图1:各国GDP(资料来源:A. Maddison,
Historical Statistics of the World Economy
, http://www.ggdc.net/maddison/maddison-project/home.htm)
图2:被遗忘的不景气:美国战后冲击,1919—1921年(资料来源:NBER Macrohistory database, http://www.nber.org/databases/microhistroy)
图3:通货紧缩(资料来源:J. S. Davis, ‘Recent Developments in World Finance’,
The Review of Economics and Statistics
, 4, No.2 [April 1922], 62–87)
图4:英国在两次世界大战期间的“震动”:1920—1921年失业率的第一次飙升(资料来源:NBER Macrohistory database, http://www.nber.org/databases/macrohistory)
表1:美元都买了什么:英国在海外购买的主要战争物资的份额,1914—1918年(资料来源:K. D. Stubbs,
Race to the Front: The Material Foundations of Coalition Strategy in the Great War
[Westport, CT, 2002], 300-301, 305–8,313; M. W. Gibson,
British Strategy and Oil, 1914—1923
[PhD, University of Glasgow, 2012], 73, 96)
表2:民主历史上的最大事件:俄国立宪会议选举结果,1917年11月(资料来源:O. H. Radkey,
The Election to the Russian Constituent Assembly of 1917
[Cambridge, MA, 1950], 16–17)
表3:从赤字到贸易顺差再到赤字:日本脆弱的收支平衡,1913—1929年(资料来源:H. G. Moulton,
Japan: An Economic and Financial Appraisal
[Washington, DC, 1931], 486–527)
表4:战时混乱的全球价格体系:批发价格(资料来源:C. Wrigley [ed.],
The First World War and the International Economy
[Cheltenham, UK, 2000], 18; M. A. Rifaat,
The Monetary System of Egypt
[London, 1935], 197)
表5:战时经济的低速发展:美国,1916—1920年(资料来源:C. Gilbert,
American Financing of World War I
[Westport, CT, 1970], 68, 202, 215)
表6:战争,通货膨胀和工人斗争,1914—1921年:罢工数量(资料来源:C. Wrigley [ed.],
The First World War and the International Economy
[Cheltenham, UK, 2000], 206; Bureau of the Census,
Historical Statistics of the United States
[Washington, DC, 1961], D764, 99)
表7:财政实力的新次序:巴黎和会前美国对各国预算情况的评估,1918年12月(资料来源:P. D. Cravath memo for D. H. Miller, ‘Preliminary Suggestions Regarding Indemnities’, December 1918, Document 62, in P. M. Burnett,
Reparation at the Paris Peace Conference
[New York, 1940], vol. 1, 457)
表8:来自“盟友”的重拳:协约国对美国的债务(资料来源:据R. Self,
Britain, America and the War Debt Controversy: The Economic Diplomacy of an Unspecial Relationship, 1917—1941
[London, 2006], 217)
表9:德国的赔款,1918—1931年(赔款部分资料来源:S. B. Webb,
Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Weimar Germany
[Oxford, 1989], 37, S. A. Schuker,
American ‘Reparations’ to Germany, 1919—1933
[Princeton, NJ, 1988], 25, 44–5, 107–108, C. Bresciani-Turroni,
The Economics of Inflation
[London, 1937], 93; 国家收入部分资料来源:A. Ritschl and M. Spoerer, ‘Das Bruttosozialprodukt in Deutschland nach den amtlichen Volkseinkommens und Sozialproduktstatistiken 1901–1995’,
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte
2 [1997], 11–37, C.-L. Holtfrerich,
Die deutsche Inflation 1914—1923
[Berlin, 1980], 221)
表10:过长的战线:大英帝国军事力量的部署,1920年2月(资料来源:A. Clayton,
The British Empire as a Superpower, 1919—1939
[London, 1986], 45)
表11:德国陷入恶性通货膨胀,1919—1923年(资料来源:S. B. Webb,
Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Weimar Germany
[Oxford, 1989], 37, 49; NBER Macrohistory database, http://www.nber.org/databases/macrohistory/contents/; C.-L. Holtfrerich,
Die deutsche Inflation, 1914—1923
[Berlin, 1980])
表12:与华盛顿达成妥协:战时债务协议,1923—1930年(资料来源:据R. Self,
Britain, America and the War Debt Controversy: The Economic Diplomacy of an Unspecial Relationship, 1917—1941
[London, 2006], 218)
表13:和善商业:美国私人资本的长期海外投资,1930年12月(资料来源:Royal Institute of International Affairs,
The Problem of International Investment
[Oxford, 1937], 186–187)
The Economist
, 11 June 1932)
Historical Statistics of the United States
[Washington DC, 1960]; J. Eloranta, ‘From the Great Illusion to the Great War: Military Spending Behaviour of the Great Powers, 1870—1913’,
European Review of Economic History 11
(2007), 255–283; J. Eloranta, ‘Why Did the League of Nations Fail?’,
(2011), 27–52; 国民生产总值部分数据来源:A. Maddison,
Historical Statistics of the World Economy
, http://www.ggdc.net/maddison/maddison-project/home.htm)