
Ⅱ 常考语法


第一节 非谓语动词

1. 谓语动词后不定式与动名词的选择


1) 通常要求不定式作宾语的常见动词和词组有:

afford decide learn resolve

agree demand long seem

aim desire manage strive

arrange determine mean swear

ask endeavor offer tend

attempt expect plan threaten

beg fail prepare want

care help pretend wish

choose hope promise would like

claim intend refuse

2) 通常要求动名词作宾语的常见动词和词组有:

acknowledge dread keep recommend

admit endure keep on require

advise enjoy leave off report

anticipate envy mention resent

appreciate escape mind resist

avoid excuse miss resume

can’t help fancy pardon risk

complete favor postpone suggest

consider feel like practice spend

delay finish put off tolerate

deny give up quit understand

detest imagine recall regret

2. 分清“ to+ 名词 / 动名词”与“不定式”,容易产生介词“ to ”与不定式符号混淆的常考的固定搭 配主要有:

to prefer doing sth. to doing sth.

to look forward to doing sth.

to be used to doing sth.

to stick to doing sth.

to object to doing sth.

to have objection to doing sth.

to be opposed to doing sth.

to admit/confess to doing sth.

3. 非谓语动词的时态和语态

1) 非谓语动词的时态

非谓语动词的时态有四种,即一般时、进行时、完成时和完成进行时:to do, to be doing, to have done和to have been doing。

2) 非谓语动词的语态

非谓语动词的语态分为主动语态和被动语态:to do, to be done, to be doing, to be being done, to be having done, to be having been done。

4. 作各种成分的非谓语动词

1) 作定语的非谓语动词有以下几种形式

动名词、现在分词、过去分词和动词不定式,动名词作定语很少考。选择现在分词还是过去分词作定语,要看非谓语动词与所修饰的词之间的关系。如果是主谓关系用现在分词;如是动宾关系用过去分词。如表示将来用动词不定式。动名词与现在分词作定语的区别在于:动名词作定语表示所修饰的词的用途或性质。例如:sleeping bag 意为:a bag for sleeping;而现在分词作定语则表示所修饰的词所处的状态或所具有的特征,现在分词作定语相当于一个定语从句。例如:sleeping boy意为:a boy who is sleeping。

2) 作状语


3) 作表语

测试中对表语的考查主要侧重在现在分词与过去分词的区别上,所以对于作表语的非谓语动词,主要看分词与句子主语之间的关系。作表语的分词一般只有 doing 和done 两种形式。其中现在分词作表语往往表示主语的性质或特征,含有“令人……”的意思,多数情况下主语是物;而过去分词作表语往往表示被动或主语所处的状态,含有“感到……”的意思,多数情况下主语是人。

例如:The film is very exciting. He is very excited.

可接表语的系动词很多,除 be 外还有 remain , feel , look , appear , seem , get , become , go 等等。

4) 作宾语补足语


常见的要求不定式作宾补的动词有: ask , order , persuade , advise , tell , want , call on , like 等。而有些动词则要求用不带 to 的动词不定式作宾补。其中一类为感官动词如: see , hear , watch , notice , feel 等; 另一类为使役动词如: have , let , make 等。


1. The vocabulary and grammatical differences between British and American English are so trivial and few as hardly___. (北京交通大学 2017 年真题)

A. noticed

B. to be noticed

C. noticing

D. being noticed

2. No matter how frequently___, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences. (北京交 通大学 2017 年真题)

A. performed

B. performing

C. to be preformed

D. being preformed

3.___a parliamentary system, the prime minister must be appointed on the basis of the distribution of power in the parliament. (北京交通大学 2015 年真题)

A. The considered

B. To be considered

C. Considering

D. Considers

4. Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat___by far the biggest cereal crop. (北 京第二外国语学院 2011 年真题)

A. is

B. been

C. be

D. being

5. The experiment requires more money than___. (北京第二外国语学院 2011 年真题)

A. have been put in

B. being put it

C. to be put in

D. has been put in

6. All___of the world carry on breeding experiments to increase yield or to improve disease resistance. (北京第二外国语学院 2010 年真题)

A. countries that grow wheat

B. growth of wheat countries

C. wheat-producing countries

D. countries where wheat is grown

7. In the type of___radio receivers, a signal is transmitted upward or downward in frequency. (北 京第二外国语学院 2010 年真题)

A. used mixer in

B. mixer used

C. used in a mixer

D. mixer used in

8.___, the white mountain goat is an extremely sure-footed animal that escapes from its predators by living in the most rugged, rocky landscapes. (对外经济贸易大学 2009 年真题)

A. Having been rarely seen

B. Rarely to be seen

C. Rarely seen

D. Being rarely seen

9. “Without warning,” [A] he would say, “I was somehow [B] lifted out of the universe and thrown into a mysterious world, with blinding lights and strangely shaped objects [C] that I have never seen [D] before....” (北京航空航天大学 2008 年真题)

10. In the next few weeks consumer’s spending will increase by 7% in America,___with last year, according to a consumer survey by Deloitte,a consultancy. (对外经济贸易大学 2007 年真题)

A. comparing

B. compared

C. to compare

D. having compared

11. Mrs. Clark,___in a black woolen cardigan and dark grey trousers, appealed for privacy so that she could rebuild her and her family’s lives. (dress) (四川外国语大学 2007 年真题)

12. It’s a shame___able to give them any advice. (北京第二外国语学院 2007 年真题)

A. not to have been

B. to have not been

C. to have been not

D. to not have been

13. 改错:The teacher was very pleased that next morning, all the students showed up at the agreed time. (南京大学 2005 年真题)


1. 译文:英式英语和美式英语语法词汇差异很小,很少被人注意。全句是一个固定句式:so + adj. /adv. + as to do sth. as to do sth.在句中用作结果状语。故B为答案。

2. 译文:无论贝多芬的作品被演奏多少次,它们总会吸引大批观众。过去分词短语performed在此相当于they are performed。故A为答案。

3. 译文:考虑到议会制度,总理必须在议会权力分配的基础上任命。本题考察非谓语动词,considering在此题作现在分词,为“考虑到”,“就……而论”的意思。故C为答案。

4. 译文:农业是该国的主要收入来源,小麦目前是其最主要的粮食作物。本句考查独立主格结构。Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth是主系表结构,为句子主干,因为后面内容与主干内容缺少衔接手段,因此后面为补充说明,动词需要用非谓语动词形式,这里使用现在分词being, 故D为答案。

5. 译文:该实验需要的资金多于已经投入的数额。本句中的than是连词,引导比较状语从句,该从句中的主语money省略,than后面需要填入谓语动词。四个选项中A和D有谓语动词,B和C是非谓语动词形式,故直接排除B和C。因为money是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数,故D为答案。

6. 译文:所有粮食生产国都进行种植试验,以求提高产量或改善病虫害。本句考查复合词作形容词充当定语。虽然A从语法说也没有错误,但是句意太绝对,此题强调粮食生产国,不是所有生长粮食的国家。故本题答案为C。

7. 译文:用于收音机中的混频器使一个信号在频率的作用下上下传递。mixer“混频器”,used in radio receivers是后置定语修饰mixer,本题答案为D。

8. 译文:白山羊是一种极其矫健的动物,它可以生活在最崎岖、最多岩石的地区以躲避天敌,因此人们现在很少能看到它们。分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步等,其逻辑主语须与句子的主语一致。本句中分词状语表示的是结果,因此应用完成时,故本题答案为 A。

9. without warning → without being warned。此句主语是I, without是非谓语动词结构,其中的动词形式应根据其与主语的关系确定,此句说的是“我没有受到任何警告”,表示被动意义,所以应该用被动形式。所以答案选A。

10. 译文:根据Deloitte咨询公司做的一项消费者调查,与去年相比,美国消费者未来几个星期的支出会比去年同期增长 7%。本句主语是consumer’s spending,被拿来和去年进行比较,是被动含义,须用过去分词作状语。所以答案是B。

11. 译文:克拉克夫人穿着羊毛衫和深灰色的裤子,呼吁保护隐私,以此重新开始她和家人的生活。本句主干是Mrs. Clark appealed for privacy...因此,dress不能作谓语,而应填其过去分词形式dressed,表示穿着状态,作伴随状语。

12. 译文:当时没能给他们什么建议太可惜了。It’s a shame to do sth.是比较常见的不定式结构,意为“……太可惜了”。本句考查的是不定式完成时的否定形式,应该是not to have done。

13. 本题考查的是分词结构作独立主格表示原因,所以把showed up 改成 showing up。

第二节 从句





1. 时间状语从句

引导时间状语从句的连词主要有: when , whenever , while , as , once , by the time , before , after , since , till / until , as soon as no sooner...than , hardly/scarcely ... when


1) when的特殊句式。考试中常常出现。即 when 意为:at that time/then 译作:正在此时。这时when前常有逗号。考生应特别注意。例如:

I was about to leave, when something happened which attracted my attention.

2) 注意含有时间状语从句的固定句型,例如:It won’t be long before...

It won t be long before 可以有 3 个变体,即:

It was ( not) + 一段时间 + before...

It won ’t be + 一段时间 + before...

It may be + 一段时间 + before...

例如:Scientists say it may be fi ve or ten years___it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.

A .since B.before C.after D.when

另外一个句型是:It has been/is...+ 一段时间+since...:自从……以来已经(多长时间了)。

3) 要注意 no sooner...than, hardly/scarcely ... when 引导的时间状语从句的搭配和时态。它表示一个动作刚刚结束,另一个动作就开始了。主句一般用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。no sooner, hardly/scarcely 放在句首,主句主谓要倒装。

4) 除上述常用的连接副词外,有些名词也可以引出时间状语从句,且常常出现在考试中。如: the moment, the instant, the minute, each time, last time, next time 等。

2. 原因状语从句

引导原因状语从句的连词主要有: because, since, as, now that, considering that , seeing that ), in that 。其中in that,now that, since 曾反复出现在考题中,考生应该引起注意。此外 considering that 和 seeing that 也应引起注意。另外考生也应该适当地注意 because, since , as 的区别: because 重在强调原因,所以以 why 提问的句子必须用 because 回答。since 表示已知的原因,所以常译为:既然……。

例如:Since you are leaving tomorrow, let’s have dinner together this evening.

as 表示很明显的原因,其语气最弱。

例如:As he was in a hurry, he left his key at home.

3. 条件状语从句

常用的引导条件状语从句的连词主要有: if, unless, provided (that); on condition that; so/as long as; suppose/supposing; in case, once 等。其中 so/as long as 时常出现在考题中。unless, in case,provided, suppose 引导的从句考生也应该注意。

4. 让步状语从句

引导让步状语从句的连词有: though, although, as, even though, even if, for all, while, no matter+ 疑问词 (no matter how/when 等) 和疑问词 + ever (例如:however/whatever 等)。其中考生应该特别注意for...all。另外还应该注意:as 引导的让步状语从句要求用倒装结构,其后的名词、原形动词、副词、形容词等要提到句首。可数名词单数形式不用冠词。

如:Child as he is, he behaves like an adult. Fail as he did, he didn’t give up easily.

Much as I tried, I still failed to pass the TEM4.

5. 结果状语从句

引导结果状语从句的连词有: so...that... , such...that , so that , so much so that 。其中“so much so that”结构用于形容词或副词之后,表示“ 到如此程度以至于……”, 是考题中常出现的。

例如:He was very weak, so much so that he could not walk.

He longs to go abroad, so much so that he dreams about it every night.

6. 目的状语从句

常考的引导目的状语从句的连词有: so that , in order that , lest , in case , for fear that 。其中 in case, for fear that , lest 引出的从句常用虚拟语气。

例如:Everyone carried a gun with them while they were crossing the woods lest they should be attacked by wild animals.

7. 地点状语从句

引导地点状语从句的连词有: where wherever 。地点状语从句很简单,要求同学们做到的就是在考试中能从上下文中看出从句表地点的特征。例如:

I have kept the portrait___I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.

A. which

B. where

C. whether

D. when

8. 方式状语从句

考试中涉及方式状语从句的 , 用来引导方式状语从句的连词主要有: as as if/though 。另外名词 the way 也可以用来引导方式状语从句。

例如:Do it the way I told you.



1. 关系词的选择

总的说来关系词的选择一要看先行词,二要看关系词在从句中的作用,在此基础上熟记几个常用的固定句式,如: the same...as , such...as 。当看到先行词前有the same或such 修饰时,可直接从选项中找出 as,选择就变得比较简单了。关于关系词的选择考生应该注意以下几点 :

1) 在涉及关系词在句中作定语时,同学们应该熟悉关系词作定语时的各种变体。

作定语的关系词可有以下变体,试比较:the car whose window is broken; the car the window of which is broken; the car of which the window is broken。

例如:A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region,___were surprising.

A .as result


C.the results ofit

D.the results of which

此题就属于 the window of which 这种形式。如考生能熟练掌握这些变体,则很容易做选择,此题答案为 D。另外,先行词是人时,同样也可有这 3 种形式,如:the boy whose mother is a teacher; the boy the mother of whom is a teacher; the boy of whom the mother is a teacher。


例如:Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers,___overall consumption is signifi cantly higher than that of women.

A. whose

B. which

C. that

D. what

2) “介词 + 关系代词”中介词的选择往往是命题的要点,也是定语从句的难点。

“ 介词 + which /whom”主要有以下几种情况

a) 介词是句中短语搭配的一部分,如:表示“信任某人”要用“have confidence in somebody”,所以作定语时,应该是:in whom...has confidence。

例如:We need a chairman ___.

A. for whom everyone has confidence

B. in whom everyone has confidence

C. who everyone has confidence of

D. whom everyone has confidence on

b) “部分 + of + 整体名词”的结构,该结构作关系词也就是“部分名词 + of which/whom”的结构。

例如:He invited a lot of friends to attend his birthday party, some of whom are his classmates.

另外,考生要注意这一结构的变体。即“of whom /which + 部分名词”。例如:

The course normally attracts 20 students per year,___up to half will be from overseas.

A.in which

B.for which

C.with which

D.of whom

此题也可以写成up to half of whom。

c) 另一种介词是表示最高级范围的介词。例如:

Living in the western part of the country has its problems,___obtaining fresh water is not the least.

A.with which

B.for which

C.of which



She has written many novels popular with young people, of which this is an example. 这里用 of which 源自结构:an example of the novels。

d) 有时介词与先行词构成短语,例如:to which,源于 to ...extent 的短语搭配。此搭配在四级考试中出现过不止一次。

It is useful to be able to predict the extent___which a price change will affect supply and demand.

A. from

B. with

C. to

D. for

2. as 引导的定语从句

1) 在 the same, such 之后,引导限定性定语从句,as 在从句中作主语、宾语、表语等。

例如:I don’t think he’ll like to read such books as you recommended.

2) as 单独引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中可指代名词、形容词短语或整个主句。

例如:The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things,___is often the case in other countries.

A. as

B. what

C. so

D. that

3) as 引导定语从句常用句型有:

As (is) shown in… As (is) expected…

As(has been)stated above…As(is)well known…

例如:___might be expected,the response to the question was very mixed.

A. As

B. That

C. It

D. What

3. but 引导的定语从句( no...but)

There is nobody but longs to communicate to others.


4. 注意先行词表示时间、地点时,关系词的选用

如果用when, where 引导定语从句,关系词在从句中应该是作状语,否则的话则应该用which/that等。


Beijing is the place I want to visit most. / Beijing is the place where I was born.

I will never forget the day we spent together. / I will never forget the day when we met the fi rst time.

5. 适当注意 that which 的区别

that 和 which 在指物时常可以替换,但在下列情况下一般都用 that 引出从句。

1) 先行词前的定语为序数词或形容词最高级时,只能用 that

例如:The first thing (that) we should do is to make a plan.

This is one of the most exciting film (that) I have ever seen.

2 ) 先行词为 all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little 等不定代词时 , 只能用 that。

例如:Is there anything that I can do for you?

此外that不能引出非限定性定语从句。That亦不可作介词宾语。因此只能用介词+ which引出定语从句。



1. 从句的语序为陈述语序

例如:They are teachers and don’t realize___to start and run a company.

A. what it takes

B. what takes it

C. what they take

D. what takes them

此句为what引导的宾语从句,故应用陈述语序,从句中直接主语为不定式,i t为形式主语,故选A。

2. 名词性从句的连词的选择

名词性从句的连词中 what 的使用最为广泛,考查得也最多。涉及what连词的占 5/8。

例如:In some countries,___is called “ equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. one

3. 连词 what 为缩合连词

相当于all that/ everything that等,除what以外,when, where, why 也都可作缩合连词来用,考生也应引以注意。

4. 注意 whoever who 的差别

whoever 相当于anyone who,而who为疑问连词。但从考试来看,更倾向于whoever 与whatever,whichever 等的比较。也就是说,测试倾向于对句子的理解,而不只是语法规则的记忆。

例如:We agreed to accept___they thought was the best tourist guide.

A. whatever

B. whomever

C. whichever

D. whoever

选项在句中作主语,根据句意应选 D。

5. 同位语从句一般以 that 为连词者多

这类从句的特点是从句表示与其同位的名词的具体内容,连词 that 没有任何词汇意义。

例如:There are signs___restaurants are becoming more popular with families.

A. that

B. which

C. in which

D. whose


1. Americans are drinking fewer sugary sodas—in 2012 production was 23% below___it had been a decade earlier. (对外经济贸易大学 2017 年真题)





2. Based on the premise that light was composed of colour, the Impressionists came to the conclusion___not really black. (北京交通大学 2015 年真题)

A. which was that shadows

B. was shadows which

C.were shadows

D.that shadows were

3. Although money is always useful, it isn’t all . (北京航空航天大学 2011 年真题)

A. what there is to life

B. to which there is in life

C.that is in life

D.there is to life

4. Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe___it provides the building blocks from which other elements are produced. (北京第二外国语学院 2009 年真题)

A.so that




5. It was so inconceivable that he should have stolen the money the suggestion was made that he have been threatened. (北京航空航天大学 2009 年真题)





6. He is a basketball player. (对外经济贸易大学 2009 年真题)

A. as good as if not better than his brother for

B. as good as,not better than his brother like

C.as goodas if not better than his brother as for

D.as goodas if not better than his brother as

7. The beaver chews down trees to get food and material___its home. (对外经济贸易大学 2008 年真题)

A. builds

B. it can build

C. that it builds

D. with which to build

8. Essentially,a theory is an abstract,symbolic representation of___reality. (南开大学 2008 年 真题)

A. that is conceived

B. that is being conceived of

C.whatitis conceived

D.whatis conceivedtobe

9. Phenomenology emphasizes the subjective experience of the individual. It assumes that“existence precedes essence”.Where___is subjective experience and essence is human nature. (exist) (四 川外国语学院 2007 年真题)

10. Inventions and innovations almost always come out of laborious trial and error. Innovation is like soccer; even the best players miss the goal and have their shots blocked much more frequently than they___. (天津外国语学院 2007 年真题)

11. One factor which distinguishes Bill Gates from the morning deliverer is the level of business success each desires to___. Determining what success means to you is a crucial element in the early stages of new venture planning. (上海交通大学 2006 年真题)

12. 改错:Content with the progress made in every fi eld of study, the method of testing a student’sknowledge and competence, however, still remains primitive. (清华大学 2005 年真题)


1. 译文:越来越少的美国人选择饮用含糖碳酸饮料——与十年前相比,2012 年含糖碳酸饮料的生产减少了 23%。故答案为C。

2. 句意为“基于光由颜色组成的前提,印象派得出结论:影子不是真的黑色”。came to the conclusion that 中that后接名词性从句中的同位语从句,that引导的同位语从句说明conclusion。答案为D。

3. 译文:尽管钱很重要,但它不是生活的全部。本句完整的说法应是It isn’t all that there is to life,由that引导定语从句修饰前面的all时,that可以省略。所以答案为D。

4. 译文:氢是宇宙中的基本元素,因为它提供产生其他元素的构造模块。句子后半句是前半句的原因,in that为复合连词,相当于because,可以引导原因状语从句。因此答案为C。provided that 相当于if,引导条件状语从句。

5. 译文:他偷钱真是让人无法相信,以至于有人认为他可能是被威胁的。本句为so...that...句型,主句结构为it was so inconceivable that the suggestion was made,C为答案。A、B显然不符合句意,排除。因为前后句之前没有转折,所以排除D。

6. 译文:就作为篮球运动员来说,不能说他比哥哥打得好,起码也是一样好。If not better than表示“即使不比……好”,是插入的成分,据此排除B;去掉插入语后,整句话的完整结构应该是He is as good as his brother as a basketball player. as...as是比较结构,其中第一个as是副词,第二个是连词,而本句中最后一个as是介词,意为“作为……”;as for意为“就……来说”,for“为……”,都不符句意,故答案为D。

7. 译文:海狸啃倒树木来获取食物和搭建窝的材料。build sth.with...意为“用……建造”,其中which指代material,作with的宾语。故答案为D。

8. 译文:从本质上来说,理论就是现实经过思考的抽象符号的表达。介词of后缺宾语,这里填入的词既要作of的宾语,又要在宾语从句中作主语,能够承担这种双重身份的只有what, conceive为及物动词,意为“构思,以为”,sth.is conceived to be“某事被认为是……”,所以答案是D。

9. 本题前半句意为“现象学强调主观经验,认为存在先于本质”。紧接着,由where引导的定语从句分别对subjective experience和human nature进行解释,所以与essence相对应的词应该是名词existence。

10. 此处要求填入动词在than引导的比较状语从句中作谓语。根据句意可知,革新就像踢足球,即便是最好的球员也有失手的时候,而且他们射门被挡回来的几率远比得分的几率高得多。score意为“射门得分”,符合句意。

11. each desires to...是定语从句修饰business success,关系代词在从句中作宾语,因此被省略。根据从句结构及句意可知,该处需要填入一个及物动词,且含有“达到”之意,故填reach。

12. 本句是前后句子的主语不清楚。前句可以改成Content as we are...。

第三节 比较级


比较级的考查主要侧重于比较级的一些固定搭配和比较对象的一致性 , 具体如下:

1. 同级比较 :as +形容词/副词原级 + as + 比较对象 , 否定形式为:not as/so + 形容词/副词原级+ as +比较对象。

2. 双重比较 :the +比较级,the +比较级。

例如:The more you read the book, the more interesting you will fi nd it.

3. 倍数比较 :倍数+比较级+ than; 倍数+ as +形容词/副词 + as ... ; ... times + 表示量的名词(size,length, height) + that of ...。

4. 如有比较对象的选择,应注意比较对象的一致性和互不包容性。这也是比较级常考的考点。如:His English is better than anyone else’s in his class.

5. 有些形容词本身就是比较级。 如: superior to, inferior to, advantage over 等。 还有些形容词没 有比较级和最高级 ,如: perfect, complete 等。但这些词前有表示程度副词,此时,亦可能有比较级或最高级,如:more closely perfect,most nearly complete。


1. The number of registered participants in this year’s marathon was half___. (北京交通大学 2017 年真题)

A. of last year’s

B. those of last year’s

C. of those of last year

D. that of last year’s

2. —“That trumpet player was certainly loud.”

—“I wasn’t bothered by his loudness___by his lack of talent.” (北京第二外国语学院 2009 年 真题)

A. as much as

B. rather than

C. as

D. than

3. Hot objects emit___do cold objects.

A. rays more than infrared

B. more infrared rays than

C. rays are more infrared than

D. more than infrared rays

4. Some historians believe that John Jay could have played___in America’s history as James Madison. (对外经济贸易大学 2009 年真题)

A. as an important role

B. as important a role

C. an important role as

D. a role as important

5. They designed___than a matchbox. (北京第二外国语学院 2008 年真题)

A. no bigger a model

B. a no bigger model

C. a bigger model no

D. a model no bigger

6. The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than___. (北京第二外国语 学院 2007 年真题)

A. is necessary

B. being necessary

C. to be necessary

D. it is necessary

7. While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their workforce, in fact they invest___in the skills of their employees than do the Japanese or German fi rms. (上海交通大 学 2006 年真题)

8. 改错:The songs of Bob Dylan are very popular among young people, who regard him as superior than other musicians. (中山大学 2005 年真题)

9. 改错:No other quality is more important for a scientist to acquire as the quality to observe carefully. (中山大学 2005 年真题)

10. 改错:The paintings of this contemporary artist, like many artists, have been both applauded as great masterpieces and ridiculed as rubbish. (清华大学 2005 年真题)

11. As far as [A] I am concerned, his politics are [B] rather conservative compared [C] with other politicians [D] . (北京航天航空大学 2004 年真题)


1. 译文:参加今年马拉松比赛的人数是去年的一半。这个地方的that指的是the number of registered participants,所以一定要有一个that 与前面的the number 来比较,否则就没有代词来代the number了。故选D。

2. 译文:“那个小号手声音真大。”“比起小号的音量,他的演奏水平更让我受不了。”考点:as much as 结构。选项A中as much as是同级比较,其他选项均不符合题意。所以答案A。

3. 译文:温度高的物体比温度低的物体发出更多的红外线。考点:比较级。这里more修饰的是名词,因此放在infrared rays前面,变成more infrared rays than,所以选择B。

4. 译文:一些历史学家相信在美国历史上约翰·杰伊本能够和詹姆斯·麦迪逊发挥同样重要的作用。考点:as...as...用法。as...as...意为“和……一样”,表示同级比较。其中,第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词,其基本结构为:as+ adj./ adv. +as。当as... as 中间有名词时把名词放在形容词后,第二个as前面。根据此规则可知答案选B。

5. 译文:他们设计出了一个不过火柴盒那么大的模型。考点:语法。“no+形容词或副词的比较级+ than”结构表示对两个比较对象的否定。如no better than意为“和……一样不好”。He is notaller than me.他同我一样不高。此句中,model作为design的宾语,应该直接放在其后,而no bigger作为宾语补足语应该放在model的后面,所以答案选D。

6. 译文:室内游泳池似乎也奢华得远远超出必要了。考点:语法。在形容词比较级more...than+从句结构中,than是连接词,不在从句中充当成分,所以后面应该接完整的主谓结构,所以答案选A。

7. while引导让步状语从句,所以下句应为“其在员工技能培训上的投资比日本或德国公司要少”,故填less,与than构成比较级。

8. 把than改为to。Be superior to为固定搭配,意思是“比……优越”,to相当于than。

9. 把as改为than。因为该句是一个表示比较级含义的句子。

10. 本题考查的是比较的概念,是the paintings of this contemporary artist与the paintings of many artists相比较,所以在many artists前加those of或改为many artists’。

11. 将D项other politicians改为those of other politicians或other politicians’。

第四节 固定搭配




1. Yesterday my brother___with his girlfriend over where to go on holiday. (北京交通大学 2016 年真题)

A. fell off

B. fell out

C. fell away

D. fell apart

2. I’m very glad to know that my boss has generously agreed to___my debt in return for certain services. (北京航空航天大学 2011 年真题)

A. take away

B. cut out

C. write off

D. clear up

3. Much of the space in the National Gallery of Art is___paintings presented to the museum by Mellon. (首都师范大学 2010 年真题)

A. divested of

B. devoid of

C. devoted to

D. consisted in

4. Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf___of the telephone. (北京第二外国语学院 2009 年真题)

A. than as the inventor

B. than inventing

C. the invention

D. as the inventor

5. The tall fellow over there is___the great mathematician, Bill Williams, himself. (对外经济贸 易大学 2009 年真题)

A. no other but

B. no one than

C. no other than

D. none other than

6. A body weighs___from the surface of the earth. (南开大学 2008 年真题)

A. less the farther it gets

B. the farther it gets

C. less than it gets farther

D. less than the farther it gets

7. Just as it’s more than OK to work overtime when it’s appropriate, it’s also more than OK to be alert___work that needs to be done. (上海交通大学 2007 年真题)

A. at

B. to

C. towards

D. on

8. Many local authorities realize there is a need to make___for disabled people in the housing programs. (北京师范大学 2007 年真题)

A. assistance

B. condition

C. provision

D. admittance

9. The city is___of three sections, which are separated by rivers. (中国人民大学 2007 年真题)

A. upset

B. valued

C. composed

D. ventured

10. For better or___, religion is the only human endeavor that successfully provides us with an all encompassing model of the pattern which connects our individual lives to the complex regularities of this world, and by extension of the cosmos. (bad) (四川外国语大学 2007 年真题)

11. Network users can search through sources___from vast database to small electronic “bulletin boards”, where users form discussion groups around common interests. (上海交通大学 2006 年真题)


1. 译文:昨天我哥哥和他的女朋友就为到哪里度假吵起来了。fall off下降,跌落,减少,衰退;fall out争吵,闹翻;fall away背离,离开,消失;fall apart崩溃,土崩瓦解。故B为答案。

2. 译文:我很高兴地得知,作为对一些服务的回报,我的老板慷慨地同意将我的欠款一笔勾销。take away“拿走,取走”;cut out“切断,删去”;write off “勾销,注销,报废”,可与debt,account,arrangement搭配,表示勾销欠款,冲销账目或取消安排;clear up“清理,澄清,(天气)放晴”。根据句意,本题答案为C。

3. 译文:国家艺术博物馆里的一大部分空间都让位给了梅隆呈交的绘画。be divested of“被解除……,被剥夺……”; be devoid of“毫无……的,没有……的(尤指品质)”;be devoted to“献身于……,致力于……”;而consist in“在于”,不能用于被动。选项C符合句意,故为答案。

4. 译文:Alexander Graham Bell曾告诉家人,他更愿意让后人记住他是聋人的老师,而非电话的发明者。would rather...than“宁愿……而不愿……”,than不能省略,表示在两者中进行选择,A符合题意,故为答案。

5. 译文:站在那儿的那个高个子不是别人,正是大数学家比尔·威廉姆斯本人。表达“不是别的,正是……”的固定搭配是none other than,所以D为答案。

6. 译文:物体距离地球表面越远就越轻。本句是the more..., the more...的固定结构,正常语序为the further it gets, the less a body weighs. 本句中为了强调将后半句提前了,答案为A。

7. 译文:在需要的时候加班工作时很合适的,而同时关注其他需要做的事也很合适。be alert to意为“对……警觉,关注”。另一个常用词组是be on the alert“警备中,警觉中”。故选B。

8. 译文:许多当局都已经意识到,有必要为残疾人的住房问题提前采取措施。make provision for“为……做准备;为……预先采取措施”,是固定搭配,其他选项不符合题意,故选C。

9. 译文:城市由三部分组成,中间有河流将它们分隔开。be composed of 为固定搭配,意为“由……组成”,故选C。upset“颠倒,推翻”;value“重视”;venture“冒险”。

10. 译文:无论是好是坏,宗教是人类唯一一个成功的努力,它为我们提供了全面的、连接个体生活与世界乃至宇宙复杂规律的模型。for better or worse为固定搭配,意为“无论怎样;无论是好是坏”。所以填worse。

11. 译文:上网的用户可以搜索大量的资源,从巨大的数据库到小型的电子公告板,在那里用户可以就共同兴趣建立讨论组。range from...to...为固定搭配,意为“从……到……(表示范围广)”。故填ranging。

第五节 虚拟语气



1. 固定搭配

1) 表示“命令”、“建议”或“要求”的动词后面的宾语从句中的谓语动词用:should +动词原形。

2) It is + “( 表示 建议、命令、请求 的动词的过去分词 + that + (should) +动词原形。

3) It is + “( 表示 愿望、建议、命令、请求 的名词 + that + (should) + 动词原形。

4) It is+ 形容词 + that+ should +动词原形。常用的形容词见下表。

It is time/about time/high time that +一般过去时

lest/in case/for fear that should +原形动词

5) wish 后面的从句时态可以有以下几种情况:

a) 表示与现在事实相反用一般过去时。

b) 表示与现在正在进行的事实相反可用过去进行时。

c) 表示与过去事实相反的情况用过去完成时,也可以用 could have done 的形式。

d) 表示将来不可能实现的情况用 would/might + 动词原形。

6) would rather 后从句的虚拟语气形式只要记住以下规则即可:

a) 如果表示当时未实现的愿望用过去时。

b) 如果表示过去未实现的愿望则用过去完成时。

c) 如果表示将来不大可能实现的愿望,用过去将来时。

7) if only 引导的从句意思是“ 要是……就好了”,“但愿……”, 因此需要用虚拟语气。if only引导的从句的时态主要有以下 3 种:

a) 表示与现在的愿望或事实相反,谓语动词用过去时。

b) 表示对过去发生的事情的遗憾,谓语动词用过去完成时。

c) 表示将来的某种愿望时,谓语部分用“情态动词的过去时 +动词原形”。

8) as if 从句中的虚拟在as if (though) 引导的从句中,动词一般用虚拟语气:表示对现在的虚拟,谓语动词用一般过去时;表示对过去的虚拟,谓语动词用过去完成时;表示对将来的虚拟,谓语动词用“would + 动词原形”。

9) 下列动词、形容词和名词后面的从句需要接虚拟语气结构:

2. 虚拟条件句中时态的运用

1) if 引导的非真实条件句中主句和从句时态的选择是虚拟语气最基本的知识,考生必须掌握。有关 if 引导的非真实条件句中主句和从句时态的选择,请参见下表。

2) 常见的混合虚拟


If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you___now.

A. wouldn’t be smiling

B. couldn’t have smiled

C.won’t smile

D.didn’t smile



If you didn’t speak English,theboss wouldn’t have hired you.



前一部分用虚拟,后一部分用 but, yet, however 连接一个陈述句。

You should have taken partin yesterday’s activities,but youdidn’t.

前一部分为陈述句,然后用or , or else , otherwise 连接一个虚拟句。

I have been away on business for nearly a month;otherwise I would have got your letter much earlier.


Should she come earlier than planned,please let me know as soon as possible.


If this instrument should fail to give satisfaction, we guarantee to refund the purchase money.

3. 含蓄虚拟


4. if 引导的非真实条件句中的省略问题

如果 if 从句中有were/had /should 等可提至句首,省略if。


1. The policeman is demanding that the thief___the crime. (对外经济贸易大学 2011 年真题)

A. confess

B. must confess

C. to confess

D. confessed

2. I waited ages for you—you___have said that you weren’t coming! (西安外国语大学 2009 年 真题)

A. must

B. may

C. could

D. would

3. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, all practical value___by the time they were finished. (北京第二外国语学院 2009 年真题)

A. could lose

B. would have lost

C. might lose

D. ought to have lost

4. They___so tired if they___for a whole day. (北京第二外国语学院 2008 年真题)

A. wouldn’t feel; didn’t walk

B. wouldn’t feel; weren’t walking

C. wouldn’t be feeling; weren’t walking

D. wouldn’t be feeling; hadn’t been walking

5. I suggested that [A] , in order to prove him a somewhat competent [B] student, he had [C] another try at answering [D] the question. (北京航空航天大学 2008 年真题)

6. I’d rather you would go [A] by train, because I can’tbear [B] the idea of your being [C] in an airplane in such [D] bad weather. (北京航空航天大学 2007 年真题)

7. These large circulations [A] made it [B] feasible to offer articles for sale [C] that formerly would not warrant [D] advertising expense. (上海交通大学 2006 年真题)

8.___, he would’ve finished the work all by himself. (北京第二外国语学院 2006 年真题)

A. Giving him enough time

B. Given him enough time

C. To give him enough time

D. Had he been given enough time

9. 改错:If there will be a storm at the time of the football game next week, the organizers will have to call it off. (清华大学 2005 年真题)

10. 改错:The government deems it essential that people are psychologically able to resist the impact brought about by the transition from planned economy to market-orientated economy. (北京航空航天 大学 2005 年真题)


1. 译文:警察要求该盗贼供认所犯罪行。谓语动词demand后面所接的宾语从句形式为“( should)+do”,故A正确。

2. 译文:我等了你好久,你本来可以说你不来的。本题考查的是虚拟语气。表示与过去的事实相反,could用来表示过去的能力、可能性或允许,would一般表示愿望请求或建议。故选C。

3. 译文:数百万次的计算如果用手工操作,那么,到计算结束的时候,就将失去其全部实际意义。句子中had they been done by hand实际上是一个省略if的条件句,相当于if they had been done by hand,用来表示一个虚拟的条件,故后面应该用虚拟语气;因为同过去的事实相反,所以主句中的虚拟语气应用would+ have+过去分词,因此答案为B。

4. 译文:如果不是已经走了一整天,他们现在也不会觉得这么疲惫。本题考查了虚拟语气和现在进行时两个语法点。本句是对现在情况的假设,所以从句中使用过去时,主句中由would/should+动词原形;同时,主句用进行时强调当时的感受,从句用完成进行时强调一直在做,因此答案为D。

5. 将C项had改为have,因为suggest后的宾语从句应该用虚拟语气,should+do或者是直接加动词原形。

6. A项would go改为went。would rather后的从句应该用虚拟语气would rather sb. did。

7. 将D项warrant改为have warranted。句子用过去时态,根据句中的formerly可知that引导的从句应使用虚拟语气,表示对过去动作的虚拟。

8. 本题考查的是对过去事件的虚拟语气,因为分句省略了 if 而且表达的是被动含义,所以选择 D。

9. if 引导的是条件状语从句,从句应该使用一般现在时态,所以 will be 应改为 is。

10. 解析 essential 后面的从句需要接 (should) do 结构,所以应把 are 改为 should be 或 be。

第六节 平行结构



1. 要求前后对称的词语,包括所有并列连词,其中最常见的是 for, and, nor , but , or, yet, so 等等。此外,还有 both... and, neither ... nor, not only... but also , 以及表示比较的词语 than, as ... as , not so ... as, prefer ... to, rather than 等。注意instead of是合成词,其左右可以不对等,后面用名词或动名词。

2. 在对称结构中,要确保各种并列词语在句式语法形式上的一致,比如或者都是名词,或者都是形容词;或者都是不定式,或者都用动名词;防止破坏对称性的现象发生。

3. 例外情况有两种:一是表示方位的副词和介词短语可以并列,二是如果某个动词没有相应的名词形式,可用动名词代替。


1. Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf___of the telephone. (北京第二外国语学院 2009 年真题)

A. than as the inventor

B. than inventing

C. the invention

D. as the inventor

2. He has taken honors [A] courses throughout his tenure at his suburban high school, has already qualified for [B] advance placement in [C] two subjects and expects to qualify for [D] several others. (上海交通大学 2005 年真题)

3. It was the best of times [A] , the worst of times [B] ; it was the age of wisdom [C] ; it was the age of foolish [D] . (上海交通大学 2005 年真题)

4. 改错:All the students understand the gist of the passage on a familiar topic much better than unfamiliar topic. (南京大学 2005 年真题)

5. Computer technology makes it possible [A] to store vast amounts of [B] data in machine-readable files, and program [C] computers to locate [D] specific information. (北京航空航天大学 2005 年真题)


1. 译文:亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔曾经告诉过家人,他更希望自己是作为一个聋哑教师而不是作为电话的发明者而流芳百世。考点:would rather...than与平行结构。根据前文的would rather可排除C和D,than前后应该是并列的成分,再根据句意,与as a teacher of the deaf并列的是as the inventor of the telephone。故选A。

2. 本句 to qualify for several others 是对应前面的 qualified for advance placement in two subjects,所以qualify for several others如果扩展开的话应该是 : qualify for advance placement in several others。

从平行角度分析,D项介词 for 应该改为 in,这样可以与前面介词保持平行结构关系。

3. 本题考查的是平行原则,介词后面接的都是名词,只有foolish 是形容词,所以应把D项foolish改为foolishness。

4. 本题考查的是平行结构,在unfamiliar topic前的介词on被省略,所以应该加上on以保持平衡。

5. makes it possible 后接两个不定式,C项and program 中间须加to与第一个动词不定式保持平行。

第七节 时态和语态

1 .有关动词时态的考点

1) 对于时态的考查有两种:一种是时态本身的选择(主要是根据时间状语判断时态的选择),另一种是根据时态选择时间状语,如:

Before the first non-stop flight made in 1949, it___necessary for all planes to land for refueling.

A .would be

B.has been

C.had been

D.would have been

本题判断时态的关键是时间状语 before ... in 1949(before + 表示过去的时间状语),由此可以判断出谓语动词表示的动作发生在过去某个时间(1949)以前,故用过去完成时。应选C。

He came back late,___which time all the guest had already left.

A .after




从句时态为过去完成时,表示:等到他回来,客人都已经离开了,与完成时态连用的,表示“到……为止 ”的应该是介词by。所以选B。

2) 完成时的时间状语

完成时的时间状语一般表示“到……为止”,以 by 短语居多。如果句中的时间状语是由by引出的短语或从句,谓语动词一般是用完成时态,其中,如by后面的短语表示将来的时间,谓语动词需用将来完成时;如果为表示过去的时间短语,则用过去完成时;如果是表示现在的时间短语,则需用现在完成时。例如:

By the time we got there, the train had already left.

By the end of this month, we will have learned five lessons.

I have finished reading three chapters by now.

3) 注意时间、条件和让步状语从句中时态的运用


4) 祈使句 + and /or +句子,这一结构中,and 后面的句子的谓语动词用一般将来时。例如:

Turn on the television, and you will see advertisements.

2. 被动语态中需要注意的问题

1) 有些动词的主动形式表示被动,其中又要特别注意“动名词的主动形式表示被动意义”。

例如:My recorder needs repairing.

What a lovely party! It’s worth___all my life.

A. to be remembered

B. being remembered

C.to remember



2) 不定式的主动形式表示被动。例如:

I am to blame.

I have nothing to complain.

3) 动词 + 副词结构,主动表被动。例如:

The books sell well.

The pen writes well.

The car drives easily.

4) 动词 + 形容词结构,主动表被动。例如:

The foods taste delicious.


1. Mr. Smith___a novel for the last 10 months, but he hasn’t finished it yet. (北京交通大学 2017 年真题)

A. has written

B. is writing

C. has been writing

D. had been writing

2. Maria hasn’t begun working on her Ph.D.___working on her master’s. (对外经济贸易大学 2009 年真题)

A. still because she is yet

B. yet as a result she is still

C. yet because she is still

D. still while she is already

3. When it was published in 1959, Robert Frank’s book, The Americans ,___hostility in the United States. (北京第二外国语学院 2008 年真题)

A. is meeting the

B. has been met

C. was met with

D. will meet it

4. If you want your film to properly process [A] , you’ll have to wait and pick it up [B] on Friday, which [C] is [D] the day after tomorrow. (北京航空航天大学 2007 年真题)

5. The universities have___the intellectual pioneers of our civilization—the priests, the lawyers,the statesmen, the doctors, the men of science, and the men of letters. (train) (四川外国语大学 2007 年 真题)

6. He could exactly recall when [A] the thought occurred to [B] him, because it was clear he had more than once considered suggesting to [C] the boy that he go out [D] with Miriam. (上海交通大学 2007 年真题)

7. On that rainy night,John told his father that the lock on the door___loose. (北京第二外国语 学院 2006 年真题)

A. was felt

B. felt like

C. was feeling

D. felt

8.___when she started complaining. (中国人民大学 2006 年真题)

A. Not until he arrived

B. No sooner had he arrived

C. Hardly had he arrived

D. Scarcely did he arrive

9. Before string theory___the full attention of the theoretical physics community, the most popular unified theory was an eleven dimensional theory of supergravity, which is supersymmetry combined with gravity. (win) (四川外国语大学 2006 年真题)

10. 改错:The bill has been presented to every Congress since 1878 but continually failed to pass until 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote. (中山大学 2005 年真题)

11. 改错:If there will be a storm at the time of the football game next week, the organizers will have to call it off. (清华大学 2005 年真题)


1. 译文:史密斯先生在过去的 10 个月里一直在写一本小说,但他还没有完成。此题考查现在完成进行式,has been writing与后文hasn’t finished相照应,故答案为C。

2. 译文:因为玛丽亚没有读完硕士研究生课程,所以还没开始攻读博士学位。考点:现在完成时态常用的标志性词汇,逻辑关系。yet常常出现在表示现在完成时态的句子当中,意为“还,仍然”,still无此用法。所以A和D选项可以排除。此外,根据此句前后关系Maria hasn’t begun working on her PH.D“玛丽亚还没有开始攻读博士学位”与working on her master’s degree“从事硕士研究生学习”可知,后者是导致前者的原因,所以应该用because。所以答案选C。

3. 译文:罗伯特·弗兰克的书《美国人》1959 年出版时,在美国遭到了敌意。本题考查谓语的时态。根据年份 1959 可确定谓语动词用一般过去时;be met with意为“遭遇,遭到”,符合题意。因此答案为C。

4. 将A项 properly process改为be properly processed。胶卷fi lm是被冲洗,所以应该用被动语态。

5. 译文:大学已经培养了人类文明睿智的先驱,如神父、律师、政治家、医生以及科学和文学领域工作者。根据have可知,此处是完成时,故应该填入train的过去分词形式trained。

6. occur to这个动作发生在recall之前,因此用过去完成时态,所以将B项改为had occurred to。

7. 译文:下雨那天晚上,约翰告诉他的父亲门锁松动了。感官动词feel,smell,taste,sound,look直接加形容词作表语,不用被动句,不加介词like,表示通常存在的一种状态,用一般时态,因此答案为D。

8. 译文:她一到便开始抱怨。本题考查连词结构。no sooner...than...;hardly/ scarcely... when...都可表示“一……就……”,但需要注意主句要用过去完成时,从句用一般时态,因此答案为C。

9. 译文:在超弦理论得到物理理论学界的充分重视之前,统一的最流行的理论是十一维超引力理论,即超对称性和万有引力的结合。before引导的从句表示过去发生的事,用动词过去式。答案填won。

10. 本题考查的是时态错误,根据 since 1878 可知这是一个过去的概念,前面的has been应改为 had been。

11. if引导的是条件状语从句,从句应该使用一般现在时态,所以will be应改为is。

第八节 倒装



1. 通常要求全部倒装的情况

1) 当there, here, then, thus 等副词置于句首,谓语动词为 come, go, jump, rush, exist, lay, follow, arise,be 等不及物动词或系动词,且主语不是代词时,往往要求全部倒装。

例如:There stands a monument in the center of the square.

2) 作状语的地点副词和地点介词 on , down, out, at等短语置于句首,通常用全部倒装。

例如:On the hay lay a wounded boy of not more than seventeen.

2. 通常要求部分倒装的情况

1) 含有否定意味的词置于句首,句子倒装。常用的含有否定意味的词有: hardly, barely, not, seldom, little, few, nowhere, never, at no time, by no means, in no way, in no case, under no circumstances, not until, not only...but also..., neither... nor... 等。例如:

Not until the game had begun___at the sports ground.

A. had he arrived

B. would he have arrived

C. did he arrive

D. should he have arrived

2) “ only +状语置于句首”,句子倒装。

Only 后的状语可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,要特别注意,从句并不倒装,而是主句倒装。

如:Only when the war was over was he able to get happily back to work.

3) so /neither 置于句首,句子倒装,表示“也/也不……”。例如:

I could not persuade him to accept it,___make him see the importance of it.

A. if only I could not

B. no more than I could

C. or I could not

D. nor could I

4) 现在分词和过去分词可提至句首构成“分词 + be + 主语 + 其他”的倒装句式。例如:

Enclosed in the letter was a photo of a beautiful girl.

Glooming in the test tube on the table was the mysterious something which they had been working so hard to find, radium.

5) so/such...that... 句型中,so + 形容词/副词提前,句子倒装。例如:

So boring was the speech that the audience all left halfway.

Such a noise did they make that the neighbors could not go to sleep at night.


1. Not until a student has mastered algebra___the principles of geometry, trigonometry and physics. (北京交通大学 2015 年真题)

A. he can begin to understand

B. can he begin to understand

C. he begins to understand

D. begins to understand

B。当not until 位于句首时,句子要倒装,其结构为:not until+从句/表时间的词+助动词+(主句)主语+谓语+ ……

2. Nowhere but [A] in Europe we have seen [B] the results so clearly, which [C] really have surprised us all [D] . (北京航空航天大学 2005 年真题)

B。本句的句首是否定词 no where,所以本句要倒装,把 have 放到 we之前。

第九节 情态动词



1. 情态动词的基本用法

1) can

表示能力、客观可能性、允许;表示惊讶、怀疑、不信任(主要用于否定、疑问或感叹句中);could 作为can的过去时,除了具有与can相同的用法以外,还可以用于比较委婉客气地提出请求、疑问或陈述看法。这种用法在时态上与can没有差别。

2) may

表示允许、可能性、或许会,询问一件事可不可以做,may 还可以表示祝愿。may as well 表示“不妨”用来提出建议。例如:

If you don’t like to swim, you___stay at home.

A. should as well

B. may as well

C. can as well

D. would as well

might是may 的过去式,比may更客气、委婉。但might的可能性比may更小。

3) must


4) ought to


5) need


6) dare


7) shall



a) Shall be doing...

b) The government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.

8) will


Will you please pass me the water?


9) might as well 不妨,倒不如。

2. 情态动词表示推测的用法

情态动词表示推测的用法是考试中常常出现的,考生应该重点掌握。在情态动词的推测性用法中,must, can, could, may, might 各用于不同的句型,应注意分辨。具体使用规律为:must 只用于肯定句中;can/could不能用于肯定句中;may/might 不能用于疑问句中;另外还应注意can’t 表示“不可能”, may not 表示“可能不”。考试时,如果有原因说明自己的猜测,一般应该用 must, can’t,而不是may, may not。情态动词表示推测的用法具体如下:

1) “can’t +动词原形”表示对现在发生的事情的否定推测。意为:不可能。“can’t + have +过去分词”表示对过去发生的事情的否定推测。例如:

The room is in a terrible mess; it___cleaned.

A. can’t have been

B. shouldn’t have been



如果强调对正在发生的事情的不肯定的判断,可以用“can’t + 动词的进行式”。

2) “may + 动词原形”表示对现在发生的事情的不大肯定的推测,“may + have + 过去分词”表示谈论过去的某种可能性,且这种可能性现在还存在,意为:“或许已经”,“可能已经”。例如:Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we___during the day.

A.should have done

B.would have done

C.may have done

D.must have done


3) “must + 动词原形”表示对现在发生的事情的肯定的推测。意为:一定……;准是……。“must+have + 过去分词”表示对过去发生的事情的肯定推测。同样“must + 动词的现在进行时”强调对现在正在进行的事情的肯定的推测。

3. 注意:有些“情态动词 +have + 过去分词”并不表示推测

1) “could have done”用于虚拟语气表示本来能够做某事而没做,表示惋惜、委婉的批评。

Some women___a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.

A. would make

B. must make

C. could have made

D. should have made

2) “ might + have +过去分词”用于虚拟语气表示:本来可以……而没……, 含有“ 劝告 ”,“责备”的意思。

3) “should + have + 过去分词”表示:本应该做……而没做……。其否定式表示:本不应该做……而做了。例如:

You___him so closely; you should have kept your distance.

A. shouldn’t follow

B. mustn’t follow

C. couldn’t have been following

D. shouldn’t have been following

4) “ought to + have + 过去分词”同“should + have + 过去分词”,其否定式同“shouldn’t + have +过去分词”。

5) “needn’t + have + 过去分词 ”表示:本不必做而做了的事。


1. How I regretted the hours wasted in the woods and fi elds, the days when I had played and___. (北 京交通大学 2017 年真题)

A. had studied

B. may have studied

C. must have studied

D. should have studied

2. When Jane fell off the bike, the other children___. (北京交通大学 2017 年真题)

A. were not able to help laughter

B. could not help but laughing

C. could not help laughing

D. could not help to laugh

3. Sharon was supposed to be here at nine o’clock, she___about our meeting. (南开大学 2007 年 真题)

A. would have forgotten

B. should have forgotten

C. ought to have forgotten

D. must have forgotten

4. According to Habermas the move from Capitalism to Communism (if it occurs), will___as a result of reason and communicative action. (occur) (四川外国语大学 2007 年真题)

5. You___hurt his feelings by saying that, even if you thought it. (西安外国语大学 2006 年真题)

A. didn’t need to

B. needn’t to

C. hadn’t needed to

D. needn’t have

6. I ought to___them about the news, but I forgot to do so. (北京第二外国语学院 2006 年真题)

A. remember telling

B. remember having told

C. have remembered to tell

D. have remembered telling

7. Whether an individual___from one year to the next will largely be a matter of chance. (survival) (四川外国语大学 2006 年真题)


1. 译文:我多么后悔在树林和田野里浪费的时光,我曾经玩耍的日子,那时候应该学习的。should have done就是表示与过去事实相反的情形,意思是“本来应该做了某事但实际没有做”,符合上下文语境。故答案为D。

2. 译文:当简从自行车上摔下来时,其他的孩子忍不住笑了起来。can not help doing意为“禁不住/情不自禁去做某事”,固定用法。故答案为C。

3. 译文:莎伦本应九点到这里,她肯定已经忘记了我们的会议。must have done表示对过去事情的猜测,表示某动作肯定已经发生了。因此答案为D。

4. 译文:哈贝马斯认为如果资本主义过渡到共产主义(如果发生的话),那么它就是推理和交流的结果。本句中缺少谓语动词,又因前面有情态动词will,故填入occur的原形。

5. 句意:即使你真的那样认为,你也不需要说出来伤害他的情感。need在句中为情态动词,主句表示已经发生的事情,用完成时态。所以答案是D。

6. 本题考查两个语法点:(1) 情态动词ought to have done(应该做但没做);(2) remember后接不定式表示动作没有发生。所以选 C。

7. 译文:一个人究竟能否年复一年地活下去在极大程度上取决于运气:survival是名词,而这里需要动词作谓语,且根据句意可知,还应加上情态动词can,故应填入can survive。

第十节 介词的使用




1. After running a campaign defined more by whom and what he opposed, Trump’s remarks were ___character and welcome. (对外经济贸易大学 2017 年真题)

A. away

B. out of

C. beyond

D. within

2. Michael found it difficult to get his British jokes___to American audiences. (北京交通大学 2015 年真题)

A. around

B. over

C. across

D. down

3. We are going to go___. (北京第二外国语学院 2009 年真题)

A. in France in John’s

B. in France by John’s

C. to France in John’s

D. to France by John’s

4. He is___a basketball player. (对外经济贸易大学 2009 年真题)

A. as good as if no better than his brother as

B. as good as, not better than his brother like

C. as good as if not better than his brother as for

D. as good as if not better than his brother as

5. Language belongs to each member of the society, to the cleaner___to the professor. (北京第二 外国语学院 2007 年真题)

A. as far as

B. the same as

C. as much as

D. as long as

6. Trying to achieve your goals [A] without an action plan is like trying to drive throughout [B] unfamiliar roads to a distant city. The wasted [C] time, energy and money will probably cause you to give up before [D] very long. (上海交通大学 2007 年真题)

7. This hardy [A] plant has no tap root, but it [B] can draw nutrients from a large volume of earth because it pushes its roots outward and downward into the soil, sometimes as well [C] as six or seven feet from [D] the base. (上海交通大学 2006 年真题)

8. The men who wrote [A] the United States Constitution did the best [B] they could on the face of [C] circumstances which confronted them at the time [D] . (北京航空航天大学 2005 年真题)

9. The bad news, according to James B. Hunt Jr., a former governor of [A] North Carolina and chair of [B] the center’s board of [C] directors, is that the improvements “have not been reflected on [D] higher college enrollment or completion rates in most states.” (上海交通大学 2005 年真题)


1. 译文:在竞选活动中,特朗普的言论被更多地定义为“谁”和“他反对什么”,在此之后,特朗普的言论不符合他的性格,也不受欢迎。out of表示“接触”、“脱离”、“没有”、“缺乏”之意。故答案为B。

2. A. around get around 到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于get round);有办法应付;有办法应付局面;B. over get over 克服;恢复;熬过;原谅;C. across get across 通过;使……被理解;D. down get down 从……下来;吞下;写下;使沮丧。所以答案为C。

3. 译文:我们打算去法国,住在约翰家。考点:介词的用法。go to someplace表示“去某处”,in sb.’s意为“在某人家里”,所以选择C。

4. 译文:作为一个篮球运动员,即使他没有哥哥优秀,也和哥哥一样好。根据四个选项结合题干可推知此题意为“作为一个篮球运动员,他即使没有哥哥优秀,也和哥哥一样好。”选项A中no better than意为“和……一样不好”,不符合题意;B选项缺少连词if,不能体现前后逻辑关系,所以排除。“作为一个篮球运动员”只用介词as即可,后面不需加for。所以答案选D。

5. 译文:语言属于社会的每个成员,无论是清洁工还是教授都是一样的。C选项as much as意为“同……一样”,后面可接介词短语,而其他三个选项都不能接介词短语。

6. B选项throughout作介词意为“到处”,所以应该改为through “穿过”。

7. 根据后面的介词from可知,此处应是as far as “远达……”,所以C项well改为far。

8. 本题考查的是不同介词放在名词 face前的用法。on the face of 意思是“在……的表面”;in theface of 意思是“面对(困难、挫折、灾难等)”。本句考查的是 in the face of 用法,所以把on改为in。

9. 短语sth. is reflected in sth.意思是“某事在某方面得到反映”,而 refl ect on的意思是“思考,反思”,在本句中D项介词on应改为in。

第十一节 一致原则



1. 注意邻近一致原则:

1) 由 or, either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but also... 连接的词作主语时,谓语动词的形式要与靠近它的主语一致。例如:

Neither the teacher nor the students are going to the class today.

Neither the prices nor the quality has changed.

Not only you but also I amtoblame.


Together with; as well as; in addition to; followed by等,对主语的数量不产生影响。

2) 在 there, here 引导的句子中,如有若干个主语,则谓语与邻近的主语一致。例如:

There was a dictionary, some books and several albums on the bookshelf.

Here are a few envelops,a pen and some paperin the drawer.


There appears 20 people.

2. 用作主语时,谓语用单数:

1) either, neither, one, each (of) , every (of) 作主语或修饰主语时,谓语动词用单数。例如:

Every silver knife, fork, and spoon has to be counted.

Neither is satisfactory.

Either of these buses goes past the university.

2) everyone, everybody, no one, nobody, anyone, someone, somebody, one of, anything, everything, nothing, what, whoever 等词后面,动词用单数。

3) 动词不定式、动名词以及从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数。但and连接上述结构时动词用复数。例如:Singing and dancing are their greatest pleasure.

4) 国家、机构、书刊、事件等的名称作主语时,谓语动词用单数。例如:

The United Nations was founded in 1945.

The Thirty-Nine Steps was written by John Buchan.

3. 作主语时谓语动词用复数:

1) both/few/many/several/a number/the majority of 等结构作主语或修饰主语时,谓语动词用复数。

2) 用 and both ... and ...连接两个主语时,谓语动词一般多用复数。但注意:当并列主语指的是一个人或一个事物时,谓语动词用单数。例如:

Ice cream and cake is what she wants after dinner.

3) 当两个单数名词前都有the时,谓语动词多用复数。

The manager and the secretary of the firm are very able men.

但是:The editor and publisher of the newspaper is a very able man. (指同一个人)

4) 某些集合名词,如 few, people, the rest, cattle, police 等,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

5) a great many, a good many, a number of 等短语修饰复数名词时,谓语动词用复数。但是,many a 修饰单数名词时,谓语动词要用单数。例如:

Many a student wants to apply for the scholarship.

6) 在正式语体中,“ one of those + 复数名词 ”之后的定语从句中的谓语动词要用复数。例如:

Jane is one of those persons who always think they are right.

但是,当one之前有the only 等词修饰时,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数。例如:

She is the only one of the girls who is willing to take a make-up examination.

4. 作主语时,谓语动词既可以用单数又可以用复数:

1) family, army, class, crowd, herd, public, group, party, committee, company, government, group, team 等集合名词作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于它们的意义。当它们表示不可分割的整体时,用单数;但当它们强调集体中的各个成员时,用复数。例如:

Class Two is having English class.

Class Two are playing on the sports ground.

2) Chinese, Japanese, English, French 等词指语言时,用单数;指人民时用复数。

3) 时间、金钱、距离、体积等名词作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数。

例如:Twenty dollars is too expensive.


例如:The last two years have been very difficult for us.

4) 一些以–ics 结尾的词作主语表示“学科领域”时,谓语动词用单数。用来表示具体的“行为”“观点”“数字”时,谓语动词用复数。例如:

Statistics is a field of study.

The statistics in the report are accurate.


1. The Shakers, an American religious community,___in furniture design and herbal medicine. (北 京第二外国语学院 2008 年真题)

A. was a pioneer

B. is a pioneer

C. were pioneers

D. are a pioneer

2.___the Foreign Minister but the Prime Minister too. (中国人民大学 2006 年真题)

A. They not only saw

B. They saw not only

C. Not only did they see

D. Not only they saw

3. 改错:Two hundred and ninety-nine pounds are too unreasonable a price for such a shabby second hand bike. (中山大学 2005 年真题)

4.“At a time where [A] we should be encouraging eligible students to attend [B] college, we are making it more difficult for potential [C] students and their families,” Hunt said in [D] a statement announcing the report. (上海交通大学 2005 年真题)


1. 译文:震颤教派是美国的一个宗教团体,他们在家具设计和草药方面首屈一指。本题考查谓语动词的时态以及主谓一致问题:虽然主语The Shakers是复数形式,但是从它的同位语an American religious community可以看出,它被看成了一个整体,所以谓语动词也用单数形式,同时,这句话是一个客观事实,所以用一般现在时,因此答案为B。

2. 译文:他们不仅看到了外交部部长,还看到了总理。本题考查not only...but also...结构,注意该结构前后的平行性,句中but (also)引出宾语成分,因此前句中not only也应引出宾语,因此答案为B。

3. 本句的主语表达的是一个数的概念(299 英镑),是单数概念,所以要把are改成is。

4. at a time是表达时间的概念,故其后面的修饰词应该是 when而不是 where, 修改A选项。

第十二节 强调和省略



1. 强调句的基本结构:

1) 强调句的基本句型是“It is (was) + 所强调的成分 + that/who (whom)”,其中,所强调的成分小到一个词,大到一个从句均可。that 视具体情况可由 who, whom 替代,但是常见的还是 that , 注意不能误用 when , where 来替代that。例如:

It is your mother whom (that) I want to see. It was he who (that) told me the news.

It is because I love him that I can do everything for him.

2) 上述强调句可以演变为: It was not until that...; It was because...that...; It was only; after... that... 等句式。

3) 强调句可以强调动词谓语以外的任何成分,如主语、宾语、状语等。动词谓语强调应用助动词。

2. 有关省略,常见以下几种情况:

1) 并列句中的省略在并列句中,后一个分句中与前一个分句相同的成分往往可以省略。

The news made some people happy, but (it made) some (other people) angry.

2) 在复合句中的省略,比较状语从句中的省略。

I like English more than (I like) Spanish.

Most girl students are more diligent than boy students(are).


You don’t need to go there immediately if (it is) not urgent.

While (I was in) Beijing, I visited many historical sites.

If (it is) necessary, we will hold a meeting immediately.

3) way, place, reason, day 等词后面的定语从句常可以省略关系代词或关系副词。

This is the place (where) I once lived.

The day (when) he was in London is unforgettable.


1.___ghost exists in the world. That’s your illusion. (北京第二外国语学院 2008 年真题)

A. No such a thing as

B. No such a thing as a

C. No such thing as a

D. No such thing as

2.___, he would have finished the work all by himself. (北京第二外国语学院 2006 年真题)

A. Giving him enough time

B. Given him enough time

C. To give him enough time

D. Had been given enough time

3. “We have to resolve the differences between us through peace talks instead of___.”(violent) (四 川外国语大学 2006 年真题)


1. 译文:这个世界上根本就没有鬼魂这种事,那不过是你的幻觉。“There is no such thing/person as sb./sth.”在此结构中冠词通常省略,如There is no such thing as free lunch.(世上没有免费的午餐)。所以答案选D。

2. 译文:如果时间充裕,他应该能独自完成所有工作。主句是对过去事实的虚拟,所以从句应用if引导的条件句,且为过去完成时,其中if可省略,剩余部分用倒装,故选D。

3. 译文:我们应该通过和平谈话而非暴力的方式解决分歧。这里省略了through,其中peace talks和violence是作为through的并列成分存在的,因此用名词形式,即填violence。 yjmm30R2n9/al5Qe7ejlANhZphpSbYsJHnaW6qYXWFyKgE6EyyWMM2zQxfq4TL8e
