


It's no secret that the guys in the sales department do most of the presentations work in a company. After all, when you look at it objectively, they spend most of their time either, writing, delivering or looking for someone to give them to.


Based on that alone, presentations earn the title of The Life Blood of Commerce. However, to let it go at just that would be damning with faint praise.


The guys in sales earn their keep with presentations, thus keeping the company inbusiness. Presentations are used in nearly every facet of everyone's professional and private life.The difference is that the guys in sales actually call them presentations.


When they're used in other business applications, or someone's private life, they're called something else.


When someone gets an idea for a new product, they usually have to sell the idea to a superior in the company or to a committee, in order to get funding for development. This same principle holds true for other areas such as with a new service for a company that provides service to clients, rather than providing a material product to a customer.


Bright people with a new idea for an innovative manufacturing technique or even for something as simple as a new office procedure do the same thing as well. They have to sell their idea.Sometimes, this is done at a formal meeting, which is when it's easy to call it a presentation.


At other times, it's done quite informally, employee to superior, and the whole thing might take less than a minute. Sure it's quick, but it's still a presentation.


It's easy to recognize the above to be presentations, because something tangible is being sold, whether it be a thing or an idea, but what about a job interview?There isn't anything being sold at one of those, or is there?The truth is that a very special commodity is up for grabs;you.


Few people realize it, but a job interview is the ultimate presentation. You're there to sell yourself to those conducting the interview.You have to convince them of why you're the best man or woman for the job.You have to sell your professional skills, your business personality, work experience, mind set, and contacts list.


You have to convince them everything you can bring to the job is exactly what they need.


It is of crucial importance that the quantity and quality of the personal assets you bring with you are the exact proportions they need. You have to make them feel as though you're the only one able to pull this thing off, which is a lot like personal relationships.


Whenever you talk someone into dating you, you're doing a presentation. Actually, if you think about it, you're even dealing with the sameissues, just in a different way:You're selling yourself to someone who has options.The same goes for other facets of your personal life such as with clubs, activity groups, and any other area that requires human interaction.


There are basically two types of presentations:formal and informal. Formal presentations take place in a formal meeting environment, with many participants called together for the express purpose of hearing the presentation, or where the presentation is a formal item of business on an agenda for a meeting.


An informal presentation takes place in a private setting, and consists of just two or three people and the presenter talking things through.


In almost every case, the presenter in a formal setting uses a canned talk written by a professional. This talk is designed to deliver the information he or she needs to impart in a very entertaining and informative way, sure to show the product in its best light.


These guys are more like professional showmen than colleagues taken away from their normal duties and doing a little sales work on the side. In some cases, they actually are show people hired more for their ability to deliver a line than for their product knowledge.


In fact, they may know little more about the product than the audience, which proves the old saying, if you can't impress them with facts then dazzle them with bull shit, is right on the money. These men and women are professional show people.They only give presentations to large audiences:That's their job, that's what they do.


They know nothing about your or anyone else's technical feld. Their area of expertise is thestage.


One very important point to remember is that a purchase can be made in any language, but a sale can only be made in the language of the buyer. In today's highly competitive world, your potential customers have options.You are not the only game in town, and you must remember that they don't necessarily have to buy from you.


In this book, I'll break the presentation down into its parts and cover each in turn, as well as offer some pointers on how to handle a presentation, and make some suggestions on delivering an effective presentation of your own that is guaranteed to get results.


Offering a good product at a fair price is great, but it's not everything. In a presentation, two things have to be sold:your product and yourself.How you say something can often be more important than what you say.Look and act like a professional, and be a friend to all you meet.

提供一个合理价位的产品固然重要,但这并不代表一切。在简报中,要推销两件东西:你的产品和你这个人。你说话的方式常常比你所讲的话来得重要。你的谈吐和行为都必须像个专业人士,但对和你打交道的人来说,你得像个朋友。 JCXUmbZr0+bolEVU28zALp+dinW+dgiKtln+5FsoCmSUPfodscPKHa1Y2P9QWKHP
