
Day 04


decline to do sth.


【真】Microsoft declined to comment. 微软谢绝发表评论。


from the ground up


【真】Microsoft’s own Office dominates the market for “productivity” software, but the start-ups represented a new wave of technology designed from the ground up for the smartphone world. 微软自己的Office软件主导着“生产力”软件市场,但这些初创企业代表了完全为智能手机世界设计的新一波技术。


hear about


【例】When it comes to AI in business, we often hear about it in relation to automation and the impending loss of jobs, but in what ways is AI changing companies and the larger economy that don’t involve doom-and-gloom mass unemployment predictions? 说到商业中的人工智能,我们经常会听闻它与自动化和即将到来的失业有关,但是人工智能是以什么方式改变那些预计不会面临惨淡的大规模裁员的公司和更大的经济体的呢?


hold off


【真】You may decide it’s best to hold off on voicing your opinion. 你可能会决定最好还是暂时不要说出自己的意见。


in private


【真】Discussing the issue in private will make the powerful person feel less threatened. 私下讨论这个问题会让有权的人感觉不那么受威胁。


【拓】privately [ˈpraɪvətli] ad. 私下地

in short order


【真】The threat of nationalisation may have been seen off for now, but it will return with a vengeance if the justified anger of passengers is not addressed in short order . 目前国有化的威胁可能已经被消除,但如果乘客合理的愤怒不能立即得到处理,国有化的威胁将会大肆卷土重来。


with a vengeance


【例】Last year’s Greek bailout didn’t solve the problem and now it’s back with a vengeance . 去年的希腊救助方案并未解决问题,如今它又气势汹汹地卷土重来了。

【拓】to a greater degree程度更深或更甚

level out/off


【真】It peaks in young adulthood, levels out for a period of time, and then generally starts to slowly decline as we age. 它(流体智力)在成年早期达到最高水平,在一段时间内保持稳定,然后通常会随着我们年龄的增长而开始慢慢下降。


shy away from (doing) sth.


【真】The researchers also argued that when we shy away from casual interactions with strangers, it is often due to a misplaced anxiety that they might not want to talk to us. 研究人员还声称,我们羞于与陌生人进行随意的互动往往是出于一种不应该有的焦虑,担心他们可能不想和我们说话。


strike up (with)


【真】In one series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago-area commuters using public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone near them. 在一系列研究中,研究人员让芝加哥地区乘坐公共交通工具的通勤者主动与其周围的人攀谈。


draw in


【例】It won’t be easy for you to draw him in . 你要让他参与进来可不容易。

proceed to


【真】Dr. Kroo and his team modeled what would happen if three passenger jets departing from Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas were to assemble over Utah, assume an inverted V-formation, occasionally change places so all could have a turn in the most favourable positions, and proceed to London. 克鲁教授和他的团队模拟了如下情形的后果:三架客机分别从洛杉矶、旧金山和拉斯维加斯起飞,在犹他州集合,采用反V字形并偶尔换一下位置,以便所有飞机轮流利用最有利位置,最后飞到伦敦。


or so


【真】In the last decade or so , advances in technology have allowed mass-market labels such as Zara, H&M, and Uniqlo to react to trends more quickly and anticipate demand more precisely. 在过去约十年的时间里,科技的进步使得诸如Zara、H&M和Uniqlo等大众品牌能对时尚趋势做出迅速反应,并且能更加准确地预估市场需求。


depart from


【例】Flight F307 will depart from Dubai at 9:00 am. 航班F307将于上午9点从迪拜起飞。

【拓】depart for 去往

amount to


【真】Given the current divorce rate of nearly 50 percent, that amounts to millions of cases in the United States every year—a virtual epidemic of failed conversation. 考虑到当前离婚率将近50%,每年美国离婚案例总计可达上百万,不得不说这是由交流不畅引发的一场流行病。


insist on


【真】In the real world, as in school, we insist on choosing our own friends. 在现实生活中,就像在学校一样,我们都坚持自己选择朋友。


deal with


【例】They should know how to deal with setbacks and stresses. 他们应该知道如何应对挫折和压力。

peculiar to


【真】But the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes. 但是美国特有的地理条件的作用,不同民族之间的相互影响,以及在这个原始的新大陆上维持欧洲移民原有的生活方式所面临的极大困难引起了显著的变化。


do/try one’s utmost


【真】Colleges continue to do their utmost to keep students in school (and paying tuition) and improve their graduation rates. 大学继续竭力让学生留在学校(并支付学费),提高他们的毕业率。


be independent of


【真】Chomsky’s grammar should show patterns of language change that are independent of the family tree or the pathway tracked through it. 乔姆斯基的语法应该体现语言变化的模式,不论这种模式是独立于该系谱,还是独立于贯穿该系谱所经由的路径。


provide…with sth.


【真】The same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways. 同样剧烈的技术变革为营销人员提供了更多的(以及更加多样的)交流方式,但同时也增加了这样的风险——情绪激动的消费者会以更快、更明显和更具破坏性的方式去表达他们的意见。


body of


【真】Yet only one of his books is now in print, and his vast body of writings on music is unknown save to specialists. 然而,他那么多书现在只有一本在出版,除了专家之外,其关于音乐的大量著作无人知晓。


come along


【例】Miracles don’t come along very often. 奇迹不会常常出现。

be concerned with


【真】He was not interested in daily politics, but concerned with questions of moral behavior and the larger questions of right and wrong affecting the entire society. 他对日常发生的政治事件并不感兴趣,但他很关注道德行为问题以及可对整个社会造成影响的是非观念这些更为重要的问题。


struggle against


【真】The recession has made people struggle against each other. 经济衰退使人们互相争斗。


struggle to


【真】Schneider, a 27-year-old auto technician from the Chicago suburbs, says he struggled to find a job after graduating from college. 施耐德27岁,是一个来自芝加哥郊区的汽车技师,他说他在大学毕业后费了很大的力气才找到工作。


take turns


【真】In a direct democracy, citizens take turns governing themselves, rather than electing representatives to govern for them. 在直接民主制度下,公民轮流管理自己,而不是选举代表为他们管理。


roll out


【真】Madrid was hailed as a public health guiding light last November when it rolled out ambitious restrictions on the most polluting cars. 去年11月,马德里出台了针对污染最严重汽车的雄心勃勃的限制措施,被誉为公共健康的指路明灯。


be full of


【真】Similar to newly staked mining claims, they are full of potential. 就像新发现的矿藏一样,它们充满了潜力。


prefer to


【真】Only strong people prefer to smile and value their life instead of crying and complaining about something. 只有坚强的人选择笑对并珍视生活,而不是因为一些事就哭泣和哀怨。


make the most of


【真】In order to make the most of our focus and energy, we also need to embrace downtime, or as Newport suggests, “be lazy.” 为了最大限度地利用我们的注意力和精力,我们还需要欣然接受停工休息,或者像纽波特所说的:犯懒。


【拓】make full use of 充分利用

in principle


【词】principle [ˈprɪnsəpl] n. 原则;原理

【例】Even if it supported sanctions in principle , it was not disposed to support measures that would harm its national economic self-interest. 即使它在原则上支持制裁,它也不愿意支持有损其自身经济利益的措施。

【拓】on principle 依据原则

outside of


【真】A few decades ago, many people didn’t drink water outside of a meal. 几十年前,许多人不会在用餐以外的时间喝水。


receptive to


【词】receptive [rɪˈseptɪv] a. 易于接受的,接受得快的

【真】Just as important as being honest about yourself is being receptive to others. 和坦诚对待自己一样重要的是要善于接纳他人。


(be) second only to


【词】second [ˈsekənd] a. 第二的;(重要性、规模、质量等)居第二位的;另外的

【例】It has a 27% share of the market, second only to Baidu’s. 它占据了整个市场份额的27%,仅次于百度。

【拓】second to last 倒数第二 ‖ second to none 不亚于任何人

middle ground


【真】Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground . 要超越这种非对即错的文化战争逻辑就意味着我们要开辟一个折中的地带。


take a/one’s stand (on sth.)


【词】stand [stænd] n. 态度;立场;观点

【真】In so doing they give composure to a segment of the inarticulate environment in which they take their stand . 通过这样做,他们为自身所在的不善表达的局部环境带来了沉静。


hail from


【真】This argument has attracted a lot of attention, via the success of the book Race Against the Machine, by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, who both hail from MIT’s Center for Digital Business. 通过艾立克·布林约尔弗森和安德鲁·麦凯菲共同的著作《同机器赛跑》一书的成功,这一观点受到人们的极大关注,两位作者都来自麻省理工学院的数字化经济中心。


at work


【例】As for Lina, she said, “I feel like I can be more myself than I have ever been and enjoying every minute of that at home or at work .” 至于莉娜,她说,“我感觉我比以前更能活出自我,我享受这样的每一分钟,不论是在家里还是在工作的地方。”

lead to


【真】This could lead to the rats better remembering having freed it earlier, and wanting the robot to return the favour when they get trapped, says Quinn. 奎因说,这可能会让老鼠更好地记住早些时候把它放出来的事,并希望当它们被困时,机器老鼠能回报它们。


keep…from doing sth.


【真】There’s probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping or “we wake up in a panic,” Cartwright says. 卡特赖特说,说到底,如果梦没有使我们无法入睡或“从梦中惊醒”,就没有理由太在意它。


all of a sudden


【真】When you start a conversation from there and then move outwards, you will find all of a sudden that the conversation becomes a lot easier. 当你从这里发起对话并向外拓展话题时,突然,你就会发现对话变得容易多了。


evolve from


【词】evolve [ɪˈvɒlv] v. (使)逐渐形成;进化

【真】Human indignation evolved from an uncertain source. 人类的义愤来源不明。


a few


【真】Most of the women she interviewed—but only a few of the men—gave lack of communication as the reason for their divorces. 她采访的大多数女性把缺乏交流看作是离婚的原因,而只有少数男性有这样的看法。


【拓】a good few (=not a few) 相当多,不少

work with


【真】 Work with a professional photographer instead of your spouse or friend. 让专业摄影师而不是你的配偶或朋友来为你拍照。


press on/ahead/forward (with)


【真】Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioral ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft’s default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway. 由于尚不清楚一些用户到底是反感行为广告还是保留了微软的默认设置,有些公司可能将漠视DNT信号,继续我行我素。


have an impact on/upon


【真】While seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a(n) damaging impact on our professional, social, and personal wellbeing. 虽然表面上看起来没有什么危害,但精神集中能力的丧失会对我们的职业、社交以及个人的健康都产生有害影响。


be possible to


【真】Unhealthy curiosity is possible to resist, however. 然而,有害身心的好奇心是有可能抵制的。


rein in


【词】rein [reɪn] n. 缰绳;控制手段 v. 严格控制

【真】Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shortfall by experiencing more guilt, which can rein in their nastier impulses. 一些缺乏同情心的孩子可能会通过体验到更多内疚来弥补这种不足,这些内疚可以抑制他们更恶劣的冲动。


seize on/upon


【真】No disciplines have seized on professionalism with as much enthusiasm as the humanities. 没有哪门学科像人文学科这样突然热衷于学科的专业化。


persuade sb. into (doing) sth.


【真】Toyota Motor’s experience is cited as an example of persuading customers into boycotting products. 丰田汽车的事例被引用来作了一个说服消费者抵制产品的例证。


not to mention


【词】mention [ˈmenʃn] v. 提到,说到,写到

【真】Wasted time is a drag on Americans’ economic and private lives, not to mention infuriating. 且不说它令人恼火,浪费掉的时间本身就是对美国人经济和私人生活的一种拖累。


be necessary to


【真】They argue that government action is necessary to curb Britain’s addiction to unhealthy food. 他们认为为了遏制英国人食用垃圾食品成瘾,政府采取行动是很有必要的。


a bit


【真】Today, the virtue of work may be a bit overblown. 如今,工作的优点可能有些被夸大了。




【真】Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist. 那些长期受到噩梦困扰的人应该寻求心理专家的帮助。


make sense


【真】But we’re going to have questions like that where we have things we’re doing that don’t make sense when the market changes and the world changes. 但是,如果市场和世界都在改变,而我们却在做一些没有意义的事情时,我们也会碰到这样的问题。


【拓】make sense of 理解,弄懂

be vulnerable to


【词】vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl] a. 易受攻击的;易受伤害的;脆弱的

【真】They are more vulnerable to changes in family economics. 他们更容易受到家庭经济变化的影响。


out of control


【真】Global climate change may get out of control . 全球气候变化可能会失控。


in front of


【例】Every time a door closes another one opens, look for the open doors, look for the opportunities that are in front of you. 每次当一扇门关闭的时候就会有另一扇门打开,去寻找那些敞开的门,寻找在你面前的那些机会。

look down on


【真】Even very young children tend to look down on the overweight, and teasing about body build has long been a problem in schools. 就连小孩子都会看不起肥胖的伙伴,嘲弄身材也是学校里长期存在的一个问题。


【拓】despise [dɪˈspaɪz] v. 轻视,藐视,看不起

disagree about/on sth.


【真】It is stuck because the euro zone’s dominant powers, France and Germany, agree on the need for greater harmonization within the euro zone, but disagree about what to harmonize. 陷入僵局的原因在于,欧元区的两大主导力量——法国和德国,一致同意有必要在欧元区内进一步协调统一,但在对哪些方面协调统一的问题上存在分歧。


【拓】disagree with sb. 与某人的观点不同;使某人不舒服

be unfamiliar with


【词】unfamiliar [ˌʌnfəˈmɪliə(r)] a. 不熟悉的,陌生的;没经验的;无…知识的

【真】If you are unfamiliar with words or idioms, you guess at their meaning, using clues presented in the context. 如果你不熟悉单词或习语,你可以通过上下文提供的线索来猜测它们的意思。


【拓】be familiar with 对…熟悉

arrive at/in


【真】Only if the jobless arrive at the jobcentre with a CV, register for online job search, and start looking for work will they be eligible for benefit and then they should report weekly rather than fortnightly. 只有失业者拿着简历到就业中心,注册网上求职并开始找工作,他们才有资格获得救济金——随后他们必须每周报告一次,而不是每两周。


take over


【真】I don’t believe that “technology” can take over our lives—unless we choose to let it. 我不相信“技术”能控制我们的生活——除非我们自己主动让它控制。

take effort


【例】It takes a lot of time and effort to pass the examination. 通过这项考试需要投入很多时间并需要付出大量努力。

be about to


【真】Even he, however, might tremble at the thought of what he is about to do. 然而,一想到接下来将要做的事情,甚至连他自己也会感到不寒而栗。


lure sb. into (doing) sth.


【词】lure [ljʊə(r)] v. 诱惑;吸引

【真】The supermarket is designed to lure customers into spending as much time as possible within its doors. 超市旨在引诱消费者尽可能在店里多逗留一段时间。


tell apart


【例】It’s easy to tell our pens apart because they’re all different colors. 我们的笔很容易区分,因为它们的颜色不一样。

【辨】tell…apart 指在同一类人或事物中分辨,常用tell sb./sth. apart(将某人/某事物区分开)。tell…from 指两个或两类之间的区别,常用tell A from B(将A和B区分开来)。

sum up


【真】To sum up : a system of conservation based solely on economic self-interest is hopelessly lopsided. 总之,一个仅仅基于经济利益的保护体系存在着无可救药的片面性。


be/feel disappointed at


【真】People feel disappointed at the realities of modern society. 人们对现代社会的现实情况感到失望。


in the form of


【真】I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of explaining the number on the scale, I altered my training program. 我曾以增肌的形式增加了体重,但我只想减少体重秤上的数字,为此我改变了自己的训练计划。


decide on/upon


【例】If you can’t decide on something, just start and adjust your targets as you learn. 如果你在某些问题上无法做出决定,开始做就是了,然后随着你的学习调整你的目标。

【拓】determine on/upon sth. 决定做某事;对某事下定决心 ‖ be determined to do sth. 决心做某事

in the end


【例】 In the end , however, Bella agreed with her boyfriend. 然而,最后贝拉还是同意了她男朋友的说法。

in dispute


【真】His reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute . 作为音乐评论家,他的名声一直饱受争议。


be essential to


【真】It is essential to consider factors beyond GDP. 考虑除GDP以外的因素也很有必要。


let rip


【真】Development should be planned, not let rip . 发展应讲求计划性,而不是任意妄为。


after all


【真】 After all , if everyone you know is going to college in the fall, it seems silly to stay back a year, doesn’t it? 毕竟,如果每个你认识的人都在秋天上大学,你却延迟一年才去,这样看上去会很傻,是吧?


comply with


【真】After all, it has an ad business too, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how. 毕竟,它本身也有广告业务,尽管微软承诺在广告业务中会遵守“禁止追踪”(DNT)要求,但如何遵守尚待研究。


【拓】subject to 受…支配;服从于

be suspicious of/about


【词】suspicious [səˈspɪʃəs] a. 有疑心的;表示怀疑的;可疑的

【真】A few premiers are suspicious of any federal-provincial deal-making. 一些省份的省长对于联邦政府和各省之间的任何合作都抱着怀疑的态度。




【真】Rather, we ascribe meanings to texts on the basis of interaction between what we might call textual and contextual material. 相反,读者对文本含义的推测是基于他们与所谓的文本资料和语境资料之间的互动。


aim for


【真】In face of the present situation, the Times (The New York Times) should aim for efficient management. 面对目前的形势,《纽约时报》应努力高效管理。


aim at


【真】The author suggests that tax policies be aimed at preventing the income gap from widening. 作者建议税收政策应以防止收入差距扩大为目标。


as a whole


【真】At least, that is how it looks as a whole . 至少从整体上来看是这样。


filter out


【真】To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural behaviour arose. 从共性中筛选出特性,或许能让我们明白复杂的文化行为是如何产生的。


as opposed to


【真】A sacred place of peace, however crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter, which is a distinctly animal need. 那是一片宁静的圣土,不管多么简陋,都是人类特有的需求,它不同于遮风避雨的地方,那明显是动物的需求。


have confidence in


【真】Readers must have confidence in the conclusions published in our journal. 读者必须对发表在我们杂志上的研究结论有信心。


tax on


【真】These unilateral developments differ in their specifics, but they are all designed to tax multinationals on income and revenue that countries believe they should have a right to tax, even if international tax rules do not grant them that right. (这些国家)各自的进展在细节上有所不同,但它们的目的都是对跨国公司的收入征税,以及对这些国家认为它们有权征税的收益上征税,即使国际税收规则不授予它们这种权利。


(be) relative to


【真】It’s not popular to say, but one reason their pay has gone up so much is that CEOs really have upped their game relative to many other workers in the U.S. economy. 虽然这种说法并不普遍,但首席执行官们的薪酬增长如此之快的一个原因是:与美国经济中的许多其他员工相比,他们的技能确实提高了。


such as


【真】It is designed to apply primarily to companies such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon—in other words, multinational tech companies based in the United States. 它主要适用于谷歌、苹果、脸书和亚马逊等公司,换句话说,也就是总部设在美国的跨国科技公司。


react to


【真】Personality can affect how a person reacts to eye contact. 性格会影响一个人对眼神交流的反应。




1. He noted that his personal fee alone were possible to ______ two hundred million dollars.

A. reach up

B. add up

C. amount to

D. sum up

2. You should ______ talking with current and past customers of the provider.

A. insist on

B. persevere on

C. rein in

D. sign on

3. If your personal issues are affecting your projects’ success, you need to ______ them at once.

A. work with

B. deal with

C. connect to

D. put up with

4. It takes me a long time to get used to the humor ______ American sitcoms.

A. pledge to

B. specialized in

C. peculiar to

D. similar to

5. The process needs to be ______ the provider or other interferences.

A. independent of

B. interested in

C. dependent on

D. removed from

6. There’s a barbecue tomorrow and you’re very welcome to ______.

A. come on

B. come in

C. come out

D. come along

7. We have to survive; we have to reinvent, either ______ or by plan.

A. by chance

B. by the way

C. in depth

D. in part

8. Take it to the next level and organize your group partners to ______ in cooking lunch for each other.

A. take chances

B. take turns

C. make choices

D. make sense

9. It is crucial that the measures are readily ______ the public.

A. accessible to

B. compensate for

C. biased against

D. cautious about

10. It is unwise to make commercial ads ______ brand names and information.

A. based on

B. essential to

C. full of

D. vulnerable


1. 他先是简单介绍了一下自己的计划,然后又进行了较详细的解释。

He outlined his plans first and ______ ______ explain them in more detail.

2. 这些便宜的玩具也一样好,买那个贵的没什么意义。

It doesn’t ______ ______ to buy that expensive toy when these cheaper ones are just as good.

3. 生命是条单行道,你只能走一次,所以要最大限度地利用,且行且珍惜。

You only have one ride through life so ______ ______ ______ ______ it and enjoy it while you can.

4. 从原则上来说,这是一个好办法,但是缺点在于很难当面告诉某人他被开除了。

______ ______, this is a good idea, but the drawback is that it’s very difficult to tell someone he is fired in face.

5. 从现在开始计算的话,半年之后还有多少非文学界的人能记住我的名字呢?

How many people ______ ______ the literature circle will remember my name even half a year from now?

6. 你连上的任何地址都会被保存在屏幕上的列表中。

Any addresses you ______ ______ will be stored in the list on this screen.

7. 我们的目标是找到一个“中间立场”,并尝试尽可能让项目尽快完成。

Our goal has been to find a ______ ______ and to try to finish the project as soon as possible.

8. 差别在于:这些企业将会来自世界各地,而美国则不再一枝独秀。

The difference will be that these companies will ______ ______ all over the world rather than mainly from America.

9. 这可能会导致巨大的压力,但是我不害怕!

This can ______ ______ significant pressure, but I have no fear!

10. 突然,你的日程表被清空了,待办事项也缩减到几乎清零的状态。

______ ______ ______ ______ your schedule clears up, and your to-do list shrinks down to almost nothing.


1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C

1. proceeded to

2. make sense

3. make the most of

4. In principle

5. outside of

6. connect to

7. middle ground

8. hail from

9. lead to

10. All of a sudden h9REqnq+uCQyUh7W8djNvE6rgFGnO7JuLJ5vlqIvzPviOEu+krM/0pHFv/c0vphB
