
Chapter 1
Daily Negotiations

For Your Information


Negotiations aren't just for business;they lie at the heart of all human interaction. They make it possible for society to function.Unless you're a hermit living in a cave, you negotiate things every day from the time you get up, until you go to bed.At home, people negotiate the restaurant they go to, the movie they see, the TV program they watch, who showers frst, and who goes to the market.At work, we negotiate who uses the copy machine first, and who watches the phone during lunch.

中译 谈判不只是为了做生意而已,它们根植于所有人类的沟通活动中,让社会得以运作。除非你是一个住在洞穴里的隐士,否则你每天从早上起床开始,到睡觉为止,都得谈判。当人们在家中时,人们会为了要去哪家餐厅、看哪部电影、哪个电视节目、谁先洗澡、谁该去超市买东西而商量或决议。在工作中,我们得讨论谁先用复印机、谁该在午餐时间留下来接电话等。

Our day is one continuous negotiation, and it's likely none of them involve money. We're so used to negotiating that we don't even think about it, it's how we live peacefully together.We learn in childhood that things are a value for value trade off.

中译 我们每日的生活就是不断地商议,而这些商议都和金钱无关。我们太习惯和他人商议,所以这样的动作几乎成了我们的反射动作,商议、谈判正是人们得以和平相处的原因。我们在孩童时期就学到了每件事都有价值,都可以当作谈判筹码。

To get what we want, we have to trade what we have, and we take that idea into adulthood. It's great if things stay like that your entire life.If all negotiations were performed with the honesty kids use in the playground, there'd be no need for this book.But, sometimes they don't.Things have been kicked up a few notches, and some negotiators don't play fair.This book will tell you what's going on, and how to handle it.

中译 要得到自己想要的东西,我们就必须拿自己拥有的东西去交换,而我们也把这种思维模式带到了成人阶段。如果事情能够一辈子都是这样该多好。如果谈判时,大家都秉持着孩提时代玩耍时的诚实态度,那么就没有写这本书的必要了。但是有时候,人们并不会诚实相待。事情改观了,有些谈判人员并不会公平地就事论事,而本书将会为你解析情况,并给你一些应对的参考。

There are no set pattern negotiations in English that you must follow. It's determined by the local customs and the players involved.I've seen minor points take days of hard talking, and once negotiated a three hundred thousand dollar contract during a two-hour lunch.We spent five minutes on the deal, the rest on other topics.

中译 英语并没有必须遵守的既定谈判模式,主要看当地的规矩和相关人员而定。我曾为一些小事情,费尽唇舌商量;但也有一次,只花了两个小时的午餐时间,便谈成了价值三十万美金的合约。真正在谈生意只花了五分钟,其他时间都在谈其他的事。

The following are examples of day-to-day negations we perform without thinking. The first shows Jack and Mary as children at play working things out.In the second one, Jack and Mary are a couple planning an evening out.Thethird shows Jack and Mary as coworkers cooperating to keep things running smoothly.

中译 下面这几个对话,是我们不自觉中就会进行的日常生活谈判。第一个对话是孩提时代的杰克和玛丽,他们正想解决事情。第二个对话中,杰克和玛丽是一对情侣,他们在商量晚上要去哪里。在第三个对话中,杰克和玛丽是同事,他们讨论该如何把工作配合地尽善尽美。

Dialog 1


This dialog is between Jack, who's pretty good at playing chess, and his friend and next-door neighbor Mary, a member of the school chess club. Jack promised to play chess with Mary on Monday after school, to help her get ready for a competition if she did the dishes for him on Sunday.Mary did the dishes and now Jack needs to keep his promises.


Jack:I'm going to the park to play baseball with the guys.


Mary:But you promised to play chess with me this afternoon.


Jack:Yeah, but that was before the guys asked me to join the team.


Mary:So what?


Jack:You know how much I want to be on the team, and now there's an opening for me.


If I don't go to practice today, they'll get someone else, and I'll miss my chance.


Mary:I don't care about baseball, you know I need to practice for the chess championship, and you promised to help me if I washed the dishes for you last Sunday, and I did.


Jack:I know, and I will.




Jack:After baseball practice.


Mary:By then, it will be dinnertime, then homework and then your TV show is on. You're going to break your promise.


Jack:No, I won't. I'm going to skip TV tonight and work on your chess game with you if that's okay with you.


Mary:Well, I'd rather do it the way we set up, but if you promise to give me your best game, it's okay with me.


Jack:No problem. I'll play as hard as I can and give you an extra game to say thanks.


Dialog 2


Jack and Mary are now grown up and dating. Their friendship is as strong as ever and there's a strong bond between them, so their dialog is relaxed and flows pretty freely.It's more like a married couple than young adults dating to get to know each other.


Mary:Let's have seafood tonight and then go to see the new movie at the Mall Cinema.


Betsy told me it's a beautiful love story and I shouldn't miss it.


Jack:Oh, Goodness, please not again. That's what we did last week.


Mary:No, we didn't. Last week we went to see thatmovie about a man's struggle against mental illness.


Jack:Right, it was a chick flick, just like this one, so what's the difference?


Besides, this is the last week for the third movie in the Destroyer series and I want to see that on a big screen.


Action movies need to be seen in a theater on a big screen.


Mary:Oh, yeah, and I did promise to see it with you if we went to that movie last week. But you liked that movie, didn't you?


Jack:Oh, sure, it was great. I had popcorn for dinner and paid the price of a movie ticket to get a two-hour nap.


Mary:It wasn't that bad, and you're the one that insisted on skipping dinner. We went to an excellent restaurant.


Jack:That place doesn't have a single meat dish. Just fish and shellfish and you know I don't like fish that much.


Mary:And I don't like meat that much. The only meat I eat is chicken.


Jack:But when I pick the restaurant, we go to a place that has both chicken and fish. I always respect your food preferences.


Mary:Well, I suppose that, to be fair, you should get to pick the movie and we can go to a restaurant that serves meat.


Jack:Now you're talking, we can see that love story next time.


Dialog 3


In this dialog, Jack and Mary work at the same company, and remain good friends. They remain very professional and keep the dating part of their relationship to themselves and out of the work place.No one at work knows they're dating.


Jack:Hi, are you busy?


Mary:Hi, I was just coming to see you. But since you made the trek to my offce, you get to go frst.


Jack:Okay, I'm putting together a report on the Allied Marketing Co. failure, and I seem to have run into a stone wall.Can you help me out?


Mary:Well, I can try, what do you need?


Jack:You were there when the problem started. I was hoping you could fll me in on the details.


Mary:Sure, no problem. But I need something from you.


Jack:Name it.


Mary:I'm supposed to have this package ready for mailing out tomorrow morning and I'm miles away from being ready.


Can you edit this product study I wrote while I do these?


Jack:All right, I can do that, and as soon as we finish this, we can both work on my problem.


Mary:That works for me.


Jack:Give me the study. I'll start as soon as I get back to my offce.


Mary:Here's a print out of the study, and this is a disc with the full report on it.


The file name is product study;this is an extra copy so you can do whatever you want with it.


谈判停看听 The above are three prime examples of the kinds of negotiations we make with people in our everyday lives.There was no formal set up or appointment made frst, they just happened in the course of doing the business of living.These are the sort of things we do every day.

中译 上面这三个例子,是我们日常生活中常见的谈判范例。这些自然而然发生的讨论,并不需要事先制定或预约,而是我们每天都会经历的。

Vocabulary 重要词汇


interaction 互动

function 运作

hermit 隐士

negotiate 谈判

copy machine 复印机

involve 牵涉

trade 交易

playground 游乐场

kick up 引发

notch 鸿沟

play fair 公平行事

set pattern 固定模式

determine 决定

custom 惯例

minor point 次要点

hard talking 激烈谈论

topic 主题

cooperate 合作

smoothly 顺利地

chess 国际象棋

competition 竞争

do the dishes 洗碗

keep one's promise 履行承诺

So what?又怎么样?

be on the team 成为队员

opening 机会

championship 冠军赛

break one's promise 食言

skip 略过

work on 从事……

set up 订下

bond 联系

mental 心理的

chick fick 女生爱看的电影

insist on 坚持

preference 偏好

remain 维持

professional 专业的

trek 艰难跋涉

run into a stone wall 遇到困难

fll in 提供最新消息

name it 直说

miles away from 很远的

edit 编辑

fle 档案

prime 主要的

formal 正式的

appointment 预约

in the course of 在……过程中 IKosckIx/V/a23KYglAsyzQIGDxhdSjEVzsiE7J1AF8EbHLxp/mvZrhgRAaKvGXh
