鲸

8. muskrat 乳齿象

9. humpback 麝鼠

10. giraffe 鸽子

11. vervet 豪猪,箭猪

12. alligator 巨蛇,蟒蛇

13. pigeon (大象、野猪等的)长牙

14. python 长尾黑颚猴

15. mastodon 鲱鱼


1. Chimps are among the most intelligent primate .

2. Foxes and other scavengers go through the dustbins.

3. You didn’t really expect her to be on time, did you? A leopard can’t change its spots.

4. Frogs and newts are amphibians .

5. Do wolves belong to the canine species?

6. All human beings have a gregarious instinct.

7. Bears are large carnivorous mammals.

8. The camel is a herbivorous animal.

9. Many forms of aquatic life inhabit ponds.

10. Game birds are very cannibalistic under any circumstances.

11. You don’t have to be a spineless yes-person to be a good follower.

12. During the winter the seeds lie dormant in the soil.

13. The little bird will grow feathers or become feathered soon.

14. Tyrannosaurus rex was a large carnivore .

15. The flea-infested room had to be sprayed with a strong pesticide .


1. tusk (大象、野猪等的)长牙

2. grease 动物油脂

3. menhaden 鲱鱼

4. beaver 海狸(毛皮)

5. porcupine 豪猪,箭猪

6. caterpillar 毛虫

7. copepod 桡脚类动物

8. muskrat 麝鼠

9. humpback 驼背;座头鲸

10. giraffe 长颈鹿

11. vervet 长尾黑颚猴

12. alligator 短吻鳄

13. pigeon 鸽子

14. python 巨蛇,蟒蛇

15. mastodon 乳齿象 irs5xtq2CPzxf3xIDaJ/MvBYPhiNcGu0w6S5xulkAcEHCdnJTy+fD+JsQck6GHmH
