
Ⅳ 高分练习

1. You demoralize___(女性) by warbling your sentimental love and constancy under all sorts of vile treatment. ( The Mill on the Floss by Eliot , George)

2. We were told___(确定无疑地) that we were not welcome at their house.

3. This is___(毫无疑问的) the best film I have seen all year.

4. The restaurant has constantly kept___(与时俱进) and caters for the most up-to-date tastes in art.

5. The mall has sports and shoe and clothing stores and,___(最后一个但绝不是不重要的一个) ,plenty of terrific places to eat.

6. The wicked shrew was determined to get rid of the girl,___( 不择手段地) and kept saying to her father: ‘Send her away, old man; send her away—anywhere so that my eyes shan’t be plagued any longer by the sight of her, or my ears tormented by the sound of her voice.’ ( The Yellow Fairy Book by Lang, Andrew)

7. Small things would make her happy; one harsh word would send her into___. (绝望的深渊)

8. She has a couple of thousand pounds kept aside which she’s___. (以备不测)

9. Really good experienced singers are___(物有所值的) to the choir.

10. On my first day, I earned $190, and I was___. (兴高采烈)

11. The fact that she needed the money for her children is___(无关紧要)—it’s still stealing.

12. Jones endured___(艰难困苦) of being a single mother.

13. I have paid little attention to Edison for years, I have to confess to myself, and I had been___.(有眼不识泰山)

14. After floods and a drought, what else can___(大自然) do to us?

15. A new minister, and moreover a minister with a wife, was a lawful object of curiosity in a quiet little country settlement where sensations were___(稀缺的) ( Anne of Green Gables by Montgom ery, Lucy Maud)

16. Gerry hit Ross. Then Ross hit Gerry, and it was___. (针尖对麦芒)

17. He finally___(开始) on their plans to build a new house.

18. Captain Oates made___(生命代价) in a bid to save his colleagues.

19. Although he works very hard in his small business he has been unable to___(使成功) it and may soon go out of business.

20. Also, he explained that there were many accidents in the mills, and that the company’s policy was to fight___(拼到底) all consequent damage suits. ( The Iron Heel by London, Jack)

21. Don’t talk that way,___(改过自新,重新开始) and begin again, Teddy, my son. ( Little Women by Alcott, Louisa May)

22. She was put in charge___(高龄).

23. Be it a race must rise or fall, succeed or fail, and___(归根到底) mere sentiment counts for little. ( Up From Slavery by Washington, Booker T.)

24. By a very strange instance of___(命运的捉弄), it was on Twala’s own couch, and wrapped in Twala’s own particular karross, that Sir Henry, the man who had slain him, slept that night. ( King Solomon’s Mines by Haggard, Rider H.)

25. That was a remarkably dramatic scene, because___(期待的痛苦) was prolonged forever while Magua struggled to get his footing and hang onto that crummy little twig.

26. Government is making___(慢但有把握) success in generating jobs, providing homes.


1. fair sex 2. in no uncertain terms 3. beyond/without a shadow of a doubt

4. abreast of the times 5. last but not least 6. by fair means or foul

7. depths of despair 8. saved for a rainy day 9. worth its weight in gold

10. walking on air 11. neither here nor there 12. trials and tribulations

13. entertain an angel unawares 14. Mother Nature  15. few and far between

16. tit for tat  17. sets/starts/keeps the ball rolling 18. the final/supreme/ultimate sacrifice

19. make a go of  20. to the bitter end 21. turn over a new leaf

22. at the ripe old age 23. in the last analysis  24. the irony of fate

25. agony of suspense 26. slow but sure uN0ZNl7UEVfvz5dF07qkFyQPjHow2hJomOvyQtC6kFTBuweWmQdbzp31K5FW8Xoc
