


GRE逻辑题中考查的assumption在英语词典中的定义是“a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn”。从字面意思上说是与前提一起,帮助结论成立。



用英语来理解是“assumption is something one takes for granted and is unstated”。注意unstated一词,如果考生发现某选项可以帮助推出结论,但这项的内容在原文中明确看到过,则这项一定不是假设题的答案。











例1 For similar cars and drivers, automobile insurance for collision damage has always cost more in Greatport than in Fairmont. Police studies, however, show that cars owned by Greatport residents are, on average, slightly less likely to be involved in a collision than cars in Fairmont. Clearly, therefore, insurance companies are making a greater profit on collision-damage insurance in Greatport than in Fairmont.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. Repairing typical collision damage does not cost more in Greatport than in Fairmont.

B. There are no more motorists in Greatport than in Fairmont.

C. Greatport residents who have been in a collision are more likely to report it to their insurance company than Fairmont residents are.

D. Fairmont and Greatport are the cities with the highest collision-damage insurance rates.

E. The insurance companies were already aware of the difference in the likelihood of collisions before the publication of the police reports.

解析: 原文描述三件事情:在Greatport保险更贵;在Greatport碰撞少;保险公司在Greatport更赚钱。








例2 The milk of many mammals contains cannabinoids, substances that are known to stimulate certain receptors in the brain. To investigate the function of cannabinoids, researchers injected newborn mice with a chemical that is known to block cannabinoides from reaching their receptors in the brain. The injected mice showed far less interest in feeding than normal newborn mice do. Therefore, cannabinoids probably function to stimulate the appetite.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. Newborn mice do not normally ingest any substance other than their mothers' milk.

B. Cannabinoids are the only substances in mammals' milk that stimulate the appetite.

C. The mothers of newborn mice do not normally make any effort to encourage their babies to feed.

D. The milk of mammals would be less nutritious if it did not contain cannabinoids.

E. The chemical that blocks cannabinoids from stimulating their brain receptors does not independently inhibit the appetite.

解析: 题目问推理链的假设,所谓推理链就是要找“前提与结论”。

原文的结论为“cannabinoids probably function to stimulate the appetite”,可简单记为 “C和胃口”有关,导致结论成立的原因即为前提。因此原文的前提是“给老鼠注射一种化学物质,以阻止C影响大脑,导致老鼠没啥胃口”。









例3 Most household appliances use electricity only when in use. Many microwave ovens, however, have built-in clocks and so use some electricity even when they are not in use. The clocks each consume about 45 kilowatt-hours per year. Therefore, households whose microwave oven has no built-in clock use 45 kilowatt-hours per year less, on average, than do comparable households whose microwave oven is otherwise similar but has a built-in clock.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. Households that do not have a microwave oven use less energy per year, on average, than do households that have a microwave oven.

B. Microwave ovens with a built-in clock do not generally cost more to buy than microwave ovens without a built-in clock.

C. All households that have a microwave oven also have either a gas oven or a conventional electric oven.

D. Households whose microwave oven does not have a built-in clock are no more likely to have a separate electric clock plugged in than households whose microwave oven has one.

E. There are more households that have a microwave oven with a built-in clock than there are households that have a microwave oven without a built-in clock.

解析: 题目问“argument”,依然找“前提和结论”









考生切记: 不可选项读到一半即对选项进行对与错的判断。正确的步骤是读完选项,然后把选项以话题方式总结出来,看总结出来的选项话题是否和原文提过的话题有联系,再进行判断。

例4 In response to mounting public concern, an airplane manufacturers implement a program with well-publicized goal of reducing by half the total yearly amount of hazardous waste generated by its passenger-jet division. When the program began in 1994, the division's hazardous waste was 90 pounds per production worker, last year it was 40 pounds per production worker. Clearly, therefore, charges that the manufacturer's program has not met its goal are false.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. The amount of nonhazardous waste generated each year by the passenger-jet division has not increased significantly since 1984.

B. At least as many passenger jets were produced by the division last year as had been produced in 1994.

C. Since 1994, other divisions in the company have achieved reductions in hazardous waste output that are at least equal to that achieved in the passenger-jet division.

D. The average number of weekly hours per production worker in the passenger-jet division was not significantly greater last year than it was in 1994.

E. The number of production workers assigned to the passenger-jet division was not significantly less in 1994 than it was last year.

解析: 在逻辑考题中,平均值和相对数是两个高频考点。此题考查平均值问题。如果题目中有平均值,则和计算平均值过程相关的事件就出题方向。(切记:不要对答案的方向有预判,这里只是展示了统计数据,如何选择还是应具体问题具体分析)








技巧延伸: 如果原文说子集,选项说子集,两者不一定有关。就像C项和原文的关系一样。但如果原文说子集,选项说全集,子集和全集是肯定有交集,有类似逻辑关系的选项待比较。

例5 In January of last year the Moviemania chain of movie theaters started propping its popcorn in canola oil, instead of the less healthful coconut oil that it had been using until then. Now Moviemania is planning to switch back, saying that the change has hurt popcorn sales. That claim is false, however, since according to Moviemania's own sales figures, Moviemania sold 5 percent more popcorn last year than in the previous year.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument against Moviemania's claim?

A. Total sales of all refreshments at Moviemania's movie theaters increased by less than 5 percent last year.

D. Total attendance at Moviemania's movie theaters was more than 20 percent higher last year than the year before.

E. The year before last, Moviemania experienced a 10 percent increase in popcorn sales over the previous year.

分析: A项中的食物和饮料(refreshments)与原文的爆米花是全集和子集的关系,此项为正确答案。




例6 In the United States, of the people who moved from one state to another when they retired, the percentage who retired to Florida has decreased by three percentage points over the past ten years. Since many local businesses in Florida cater to retirees, this decline is likely to have a noticeably negative economic effect on these businesses.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A. Florida attracts more people who move from one state to another when they retire than does any other state.

B. The number of people who move out of Florida to accept employment in other states has increased over the past ten years.

C. There are far more local businesses in Florida that cater to tourists than there are local businesses that cater to retirees.

D. The total number of people who retired and moved to another state for their retirement has increased significantly over the past ten years.

E. The number of people who left Florida when they retired to live in another state was greater last year than it was ten years ago.

解析: 文章是通过“3%”这一数字进行逻辑推理,为“相对数”相关的考题。原文用“相对数”出题,答案往往用一个“绝对数”来削弱。(切记,不可仅记“相对数对应绝对数”的答案模式,还是要具体考题具体分析)








例7 Press Secretary: Our critics claim that the President's recent highway project cancellations demonstrate a vindictive desire to punish legislative districts controlled by opposition parties. They offer as evidence the fact that 90 percent of the projects canceled were in such districts. But all of the canceled projects had been identified as wasteful in a report written by respected nonpartisan auditors. So the President's choice was clearly motivated by sound budgetary policy, not partisan politics.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the press secretary's argument depends?

A. Canceling highway projects was not the only way for the President to punish legislative districts controlled by opposition parties.

B. The scheduled highway projects identified as wasteful in the report were not mostly projects in districts controlled by the President's party.

C. The number of projects canceled was a significant proportion of all the highway projects that were to be undertaken by the government in the near future.

D. The highway projects canceled in districts controlled by the President's party were not generally more expensive than the projects canceled in districts controlled by opposition parties.

E. Reports by nonpartisan auditors are not generally regarded by the opposition parties as a source of objective assessments of government projects.

解析: 第一步,找出原文的推理链。由“无党派审计人员说取消的项目是浪费的”推出“项目取消是因为预算,而不是党派偏见”。








例8 In Brindon County, virtually all of the fasteners—such as nuts, bolts, and screws—used by workshops and manufacturing firms have for several years been supplied by the Brindon Bolt Barn, a specialist wholesaler. In recent months many of Brindon County's workshops and manufacturing firms have closed down, and no new ones have opened. Therefore, the Brindon Bolt Barn will undoubtedly show a sharp decline in sales volume and revenue for this year as compared to last year.

The argument depends on assuming which of the following?

A. Last year the Brindon Bolt Barn's sales volume and revenue were significantly higher than they had been the previous year.

B. The workshops and manufacturing firms that have remained open have a smaller volume of work to do this year than they did last year.

C. Soon the Brindon Bolt Barn will no longer be the only significant supplier of fasteners to Brindon County's workshops.

D. The Brindon Bolt Barn's operating expenses have not increased this year.

E. The Brindon Bolt Barn is not a company that gets the great majority of its business from customers outside Brindon County.

解析: 原文的推理链可记成“Brindon的许多生产公司倒闭了”,推出“紧固件(fastener)供应商Barn收入比去年下降”,可简单记成“其他公司倒闭,Barn收入下降”。





E项:“Barn不会从Brindon 之外获得生意”。学生不需要推理,肯定知道此项在描述“Barn和订单”的话题,则肯定与原文的结论“Barn收入”意思上有关联,所以E项为答案。从推理的角度也很容易理解,原文的前提是Brindon Country的生产公司数量减少,下游的公司倒闭,上游的供应商收入下降也符合生活中的经历。但如果Barn的大多数生意是来自Brindon这一城市之外呢?则即使城内收入下降,城外其他地方是Barn主要的收入来源,Barn的主要收入依然不受影响。故E为正确答案。 spz7raPCjJso61vsREplii5yP8xCiL3u9qb+UCWijey64gF8/k0uFx+aG2J63ZMG
