


When a candidate receives the letter or the email from the IELTS team they see four scores,one for each of the skills reading,writing,listening,and speaking.What candidates may not know is that for their writing scores are broken down even further into four parts.For writing these parts are:


Task Achievement 任务完成度

Coherence and Cohesion 条理性和关联性

Lexical Resource 词汇丰富度

Grammar Range and Accuracy 语法丰富度与准确性

While all these four parts are equally important,there is a reason why Task Achievement (also known as TA) is the first point that examiners pay attention to.TA basically asks:

这四项评分维度都同等重要,但“任务完成度” 是考官们首先关注的要点,“任务完成度” 主要关注这样一个问题:

"Has the candidate answered the question?"


If you were asked what your favourite colour was,and you replied "basketball",that's an example of not answering the question correctly.If there were questions that simple in the writing exam,you'd probably get a zero for TA.The second stepping stone to your final score is Coherence and Cohesion (also known as CC) which basically asks the question:

如果题目问的是 “你最喜欢什么颜色”,你回答 “篮球”,这就是典型的答非所问。在雅思写作中,“任务完成度” 的维度得分将是0分。在雅思中取得高分的第二个重要的因素是“条理性和关联性”,“条理性和关联性” 考查这样一个问题:

"Does what is written make sense?"


This is often more challenging for examiners to judge,as while the candidate may answer the question,the candidate may answer it in such a roundabout and confusing way that the examiner's eyes cross and he is left wondering whether the answer makes sense or is logical.It is usually with papers like these that the examiner goes and has a coffee break.


Examiners often lump TA and CC together.These are more subjective skills.The examiner is judging the writing based on feelings and common sense.These ideas and values are frequently very different between Chinese candidates and western examiners,so candidates tend to get lower scores for TA and CC.In contrast,the other two factors Lexical Resource and Grammar Range and Accuracy (also known as LR and GRA respectively) are easier to judge because they can be objectively scored.

考官判卷时通常会将 “任务完成度” 和 “条理性和关联性” 结合起来考查,因为它们都是主观性的评分标准,考官根据阅读之后的感受和常识即可作出判断。然而中国考生和西方考官之间在思维和价值观上都存在较大差异,所以中国考生经常会在“任务完成度” 和 “条理性和关联性” 上失分。相比之下,另外两个评分标准——“词汇丰富度” 和 “语法丰富度与准确性” 的评分就比较容易了,因为它们是相对客观的。

Spelling mistakes and grammar errors are much easier for examiners to spot and score,plus because Chinese candidates have fantastic memorization skills,they tend to understand these areas more fully,and score higher accordingly.The purpose of this first chapter is to introduce you to each of the four areas TA,CC,LR,and GRA in greater detail.Each of these areas will be explored explaining what examiners are looking for in each area.


The examiner will be using a chart called Band Descriptors to help grade your test in each of these areas and give you a final score.A public version of the Band Descriptor chart is available at the link below,and it is recommended that you download and print it out.Using this book and the Band Descriptor chart you'll soon start to understand what is going on in the examiner's brain.

考官在对这四个部分评分时会用到 “评分说明表”,评出你最终的得分。通过下面这个链接可以下载此表,建议考生们都下载一份打印出来,在阅读本书时结合使用这张 “评分说明表”,你很快就会明白考官在评分时都在思考什么。

These descriptions all come from the Task Achievement section of the Band Descriptor which are available to the public at the British Council website at this address:

这些说明来自于 “评分说明表”中与 “任务完成度” 有关的部分,在英国文化委员会对外公开的如下网站中可以下载:


These descriptors are not as detailed as the ones that examiners use to give candidates a grade,but they are a great starting point for any candidate that wants to understand the exam in detail.


Each of the skills mentioned will be divided further into the subskills with specific information between say the difference between a six and a seven.With that in mind,and without further ado,let's take a look at the first skill Task Achievement.

前面提到的四大写作技巧将被分解为更多细化的子技巧进行详细讲解,例如6分与7分的差别。那么接下来废话不多说,让我们一起来了解第一大写作技巧——任务完成度。 IDNpkmz2xdlASeI7yRYNDZJDQn9HLynpoInFPCaG8zABfLvkZu8GBVDkrmBdhoug
