



1. 样本不足

选项中提示样本不足的词汇有:some、few、certain、sample、small percentage等,也会有其他表示“小范围”“小样本”的内容。之前讲过“some”本身只是告诉我们数字大于零,至于会不会达到有代表性的程度我们并不清楚,完全可理解为含有some的事件只是一个特例。样本不足则没有代表性(not representative)。但是样本不足不意味着选项必错,只是属于高概率错误的选项。如果其他四个选项描述的事情和原文都无逻辑交集,只有一个选项与原文话题部分沾边,即使这个选项有“some”或类似词汇,我们也只能选择这个选项。

例1 Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

The irradiation of food kills bacteria and thus retards spoilage. However, it also lowers the nutritional value of many foods. For example, irradiation destroys a significant percentage of whatever vitamin B1 a food may contain. Proponents of irradiation point out that irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking. However, this fact is either beside the point, since much irradiated food is eaten raw, or else misleading, since

A. many of the proponents of irradiation are food distributors who gain from food's having a longer shelf life.

B. it is clear that killing bacteria that may be present on food is not the only effect that irradiation has.

C. cooking is usually the final step in preparing food for consumption, whereas irradiation serves to ensure a longer shelf life for perishable foods.

D. certain kinds of cooking are, in fact, even more destructive of vitamin B 1 than carefully controlled irradiation is.

E. for food that is both irradiated and cooked, the reduction of vitamin B 1 associated with either process individually is compounded.

解析: 填空题其实就是演绎题的间接考法,实质是考查支持题、假设题、削弱题等。原文讲“辐照和营养减少”之间的关系,带着这个话题看选项。




D项发现比较级,要立刻思考比较关系和比较对象是否在原文中被提到过,有一项没有提到过即为无关对比。“certain cooking”既有诱惑词汇“certain”,又有无关对比内容。并且从逻辑意思角度分析,如果某种烹饪比辐照更有破坏性,那么能否说明辐照本身对营养的负面影响?我们并不能得知。所以排除此项。

E项包含了“辐照和营养降低(deduction of Vitamin B 1 )”,是唯一的沾边选项,选E项。

切记: some指代的词汇没有代表性,但most、much指代的词汇有代表性。

例2 The chemical adenosine is released by brain cells when those cells are active. Adenosine then binds to more and more sites on cells in certain areas of the brain, as the total amount released gradually increases during wakefulness. During sleep, the number of sites to which adenosine is bound decreases. Some researchers have hypothesized that it is the cumulative binding of adenosine to a large number of sites that causes the onset of sleep.

Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the researchers' hypothesis?

A. Even after long periods of sleep when adenosine is at its lowest concentration in the brain, the number of brain cells bound with adenosine remains very large.

B. Caffeine, which has the effect of making people remain wakeful, is known to interfere with the binding of adenosine to sites on brain cells.

C. Besides binding to sites in the brain, adenosine is known to be involved in biochemical reactions throughout the body.

D. Some areas of the brain that are relatively inactive nonetheless release some adenosine.

E. Stress resulting from a dangerous situation can preserve wakefulness even when brain levels of bound adenosine are high.

解析: 题目要求支持假说(hypothesis),则读文章时重点找假说的内容。如有选项谈到与假说相关的内容,则优选。









在此题的A项、B项、E项对比中,可清楚地发现B项和E项是逻辑意思完全相反的关系,B项是“清醒与‘interfere with the binding’”,E项是“清醒和大量的‘bound’(bound意思等同于binding)”。此时,再核实一下原文的内容,原文的假说内容是“the cumulative binding of adenosine to a large number of sites that causes the onset of sleep”。“结合和睡觉”是正相关关系,试题问的是支持方向,所以B项优于E项。同时A项的意思是“睡觉之后腺苷的结合也会非常多”,和原文方向相反,排除A,即B项为正确答案。

2. 诉诸大众

解读: 此项逻辑错误是我们在日常生活中也会犯的类型,大众认为对的事情不一定是正确的。

Before the discovery of pellagra's link with niacin, it was widely believed that the disease was an infection that could be transmitted from person to person.


3. 主观内容

解读: 逻辑论证具有客观性。人的思考具有主观性,只思考而不做出某些行为是不会对客观的世界有所影响的,从而也不会形成“逻辑演绎”。因此,如果选项只表达主观思考(知道、想要、激励、目标)等,而并没有采取行动,则基本可以排除此项。但如果原文问的就是一个人的主观想法,另当别论。

Newspaper editorial: In an attempt to reduce the crime rate, the governor is getting tough on criminals and making prison conditions harsher. Part of this effort has been to deny inmates the access they formerly had to college-level courses. However, this action is clearly counter to the governor's ultimate goal, since after being released form prison, inmates who had taken such courses committed far fewer crimes overall than other inmates.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. Not being able to take college-level courses while in prison is unlikely to deter anyone from a crime that he or she might otherwise have committed.

B. Former inmates are no more likely to commit crimes than are members of the general population.

C. The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released.

D. Taking high school level courses in prison has less effect on an inmate's subsequent behavior than taking college-level courses does.

E. The governor's ultimate goal actually is to gain popularity by convincing people that something effective is being done about crime.

解析: (1)试题问“假设”,则要找一个和结论事件相同方向的选项。(2)原文读成:“减少犯罪率,让监狱变得更糟一些,不让罪犯接触到大学课程。但是这个有悖于政府最终目的,释放之后参加大学课程的人犯罪更少。”简单记为“参加课程与犯罪少”的关系。







4. 循环论证

解读: 在支持题中,如果选项重复了结论,可以是正确答案。但在假设题中,必须找一个原文没有说过的事件。此外,所有的逻辑题都不允许答案重复原文中“已经提到的事实”,或“已经告诉我们会成立的条件”。逻辑演绎过程就是生活中的场景。例如:A说“假如明天不下雨,你能陪我去看电影吗?”B如果回答“明天会下雨”算不算反驳了A?在生活中,算。GRE、GMAT考试中追求客观性逻辑,文章之外的情况我们都不能主观推理。生活充满了博弈,需要在和他人互动的过程中了解到其真实想法,要听出“话里有话”。但是这样的思想不可带进备考的状态,之前A说“如果明天下雨”,说明问的是在这个条件下,B会如何行动,而不是削弱条件本身。只驳斥条件,并没有回答A的提问。再比如,假设原文内容是“如果你中了1000万元彩票,你会给慈善机构捐款1000元”,问支持方向。选项A:你真的会中1000万元。选项B:你平时就有乐于助人的习惯。这两个选项哪个是支持?A项只是在重复条件,并没有说明有了这个条件之后你会采取什么样的行动。B项讲,你平时就乐于助人,所以会增加你做慈善的概率,因此答案是B项。

Smithtown University's fund-raisers succeeded in getting donations from 80 percent of the potential donors they contacted. This success rate, exceptionally high for university fund-raisers, does not indicate that they were doing a good job. On the contrary, since the people most likely to donate are those who have donated in the past, good fund-raisers constantly try less-likely prospects in an effort to expand the donor base. The high success rate shows insufficient canvassing effort.

Which of the following, if true, provides more support for the argument?

A. Smithtown University's fund-raisers were successful in their contacts with potential donors who had never given before about as frequently as were fund-raisers for other universities in their contacts with such people.

B. This year most of the donations that came to Smithtown University from people who had previously donated to it were made without the university's fund-raisers having made any contact with the donors.

解析: B项只是在重复原文中的事实——“since the people most likely to donate are those who have donated in the past”,因此B项不是答案。

A项的意思是Smithtown大学的募捐人和其他大学的募捐人在劝说那些不大可能捐款的人捐款的成功可能性上是一样的,说明别的大学未能劝说这些人捐款,Smithtown大学的人也未能成功。这样就不能说Smithtown大学的募捐人做得很好(doing a good job),属于支持的方向。此项的内容相当于在解释原文倒数第2句话“good fund-raisers constantly try less-likely prospects in an effort to expand the donor base”,好的募捐人应该让不太可能捐款的人群捐钱,而Smithtown大学的人并没有做得比别的学校的人更好,故A项正确。









Radio stations with radio data system(RDS)technology broadcast special program information that only radios with an RDS feature can receive. Between 1994 and 1996, the number of RDS radio stations in Verdand increased from 250 to 600. However, since the number of RDS-equipped radios in Verdland was about the same in 1996 as in 1994, the number of Verdanders receiving the special program information probably did not increase significantly.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. Few if any of the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994 broadcast to people with RDS-equipped radios living in areas not previously reached by RDS stations.

B. In 1996 Verdlanders who did not own radios equipped to receive RDS could not receive any programming from the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdand after 1994.

解析: 此题为假设题,表明选项和原文必须是“求同”的方向。













A notched wooden stick from South Africa's Border Cave dating to 24,000 years ago contains the earliest evidence of humans using poison. Moreover, the poison applicator is just one of several artifacts, some dating to as early as 44,000 years ago, that resemble objects used by the San. Others include a digging stick, ostrich eggshell beads, carved pig tusks, bone arrowheads, and a lump of beeswax. Archaeologists have hypothesized that the finds indicate that San culture emerged about 44,000 years ago, making these the earliest link to a culture of modern humans.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the archaeologists' hypothesis?

A. Carbon-dating of human skeleton indicates that human were not able to make artifacts until 44,000 years ago.

B. Successor cultures at given cave do not often adopt the style of agricultural implements used by earlier inhabitants of the same site.

分析: 此题为支持题,支持题和假设题一样,都承认结论正确,要找一个选项进一步增加结论成立的概率。题目问支持假说的选项,于是要从原文找到假说的内容。










例1 Researchers took a group of teenagers who had never smoked and for one year tracked whether they took up smoking and how their mental health changed. Those who began smoking within a month of the study's start were four times as likely to be depressed at the study's end than those who did not begin smoking. Since nicotine in cigarettes changes brain chemistry, perhaps thereby affecting mood, it is likely that smoking contributes to depression in teenagers.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. Participants who were depressed at the study's start were no more likely to be smokers at the study's end than those who were not depressed.

解析: 原文的推理链为“抽烟导致抑郁”。

A项:“抑郁的人不可能更容易成为抽烟者”。A项如果没有“no more likely to be”就会导致“因果倒置”,即不是先有抽烟再有的抑郁,而是先有抑郁再成为抽烟者。加上否定词就排除了因果倒置的可能。此项即为答案。

例2 In the Middle Ages, bloodletting was considered beneficial to health and the procedure was used to treat many illnesses, as well as to improve general health. Modern medicine has shown bloodletting to be harmful in treating many of the illnesses for which it was prescribed in the Middle Ages.Yet people who donate blood regularly to blood banks live longer, on average, than those who never donate blood, so bloodletting probably has some beneficial effect.

Which of the following, if true, points to an error of reasoning in the argument?

A. Medieval medical theories assigned a different role to the blood than modern medicine does.

B. Not all of the conditions for which medieval medicine prescribed bloodletting are worsened by the procedure.

C. Bloodletting diminishes a patient's ability to fight off certain kinds of infection.

D. Many people who donate blood regularly to blood banks do so less frequently in old age than they did when they were younger.

E. People who are not generally healthy are not permitted to donate blood to blood banks.

解析: 此题为削弱题,题目问在推理中有何错误。问法表明正确答案描述的事件一定是推理链内部说过的内容,不会通过其他事件来削弱推理链,因为问法是“推理过程中有哪个错误”,答案只能和推理过程相关联。



B项,not all 相当于some,放在名词前面,说明所指情况没有代表性,也是诱惑选项的信号词。此项不太好。


D项又发现一个比较级。两个比较对象(old age,younger)的对比在文章中并没有见到,所以此项和A项一样,犯了无关对比的错误,排除此项。

E项意思是“不健康的人不让献血”。原文中提到“献血会有好处(健康)”,此项和因果倒置相关。如果健康的人才允许被献血,就推理不出献血会有益健康这个说法了。E项正确。 LlEswu9kRg87Df0c9qqTZBzf+wiT055Vs/2n6RGTUe98erHiX/+gqrhNpgHay+yb
