
Part 1考什么?


Recent Part 1 Questions 完整Part 1话题库请看Day 7

The Start of the Test

Please switch off/turn off (关闭) your mobile phone.

What's your full name?/Can you tell me your full name please?

Can I see your ID card please?

☆ What's your full name?/Can you tell me your full name please?

这是固定的问题,简单地回答 My full name is… 就好了。因为中文的姓名顺序和英文的姓名顺序正好相反,所以最好别太具体地说你的first name/last name是什么,除非你计划在一开始就弄晕考官(Pat的很多在中国有过任教经历的英美朋友们都谈到他们在中国时“had to be careful about saying ‘first name’and‘last name’to avoid confusion”)。但如果您非要坚持说清楚自己“姓字名谁”,那么说 My family name is…and my given name is… 也可以。

☆ Can I see your ID card please?

这个也是固定问题,回答 Here you are. 或者 Here you go. 都很好。

Hometown/Your House/Your flat/Housework

☆ What would you change about your city?


☆ What types of public transport can be found in your hometown?

很多中国同学爱说的transportation其实是美国的说法,英国考官会用 transport

公车当然是bus,轻轨叫light railway或者light rail,轮渡叫作ferry,地铁在英国叫underground,在美国叫subway(Pat注意到有些同学把自己所在城市的地铁叫作the Tube,但其实在英国the Tube只能用来特指伦敦市内的地铁)。

☆ Do you take public transport? Why?

如果您想回答“是”,理由可以有Public transport in my city is convenient and reliable .(方便可靠的),It's a cheaper way to get around.(是更省钱的出行方式),It's more eco-friendly than driving.(比开车更环保),或者用现在英美年轻人当中很“潮”的一种说法:I want to reduce my carbon footprint .(减少我的“碳足迹”)。

Pat's note: British Council官方明确指出:IELTS口试的评分原则之一是“ A negative answer is just as good as a positive one .”(只要英文正确,肯定的答案或者否定的答案都是考官愿意接受的)。所以,如果您想回答“不是”,理由可以有:Public transport in my city is never on time (从来都不准时). It's unreliable .(不可靠的)或者It's always overcrowded (过于拥挤的).

Your Studies/Your Work

☆ What did you do on your first day in this school/university?

国外学校入学的第一天经常被称为Orientation Day,常见活动有a Welcome Meeting, an orientation tour of the campus(其实也就是带着大家看看校园),a free lunch(最近几年因为经济不行,很多学校已经赖掉了),在有些学校里还可以meet the faculty and staff(与教职工见面)。

Habits & Hobbies

☆ What do you usually do at weekends?

注意:英国考官说“在周末”会说at weekends,而不说on weekends。

☆ Are you good at managing your time?

Pat's answer: Yes, I can manage my time well. I like to make daily schedules (做每天的日程安排)and plan my activities ahead . I also try to complete my tasks on time .

Pat's note:

(i)如果想给否定的回答则可以说:No, I'm not good at managing my time. I like to put things off (推迟)until the last minute, so I often find it difficult to get things done on time.

(ii) find it difficult to do sth. 是英文口语里很常用的句型之一,意思是“感到做某事很困难”。例如,特斯拉(Tesla)公司的CEO,“硅谷钢铁侠”Elon Musk就说过,“I find it difficult to balance work and personal life.”

Sports/Outdoor Activities

☆ Do you like swimming?

Pat's answer: Yes, I do. Swimming is a good way to relax and reduce stress . It's also a good form of exercise and helps me keep fit .


(ⅰ)地道短语 reduce stress 的意思是“减轻压力”;

(ⅱ)地道英文里还常说Swimming is a good way to lose weight (游泳是减肥良方).如果您希望练出像孙杨、傅园慧一样健美的体型,还可以说Swimming is a great way to build up muscles .

(ⅲ)在英语国家里流行的另外两种water sports是 diving (潜水)和 surfing (冲浪)。

☆ Do you think it's important for children to play outdoor games?

Pat's answer: Yes, outdoor games can help children develop an active lifestyle . Playing outside can also reduce their stress and improve their concentration . Children who play outdoor games also tend to sleep better at night.


(ⅰ) improve their concentration 的意思是“增强他们的注意力”

(ⅱ)谈户外游戏的时候这个地道短语也很常用: boost the immune system (提高身体的免疫机能)

☆ Do you like going to parks?

Pat's answer: Yes, I like going to parks because they can help me get closer to nature . The fresh air makes me feel calm and peaceful . I also enjoy listening to birds chirping (鸟叫)when I'm in a park.


(ⅰ) get closer to nature 的意思是“更加接近大自然”;

(ⅱ) feel calm and peaceful 是native speakers在说“感到心情很平静”时很常用的一个短语

公园里的更多活动请看Day 7 p. 109。

The Media

☆ Why do we need advertisements?

最重要的原因当然是They give us information about new products.而且很多广告具有创意( creative ),娱乐性也很强( entertaining ),还可以在广告里面看到 celebrities (名人);而对于商家(businesses)来说,advertisements则是good marketing tools

☆ Do you prefer watching films at the cinema or at home?

如果喜欢去电影院,理由可以有A cinema screen is much larger than a TV screen.而且The sound quality in the cinema is better.座位也更舒服The seats in the cinema are more comfortable. 可以更专注地看电影(It's easier to concentrate on the film in the cinema.),观赏体验更令人享受(The viewing experience is more enjoyable.)等等。

如果想说喜欢在家看电影,则可以说It's more convenient and cheaper to watch films at home.或者自己并不喜欢坐在拥挤的地方(I don't like sitting in a crowded place .)

The Internet

☆ What are the differences between emails and letters?

在英美letters也经常被叫作snail mail(蜗牛信),因为实在太耗时间( time-consuming ),详情请看Day 7的Topic 7。

Reading & Writing

☆ Which do you use more often, pens or pencils?

Pat's answer: I use pens more often because notes that are taken with a pen last longer , and I don't need to sharpen my pens.


(ⅰ)地道短语 last longer 的意思是“持续得更久”;

(ⅱ)如果想回答更常使用铅笔也可以,比如It's easier to draw with a pencil than with a pen.

☆ Do you prefer to type things or to write things on paper?

Pat's answer: 打字的好处除了更快(faster),还可以编辑(edit)和剪贴(cut and paste things)。

☆ Do you think maths is an important subject at school?

Pat's answer: Yes, it's very important because maths skills can help students better understand science, technology and the world around them . Maths can also help students think in a more logical way (更有逻辑地思考).

Clothing & Shopping

☆ Do you buy clothes online?

Pat's answer: No, I don't because I can't try on clothes online. It's hard to know if they would really fit me or not. It's much easier to go to a local clothing shop, try the clothes on and make sure they fit me well.

Pat's thought: 如果确实喜欢在网上买衣服,用地道英文可说的也同样很多,比如:Buying clothes online helps me save time . 而且Prices are lower online than in physical shops (实体店). 以及Online clothing shops have a variety of (多种多样的)clothes to choose from. 等


☆ Do you like sweet food?

Pat's answer: Yes, I do because it helps me reduce stress . Sweet food is also a good source of energy because it has more sugar in it.


(1)短语 a good source of energy 的意思是“很好的能量来源”

(2)如果想说不爱吃甜食,则可以说It's bad for my teeth .或者I'm trying to lose weight (减肥). Sweet food is high in calories (卡路里).

☆ Do you like fruit and vegetables?

Pat's answer: Yes, I do. They taste good and they're very rich in vitamin C and fiber, so eating fruit and vegetables every day can improve my health .


(i)短语be rich in…是“富含……”的意思, vitamin C and fiber 是指“维生素C和纤维”,想说“有营养的”,请用 nutritious /njuːˈtriʃəs/,而如果要形容水果“多汁的”,请坚定地使用 very juicy 来表达

(ii)“均衡的饮食结构”英文叫作 a balanced diet

(iii)英美人还普遍相信胡萝卜(carrots)和橙子(oranges)可以增强视力,英国家长们经常会在餐桌上提醒孩子,“Eat more carrots. They can improve your eyesight .”


☆ Do you prefer to have elderly people or young people as your neighbours?

年轻邻居们的好处是more sociable (更喜欢社交的),more open-minded (思想更开放的),而且I find it easier to communicate with young neighbours等;而老人做邻居的优点则可以有:They tend to be quiet but helpful .

Pat's note: tend to be 在地道英文里表示“多半是”的常用短语:

[BBC例句] Elderly people tend to be wiser and happier.


☆ Do you think it's important for children to learn to play a musical instrument?

小朋友学乐器的各种好处请看Day 7的Topic 11。


☆ Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days?

Pat's answer: I prefer sunny days because sunshine makes me feel fresh and energetic . I also like to do outdoor sports on sunny days, such as jogging and cycling .


(i)短语 feel fresh and energetic 是“感觉焕然一新、很有活力”的意思

(ii)如果想说喜欢雨天当然也可以,比如I like rainy days because I like the sound of raindrops (雨点儿)falling on the ground. It makes me feel calm and peaceful (感觉心情很平静).

Plants & Animals

☆ Do you think trees are important to our lives?

Pat's answer: Yes, they're very important. Trees produce oxygen (制造氧气)and absorb (吸收)dirty air. They also make streets and parks look more attractive and provide shade (提供树荫)in summer.

☆ Why do many people keep pets?

Pat's answer: That's because pets can help their owners reduce stress and loneliness (减少压力和孤独的感觉). It seems people who have pets are happier and more active . Keeping pets is also a good way for children to learn about responsibility because they need to take care of their pets.


人们“遛狗”英文叫 walk their dogs (注意:不是“走狗”),把东西扔出去让小狗捡回来的游戏叫 play fetch with their dogs。


☆ What kinds of birthday gifts did you receive on your last birthday?

详情请看Day 7的Topic 20。

此外,您还可以在 Day 7 以及随本书附赠的《 IELTS口语工具箱 》和《 高频词汇&短语速查手册 》里看到更多的Part 1思路、词汇和短语。 r/UySe+c++U6t9slu0KdFu/YYB5EgU0MxKO53AUlfw4OTUQiWqDX+1llEV1cEvEq
