
Chapter 4
The Monster

W hy do I tell you that I am destroyed,like a dead man? I say it because the power that my knowledge gave me was too much for me, or any man. Men are weak—we are not strong like the gods. I asked myself some questions.I knew how to create life, but what kind of monster should I make? Did I want to create a simple animal monster, or a person like myself?

Soon, my head was full of wild dreams and ideas. I believed that nothing could stop me, and that I could do anything I wanted! Yes, I would build a monster that would be intelligent and wonderful, just like a human being! This monster would know that I had made it, and we would travel the world together. I knew that the monster could not be a normal size. This was because the human body is made up of so many parts. The monster would be extremely big, about eight feet tall. This way, I could put all the body parts together.

In the next months, I found all the things I would need. I took bones from dead bodies, and found animal parts. Then I found whole bodies that I dug up, from the graveyard near the church! It was summer when I began my work on the monster.Night after night, for more than a year, I would not stop my work. I forgot to eat, and slept little.I did not think about my family at all, even though Elizabeth and my father wrote me many letters.I only thought about myself—and the monster. Of course, sometimes I hated what I was doing. But most of the time I truly wanted to finish making the monster. It was winter when I knew my work was almost done. But by this time, I was extremely sick and tired. My body burned with fever. I was terribly thin, nothing but skin and bones. I never spoke to anyone and was always alone. But I did not care about my health. I said to myself, “Once I have made this monster, I will become healthy again, and see my family, and all the other good things!” How wrong I was.

extremely /ɪk ˈ stri:mlɪ/ adv. 极端地;极其地

foot /fʊt/n. 英尺。1英尺= 0.304 8

care about 关心。例如:She didn't care about her husband. 她不关心她的丈夫。 vI+eaz7zUhtguazcxUiJgZPMcO8r6Gmcg2fMx8q1NQeIUfowCEJzSynuKXJdhly5
