
Passage 32

学霸导读 许多患上脊髓灰质炎的人往往自暴自弃,而美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福却没有,让我们一起来看看他的励志故事吧!

In 1921, Franklin Roosevelt took his family sailing one day and he fell overboard (向船外) into the chilly (冰冷的) waters. The next day, a forest fire b 1 out. Franklin and his children helped to fight the forest fire and put it out. It was hard and tiring work. After the fire was out, Franklin was sick.It was polio (脊髓灰质炎). He could not move his legs. The doctors said he could never w 2 again.

Many men would have given up then. Franklin Roosevelt did not. He began to work to get well again.E 3 though he could not get out of bed, he did exercises, and his shoulders and arms grew very s 4 . At last the doctors let him out of bed, but he had to wear heavy metal braces (支架) on his legs. Then he went to Warm Springs, Georgia. He swam in the warm waters there. Even though it was painful to move his l 5 , he kept on swimming and exercising them. He grew better until he could leave the braces off. He could walk with only a cane (手杖) to h 6 him.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt is a man ofg 7 courage. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” he told the people.



put out 熄灭

give up 放弃

exercise n. &v. 练习,训练

heavy adj. 重的,沉的

painful adj. 令人痛苦的

courage n. 勇气,胆量 gO8SectG0SXQvJjEgmX+CUTMXeTbrDS2duoe+EUlZITe2aqNcYNy8htm9gNYtKCI
