Which one would you prefer:go to a university in your hometown or go to a university in a new town?
I’d like to go to a university in a new town because if I choose a university in my hometown, that means I’ll be really close to my parents who can be a little overprotective of me. They’d probably want me to still live with them instead of on campus or in my own apartment. I’d really like to venture out of the comfort zone they provide. And going to a school far away from home gives me the chance to be more independent, to be my own person. I get to meet the challenges adapting to a new environment, and the courage and skills that it takes would help me survive others unfamiliar situations life has yet to throw me into.
2.going to a school far away from home gives me the chance to be more independent去一个离家很远的大学能给我一个更独立的机会
3.unfamiliar situations life has yet to throw me into在生活中还没有遇到的陌生境况