
Part 3考什么?

与Part 1简短、直接的风格不同,Part 3要求考生能够与考官展开讨论(discussion)并且能回答出一些相关的 细节 。用《哪吒》里敖丙的话来说就是在Part 3部分,“细节决定成败”。British Council官方对于Part 3的答题结构要求请看 p. 295

以下题目都是近期在亚太考区出现的Part 3真题。

● What do you think is a healthy lifestyle?

思路提示 have a balanced diet /eat plenty of fruit and vegetables /drink 8 glasses of water a day“一天喝8杯水”是英国国家医疗体系NHS提出的健康生活标准之一/ exercise regularly /get up and go to bed on time

● What are the differences between modern buildings and traditionalbuildings?

思路提示 :traditional buildings are more eco-friendly 更有益于环保的/traditional buildings look more attractive 更有吸引力的/modern buildings are taller and stronger/modern buildings lack character 缺乏个性特色)

● What are the differences between fresh food and canned food?

思路提示 :fresh food is rich in fiber(纤维)and vitamins/fresh food tastes better /canned food takes less time to prepare and cook)

● How do TV programmes affect education?

思路提示 :some TV programmes are fun and enjoyable /they can provide young people with a variety of(多种多样的) useful information /on the other hand, many TV programmes contain violent images /young people tend to copy what they see on TV)

● What do you think of giving children gifts when they behave well?

思路提示 :That's like a reward for their good behaviour./On the other hand, children may be spoiled if adults always do that/it would be better to reward children with words than with gifts)

● What's your idea of success?

思路提示 :It can be anything I really try hard to do./anything that can give me a sense of achievement /even as ordinary as cooking a nice meal for my family or friends/some people are very ambitious and always try to achieve success in their studies or careers)

● Who can give good advice to us?

思路提示 :our parents/our teachers/our friends/people who have had similar experiences /people who really care about us

● How can we solve the problem of global warming?

思路提示 :control the number of cars/ improve public transport/encourage adults to cycle to work /encourage children to walk to school

● What are the differences between individual sports and team sports?

思路提示 :We are more focused when we do individual sports such as jogging and swimming./Individual sports can give us a strong sense of achievement ./Team sports can improve our teamwork skills ./Team sports are more fun because we communicate with and work closely with our teammates./We share the joy of winning with our teammates.)

Part 3的答案结构请参考Day 9。需要注意的是:Part 3的题目不管听起来多么怪异(weird),也没必要把答案想得太“深邃”(profound)了。请牢记:雅思口语的高分答案毕竟也还是口语(spoken English),而不是写作(written English)。

用British Council的官方建议来说就是,“Remember this is a test of English conversation .” sBTQ/GJQKdRNqq3faTFgKlpgL0QZvAI6E2q8Oe+nzM4UYM00cqGK3zvIBHbQjScq
