
Music makes you feel a feeling,

while words make you think about a thought.

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为了准备IELTS口试,很多同学已经用出了“洪荒之力”(英国BBC把它译为prehistoric powers),本该用来与考官进行 交流 的口语答案被“武装到了牙齿”。这种备考热情本身值得鼓励,可问题在于:同学们这种“语不惊人死不休”的用词风格和Pat自己每天在国外听到的真实对话怎么听都是两种语言。

We take the test seriously, but we want to make it fun and interesting as well.

British Council提供的高分实例解析

办方British Council的考官们也注意到了这个用词误区,而且特意向考生提出了“整改通知”:

Many candidates have been told to use profound (高深的) vocabulary—this is misleading (有误导性的) advice. Most candidates who follow this advice use these words in an inappropriate (不恰当的) way. Candidates should remember this is a test of conversation .


请您仔细体会由British Council提供的这个真实官方高分答案样例:

Which do you prefer, getting an email or a text message?

I prefer emails. I work in front of a computer all day so this is easier for me. I'm not good at texting . I know I'm a bit old-fashioned .

这样的答案之所以会是British Council官方的高分答案,是因为这名考生显然是想针对考官提出的问题和考官进行 真正有效的交流 ,而不是“自娱自乐”。这是典型的British Council官方答案风格,而且也将是您出国之后每天听到身边native speakers谈话的真实风格。

我们再来看下面这个British Council提供的高分实例:

Have you ever cooked a meal for your family?

I haven't actually. My mum tends to do all the cooking in our house. But I did bake some biscuits once. They were terrible. No one would eat them.

整体用词很浅显,只用了少量略有难度(但也并不是很难)的单词和短语(phrases)作为“点缀”,考生的目标同样是努力回答考官提出的问题, 形成 有效的交流。

我们再来看这个《剑14》Test 3里面的高分实例:

Do you think that successful people are always happy people?

I don't think they are always happy people because they have their problems too. For example many successful people have stressful lifestyles and suffer from anxiety . It's also harder for them to keep a good balance between work and family because they have busy careers and spend more time at work than others.

还有这个《剑13》Test 3里面的高分实例:

Why is it good to discuss problems with other people?

It's good because other people can give us advice about how to solve the problems. Discussing problems with others can also help us get understanding and support . Some of them may even join us in solving the problems.


下面这个高分答案的用词同样平实,牢记口语的目的是“ 交流 ”,而不是“吓人”。

Do you think bicycles are good for all ages?

I don't think so. Cycling is a good way to keep fit for most ages. But for people who are too young or too old to have good balance skills cycling can be dangerous activity.


What kinds of radio programmes do you like best?

I don't really listen to the radio very often. But I tend to prefer news shows and sports shows because they are fun and helpful . They give me information about what is happening around the world and in sports competitions .

这样的答案之所以成为IELTS口试中的高分答案,就因为它合理(make sense),而且它的目标是和考官进行实实在在的 交流 (effective communication)。


Do you think it's possible to be friends with people who you've never met in person?

Yes , it's possible. I've heard about pen friends or " pen pals " who'd never met in person but could still communicate well with each other by mail . And these days , it's very easy to make new friends on social media .

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关于准备口试词汇,British Council给出的官方建议是:

Learn vocabulary by topic instead of in random lists.

您可以在本书 Day 7 Day 8 和本书附赠的《 IELTS口语高频词汇&短语速查手册 》里找到针对各类常考话题(commonly-tested topics)的加分词汇和短语。同时必须提醒您的是: “好词”在IELTS口试里的意义是帮助你更加有效地回答考官提出的问题、与你的考官进行 更充分的交流 ,而不是用来“晒”(show off)的奢侈品(luxury products)。 yPI1rZsSZp1UYT6qaLfjwsAF+Lm8+1CajljNjIqe1PkuKfiuGLGDrOgHfdHUCBjD
