
Task Achievement



The first skill that we are going to look at is task achievement otherwise known as TA.If the candidate's response were a cell,then TA would be the nucleus at the core of everything.If TA were a solar system,it would be the sun with all the planets revolving around it—that's really how important TA is!The problem is that candidates often forget about TA and as a result like their cells or their miniature solar systems,their scores fall apart.


If you refer to the Band Descriptor chart under TA,you can see the specifics about how your paper is scored.These details can be broadly divided into the following subsets of skills:


1) Overview/Main Features总览/突出特点

2) Details/Key Points 细节/细节特点

3) Connections 关联性

This structure doesn't seem to make much sense at first glance,but in fact it shows the logic behind the way that your Task 1 paper is marked.It helps to think of the task in terms of a triangle that has been turned upside-down.This triangle represents the structure of a good Task 1 response.


Overview—is very broad.It should include only general details about what can be seen in the chart.This is what we call the main features.They do not include any data or information;they are just what the reader can learn from a quick glance of the task.These are the base which you need to build everything else on.Without an adequate overview,you will not even score a 6 for TA.

总览——非常宽泛,该部分只阐述表格中展示的大致特点,也就是我们前面提到的 “突出特点”,不涵盖任何数据或细节信息,仅是读者在浏览完题目后的大致印象。接下来的写作内容都建立在总览的基础上。所以如果总览写得不尽如人意,任务完成度的得分不会超过6分。

Details—while the overview is very broad,the details fall in the middle of our triangle.At this stage,we need to be taking an even closer look at the main features and providing details information about them.This is what we call the key features.In order to score beyond a 7 on TA,the candidate has to correctly identify and explain the key features.

细节——“总览” 位于倒三角的顶部,比较宽泛;而 “细节” 位于倒三角的中部,更加详尽。在这个部分,我们要基于突出特点来提供更多的细节信息,也就是上面谈到的细节特点。要想在任务完成度拿到7分以上,考生必须准确发现图表的特点并结合细节进行阐述。

Connections—this is the very tip of our upside-down triangle.While it is probably enough for candidates to score a TA 7 by identifying all the key features,to score even higher,candidates must make relevant connections and comparisons between the key features,and show that they have the ability to go beyond simply reporting what they can see,and go onto analyse the information.

关联性——“关联性” 位于倒三角的底部顶点。如果发掘出了所有的细节特点,考生可以在 “任务完成度” 中拿到7分;如果想拿到更高的分,考生就必须对细节特点之间的关联性进行阐述和比较,表现出自己能够透过现象看到本质的能力。

One thing that is important to remember is that while it is acceptable to write your response in the order overview—details—connections,it is not one hundred percent necessary.Higher-level candidates can easily combine their connections and details,plus the Main Features in the Overview can be included anywhere throughout the response to score.

考生们需要记住一点:按照 “总览—细节—关联性” 的顺序来写是可行的,但不是必需的。高水平的考生会游刃有余地一边阐述细节一边分析细节之间的关联性,同时 “总览”部分的突出特点也可以出现在文章的任何地方。

A habit that Chinese candidates have which should be avoided,is to just report what can be seen in the chart.Look at the following two responses and note how one simply reports the facts,while the other follows the upside-down triangle idea.

中国考生有一个通病,那就是仅陈述图表里看见的内容,这一点需要改进。看看下面两个范例,其中一个仅陈述事实,另一个则按照 “倒三角” 法则来构思文章。

The line chart below shows the number of crimes in millions in the UK from 1970 to 2005.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The line chart shown in the question displays the number of three crimes:street robbery,burglary,and car theft in the UK between 1970 and 2005.Car theft was the most common crime,burglary came second,and street robbery was the least common crime.Car theft was the most common crime.It began at 0.4 million crimes in 1970,and then increased to peak at 1.6 million crimes in 1995.After that it decreased and ended at one million in 2005.

Over the same time period,burglary also increased from 0.2 million crimes in 1970 to 0.65 million crimes in 1995;it also began to decrease from 1995 and ended at 0.4 million crimes in 2005.

Lastly,it can be seen that the number of street robberies did not change between 1970 and 1995,but in the following ten years,it doubled from 0.05 million to 0.1 million crimes.

In terms of the language and grammar used,this is a strong answer,but it is another matter from the view of whether the task has been achieved.The candidate here has only reported the details of what can be seen in the question.These are mostly the key features shown in the question,and on their own with-out an overview and connections made between the key features.This answer will struggle to score higher than a TA 6.Compare this to the next response:


The line chart shows numbers of crimes in the United Kingdom between 1970 and 2005.It can be seen that over these thirty-five years,all three kinds of crime increased.Street robbery and burglary both doubled,while car theft more than doubled.Furthermore,1995 seemed to be the peak year in terms of crime.

Car theft was the most common crime in the UK during this period.It increased from four hundred thousand crimes in 1970,peaked at one point six million crimes in 1995,and then fell to one million crimes in 2005.Similarly,burglary increased in tandem car theft,growing from two hundred thousand crimes in 1970 to six hundred and fifty thousand crimes in 1995,before dropping back to four hundred thousand crimes in 2005.

Conversely,between 1970 and 1995,numbers of street robberies remained stable at fifty thousand,but unlike burglary and car theft which both decreased in 1995,numbers of street robberies doubled between 1995 and 2005.

The second example shows how a candidate can structure an answer to nail exactly everything an examiner is looking for in TA.The first paragraph not only introduces what the chart is about,but also mentions some of the main features of the chart.An effective way to think about main features is by asking the question:


If I just had ten seconds to glance at the chart,what would I notice?

如果只有十秒钟看这个图表 我会注意到哪些内容

In this case,the candidate correctly identifies that all crimes were rising,and that 1995 was the peak year.Those main features build the overview,a base upon which the rest of the information can be built.This is the foundation that needs to be built so that a candidate can score TA 6.

例文中,考生准确地发现各项犯罪率都在上升,并于1995 年达到了峰值。这就是这个图表的突出特点,也就是总览的构成部分,其他的信息都是在此基础上构建的。这即是考生能在任务完成度上拿到6分的基础。

The candidate then goes onto mention each of the key features in detail.Key features cannot be easily seen at first glance.We need to look at the chart through a magnifying glass and point out the figures that support our main features.With these key features in place a candidate can start to move towards TA 7.


The last step is to include the relationships that connect the facts.It is vital for candidates to look at the details to find patterns.That is where the phrase"compare and contrast" comes from at the end of every Task 1 question.Another way to think about this is,"What things are similar and what things are different."


In this example,it is quite clear that while car theft and burglary grew until 1995 and then dropped,street robbery was steady until 1995 and then increased.The response connects these ideas with great language such as:

在这道例题中,明显可以看到1995 年之前汽车盗窃案和入室盗窃案的案发率一直在升高,在此之后开始下降;而街头抢劫的案发率一直保持平稳,直到1995年之后开始升高。例文中考生用了如下精彩的语言来阐明这些细节信息之间的关系:

Similarly,i.e.ideas which are the same or similar

Conversely,i.e.ideas which are opposite

Which not only strengthens the TA score,but also solidifies the CC score into a solid 7.These short phrases mean that the candidate does not have to write a complicated analysis in conclusion as most of the ideas have been suggested already.


To recap,to get a strong score for your TA,you must first write your overview including all the general information or main features.Next,you must focus on the details or the key features.Finally,you must connect these ideas or connections with appropriate connecting language.With this structure in your mind,what about we take a quick look at each of these stages?

总结一下,为了在任务完成度拿到高分,考生首先要写出包含所有突出特点的总览,其次要发掘图表中的细节特点,最后用恰当的衔接词把细节信息之间的逻辑关系梳理清楚。把这个模式牢牢地记在心中,下面我们详细地来看每个步骤怎么做。 uQ8fviLBqViHDVhEJfWiaJlmHNi5ZBR/U5UpCr6woCUVB2CAHFS3v7TNVmfMzdtA
