
Chapter 3
Playing Fair

For Your Information


I did my best for my clients, but I never screwed a contractor to gain my client an unfair advantage, and that earned me a reputation for being fair. It made it easier for me to do business and get good deals for my clients.I was more effective with less effort than the other managers in the offce.I got things done faster and the company's board was able to handle business more easily, especially when it came to getting competitive bids.

中译 我一向尽全力服务客户,但我也不会因此压榨承包商,借此为客户获取额外的利益,而这也为我赢得了公平的美誉。跟客户做生意时,我比其他经理更有效率,也花费较少精力。我办事快速,因此董事会可以更轻松地处理公务,尤其是在争取竞争激烈的标价时。

Thankfully, there were a lot of businessmen and women out there who were the same way and bidding out work was one of the easier parts of my job. Being fair and easy to deal with got me the bids on time with a minimum of effort.Once a bid was accepted, working out the details was friendly and quick.

中译 幸好,商场上有许多人也持相同的做事态度,所以对外竞标是我工作上最简单的一部分。“公平”和“亲和力”这两项特质,让我花最少的力气,就能准时得到报价。报价一旦得手,谈细节就会友善又快速。

When I asked for a bid, the contractor knew I was serious and the work would be done. I wasn't just gettingdata for a curious board that might not do the work for another year or two.What I'm getting at is that no matter how large the town where you do business is, not everyone in the town is in the same business.The people in your field are competitors and they may not share trade secrets but they do talk and from time to time you get to be the topic of the day.It's a small town, and everybody knows everybody else.

中译 当我要求标价时,合约商知道我是认真的,就会准时出价。因为我不是在帮一两年内都不打算动工的董事会,搜集满足他们好奇心的资料而已。我的重点是,不管你在多大的城市做生意,遇到的不可能都是同行。同行的人都是竞争者,当然不会把商业机密谈开来。但是大家还是会讨论,甚至有时候,你也会是大家的谈论主题。业界是个小地方,每个人都知道对方的底细。

Remember there's no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has a price and somebody pays for it.A free estimate isn't free.It's called free because you don't have to pay for it, but it cost time and materials for the vendor to prepare.They are part of the game and every proposal doesn't get accepted, but if a vendor has a choice of doing one for someone who only asks when he’s serious or someone who is only testing the waters for a sale that’s still months down the road, and the job will have to be bid for again, who gets priority?

中译 要记住,“天下没有免费的午餐”,每样东西都有价码,总有人要付出代价。“免费估价”不是真的免费,之所以称为免费,是指你不用付费,但它是需要卖方花工夫或材料准备的。这是游戏的一部分,并不是每个提案都会被接受。然而如果厂商能选择为谁估价,一方是很认真询问的人;另一方只是试探地要一些资料,好几个月后才会动工,且到时又要再报一次价。你认为厂商会以谁为优先考量?

If it's for information only, I tell them so. Then, the vendor knows how much research he needs and it will take him or her a tenth of the time it takes to put a formal bid.After you're asked for a bid, stay in contact with your contacts.If they lose the bid, you should call them and tell them the details about why they lost it, so they know all their work wasn't for nothing.

中译 如果我的目的只是为了获取资料,我会坦白告诉对方,让卖方知道自己该出多少力:通常只需正式报价的十分之一准备即可。在招标时,你也该和对方保持联系,若对方竞标失败,你也该致电对方,解释原因,让他们知道自己的努力不是白费。

Dialog 1


The following dialogs are phone conversations. The frst dialog is about asking for bid information only, just to find out what prices are like.The second is about asking for a real bid, and a contract will be awarded.In the third dialog, a loser is called to inform him how the bidding went.Marsha is the manager and Bill is the contractor.


Marsha:Hi, Bill. It's Marsha Black at MPPM Ltd.How are you?


Bill:Hello, Marsha, I haven't heard from you in a longtime. I'm great, and you?


Marsha:Not too bad at all. Do you have a minute?


Bill:Sure, what can I do for you?


Marsha:We're getting ready to place our Christmas orders and we need to know about how much it's going to run this year. You know, so we can have the funds put aside.


Bill:I'm really busy right now. I got a lot on my plate.So this isn't an actual bid you want but just a ballpark fgure?


Marsha:Right, a ballpark fgure is fne, and slant it a little high if you have to.


Bill:Well, I can give you those figures now over the phone, is that okay?Or do you need them in writing?


Marsha:It's going to be shown to the Board so I need it in writing.


Make all the prices subject to confrmation, so you can't be held to them. How soon can I have it?


Bill:Is this another rush, dear?Did you forget and wait until the last minute again?


Marsha:Yeah, I'm afraid so. I really need your help here.


Bill:Well, just because it's you. Tomorrow, say around noon.


Dialog 2


In the above dialog, Marsha is very honest about what she needs and gets it as a favor from a busy vendor. In this dialog, she's ready to buy and gets good service.


Marsha:Hi, Bill. It's Marsha Black at MPPM Ltd.How are you?


Bill:Hello, Marsha. I'm great, and you?


Marsha:Not too bad at all. Do you have a minute?


Bill:Sure, what can I do for you?


Marsha:We're ready to place our Christmas order and we need a formal bid.


Bill:So this is the real thing?


Marsha:Right, this is not a drill. This is for all the marbles.


Bill:When do you need it?


Marsha:ASAP, in writing of course.


Bill:Sure, who am I bidding against?


Marsha:The usual guys, so you better use a sharp pencil.


Bill:Okay, give me a week and I'll have time to get my pencil real sharp. I should have some new fgures from Malaysia by then.


Dialog 3


Telling a vendor who they're bidding against is acceptable. How much they bid is a secret until after the winner is selected.In this dialog, Bill's bid lost and Marsha discusses it with him.


Bill:So how did I do?


Marsha:Not too good, I'm sorry.


Bill:I lost?


Marsha:It was close. To be honest, you had the lowest price by three cents per unit, but they didn't like your delivery date.


Acme promised them almost a full month sooner.“阿克姆公司”打包票说可以早一个月交货。

Bill:So the price was good?


Marsha:Yes, they loved the price;the delivery date was the problem. They just didn't want to cut the delivery date that close.


If something went wrong and you didn't deliver, we might not be able to get stock in time for Christmas.

万一出问题,你交不出货,我们可能就赶不上圣诞节铺货了。If you could have been two or three weeks faster on delivery, they might have gone with you.


Bill:So I didn't miss by much then.


Marsha:No. It was very close and they argued over the bid for a long time.Better luck next time.


Bill:I knew the delivery was slow but I figured the price would win it for me.


Marsha:That's possible, Bill, but the price would have to have been a lot lower, like around fifty cents per unit.


Vocabulary 重要词汇


reputation 声誉

estimate 估计;衡量

vendor 卖方

test the waters 市场测试

priority 优先

award 给予

ballpark 相近的;估算的

drill 演习

marble 弹子

delivery 运送

stock 存货;现货 XB00yCIizgvUL1C2M/bGE+rBqHd6DXz0DY3Ksow8qoDLVQ45+SO1PWnI9HqtcoJp
