
Ⅲ 真题举隅

(对外经济贸易大学 2007 年硕士研究生入学考试:基础英语)

Section One

In this section, there are 10 sentences with idiomatic usages. Fill in the gap of each sentence with an appropriate word. The first letter of the word is given as a hint. (10 points)

1. There is no (l) lost between Tom and Mary—they still dislike each other.

2. Lots of companies got (h) on the idea of contracting out. They feel enthusiastic about letting outside personnel and organizations do part of their routine work.

3. I’m not (h) some secret grudge against my boss.

4. The fact that people find change difficult is taken as (g).

5. The future of the company (h) in the balance, no one can predict with certainty what will happen.

6. The show has been playing to (p) audiences since it opened.

7. After the boat’s motor failed, they were at the (m) of the weather.

8. It’s only a trifle, but he’s trying to make a mountain out of a (m).

9. The old man has no children of his own, so his property will, be left to his next of (k).

10. The team needs some encouragement to win the game, so the captain gave the players a (p ) talk.

解析: 解答此题需要日积月累,考生可以在平时多注意积累谚语、俗语和固定词组的用法。

1. loathe 根据后半句“still dislike”和前半句“lost”可以判断,这里应填入一个和“dislike”意思相同的名词,所以填“loathe”。

2. hooked 本句意思是“许多公司一心想把工程外包”。“get hooked”意思是“迷上(某事物); 完全陷于(某事物)之中”例如: She’s completely hooked on the idea of a camping holiday. (她一心想着来个野营度假。)与下句中“feel enthusiastic about”同义。

3. harboring “harbor a grudge against sb.”意为“对某人心怀怨恨”。

4. granted “take sth. for granted”意思是“想当然,认为是理所当然”。

5. hangs “hang in the balance”意为“悬而未决,无法确定”。

6. please “please the audience”意为“让观众满意,取悦观众”。

7. mercy “at the mercy of”意为“任凭…摆布”。

8. molehill “make a mountain out of a molehill ”意为“小题大做”。

9. kin “next of kin”意为“近亲”。

10. prompting “a prompting talk”意为“激励性的谈话”。

Section Two

In this section, you will read 10 sentences with idiomatic expressions underlined. Explain in your own words what these expressions mean. (10 points)

1. The father of the house is killing the fatted calf in anticipation of his son.

2. This old man is wearing sackcloth and ashes after the sad event.

3. There has been a sea change in people’s attitude towards sex over the last decade.

4. His hat has seen better days but he won’t buy a new one.

5. The fragile man seems to be a ghost of his former self .

6. Further economic decline set in during the 1930s.

7. I don’t think the plan is as cut and dried as people think.

8. The dilapidated factory is an eyesore amid the new villas for the wealthy.

9. This young man is too puffed up with his clout.

10. Chris’ success is all down to his wife, at least she thinks so.

解析: 此题若想取得高分,考生平时学习时应注意积累同一单词、词组的不同含义以及根据上下文猜词义的能力,同时,要锻炼用尽量简短的语言清楚地表达词组的含义。

1. is very pleased/excited (joyfully celebrate sb’s return or arrival)

【译文】 父亲兴奋地期待着儿子的归来。

2.regretfully low-spirited

【译文】 那件不幸的事情发生后,这位老人情绪一直都很低落。

3.a complete transformation

【译文】 在过去的十年里人们对于性的看法发生了翻天覆地的变化。

4. is worn and out of fashion

【译文】 他的帽子又破又旧,但他还是不肯买新的。

5. more fragile than before

【译文】 这个男人越发虚弱了。

6. started

【译文】 20 世纪 30 年代,经济危机进一步加剧。

7. completely decided/ prearranged /settled

【译文】 人们以为这计划已经万事俱备了,可我不这么看。

8.ugly sight

【译文】 这破旧的工厂在为富人的新建别墅群中显得格外刺眼。


【译文】 这个年轻人对于自己的力量过分自信了,甚至于变得傲慢了。

10.attributed to

【译文】 克里斯的成功全是他妻子的功劳。至少他妻子是这么想的。

(对外经济贸易大学 2008 年硕士研究生入学考试:基础英语)

Section One (10 points, 1 point each)

In this section, there are 10 sentences with idiomatic usages. Fill in the gap of each sentence with an appropriate word. The first letter of the word is given as a hint.

1. To h___around is to spend time somewhere doing nothing.

2. To hide your light under a b___is not to tell anyone that you are good at something.

3. To leave no s___unturned is to do everything you can in order to find something or to solve a problem.

4. “There is no t___” means there is no way to know what will happen in a certain situation.

5. To have a heart of g___means to have a very kind character.

6. When you accept criticism or punishment for something you have done, you can say “to face the m___ .”

7. Nigel always won h___down in any competition. (very easily)

8. If someone raises his/her e___, he/she is very much surprised or shows disapproval.

9. To be hard upon someone’s h___is to follow him/her closely.

10. If someone is ill at e___, they are nervous, uncomfortable or embarrassed.

解析: 解答此题需要日积月累,考生可以在平时多注意积累谚语、俗语和固定词组的用法。

1. hang “to hang around”闲荡,悠闲地消磨时间。

2. bushel “hide one’s light under a bushel”不露锋芒,低调谦虚。

3. stone “to leave no stone turned”千方百计,想尽办法。

4. telling “There is no telling”无法预料,难以知道。

5. gold “a heart of gold”道德高尚的人。

6. music “face the music”勇于承担后果。

7. hands “hands down”非常容易地,轻而易举地。

8. eyebrow “to raise one’s eyebrow”瞠目结舌,吃惊的。

9. heels “upon/on/at sb’s heels”紧紧跟在某人后面。

10. ease “be ill at ease”感到不安,不自在。

Section Two (10 points, 1 point each)

In this section, you will read 10 sentences with idiomatic expressions underlined. Explain in your own words what these expressions mean.

1. For a moment, I was completely taken aback by her request.

2. It seems that the deal was made behind closed doors .

3. A little more glue should do the job .

4. Jack was kicked upstairs when he refused to carry out the orders from his higher-ups.

5. His resignation left a lot of work hanging in the air .

6. He always wanted to be the top dog , so he offended many people.

7. None of her books lends itself to being made into a film.

8. We humans came by our hungry brains in a long process of evolution.

9. Listening to ghost stories made my flesh creep .

10. This teacher likes to blow his own trumpet in class.

解析: 此题若想取得高分,考生平时学习时应注意积累同一单词、词组的不同含义以及根据上下文猜词义的能力,同时,要锻炼用尽量简短的语言清楚地表达词组的含义。

1. surprised/shocked

【译文】 她的请求一度让我震惊。

2. secretly

【译文】 这笔买卖似乎是暗地里进行的。

3. work

【译文】 胶水再多点就行了。

4. promoted to a higher yet less desirable position

【译文】 因为杰克拒绝执行上司的命令,所以并没有得到期望的升迁。

5. undecided

【译文】 他一辞职,留下一堆悬而未决的工作。

6. the most powerful person

【译文】 他一直想当一把手,因此冒犯了很多人。

7. is suitable for

【译文】 她的书没一本适合做剧本拍电影。

8. had obtained by effort

【译文】 在漫长的进化过程中,我们人类在不断努力获得知识补充大脑。

9. made us feel afraid and disgusted

【译文】 听鬼故事让我毛骨悚然。

10. to boast about himself

【译文】 这位老师喜欢在课堂上吹牛。 W6vqUZMx29RTdT4NrrNcIx0NucZimJ1cEYjMmb5wivWqw0LCJM5MUecVo+VJBzGq
