
The Thief and His Mother

One day, the boy stole a textbook from one of his classmates and took it home. His mother saw him and asked what he was holding in the hand. The boy told her the truth and prepared for the beating. Instead of punishing him, she encouraged him.

“Why would I beat you?” said his mother. “He didn't see you taking it, did he? Now you have a new textbook!”

Next time the boy stole a beautiful coat and brought it to her.She praised him again.

“How beautiful this coat is!” she said. “Thank you for bringing it to me. You are a good boy.”

Gradually, the boy became a real thief and stole a lot of things.When he grew up, he began to steal something more valuable. At last, he was caught stealing and sentenced to death.

When he was brought to the place of execution , his mother was walking behind him, crying.

“I want to say something to my mother i n private ,” said the thief.

Key Words

steal [sti:l] v.

praise [preɪz] v. 称赞

sentence [ˈsentəns] v. 判决;宣判

execution [ˌeksɪˈkju:ʃn] n. 处决;执行

in private 私下地,单独地

Then he came close to his mother, and she put her ear to his mouth. Suddenly, he bit her ear of with his teeth. She covered the wound , shocked and angry.

“How could you do this to me? You ungrateful little monster!”she cried out.

“When I first brought you the textbook that I stole,” he said,“if you had stopped me and told me that it was wrong, I would not have ended up like this. What I suffer today is all because of you!”

· Correct the small mistakes of children, or they will make big ones one day. LebB/2dhwGBXqafkktlqcHMdX7VSPKS9D5fCQ2CRLCb5x843OZR3OrFU0Ikbvbfv
