

T he speaking section is often the most daunting part of the IELTS Test. Ironically, many IELTS candidates perform poorly in the speaking section because they over-prepare for it. The "error-free" templates and picture-perfect "model answers" committed to memory make the entire preparation process a strategic failure—few people would try to learn the piano if they were only interested in playing the Liszt Sonata in B minor, right?

To achieve a high score in the speaking section of the IELTS Test, you must understand what the examiner realistically wants. Personal preferences vary when it comes to words, structures and concepts, but all examiners value spontaneity. It is fairly easy for them to spot thoughtless spouting of prepared answers, because there are few or no natural pauses in answers given by rote. In addition, candidates tend to hesitate noticeably when the examiner asks for further elaboration on a prepared response. This dramatic hesitation seriously erodes the candidate's credibility in proving English proficiency, which often results in score penalties.

Unlike many other preparation materials available for the speaking section of the IELTS Test, this book is not designed to be memorized by rote; rather, it is intended to develop the readers' spontaneous English conversation skills. Accordingly, all chapters are structured around subjects that are not only IELTS-oriented, but also current and thought-provoking. The perspective offered on each subject challenges you to think beyond its common treatment. Each subject is also presented with a one-step-beyond component, serving as a springboard for addressing related topics at a more sophisticated level.

It is true that speaking a second language is partly a talent, but it is mostly a skill. It will, like any other skill, improve with practical guidance and continued practice. I encourage you to actively use the English and test-taking techniques you will learn from this book. That will not only help you retain what you learn but also make you a more confident and competent IELTS candidate.

Patrick Shen
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