
The Dog, the Cock and the Fox

Once upon a time, there were two good friends, a dog and a cock, who were traveling together. When the night fell, they stopped to find the place to rest. The cock flew up to a tree and perched on its branches while the dog slept in the hole of the trunk .

The next day the cock woke up at sunrise and crowed very loudly as usual. A fox heard the sound and thought to himself, “It looks like I will have some chicken for my breakfast.”

Then he came to the cock and stood under the tree.

“It's nice to meet you,” said the fox to the cock. “You have such wonderful voice, and I really want us to become good friends.”

“It's so kind of you, my friend,” said the cock. “You can come up through the door of the hollow trunk, and then we will sit together and chat .”

The fox was thrilled. When he came near the trunk, suddenly the dog rushed out of the hole, caught him and tore him into pieces.

· One who started with the aim of injuring others only ends up ruining himself.

Key Words

perch [pɜ:tʃ] v. 栖息;停留

hole [həʊl] n. 洞;孔

trunk [trʌŋk] n. 树干

crow [krəʊ] v. (公鸡)啼鸣,报晓

chat [tʃæt] v. 聊天;闲谈


1. The goatherd in The Goatherd and the Wild Goats took___ care of the wild goats than his own goats.

A. more

B. the same

C. less

2. In The Dog, the Cock and the Fox , what happened to the fox in the end?

A. He left.

B. He ate the cock.

C. He was killed by the dog.

3. In Belling the Cat , who do you think is going to tie the bell around the cat's neck?

A. The old mouse.

B. The young mouse.

C. No one. K5BhWHNxgQRRfqCh1NxoL81orA5MBapHBQlVMWKB8PjCpJShAcH+rY/dngHsSWUk
