
Ⅱ 分类说明

第一节 动词短语


about (doing) sth.

to be anxious about对…感到担心

to be optimistic about对…很乐观

to be concerned about关心,挂念

to be particular about对…很认真

to be enthusiastic about对…很热心,热心于

to be pessimistic about对…悲观失望

to be excited about对…感到兴奋

to be upset about对…感到很烦恼(不安)

to be explicit about详述,对…态度明确

to have no scruples about对…毫无顾忌

to be lazy about懒得…,对…没有热情

to make a fuss about 对…大惊小怪

to be mean about在…方面很小气(吝啬)

to set about着手,开始

to be modest about在…方面很谦虚

to speculate about推测…

of (doing) sth.

to keep abreast of与…并进,不落后于

to fight shy of回避,避免…

to approve of赞成

to have a dread of害怕…

to be apprehensive of担心,害怕

to have enough of无法容忍…,厌烦…

to be chary of不轻易;对…有戒心

to make a habit of使…形成种习惯

to be on the point of正要…

to suspect someone of疑心某人,怀疑某人

to be terrified of 对…感到惊恐

the anxiety of对…的担心

to make acquaintance of熟悉

the drawback of做…的障碍

to make a legend of神话了…

the insinuation of做…的暗示

to make a pretence of假装…

the likelihood of做…的可能性

to make a reading of做…的解读

the object of做…的目标

to make a recognition of识别…

the pain of做…的痛苦

to make a success of在…取得成功

the probability of 做…的可能性

to make no secret of把…公开,不隐瞒…

the prospect of做…的前景

to disapprove of不赞成…

the worry of 对…的担心

to take the liberty of冒昧,擅自

to stand a chance of有…的希望

to deprive someone of剥夺某人

to fall short of不足,缺乏,达不到,不符合

to show no sign of 没有现出…迹象

from (doing) sth.

to abstain from避免,放弃

to flinch from 从…退缩

to ban someone from禁止某人做…

to hinder someone from 阻止某人做…

to be far from 一点也不,远没有

to infer something from 从…推知某事

to deduce something from从…中推断出…

to prohibit someone from 阻止某人做…

to defend someone from保护某人使免于

to protect someone from 保护某人做…

to desist from 停止做…

to refrain from 抑制,忍住,不让自己做…

to defer someone from 制止某人做…

to rescue someone from把某人从…中救出

to discourage someone from劝某人勿做…

to restrain someone from限制某人做…

to dissuade someone from劝某人勿做…

to save someone from 从…中救出某人

to draw an inference from根据…推论

to shrink from畏缩不做…,从…退缩

to draw back from从…后退,终止做…

to turn someone aside from 使…暂时搁下

to exempt someone from豁免某人做…

into (doing) sth.

to beguile someone into哄骗某人做…

to cajole someone into哄骗某人…

to blackmail someone into敲诈某人做…

to delude someone into欺骗某人…

to bully someone into威胁某人做…

to inveigle someone into诱骗某人…

to coerce someone into胁迫某人做…

to lure someone into诱惑某人…

to force someone into强迫某人做…

to mislead someone into误导某人…

to persuade someone into说服某人做…

to shame someone into使某人感觉羞愧而…

to tempt someone into引诱某人做…

to talk someone into说服某人…

to trick someone into引诱某人做…

to terrify someone into威胁某人…

to be betrayed into受诱骗而…

to wheedle someone into用甜言蜜语哄骗某人…

to browbeat someone into威逼某人…

in doing sth.

there is no harm in做…是没有害处的

to have problems in有问题做…

there is no merit in做…是没有价值的

to have hard times in做…很艰难

there is some satisfaction in做…是能得到一点满足的

to persevere in坚持不懈地做…

to be adsorbed in全神贯注…

to succeed in成功地做…

to be diligent in 勤勤恳恳地…,勤奋地…

to take pleasure in 以做…为乐

to be dignified in 在…有威严

to take pride in以…为傲

to be engrossed in热心于,专心干

to be indefatigable in在…孜孜不倦

to be instrumental in有助于…

to delight in 乐于…,爱好…

to have trouble in麻烦做…

to make headway in在…取得进展

to have difficulty in有困难做…

to take the initiative in 带头…,采取主动

to be inferior in缺乏…

on (doing) sth.

to back sb. on在…支持某人

to compliment someone on夸奖某人

to be bent on 决心,一心想

to condole with someone on慰问某人

to be keen on爱好,渴望

to count on指望,依赖

to embark on从事,着手

to calculate on指望,期待

to gamble on心存侥幸地指望,碰运气去做

to set one’s heart on下决心做

to theorize on 空谈…,论说…

to reckon on设想,指望

to moralize on就…说教

to harp on反复地讲

to be intent on专心致志,一心一意要

for (doing) sth.

to account for说明…的原因

to despise someone for因…轻视某人

to answer for因…而受责备

to have a flair for对…有天赋,对…有鉴赏力

to be celebrated for 因…而驰名

to condemn someone for谴责某人

to be in the mood for有…的兴致,想做…

to have a talent for对…有天资,有…的才能

to be renowned for以…而著名

to have someone up for以…控告某人

to claim damages for因…要求赔偿

to let oneself in for因…招致灾难

to compensate for赔偿,补偿因…造成的损失

to make up for弥补,补偿

to expiate for赎(罪),抵偿

to pardon someone for原谅某人

to forgive someone for原谅某人

to reprimand someone for因…斥责某人

to get one’s revenge on someone for 因…而向某人报仇

to reward someone for因…报答某人,因…奖赏某人

to stand for主张,支持

to give someone credit for把…归功于某人,因…赞扬某人

to take revenge on someone for因…向某人报仇,为…报复某人

to have a gift for对…有天赋

to make reparation for对…做出赔偿

to justify oneself for证明自己做…是正当的

to pay for 为…付钱,为…付出代价

to make allowances for 考虑到,体谅

to prosecute someone for控告某人,为…对某人提出起诉

to atone for 赎罪,弥补过失

to be notorious for 因…臭名昭著

to rebuke someone for因…谴责某人

to be responsible for对…负责,是造成…的原因

to reproach someone for因…指责某人

to blame someone for因…责备某人

to tell someone off for 因…数落某人(责备某人)

to chide someone for因…责骂某人

to take someone to task for 因…申诉某人

to commend someone for因…赞扬某人

to scold someone for因…责骂某人

with (doing) sth.

to be bored with对…厌烦

to have an obsession with为…迷住,迷恋…

to be entrusted with受人委托…

to be obsessed with被…缠住,迷住

to be preoccupied with为…出神,醉心于…

to be laden with载满,充满烦恼

to content oneself with满足于…,对…

to accord with 与…一致,与…相符合

to cope with与…竞争,应付

to be in line with与…同步

not to hold with不赞成…

to sympathize with同情,同感

to be fed up with腻烦…,讨厌…

to interfere with干涉,干扰

to credit someone with认为某人能够…

at (doing) sth.

to be apt at善于…,巧干…

to be dismayed at对…感到沮丧

to be expert at擅长…

to be plunged into despair at对…陷入绝望

to draw the line at不让自己做…,拒绝做

to have a go at试做…,尝试着

to be impressed at对…印象深刻,为…感动

to smile at 对…微笑

to frown at不赞成…

to work at从事于…,致力于

to try one’s hand at尝试着做

to mock at嘲笑…

to (doing) sth.

that is not obstacle to这毫不妨碍

to descend to堕落到…,沦落到…

there is more to除了…还要…

to give one’s life to 为…而捐躯,为…而献出自己的生命

to adjust oneself to使自己适应于…

to lay oneself open to使自己容易招致…

to amount to意味着…,等于…

to make allusion to提及…,暗指…

to attend to专心于…,注意…

to object to反对…

to be committed to承诺…,许下诺言…

to plead guilty to承认犯了…的罪

to be opposed to反对…

to react to对…做出反应

to be tantamount to 等于,相当于…

to stoop to堕落到…,把身份降低到 …

to bear witness to 证明…,为…作证

to take exception to反对…,对…表示异议

to certify to证明…

to take to开始从事…,养成…

to come around to恢复知觉,回来

to confine oneself to把自己的活动限制在…

to conform to符合,遵照

to dedicate oneself to 献身于…,致力于…

the evidence points to证据表明…

to devote oneself to 致力于…,献身于…

to refer to涉及…,提到…

to get acclimatized to逐渐适应于…

to adapt oneself to使自己适应…

to give a little thought to对…稍加考虑

to resort to采用…,诉诸…,求助于…

to limit oneself to把自己局限于…

to allude to(间接地)提到…

to make reference to提及…,涉及…

to apply oneself to致力于…

to reconcile oneself to甘心于…,安于…

to attach importance to 重视…

to resign oneself to听任…,屈从于…

to attribute something to 把某事归因于…

to see to照料…,注意…,负责…

to be addicted to嗜爱…,沉溺于…

to settle down to安下心来…,专心致志…

to be adverse to讨厌…,不喜欢…

to submit to屈服于…,忍受…

to be conducive to有益于…,有助于…

to swear to发誓肯定…,十分肯定…

to be given to 极喜爱…,热衷于…

to testify to 证实…,证明…

to be reduced to被弄得…,被沦为…

to turn to着手…

to bring someone round to说服某人

to tend to 注意…,趋向…

to confess to承认…,供认…

to yield to 屈服…,让步…

to be indispensable to必需

to subject...to...使屈从于…,使隶属…

to be open to对…开放

to contribute to 有助于,促成…


在本节中,我们通过练习的方式为同学们提供了每组 4 个共约 200 组动词短语,这绝不是给同学们押题,英研入学考试中对动词短语的考查贯穿于试卷的各个部分(阅读、翻译、写作等),而不只限于单项选择。我们希望同学们对这 200 组练习不仅仅只是做一遍就完事,而是在练习中加深印象,掌握习题所考查的知识点。

1. The mother said she would___her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.

A. let down

B. let alone

C. let off

D. let out

2. Yesterday my brother___with his girlfriend over where to go on holiday.

A. fell off

B. fell out

C. fell away

D. fell apart

3. They are accustomed to___their expeditions, which is quite different from ever before.

A. holding over

B. holding back

C. holding down

D. holding to

4. Though his ideas are good, they aren’t always___very clearly.

A. put on

B. put up with

C. put across

D. put off

5. My grandma had___before I was born, which is really a pity to me.

A. passed by

B. passed away

C. died away

D. died out

6. He missed a week’s lectures because of his mother’s illness, but he made efforts to___the lost time.

A. make out

B. make from

C. make up for

D. make up to

7. He didn’t mean to___president that year, but he said he would do it in the next term.

A. run for

B. run into

C. run out

D. run over

8. She was___in her mind the idea presented by her father.

A. turning out

B. turning over

C. turning up

D. turning into

9. Much like others, the widow had to learn to___a very small income.

A. live up to

B. live on

C. live out

D. live down

10. The workers on strike are determined to___ until their demands are satisfied.

A. stick out

B. stick to

C. stick with

D. stick up

11. The driver___the bus only just in time to avoid hitting the boy.

A. pulled on

B. pulled through

C. pulled down

D. pulled up

12. In the northeast of China, the incredibly cold weather___the planting by three weeks.

A. set out

B. set up

C. set back

D. set down

13. Without my glasses I can hardly___what is written on the blackboard.

A. make up

B. make out

C. make for

D. make over

14. You’d better___the important points the professor says, or you will have difficulties in passing the exam.

A. note down

B. turn to

C. get over

D. put aside

15. She was completely___by the thief’s disguise so that she let him in without suspicion.

A. taken away

B. taken down

C. taken through

D. taken in

16. He was still a young boy, and how did he___so much money in a year?

A. come by

B. come to

C. come at

D. come off

17. He stayed out of school for many months to go traveling and___his classmates, so his teachers got very angry.

A. fell back on

B. fell back

C. fell behind

D. fell into

18. She is reliable and thoughtful, so her friends like to___their troubles to her.

A. pour down

B. pour into

C. pour forth

D. pour on

19. The woman told her son to___those teenagers who use drugs, but he never listened to her.

A. prevent from

B. keep out of

C. stay away from

D. run away from

20. What used to be a quiet village has gradually___a busy and prosperous city.

A. turned from

B. become into

C. gotten into

D. turned into

21. A woman fainted on the train, and they had difficulty___her___.

A. bringing, about

B. coming, on

C. bringing, round

D. coming, about

22. According to the governmental permission, they were entitled to___the old houses in order to build a new square.

A. pull down

B. break down

C. pull off

D. break off

23. The French pianist who had been praised very highly___to be a great disappointment.

A. turned up

B. turned in

C. turned out

D. turned down

24. In the eyes of the audience, she is___a musician than her brother.

A. much of

B. much as

C. more of

D. more as

25. The gunman___the passengers and took all the money.

A. held up

B. held out

C. held off

D. held to

26. Henry decided to___the presents at the beginning, which made me feel at lost.

A. pass out

B. pass away

C. pass into

D. pass on

27. He was woken up when the box___the desk and hit the floor.

A. fell over

B. fell off

C. fell in

D. fell into

28. He___all night in order to finish his paper before the deadline.

A. stayed off

B. stayed down

C. stayed up

D. stayed with

29. Raining heavily outside, there was a rush to get seats as the train___.

A. pulled in

B. pulled off

C. pulled out

D. pulled through

30. That’s my opinion, but I can only___myself, others may have different views.

A. speak out

B. speak for

C. speak of

D. speak to

31. Richard has___a lot of money on debt all by himself and he feels quite happy.

A. paid off

B. paid down

C. paid back

D. paid out

32. The detective finally___the missing girl.

A. searched for

B. searched out

C. searched into

D. searched after

33. Most of a doctor’s time is___talking to patients and this helps him to communicate with patients well.

A. taken to

B. taken up

C. taken on

D. taken over

34. The workers of the shoe factory have been___because of the economic depression.

A. laid out

B. laid down

C. lain down

D. laid off

35. When a fire at the National Exhibition in London___at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.

A. broke off

B. broke out

C. broke down

D. broke up

36. Then the speaker___the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.

A. went after

B. went for

C. went into

D. went on

37. The student was just about to___the question, when suddenly he found the answer.

A. arrive at

B. submit to

C. work out

D. give up

38. The meeting___at midnight and we went out of the hall only to see snowflakes floating in the sky.

A. stopped up

B. stopped off

C. broke through

D. broke up

39. Among the preparations, you first have to___how many people should be invited to the wedding.

A. figure on

B. figure out

C. rely on

D. make out

40. Although the school sticks to carrying it out, most parents___the new regulation set by the school.

A. object to

B. rebel against

C. fight against

D. strike for

41. Many guests who did not receive this invitation would not___at the party.

A. show off

B. show up

C. show around

D. show out

42. I___one of my junior high school friends in the park last week.

A. ran across

B. met into

C. came along

D. faced with

43. Linda’s whole wardrobe___jeans, T-shirts and sweaters, you cannot find anything else.

A. made of

B. made up of

C. composed of

D. consisted of

44. The song he sang was sad, but the audience___laughter.

A. responded to

B. responded with

C. resolved to

D. resigned from

45. My daughter’s fault of being unable to___anything prevents her making progress.

A. persist on

B. insist in

C. stick to

D. resist on

46. The government plans to do something to prevent her house from___.

A. falling off

B. falling down

C. falling in

D. falling into

47. The government___the prices until last month.

A. held up

B. held to

C. held out

D. held down

48. If you___that dictionary, please buy it for me. I have not found it in the library.

A. come across

B. come up with

C. come down

D. come about

49. It___me last night that you might want to accompany me to the south.

A. occurred with

B. came along with

C. came on

D. occurred to

50. Helen failed to___her parents’ expectations when she was not admitted to college.

A. live on

B. stir up

C. live up to

D. meet with

51. They are___an investigation into the causes of the disease.

A. carrying out

B. taking action of

C. putting out

D. taking off

52. I stared out of the window, watching people___, which brought me a lot of old memories.

A. pass away

B. pass out

C. pass by

D. pass through

53. When his father died he___the family business.

A. took to

B. took over

C. took up

D. took away

54. North winds kept blowing all night long___, and the earth was frozen.

A. with great difficulty

B. with great violence

C. in vain

D. in great effort

55. The bank decided to___their proposal and loan them the five million dollars.

A. go along with

B. go on with

C. agree on

D. deal with

56. Hospital doctors don’t go out very often as their work___all their time.

A. takes up

B. takes over

C. takes in

D. takes away

57. People heard the explosive sound when the plane___last night.

A. blew away

B. blew off

C. blew up

D. blew out

58. It is not easy to learn English well but if you___, you will succeed in the end.

A. hang up

B. hang about

C. hang on

D. hang out

59. The factory had___some workers because of economic depression.

A. laid off

B. laid down

C. laid out

D. laid on

60. At that time they were poor, and they___a difficult time.

A. went through

B. went down

C. went along with

D. went in for

61. For a young man, it is not wise to___your knowledge in front of people.

A. show to

B. show off

C. show on

D. show out

62. The police are waiting for the criminal to___so they can arrest him and take him to court.

A. come up

B. awake up

C. come round

D. lose consciousness

63. With careful nursing the doctor is hopeful that the patient should___.

A. pull through

B. pull up

C. pull in

D. pull back

64. He has had five jobs in the last three years; he never___anything for long.

A. sticks out

B. sticks to

C. stands out

D. stands for

65. She was no longer able to___her tears when she saw her son back at home safe and sound.

A. hold on

B. hold back

C. hold in

D. hold down

66. She swallows her words so that I can never___what she is saying.

A. make out

B. make up

C. deal with

D. point out

67. He___an old man when crossing the road, but he drove off without calling an ambulance.

A. closed down

B. knocked down

C. fell through

D. pushed down

68. They knew the hardship of life for they had___the depression and a world war.

A. lived through

B. passed by

C. lived off

D. passed through

69. Jim felt extremely___, for he had trusted those people who betrayed him.

A. let out

B. let off

C. let down

D. let in

70. Many people were just___while the young woman was attacked.

A. carrying on

B. standing by

C. standing to

D. carrying out

71. People are surprised that Mr. Smith doesn’t know the accident___.

A. came at

B. came by

C. came about

D. came into

72. You’d better have as little to___him as possible, for he’s an awful crook.

A. do with

B. deal with

C. handle with

D. do away with

73. Very few scientists have___with completely new answers to the world’s problem.

A. come by

B. come out

C. come along

D. come up

74. Don’t worry about your book, it will___some day as we think.

A. turn out

B. turn up

C. turn down

D. turn with

75. One out of four students___a kind of flu, so the school is forced to close.

A. fights against

B. meets with

C. suffers from

D. faces with

76. The baby monkey___its mother’s back until it can climb by itself.

A. adheres to

B. insists on

C. clings to

D. persists in

77. Two policemen___the robber and caught him in the end, and people around here never had to be disturbed by him.

A. ran round

B. ran after

C. ran off

D. ran into

78. Paul said that he must go home to help his mother, to finish school, and to___his debts.

A. pay for

B. pay off

C. payback

D. pay down

79. The doctor told me that I had to___alcohol otherwise I would get into trouble.

A. cut in

B. cut off

C. cut out

D. cut up

80. The businessmen are worried because local trade___suddenly when farmers aren’t prospering.

A. drops on

B. drops in

C. drops out

D. drops off

81. I___a lot of Spanish when I was in Madrid, however, I forgot much of it after I came back to my country.

A. pulled up

B. picked up

C. dropped back

D. took up

82. It was the doctor’s carelessness that___the death of the patient.

A. prevented from

B. caused to

C. created for

D. led to

83. You’ll have to___if you want to finish all the work today.

A. hurry up

B. rush up

C. move on

D. work up

84. Tension has been___between the two nations since 1998, which caused a decrease in trade between the two countries.

A. setting up

B. getting up

C. cheering up

D. building up

85. When I was still a little girl, my mother always ordered me to___my breakfast.

A. eat off

B. eat away

C. eat out

D. eat up

86. I think my brother can___my parents’ expectations that our business will have a better future.

A. live up with

B. live up to

C. live with

D. live on

87. The car___halfway for no reason and the driver didn’t know what do to.

A. broke off

B. broke down

C. broke up

D. broke out

88. Having decided to rent a flat, we___contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.

A. set about

B. set down

C. set out

D. set up

89. ___their differences, the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other.

A. But for

B. For all

C. Above all

D. Except for

90. Linda doesn’t even know how to use a calculator,___a computer.

A. no doubt

B. without question

C. nothing but

D. let alone

91. Living in damp surroundings may___the rheumatism.

A. bring in

B. bring about

C. bring to

D. bring out

92. Lucy___in a crowd because of her very red hair.

A. stands for

B. stands up

C. stands out

D. stands off

93. Anger___Henry when he saw the woman who deceived him.

A. came through

B. came over

C. came forth

D. came on

94. They___this old picture___a worthy gift from their parents.

A. look upon, as

B. look up, as

C. look down, as

D. look to, for

95. Some of the small animals don’t have the strength to___it or to keep their balance.

A. hold in

B. hold over

C. hold on to

D. hold by

96. His thoughts were so___his work that he didn’t pay much attention to the other things.

A. taken on

B. taken in

C. taken up with

D. taken out of

97. Mrs. Smith is on the other phone, will you___for a moment?

A. hold on

B. hold down

C. hold off

D. hold out

98. The driver trying to avoid an old lady, when his car___a lamppost.

A. ran over

B. ran down

C. ran into

D. ran up

99. You can___the answers to the following questions with a calculator.

A. work on

B. work out

C. work at

D. work up

100. Ted agreed to___the strike if the company would satisfy the demand of the worker.

A. call out

B. call off

C. call to

D. call on

101. After getting out of the car, we walked as the moon___from behind a cloud.

A. came on

B. came out

C. came into

D. came away

102. Education is the only method of___changes in the world.

A. bringing up

B. leading up

C. causing to

D. bringing about

103. He tried to explain it to her but___some important details.

A. left for

B. left over

C. left with

D. left out

104. “Shut up”, Jane___, “You didn’t know what we are arguing about.”

A. cut through

B. cut down

C. cut up

D. cut in

105. The rain had been___the whole day, so we had to stay at home watching TV instead.

A. pouring down

B. pouring forth

C. pouring out

D. pouring forward

106. The director told me that Ann’s performance___her talent for dancing.

A. pointed out

B. pointed to

C. pointed at

D. pointed up

107. As many teachers do, Professor Brown is always getting the names of his students___.

A. mixed up

B. mixed with

C. mixing up

D. mixing with

108. At last I___a way of getting John and Cathy to resume their marriage.

A. came to

B. thought about

C. hit upon

D. hit off

109. After killing his girlfriend, he had to find a way of___her body.

A. disposing away

B. putting away

C. disposing of

D. putting aside

110. Richard couldn’t___how to work the math problem out.

A. write down

B. write out

C. figure out

D. fill out

111. You can’t___your promise now; we are depending on you.

A. go back on

B. go off with

C. go back with

D. go out with

112. Having made our decision, we must___it persistently and single-heartedly.

A. adhere to

B. cling to

C. abide to

D. abide by

113. Our teacher won’t___any nonsense in class, which makes the students listen carefully.

A. stand by

B. stand for

C. stand out

D. stand back

114. Following the doctor, Mike has___his smoking to four cigarettes a day.

A. cut in

B. cut down

C. cut off

D. cut out

115. If the police___you___and you’re not wearing your seatbelt, you’ll be in trouble.

A. pull, over

B. pull, out

C. pull, into

D. pull, back

116. His parents died when he was young, so he was___by his aunt in the countryside.

A. brought out

B. brought up

C. grown up

D. take after

117. We must___this new population policy. It may create new social problem.

A. look for

B. look after

C. look into

D. look through

118. When I woke up I was in the hospital, but I didn’t know how that had___.

A. come into

B. come about

C. come to

D. come over

119. They agreed to___the strike if the company would satisfy their demand.

A. call out

B. call off

C. call to

D. call back

120. It took us two weeks to___a new advertising campaign.

A. think of

B. think about

C. think up

D. think over

121. I planned to___my French before I went there, and all would become easier.

A. pick out

B. pick on

C. brush up

D. brush over

122. Alice’s parents are angry at her because she always___her toys___.

A. gives, in

B. gives, off

C. gives, up

D. gives, away

123. The entrance examination is very difficult, so only a small minority of candidates___.

A. get through

B. get in

C. pass through

D. pass on

124. More attention to driving can___a decrease in road accidents.

A. result from

B. set off

C. result in

D. set in

125. They had been good friends for years until they___about some trivial matters.

A. quarreled with

B. fell out

C. got along

D. were on bad terms

126. He considered himself fortunate to have___two world wars unhurt.

A. put through

B. broken through

C. pulled through

D. brought through

127. The boss___on her as his secretary because of her honesty and intelligence.

A. employed

B. fired

C. hired

D. counted

128. The speaker spoke so fast that I found it hard to___what he was saying.

A. take over

B. take in

C. take up

D. take out

129. I think the meeting has been___because of the bad weather.

A. turned off

B. taken off

C. given off

D. called off

130. Our neighbor has asked us if we could___her dog while she is on holiday.

A. care about

B. take care of

C. look for

D. take after

131. He was dishonest. I___from the very beginning.

A. saw him off

B. saw through him

C. saw him about

D. saw into him

132. He decided to___golf to provide himself with some relaxation.

A. take on

B. take over

C. take up

D. take with

133. To___quickly___a book is an important study skill.

A. look, about

B. look, up

C. look, on

D. look, into

134. Important people don’t often have much free time as their work___all their time.

A. takes away

B. takes over

C. takes up

D. takes in

135. When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon___it.

A. got off

B. got across

C. got away

D. got over

136. I always___what I have said, which acts as one of my rules.

A. get to

B. hold to

C. lead to

D. got over

137. She couldn’t___it___, though she has read the poem many times.

A. absorb, in

B. take, in

C. put, in

D. master, in

138. The airport is very busy, for every now and then a new plane will___.

A. fly off

B. take off

C. get off

D. run off

139. Quite out of their expectations, they had a lot of trouble___the customs.

A. getting through

B. getting together

C. getting in

D. getting away

140. Thailand is trying to___the serious problems caused by the financial crisis.

A. cope with

B. handle with

C. put up with

D. give up

141. Since you are so busy, where can I find the bread-knife to___?

A. cut it by

B. cut it with

C. cut it off

D. cut it in

142. Helen was so busy these days that she had to___going on holiday.

A. put off

B. put down

C. put out

D. put aside

143. I told my girlfriend that I had a beach house. She really___that story!

A. fell in

B. fell with

C. fell for

D. fell through

144. Her business is growing so fast that she must___more workers.

A. take in

B. take off

C. take out

D. take on

145. Since the electricity is on again, you can___those candles.

A. blow away

B. blow off

C. blow out

D. blow up

146. The manager promised to have my complaint___but he didn’t keep his words.

A. looked through

B. looked into

C. looked over

D. looked after

147. Hearing the news from the front, he___his bandage although he didn’t recover yet.

A. left off

B. took off

C. lifted off

D. sent off

148. We’ve done our best to help Lucy and Ann come to terms, but they just won’t___.

A. make out

B. make up

C. make steps

D. make over

149. The poor woman was very ill and___everything she ate or drank.

A. threw over

B. threw out

C. threw off

D. threw up

150. The old woman___some money for her son every month.

A. sets about

B. sets aside

C. sets up

D. sets out

151. I like the way your room is___, which makes it appear spacious and comfortable.

A. laid out

B. lined up

C. in order

D. lain out

152. I was frightened when the elevator___and all people in it turned black suddenly.

A. broke off

B. broke down

C. broke up

D. broke away

153. Don’t eat the beef; it is a little___. We bought it about seven days ago.

A. going away

B. going off

C. going down

D. going over

154. Twenty percent of her income was___for emergency.

A. put aside

B. put off

C. put down

D. put over

155. The government had to___reserves and borrowed abroad in time of economic crisis.

A. draw on

B. draw up

C. draw in

D. draw out

156. The washing machines are___at the rate of fifty a day.

A. turned up

B. turned down

C. turned out

D. turned in

157. He___so much work that he couldn’t really do it efficiently.

A. put on

B. turned on

C. brought on

D. took on

158. She speaks English so well that she is often___a native.

A. regarded as

B. thought of

C. considered for

D. taken for

159. The baby is well___in a thick cotton coat preventing the coldness from outside.

A. wrapped up

B. rolled up

C. packed up

D. folded up

160. You’d better___for a few minutes if you feel tired.

A. lay down

B. lie down

C. lay in

D. lie in

161. All the people escaped from the building when a fire___.

A. broke down

B. broke up

C. broke into

D. broke out

162. They have___their friendship despite the recent misunderstandings.

A. kept on

B. kept up

C. caught on

D. caught up

163. They cannot understand why many Americans like to___.

A. move on

B. move over

C. move along

D. move about

164. It is common that most of the girls have___a gift for their friends’ birthdays.

A. picked up

B. picked out

C. picked at

D. picked off

165. Having lost two sons in the car accident, he___his business to his youngest son.

A. handed in

B. handed over

C. handed out

D. handed down

166. They___a committee to study the possibility of equal pay for women.

A. set up

B. set out

C. set off

D. set on

167. When they had finished playing, the children were made to___all the toys they had taken out.

A. put off

B. put out

C. put up

D. put away

168. When Jack was eighteen he___going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.

A. took to

B. took for

C. took up

D. took on

169. As the saying goes: Like father, like son. Alan___his father in many ways.

A. feels like

B. takes after

C. draws on

D. goes after

170. He’s going to see if he can___his boss to give him the afternoon off.

A. make fun of

B. get around

C. put forward

D. lay down

171. The whole class___a loud laughing when the professor told them the joke.

A. let out

B. let off

C. let in

D. let down

172. My bike___, so I had to come by bus. That is the reason why I was late for the classes.

A. fell down

B. fell over

C. broke up

D. broke down

173. You’d better___your paper carefully for mistakes before you deliver it to the professor.

A. look up

B. look over

C. look to

D. look on

174. Deeply moved by these words, the young man decided to___a new life.

A. turn out

B. turn on

C. turn to

D. turn over

175. We expected his speech to be a failure, but it___rather well.

A. turned out

B. turned into

C. turned down

D. turned up

176. My doctor advised me to___meat and dairy product.

A. cut out

B. cut in

C. cut off

D. cut down

177. I really want to___everything I said after I became calm.

A. take away

B. take back

C. take off

D. take out

178. I can’t understand what the woman is saying. We’d better___someone who speaks French.

A. send for

B. call for

C. ask for

D. order for

179. The robbers threatened to___the building when they were surrounded by the policemen.

A. burn down

B. break out

C. burn into

D. break into

180. My father asked me to___the carrots and put them into the pot.

A. cut through

B. cut down

C. cut into

D. cut up

181. In most country families, clothes are___to younger brothers and sisters.

A. handed down

B. handed out

C. handed in

D. handed over

182. Don’t___Kate___. She is not going with us for the picnic.

A. count, on

B. count, in

C. count, out

D. count, up

183. I___so another person could sit down, for I was sitting in the middle of the row of seats in the theatre.

A. turned over

B. sat over

C. moved over

D. took over

184. We’ll do our best to___an increase in production much more than the year before.

A. bring out

B. bring up

C. bring about

D. bring down

185. They had almost finished finding out the answer when their time___.

A. ran on

B. ran off

C. ran down

D. ran out

186. The boxer___his opponent in the second round.

A. knocked out

B. knocked off

C. knocked at

D. knocked up

187. He___to pull on his socks only to see that there was a hole in the left.

A. bent to

B. bent down

C. bowed down

D. bowed over

188. Henry is so responsible and competent a person that no one objected to his___the meeting.

A. presiding over

B. presiding with

C. presiding for

D. presiding in

189. The police determined to___the cause of the fire to give the manager a good explanation.

A. search into

B. search for

C. search out

D. search after

190. The shabby houses in the area are going to be___next month.

A. pulled out

B. pulled down

C. pulled away

D. pulled apart

191. Once I started a job, I would___it___until it was finished.

A. see, about

B. see, through

C. see, after

D. see, off

192. We wanted to see the movie; but the tickets were___.

A. sold off

B. sold at

C. sold for

D. sold out

193. A notice has been___to all the students that this summer vacation will be longer than before.

A. sent out

B. sent for

C. sent in

D. sent on

194. We decided to___the presents at the beginning of the party.

A. pass away

B. pass out

C. pass on

D. pass by

195. The rain___whenever it rains hard so we’d better go hunting for another house the other day.

A. leaks in

B. pours in

C. leaks out

D. pours out

196. When the patient___after the operation he found himself back in bed.

A. came over

B. came round

C. came into

D. came through

197. The union will___the strike now that they have accepted the management’s offer.

A. call off

B. call up

C. call at

D. call out

198. He began his speech after the audience___to show his kindness.

A. calmed off

B. calmed down

C. calmed out

D. calmed in

199. The police are___the disappearance of two girls, which happened a few days ago.

A. looking up

B. looking to

C. looking into

D. looking at

200. Mattie grunted abstractedly, totally engrossed in___the various plastic containers and bowls in the refrigerator.

A. peering at

B. peers at

C. peer at

D. peered at

201. Simon did well after that but___simple good luck to anyone who questioned his apparent good fortune.

A. had a dread of

B. fell short of

C. had enough of

D. made a pretence of

202. Less developed countries fear that both those initiatives would___trading opportunities.

A. make a habit of

B. make a legend of

C. deprive them of

D. suspect them of


第二节 介词短语


ahead of 比…提前,比…早

at loggerheads with 与…意见不合,争论

at odds with 与…争执,意见不一致

apart from 除…外,除…外还…

as for 至于,关于

as to 至于,关于

aside from 除…之外

at the behest of 在…命令下

at the expense of 由…付费,以…为代价

at the hands of 由某人或通过某人的机构完成

at the mercy of 受…支配

at the risk of 冒…之危险

at the root of …的核心;…的实质

at the top of 在最高地位,在首位

at variance with 和…不符

but for 若不是,倘没有

by dint of 借助,用

by force of 由于,通过,以…手段

by means of 借助于

by reason of 由于

by virtue of 由于,因为

by way of 通过…的方法

due to 由于,因为

except for 除…以外,要不是由于

far from 远离

for fear of 由于害怕;以免

for lack of 因缺乏

for the benefit of 为了…的利益

for the purpose of 为了…

for the sake of 由于,为了;为了…的利益

for want of 因缺乏

in aid of 用以援助…

in accordance with 与…一致,按照

in back of 在…后面

in case of 以防,万一

in comparison with 与…比较

in compliance with 顺从

in conformity with 和…相适应

in consequence of 由于

in contact with 与…联系

in exchange for 交换,以此易彼

in favor of 支持…

in lieu of 代,代替

in light of 按照,根据

in line with 符合

in place of 代替

in quest of 为了探索…,为了寻求…

in reference to 关于

in regard to 关于

in relation to 关于,涉及,与…相比

in return for 作为…的报答

in safe hands with 安然无恙

in search of 寻找

in spite of 尽管

in step with 与…保持一致

in touch with 同…有联系

in terms of 依照

in the absence of 缺乏,不存在

in the course of 在…期间

in the event of 万一,如果…

in (the) face of 面对…

in the interest of 为了…的利益

in the name of 以…的名义,凭…

in the process of 在…的过程中

in view of 考虑到,由于

next to 贴近

notwithstanding 虽然,尽管

on account of 为了…的缘故

on behalf of 代表…,为了…的利益

on pain of 违者以…论处

on the eve of 在…的前夜

on the grounds of 根据,以…为理由

on the part of 就某人而言;某人有责任的

on the score of 因为,为了…理由

on the strength of 居于,根据,凭借

on top of 熟练掌握,在…之上

regardless of 不管,不顾

under the aegis of 在…的庇护下

under the auspices of 由…赞助或主办

with a view to 着眼于,以…为目的,考虑到

with effect from 自…起开始实施

with respect to 关于,至于

with the exception of 除…以外

in league with 和…联合着


在本节中,我们通过练习的方式为同学们提供了每组 4 个共约 200 组介词短语,这绝不是给同学们押题,英研入学考试中对介词短语的考查已经贯穿于试卷的各个部分(阅读、翻译、写作等),而不只限于单项选择。我们希望同学们对这 200 组练习不仅仅只是做一遍就完事,而是在练习中加深印象,掌握习题所考查的知识点。

1. To tell you the truth, I’d be___telling the truth to Elizabeth since she was entitled to it.

A. in favor of

B. in favor for

C. in place of

D. in the back of

2. Tired of having dinner at home every day, he suggested eating out this evening,___a change.

A. in the way of

B. by way of

C. on the way

D. for a way of

3. There are more and more private cars, so the parking area___the restaurant was full.

A. between

B. among

C. out of

D. across from

4. The project that a monument is to be erected___those who died during the war is welcomed by the local people.

A. in memory of

B. for memory of

C. with memory of

D. out of memory for

5.___the fact that he had drunk too much, he was rude to everyone present.

A. Except for

B. Due to

C. Apart from

D. In addition to

6. She’s correct___the theory, but wrong when in practice.

A. in regard to

B. with regard as

C. as regard with

D. regard to

7. The soldier saved the life of the boy in the lake___his own life, which showed his great courage.

A. at the expenditure

B. at the rate of

C. at the cost of

D. at the disadvantage of

8.___their investigation the police found new clues to the crime, which may find the man taken to court innocent.

A. In the course of

B. At that time of

C. In the meantime of

D. At the moment of

9.___the heat, I still enjoyed the trip because I like the fresh air.

A. In the face of

B. Despite of

C. Throughout

D. In spite of

10. People like to make fun of her, for her shoes are very small___the rest of her body.

A. in comparison with

B. by comparison with

C. in proportion to

D. by proportion to

11. Under the help of their friends, they have completed the building___time.

A. before

B. in front of

C. ahead of

D. at the head of

12. Susan received many cards___for her kindness.

A. in turn

B. by turn

C. in return

D. by return

13. My brother is___computer, and this contributes to his later success in opening a PC company.

A. well in

B. at home in

C. familiar to

D. at home

14.___a large collection of scientific works in Chinese, our library contains many scientific books in foreign languages.

A. In addition to

B. In addition with

C. In addition for

D. In addition from

15. I was___washing up when the telephone rang.

A. in the area of

B. in the midst of

C. in the center of

D. in the half of

16. gases, liquids are difficult to compress because there is practically no free space between molecules.

A. More than

B. Just as

C. Similar to

D. In contrast to

17.___biology, psychology is still a young science.

A. In comparison to

B. In connection with

C. In contact with

D. In combination with

18. Although the two countries seemed to be___on the need for more talks, no date was set yet.

A. of agreement

B. on agreement

C. in agreement

D. for agreement

19. Caught___at his private letters, her face turned red guiltily.

A. in the act of looking

B. in the act to look

C. in the behavior of looking

D. in the behavior to look

20. Many people in America were___putting down military expense.

A. for favor of

B. in favor of

C. supporting for

D. in support for

21. She was very excited___studying abroad at the end of this month.

A. at the prospect of

B. at the entrance of

C. at the head of

D. at the expense of

22. Bob decided to move to another job, for he didn’t want to be___his boss.

A. in conflict with

B. in odds with

C. in contrast with

D. in competition with

23. Mike told her to wait for him___ the stairs but she didn’t listen.

A. at the foot of

B. at the bottom of

C. in the back of

D. in the front of

24. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to___the color of his skin.

A. with the exception

B. in the light of

C. by virtue of

D. regardless of

25. Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought,___a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.

A. as for

B. in view of

C. in case of

D. such as

26. All the Canadian provinces,___Quebec, have restricted the sale of alcohol.

A. except for

B. besides

C. with the except of

D. with the exception of

27. The film star was___her career in her thirties which seems late as people usually think.

A. on top of

B. at the point of

C. at the height of

D. at the entrance of

28. The policeman set off___the criminal but didn’t capture him.

A. in running after

B. in pursuit of

C. for running after

D. for pursuit of

29. Four people were killed when a car was___a bus on a highway last night.

A. on smash with

B. in smash with

C. on collision with

D. in collision with

30. The factory plans to introduce a new machine___the existing workforce.

A. at the payment of

B. at the expense of

C. at the advantage of

D. at the profit of

31. The officer, who is___the investigation, refused to talk to the press.

A. in the control of

B. under the control of

C. in charge of

D. under the charge of

32. I’m writing to you___my brother who is ill in hospital.

A. in favor of

B. by the name of

C. in place of

D. on behalf of

33. We didn’t dare to speak loudly,___waking the baby.

A. afraid of

B. afraid to

C. for fear of

D. in fear of

34.___their land, the Indians received goods and supplies.

A. For exchange

B. To exchange for

C. In exchange for

D. With exchange for

35. Jeff found an excuse to leave when he found his girlfriend___.

A. in a hurry

B. in a fit

C. out of a temper

D. in violence

36. The car of new style was going___of 90 miles an hour.

A. at the rate of

B. at the peak of

C. by the speed of

D. by the ratio of

37. The ambitious young man studied hard___going abroad after graduation from school.

A. with a view to

B. on a purpose to

C. with an aim to

D. on an aim at

38. Having listened to the weather report ahead of time, I brought my raincoat___rain.

A. in case of

B. in any event

C. in the case of

D. in event

39. Which sport has the most expenses___training equipment, players’ personal equipment and uniforms?

A. in place of

B. in terms of

C. by means of

D. by way of

40.___my question, the professor lends me a book to read carefully.

A. In answer for

B. As a result of

C. In the course of

D. In reply to

41. Almost all the countries in this region are___each other.

A. in debate with

B. in quarrel

C. in dispute with

D. in argument with

42. Lack of a certain chemical in the blood makes it impossible for bleeding to stop___injury.

A. in the form of

B. in the fashion of

C. in the field of

D. in the event of

43. In order not to be found by the enemy, they planned to escape___darkness.

A. under the name of

B. under the cover of

C. under the charge of

D. under the shadow of

44. ___man’s development from the cave to modern city living, many natural resources were destroyed.

A. By course of

B. By contrast with

C. In the course of

D. On the contrary of

45. He’s too old and___the problems of the teenagers.

A. out of touch with

B. out of reach with

C. in touch with

D. within reach with

46. You will learn your lessons only___you are willing to keep studying them.

A. in so far as

B. so far

C. far from

D. far out

47. There are still some doubts___the restaurant owner.

A. on behalf for

B. on the part of

C. for behalf of

D. for the part of

48. Although I felt really tired, I received $20___ten hour’s of hard work anyway.

A. in the fashion of

B. in the form of

C. in exchange for

D. in change of

49. The name of the heroine in the story was___my tongue a moment ago, but now I forgot it.

A. on the tip of

B. in the tip of

C. on the top of

D. at the top of

50. She likes to find out the result of an examination___ the official announcement.

A. in ahead of

B. in advance of

C. in front of

D. in advancement of

51. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship___for making money,

A. other than

B. more than

C. better than

D. rather than

52. It is man who changes the material forces and___so doing he changes himself.

A. in the case of

B. in the event of

C. in the course of

D. in the face of

53.___a flood, the villagers are asked to keep calm.

A. As a case of

B. As a result of

C. In the event of

D. In the time of

54. Although Cathy likes chocolate very much, she never eats them___her weight problem.

A. on the basis of

B. on the ground of

C. on account of

D. on the surface of

55.___the examination, I would have gone to the party.

A. In case of

B. Due to

C. Because of

D. But for

56. The tenant must be prepared to decorate the property___the terms of the agreement.

A. provided by

B. with the help of

C. in accordance with

D. with regard to

57.___the question, he just smiled and shook his head. .

A. In answer to

B. With answer to

C. At request to

D. By request to

58. I’m sorry. The person___advertisement is out for lunch and will be back in 30 minutes.

A. in accord

B. in contact with

C. in charge of

D. in harmony with

59. She spent a lot of time raising money___charity, and many people didn’t understand why she did so.

A. in aid of

B. in sake of

C. with the help of

D. on behalf of

60.___money, he is quite rich. However, this doesn’t mean he is happy.

A. As to

B. In terms of

C. Concerning about

D. In the light of

61.___a physical change no new substance is formed.

A. In the case of

B. In case of

C. In case

D. By case of

62. She always did well at school___having her early education disrupted by illness.

A. in addition to

B. on account of

C. in spite of

D. even though

63. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning___traffic jam.

A. in line with

B. for the sake of

C. in case of

D. at the risk of

64.___your request I am sending you a sample of the dictionary.

A. With accord to

B. In addition to

C. In accordance with

D. With accordance to

65. Iron occurs___numerous other elements so it is very useful in constructing project.

A. in comparison with

B. in combination with

C. in contrast with

D. in connection with

66.___the long drought, they were extremely short of water.

A. In result of

B. In consequence of

C. With result of

D. With consequence of

67. The teacher wonders what is___all the trouble among the students.

A. on the back of

B. in the back of

C. at the back of

D. behind the back of

68. This intelligent girl was sent to the manager___his request for a suitable assistant.

A. in answer for

B. in the name of

C. in response to

D. in want of

69. Poverty usually depresses most people___my parents it was otherwise.

A. in the event of

B. in the case of

C. in the event

D. in case of

70. My mother was warned by the neighbor that I was___great___of being hit by a stone.

A. in, trouble

B. in, danger

C. in, difficulties

D. in, dilemma

71. The people of the two countries at war are___fear.

A. in a sense of

B. in a fit of

C. in a state of

D. in a mood of

72.___you are a student, you are allowed to travel cheaply by train.

A. In so far as

B. So far

C. As far as

D. So far as

73. Shirley was very fond of jewelry___gold.

A. above the exception of

B. with the addition to

C. with the exception of

D. with the except for

74. Competition can get___being cut-throat before anyone gets angry.

A. in the point of

B. to the point of

C. with the point of

D. for the point of

75. Even___losing their home, they stayed close together.

A. in the form of

B. in the face of

C. in the hands of

D. in the light of

76.___the able dean, they made rapid progress in their field.

A. Under the pressure of

B. Under the leadership of

C. Under the care of

D. Under the control of

77.___the recent discovery it may be necessary to revise our previous theory.

A. In the course of

B. In spite of

C. In the light of

D. In the presence of

78. I taught my son to learn reading___pictures, which turned out to be a success.

A. by way of

B. in a way of

C. under away of

D. with away of

79. The two men were___ each other for the same woman.

A. in comparison with

B. in competition with

C. in comparison to

D. in competition to

80. A lot of workers had to be fired___the depression.

A. in account of

B. on account of

C. owing to

D. due to

81.___a computer, I can finish the paper quickly.

A. With the expectation of

B. With the aim of

C. With the aid of

D. With the intention

82. The project of restoring the palace is___to completion.

A. on the way

B. in the way

C. by the way

D. under the way

83.___oil, the project is expected to produce asphalt.

A. On the basis of

B. In the course of

C. On account of

D. In addition to

84. The purpose of this association is to keep customers___the department store.

A. in common with

B. in contrast with

C. in contact with

D. in comparison with

85. Many young girls wear their hair short,___the film star.

A. at the heels of

B. in imitation of

C. after the heels of

D. by limitation of

86. They estimated the loss___$50,000 on the building alone.

A. in excess of

B. in addition to

C. at excess of

D. at addition to

87. The instructor asked us to hold up our hands___our heads.

A. in a level with

B. in a level to

C. on a level with

D. on a level to

88. ___the matter of financial policy, I would like to add a few remarks to those of the previous speaker.

A. Concerning of

B. With regard to

C. Concerning about

D. With regard about

89. She didn’t attend the meeting___ill health.

A. on the ground of

B. in excuse of

C. owing of

D. due of

90. It is a popular topic that how people can live___their environments.

A. in harmony with

B. on harmony with

C. on terms with

D. in terms of

91. They were lost in the desert___wind and weather.

A. at the hands of

B. at the mercy of

C. in the hands of

D. in the mercy of

92. It is a great honor for me today to say a few words___a man we will all miss very much after his retirement.

A. in place of

B. in memory of

C. in the form of

D. in the presence of

93.___the recent developments of the market, we don’t think it advisable.

A. In view of

B. Thank to

C. Owing of

D. Due to

94. I’m always___thieves after my purse was stolen on the bus.

A. in my guard against

B. in my guard for

C. on my guard against

D. on my guard for

95. I wish that pie was___your foolish nose, said the old woman.

A. on the end of

B. at the top of

C. in the middle of

D. at the bottom of

96. She will be___a promotion next month.

A. on line for

B. on line with

C. in line for

D. in line with

97. The professor told us to revise the plan___new events.

A. in a series of

B. in a position of

C. in a state of

D. in the light of

98. They gave a banquet___the delegation from the U.S.A.

A. in honor of

B. in memory of

C. in the name of

D. in the event of

99. Philip gave his daughter___a basketball player last Sunday.

A. in marriage with

B. in marriage to

C. to marriage with

D. with marriage to

100. I always admire those students who are___mathematics.

A. at home for

B. at expert with

C. at home in

D. at expert in

101. He began to realize that people are basically good___when he was sent to hospital after the accident.

A. by heart

B. at heart

C. with heart

D. in heart

102. The manager has to___the money paid to him.

A. account for

B. explain for

C. defend from

D. fight for

103. My friend stops whispering___when the speaker isn’t talking.

A. to my ears

B. in my ears

C. with my ear

D. in my ear

104. The party was___when we arrived.

A. to the full

B. in full swing

C. to the fullest

D. in full

105. At first I didn’t want to go with them for camping but___I agreed.

A. in the end

B. at least

C. by the end

D. in last

106. To have a college degree___doesn’t necessarily mean that you can find job immediately after graduation.

A. at hand

B. in hand

C. off hand

D. by hand

107. The man killed his wife___last night.

A. in a rage

B. in any anger

C. in a hurry

D. in return

108. The test put candidates whose spoken English was not good___.

A. at an advantage

B. at a disadvantage

C. at a corner

D. at a trouble

109. She knew the poem___though she had read it only a few times.

A. by mind

B. by heart

C. in memory

D. with spirit

110. Fruits are usually cheap___.

A. in seasons

B. in season

C. in a season

D. in the season

111. I am___to explain my strange behavior to him.

A. at miss

B. at a loss

C. in trouble

D. in difficulty

112. Since the murderer was still___people were warned of the danger.

A. in freedom

B. at large

C. at break

D. away

113. “Why didn’t you go to the lecture yesterday afternoon?” “___I changed my mind.”

A. On second thoughts

B. By second thoughts

C. On the second thought

D. By the second thought

114.___, I’d like to say how much I’ve enjoyed staying here.

A. To conclusion

B. To sum

C. In conclusion

D. In shortness

115. I advise you to ask her such questions when she is___.

A. on a good situation

B. on a good condition

C. in a good health

D. in a good mood

116. Doctors tried___to save her and she died just before the arrival of her son.

A. in efforts

B. in vain

C. in service

D. in order

117. I was a bit___this morning, so I got up late.

A. in the way

B. under the way

C. in the weather

D. under the weather

118. We’d better get our reservations well___if we want to travel during the Christmas holidays.

A. in advance

B. in conclusion

C. in order

D. in common

119. Our plans for next year’s summer vacation are___.

A. in the air

B. on the air

C. by the air

D. in air

120. The diamond is the hardest substance___ .

A. in nature

B. by nature

C. on nature

D. with nature

12l. My brother said he was beginning his studies of English___next semester.

A. in earnest

B. in eager

C. in anxiety

D. in evidence

122. The building was well constructed and___today.

A. is still using

B. is still in use

C. is still useful

D. in uses

123. Investors are hoping that the new system of financial market will operate ___

A. in their favor

B. to their favor

C. upon their favor

D. with their favor

124. Tom is___when fighting against difficulties.

A. in his best

B. at his best

C. with his best

D. for his best

125. A car traveling___knocked down a girl crossing the street.

A. at high swiftness

B. at high tempo

C. at high rhythm

D. at high speed

126. The recent robbery case was___.

A. under the way

B. under any circumstances

C. under fire

D. under investigation

127. My aunt decided to go___to try to lose some weight.

A. on show

B. on a diet

C. under control

D. under a diet

128. The school is ___from where we live.

A. in the distance

B. in the direction

C. at a distance

D. at the direction

129. When they heard the story about this poor boy, they gave help generously___.

A. with their own accord

B. of their own accord

C. in their own accord

D. to their own accord

130. I followed up my father’s suggestions and have had satisfactory experiences___.

A. in public

B. as a result

C. in recollection

D. as fact

131. Our teacher instructed us to read___in order to understand the author’s point.

A. between lines

B. by lines

C. between the lines

D. by the lines

132. The plain came___as they came out of the forest.

A. in view

B. on view

C. at sight

D. on sight

133. They have several plans___.

A. under road

B. under way

C. in road

D. in the way

134. I have been___to explain the term to them.

A. in pain

B. at pains

C. in agony

D. at best

135. My nephew loves to watch the soldiers___.

A. on show

B. on view

C. on parade

D. on exhibition

136. There are still some doubts___the car shop manager.

A. on behalf for

B. on the part of

C. for behalf of

D. for the part of

137. The president needed a capable and intelligent political advisor___.

A. within his reach

B. under his direction

C. in work

D. at his elbow

138. He always drinks___and quarrels with his wife.

A. to the point

B. at the end

C. to some extent

D. to excess

139. I received $20___ten hour’s of hard work.

A. in the fashion of

B. in the form of

C. in exchange for

D. in charge of

140. The first signs of spring are___in this city.

A. in the distance

B. in evidence

C. by sight

D. on view

141. He issued a statement___that he would resign this month.

A. to the contrary

B. to the effect

C. to the point

D. to the extent

142. My legs were weary, but my mind was___.

A. at ease

B. at will

C. at random

D. at rest

143. She is still___as to whether she should move to another city and accept the post.

A. on suspicion

B. under suspicion

C. in doubt

D. beyond doubt

144. Will all those___the proposal raise their hands?

A. in relation to

B. in contrast to

C. in line with

D. in favor of

145. Children are very curious___.

A. at heart

B. in person

C. on purpose

D. by nature

146. It took the young teacher months to bring her class___.

A. beyond control

B. under control

C. out of control

D. in control

147. He achieved what he pursued, but___his life.

A. at an expense of

B. at an experience of

C. at the cost of

D. in control

148. The documents were not ready,___the president could not sign them.

A. in a consequence

B. with a consequence

C. as a consequence

D. from a result

149. They decided to keep the old man___about his son’s death in the accident.

A. in the news

B. in the future

C. in the dark

D. in the air

150. It is___that you are to meet a good friend.

A. in the belief

B. on the cards

C. in the direction

D. in the extreme

151. Much___, she won first prize at the singing contest.

A. to her credit

B. to her advantage

C. to her liking

D. to her face

152. If there are several candidates for a job, they are usually interviewed___.

A. by order

B. on order

C. by turn

D. in turn

153. Students with computer training will be___when they graduate from school next year.

A. at an advantage

B. in an advantage

C. on a strong position

D. in a position

154. I borrowed $100 from Joe___that I paid it back within two months.

A. in case

B. in condition

C. on terms

D. on condition

155. The charity aims to help those who are sick, aged or___.

A. on poor condition

B. in poor health

C. under poor condition

D. under poor health

156. Your plan is excellent___, but is it practical?

A. in theory

B. in contrast

C. to the point

D. to the contract

157. He used to tell me about his experiences for hours___and I listened to him.

A. in end

B. without end

C. on end

D. in the end

158. Science was regarded as a part of philosophy___.

A. at times

B. at all times

C. at a time

D. at one time

159. It’s quite safe here for there are always policemen___.

A. on show

B. on parade

C. on patrol

D. on duty

160. The two peoples of the country are now___.

A. at peace

B. in war

C. in peace

D. on war

161. The president decided to meet the hero___.

A. in privacy

B. by secret

C. by person

D. in person

162. That country has five million men___.

A. under arms

B. under the arm

C. with arms

D. on arms

163.___you should earn $2,000 per mouth.

A. At least

B. At most

C. At last

D. At worst

164. His story about how he escaped from the enemy is completely___.

A. out of belief

B. beyond belief

C. in disbelief

D. within disbelief

165. The singer was___in concert halls all over the world.

A. in request

B. on request

C. by request

D. with request

166. The blue sweater is___. It’s 40% off.

A. on sale

B. in sale

C. for sale

D. with sale

167. John told the dean___that he didn’t agree with her.

A. to her face

B. with her face

C. on her face

D. for her face

168. It’ll be interesting to read them___now.

A. in a different perspective

B. from a different perspective

C. at a different perspective

D. on a different perspective

169. In the last two decades movie production has been developed___.

A. on great strides

B. in great strides

C. at great strides

D. with great strides

170. Though I knew we were to blame,___they needn’t have been so angry.

A. at times

B. at the same time

C. against time

D. in time

171. The completion of the stadium has been held up___a strike.

A. owing to

B. on behalf of

C. because

D. in the matter of

172. The hospital opened two new wards last month,___Dr. Jameson’s___.

A. under, request

B. for, request

C. with, request

D. at, request

173. Our teacher could see___that we understood exactly what he meant.

A. at sight

B. at stare

C. at glance

D. at gaze

174. ___the efforts of the government, few people are ignorant of the problems of environmental pollution.

A. Due to

B. In spite of

C. On purpose of

D. Despite of

175. He was not___a violent man, but these insults were more than he could stand.

A. in nature

B. against nature

C. by nature

D. from nature

176. The rule remained___after the manager took charge of the company.

A. in theory

B. in effect

C. in vain

D. in office

177. The old woman struggled___when she saw her son.

A. on her feet

B. in her feet

C. to her feet

D. at her feet

178. The only person who is really___to criticize his work is his supervisor.

A. in a power

B. in a way

C. in a position

D. in a capacity

179. Promotion seemed___for him, though he had been in the company for over ten years.

A. within reach

B. out of reach

C. within hand

D. out of hand

180.___the newspaper has come, we can see the scores of the baseball match.

A. In spite of

B. Now that

C. Due to

D. Because of

181. They went into arms business___.

A. under a big way

B. in a big way

C. under a large scale

D. in a large scale

182. We want to win this match___ .

A. in any price

B. in a price

C. at any price

D. at a price

183. Lucy drink hot milk every night___.

A. in principle

B. for principle

C. on principle

D. with principle

184. I was very excited to see my first book___.

A. in print

B. out of print

C. in the print

D. out of the print

185. Light industries, like electronics, are expanding rapidly.___, heavy industries, like shipbuilding,are declining.

A. With contrast

B. In contrast

C. By contrast

D. To contrast

186. My grandfather has worked in the lighthouse for 50 years and now retired___.

A. in a pension

B. by a pension

C. at a pension

D. on a pension

187. Though there was so little schooling in the modern sense, the love of learning was never___so great.

A. at one time

B. in no time

C. at any time

D. at the same time

188. At least now we are___on all our lab experiments.

A. up to now

B. up to date

C. up until now

D. up to fashion

189. We should plan ahead. We can’t leave these things___.

A. to accident

B. by accident

C. to chance

D. by chance

190. I appreciated___the professor’s help.

A. to the full

B. in full

C. at full

D. on the full

191. The director has been criticized for the heavy spending on the movie___to make it a serious Oscar contender.

A. in the effort

B. at best

C. in the wish

D. in the name

192. A special trainer takes care of the baby elephants and feeds them___.

A. for intervals

B. at intervals

C. with intervals

D. in intervals

193. I’d like to open an account___Mary Smith.

A. for the sake of

B. by the name of

C. in the sake of

D. in the name of

194. We have___a trip to Europe this year.

A. for mind

B. on mind

C. at mind

D. in mind

195. It has come___that Linda divorced last year.

A. to my knowledge

B. in my knowledge

C. for my knowledge

D. by my knowledge

196.___I met an old friend on the way to school.

A. By luck

B. By coincidence

C. By chance

D. By opportunity

197. Surprisingly, this kind of trousers is___again this year.

A. in fashion

B. in stock

C. in substance

D. in service

198. We are going to visit a modern factory where robots are___.

A. on motion

B. on operation

C. in motion

D. in operation

199.___the rumor was that he was guilty of bribery.

A. To the moment

B. Of the moment

C. At one moment

D. In a moment

200. She is going to meet the person who has a house___this afternoon.

A. for sale

B. in stock

C. on sell

D. in service


第三节 复合短语


1. all and sundry 全体,所有的人

Those jingles and advert are paid for and the station is opened to all and sundry.

2. apple and orange 相差甚远,风马牛不相及

—I don’t know what course to choose for the science requirement, chemistry or biology?

—That’s apple and orange.

3. bits and pieces 残余物,零碎东西

The thieves stole my furniture, my radio, and all my bits and pieces.

4. black and blue 遍体鳞伤

The bad man beat him black and blue.

5. by and by 不久以后

Summer vacation will come by and by.

6. by and large 全盘看来,大概;总的说来,大体上

By and large, it is a good book.

7. cock and bull 荒诞不经的

This cock and bull story is the ingeniously loose adaptation of the classic anarchic novel.

8. cut and dried 既定的,现成的

Tim’s a very good speaker. He always has his opinions cut and dried and states them very firmly.

9. dead and alive 无生机的,无趣味的,郁郁不乐的

These civic receptions are pretty dead and alive affairs as a rule. You won’t miss much by not going.

10. dead and buried 死去好久了,早已死去

The old man was very lonely, because so many of his friends were now dead and buried.

11. down-and-out 精疲力竭,穷困潦倒

Fred’s beaten to a pulp. He’s down and out.

12. fair and square 光明正大地

Let’s deal with the matter fair and square.

13. far and away 非常地;无疑地

The fish was far and away the biggest ever caught on the lake.

14. far and wide 到处,四面八方

The wind blew the papers far and wide.

15. fast and furious 飞快的(地),喧嚣的(地)

Fast and furious grew the mirth of the parties.

16. few and far between 稀少的,稀疏的

My visits to my family are few and far between these days.

17. flesh and blood 血肉之躯,肉体

I am only flesh and blood; I can’t do things that a machine can do.

18. free and easy 随便,逍遥自在的

He was criticized for his free and easy method of dealing with problems.

19. free-for-all 大吵大闹,可以自由参加的(比赛)

After Mathews was attacked, a free-for-all broke out in the audience.

20. give-and-take 互相让步,互惠

Relations between them would be much more harmonious if only there were a little more give-and-take.

21. hard and fast 死板地,不容变通地

He struck hard and fast to his principles.

22. head and shoulders above 远远超过,大大胜过

As a salesman he is head and shoulders above any other man in our organization.

23. head over heels 倒栽葱地,完全地,深深地

It’s obvious from the way they look at each other that they are head over heels in love.

24. heart and soul 全身心地

I put my heart and soul into writing that speech, so don’t tell me it wasn’t worth it!

25. high and dry 陷入困境,孤立无援

The depression left his business high and dry.

26. high and low 到处

It seems such a simple thing but I’ve hunted high and low for a button through brushed nylon nightdress for my mother.

27. high and mighty 趾高气扬,神气活现;非常傲慢;大人物

Since Lucy’s father was made a Lord she does everything in a very high and mighty fashion.

28. life and soul 骨干,活跃分子

He sings, tells jokes and dances with all the girls—he is the life and soul of the party.

29. might and main 全力以赴的(地)

War is something we should be working might and main to avoid.

30. odds and ends 残余物,零碎东西

I have a few odds and ends to attend to in town this afternoon.

31. once and for all 只此一次地,断然地,永远地

I tell you, once and for all, I will not have any more to do with this affair.

32. out-and-out 十足的,彻头彻尾的

He is an out and out believer in free trade.

33. over and above 此外,除了

He had some repairs to pay for over and above the cost of the car.

34. over and done with 已经结束,了结

Now that the work is over and done with. You can have a rest.

35. pros and cons 赞成与反对

Let’s hear all to the pros and cons before we make a decision.

36. root and branch 彻底地,根本地

They destroyed this building root and branch.

37. rough and ready 草率的;简陋的,勉强凑合的

What Marry said was a rough and ready pretext.

38. skimp and scrape 省吃俭用,吝啬

We skimp and scrape and have a few people, but fund raising is difficult in Britain.

39. song and dance 啰嗦话,借口

When I asked him to repay me the money, he gave me the usual song and dance about having many crushing expenses.

40. to and fro 到处

The teacher walked to and fro in front of the class as he talked.

41. touch and go 一触即发的形势,千钧一发的危险处境

He was so badly injured it was touch and go whether he would survive or not.

42. up-and-coming 精力旺盛的

Tom has been up-and-coming for quite some time now. He should get a promotion fairly soon.

43. wear and tear 磨损,损耗

The furniture suffers a lot of wear and tear when the children are at home.

44. wind and weather 风吹雨打

The grant covers general repairs to external aspects of a property to ensure that it is wind and weather tight.

45. year in, (and) year out 年复一年地;一年又一年

And ever since I grew up I’ve weighed ten and half to eleven stone year in and year out.


1. With elections about a year away, proposals for tax cuts are coming ___(急匆匆地)

2. The tests are only a ___(勉强能用的)guide to a pupil’s future development.

3. The guy is an ___(十足的)con man.

4. She gave us along ___(借口)about why she was late.

5. Many___ (充满活力的)young players have trials for the national football team.

6. Let’s settle this matter ___(彻底的)

7. Later in the morning the sightseers walk___(到处), gaping at the white luxury yachts.

8. We had flung ourselves to the wind, and it had taken us ___(四面八方)

9. I don’t think the plan is as ___(既定的)as people think.

10. It’ll be ___(最危险的时间)for the first three days after the operation.

11. It wasn’t just the usual liaison: the two of them fell ___(深深地)in love.

12. The once-thriving port of Rye was left ___(陷入困境)as sea levels retreated.

13. It is impossible to give ___(严格的)rules, but here are some points to consider.

14. But the surgery has given him confidence to stand ___(远远超过)the rest.

15. In this ___(轻松随便的)style, I accustomed myself to the rhythms of school life.

16. I believe with my ___(全身心地)that we will overcome this.

17. The old argument about whether the UK should be a member of the EU should now be ___(已经过去).

18. A controversial penalty decision sparked a ___(吵吵嚷嚷)at the end of the match.

19. He gave me a ___(荒诞的)story about the glass being smashed by hailstones.

20. In any relationship there has to be some ___(互惠互让).

21. If you do that again, I’ll beat you ___(遍体鳞伤).

22. Let me get all my ___(零碎物)together.

23. ___(总的来说)most of the people in the town work at the factory.

24. I don’t want you telling our private business to___(所有人).

25. He raised those kids like they were his own ___(血肉).

26. Have patience. __(不久以后)it will happen.

27. Good jobs are ___(稀缺的)these days.

28. Allowing for normal ___(磨损) a washing machine should last at least ten years.

29. I’ll be glad when the exams are ___(彻底结束)

30. Afterward he and Corinne went to the White House for lunch and mingled with the ___ (大人物)of official Washington.


1. fast and furious 2. rough and ready 3. out-and-out

4. song and dance 5. up-and-coming 6. once and for all

7. to and fro 8. far and wide 9. cut and dried

10. touch-and-go 11. head over heels 12. high and dry

13. hard-and-fast 14. head and shoulders above  15. free and easy

16. heart and soul 17. dead and buried 18. free-for-all

19. cock and bull 20. give-and-take  21. black and blue

22. bits and pieces 23. By and large 24. all and sundry

25. flesh and blood 26. By and by 27. few and far between

28. wear and tear 29. over and done with 30. high and mighty

第四节 其他短语


1. a blue streak 滔滔不绝的一段话;看起来冗长的一段讲话

She talked a blue streak over the sweet potatoes.

2. a far cry from 与……相去甚远

3. be a household word 家喻户晓

4. be at the cutting edge of 处于关键地位

5. be on the heavy side 超重

6. be on the rage 非常时髦

7. be pitted against 形成对峙

8. blot out 抹去,遮盖

With all sense of distance blotted out by the night, their car slapped over the deserted tarmac.

9. borne in on 被(某人)逐渐认识到

The clinging nature of her garments was borne in on her with horrifying clarity as her startled gaze caught the back end of his grin.

10. come of age 成熟

11. cut and try 试验性的

12. far from 绝不是

13. follow suit 如法炮制

14. go against the grain 不顾潮流执拗地进行

15. hang about 闲荡

Vincent decided not to hang about for the landlord, but head back on foot the way they had come.

16. hold a stake in 占有一席之地

17. in high gear 高速运转

18. in one s own right 自身

19. keep on board 留置在本单位

20. leave... for dead 放弃

21. let off a gun 射击

22. make a point of 把……视为、说成必要的

In these and her historical plays the author made a point of making her characters speak in modern idiom.

23. make the difference 起关键作用

24. on all counts 在各方面,完全

They probably believe that the Ad-mass “Good Life” is a fraud on all counts.

25. over and above 除……之外(还)

26. political plums 政选回报

27. rub shoulders with 并肩协力

University lectures, trade unionists and show-business figures rubbed shoulders with the citizens of Dublin in an attempt to drive home a message of peace to the men of violence.

28. set stage for 引发

29. sidle up 迎合,讨好

Have you ever seen a lame animal sidle up to someone who is ignorant enough to be kind of him?

30. sound bite 电视或无线广播中所插入的口号形式的专题广告

31. stump speech 树墩演讲(19 世纪美国的政治家在西部巡回竞选时,站在半截树墩上所做的演讲)

32. threshold judgment 精确的判断

33. to border on 近乎

34. to bring about 导致,引起,使发生,带来……后果

35. to catch on 流行起来

36. to count on 指望

37. to fall in step with 与……协调一致

38. to get...into hot water 带入困境

39. to go about something 着手从事某事

40. to sort out 拣出,区分

41. to take a back seat to... 提供后援

42. to take issue with 持有不同观点

43. to the point 中肯,扼要

The message was short and to the point.

44. whales on the beach 无所作为

45. write off 撞毁

Clearly, it is important to consider each of the ways in which you can safeguard your equipment because it is no use avoiding all the flying hazards if you are going to write off your glider on the ground.


1. Nineteenth century American hotel keepers___in the community.

A. held a candle to the sun

B. held a job

C. held a large stake

D. held all the trumps

2. Archaeologists___architects.

A. took a break to

B. took a bath to

C. took a chair to

D. took a back seat to

3. Cities were at the___of social change.

A. cutting a beef

B. cutting a dash

C. cutting edge

D. cutting a figure

4. Colonial coppersmithing___in the early 18th century.

A. came off

B. came of age

C. came on

D. came it over

5. For physicists, cat’s ability to right themselves in mid-air and land on their feet___the miraculous.

A. counted on

B. accounted for

C. caught on

D. bordered on

6. He was clumsy, shapeless and___.

A. on the inside

B. on the heavy side

C. on the go

D. on the ground

7. Hispanic crafts never___nationally in the way American Indian crafts did.

A. caught around

B. caught at

C. caught in

D. caught on

8. Pearl. S. Buck was almost a___throughout much of her life.

A. house of cards

B. house of call

C. household word

D. house of God

9. Pollutants defined by the first air pollution laws were___from the extensive list of harmful substances known today.

A. a far cry

B. hue and hay

C. in full cry

D. a rallying cry

10. Queen’s university was the first to admit women and university of Toronto___.

A. bathing suit

B. birthday suit C. union suit D followed suit

11. She took up a problem that professional mathematicians had twice___.

A. left for dead

B. left off

C. left aside

D. left at the post

12. Telecommuting helps keep high performers___.

A. back

B. on board

C. to themselves

D. out

13. The beaver’s penchant for building dams, lodges and canals has got it into a lot of hot___.

A. debts

B. wax

C. rows

D. water

14. The choreographer herself has___those critics who describe her work as minimalist.

A. taken issue with

B. made an issue of

C. been at issue in

D. been issued to

15. The experimental subject was thus___the majority with his wayward conception.

A. pitted against

B. pitted of the stomach

C. pitched in

D. pitched out

16. The northern war economy was rambling along___.

A. in high place

B. in high gear

C. in high dudgeon

D. in high spirits

17. The speed may___between gaining a win or a second place.

A. make a decision

B. make a feint

C. make a figure

D. make a difference

18. Their colleagues lived on in America like___.

A. cats on hot bricks

B. dogs in the manger

C. ants in their pants

D. whales on the beach

19. War___the most dramatic events in marketing the western crop.

A. set trend for

B. set stage for

C. set tone for

D. set pace for

20. You can___a gun within inches of a sloth and its only response will be to turn slowly and blink.

A. let on

B. let off

C. let out

D. let into A0hQjZVO66a47uUQqM/dMyde3EM3k1r4yvxXe0RaQHW7rZNfryx9HOz/BnTTW1u4
