

*geographic [ˌdʒiːəˋgræfIk]

adj. 地理的,地理学的

【例】Each nation also got a figure for rural agricultural production, which was assigned a geographic location.

*continental [ˌkaːntIˋnentl]

adj. 大陆的,大陆性的; [C-] 欧洲大陆的(of or pertaining to or typical of Europe)

【例】This strategy ultimately led to the creation of an inter-colony organization, the Continental Congress.

*temperate [ˋtempərət]

adj. (气候)温和的

【例】temperate latitudes

*oceanographic [ˌoʊʃəˋnaːgræfIk]

adj. 海洋学的,有关海洋学的(oceanographical)

【例】The Year should be used to enhance co-operation between the oceanographic community and their land-based counterparts.

*caribbean [ˌkærIˋbiːən]

adj. 加勒比人的;加勒比海的;加勒比语的 n. [the C-] 加勒比海

【例】In the Caribbean and Mexico, you can find a lot of resorts there.

*underwater [ˌʌndərˋwɔːtər]

adj. 水面下的;水下使用的;水下行动的(situated or used or done below the surface of the water)

【例】underwater caves

*groundwater [ˋgraʊndwɔːtər]

n. 地下水

*watershed [ˋwɔːtərʃed]

n. 分水岭

*shoreline [ˋʃɔːrlaIn]

n. 海岸线,海岸线地带

*coastline [ˋkoʊstlaIn]

n. 海岸线

【例】Besides being physically close to Italy, Libya also has a long, relatively unpopulated and unpatrolled coastline.

*seafloor [ˋsiːflɔːr]

n. 海底

*ledge [ledʒ]

n. (近海岸的)暗礁


*reef [riːf]

n. 礁,礁脉(ridge of rock, shingle, sand, etc at or near the surface of the sea)

【例】The ship was wrecked on a coral reef.

**navigation [ˌnævIˋgeIʃn]

n. 航海

*waterway [ˋwɔːtərweI]

n. 水路;航道

*archipelago [ˌaːrkIˋpeləgoʊ]

n. 群岛;群岛周围的海(sea surrounding a group of many islands)

*endemic [enˋdemIk]

adj. 地方性的(native)

【例】This disease is endemic to the southerners, and will not spread in the cold north.

*terrestrial [təˋrestriəl]

adj. 地球的;陆地的

【例】terrestrial heat ∥ terrestrial magnetism

*cosmopolitan [ˌkaːzməˋpaːlItən]

adj. 全世界的(global)


【例】The farmer was unused to the cosmopolitan ways of life in a large city.

***extraterrestrial [ˌekstrətəˋrestriəl]

adj. 地球和大气层外的,来自天外的(of or from outside the earth and its atmosphere)

【例】extraterrestrial life

*transcontinental [ˌtrænsˌkaːntIˋnentl]

adj. 横贯大陆的(crossing a continent)

【例】a transcontinental highway, flight, journey

*overland [ˋoʊvərlænd]

adj./adv. 横越陆地的(地),经由陆路的(地)(across the land; by land)

【例】an overland route, journey, etc.

*subterranean [ˌsʌbtəˋreIniən]

adj. 地下的

*abyssal [əˋbIsl]

adj. 深渊的;深海的;深不可测的

【例】Ancient seas, for example, could explain why the planet’s northern lowlands hold extensive sedimentary deposits that resemble those seen in the abyssal plains of Earth’s ocean floors.

*cavernous [ˋkævərnəs]

adj. 似巨穴的,洞穴状的,凹状的

【例】It is known for its cavernous, white-columned baths in the style of Ancient Rome.

**abyss [əˋbIs]

n. 深渊;深不可测的事物

【例】He threw the brightness of his nature over every abyss and cavern through which he strayed.

*savanna [səˋvænə]

n. 热带或亚热带之大草原

*sierra [siˋerə]

n. 锯齿状山脉(尤指在西班牙及西班牙语系的美洲国家的)

*lune [luːn]

n. 半月形,弓形

*cavern [ˋkævərn]

n. 大山洞,大洞穴


【例】Inside the cavern were the remnants of an ancient fire.

*insularity [ˌInsəˋlærəti]

n. 岛国状态,岛屿生活状况,与外界隔绝的生活状况;(思想、观点等的)偏狭与僵化

【反】cosmopolitanism(n. 世界大同主义)

**terrain [təˋreIn]

n. 地形

*geologist [dʒiˋaːlədʒIst]

n. 地质学者

*elevation [ˌelIˋveIʃn]

n. 高地;海拔

*volcano [vaːlˋkeInoʊ]

n. 火山

*midseason [ˋmidˌsiːzən]

n. 季节中期(指仲春、仲夏、仲秋、仲冬)

*chan [tʃæn] (=channel)

n. 海峡;水道,航道;槽,沟渠

*Atlantis [ætˋlæntIs]

n. 亚特兰蒂斯(传说沉没于大西洋的岛屿)

*leeway [ˋliːweI]

n. (船或飞行器因风而致的)偏航,漂移(sideways drift of a ship or aircraft, due to the wind);回旋余地(amount of freedom to move, change)

【例】This itinerary leaves us plenty of leeway.

**charcoal [ˋtʃaːrkoʊl]

n. 木炭

【例】a stick/piece/lump of charcoal

*mound [maʊnd]

n. 小丘,土墩,小土岗

*intersect [ˌIntərˋsekt]

v. 相交(to cross; meet);横穿


【例】These two fences intersect at the creek. cnOboi6DuppUzdbgz84Vd7fzFRxuL1/QjP71EUjVCR4+Ewp79Dt/sxq2gHveXzp2
